Высшее профессиональное образование Н. Г. Веселовская английский язык для направления «землеустройство и кадастры»

Main Directions in Land Use Planning

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Main Directions in Land Use Planning
The complex of land use planning work in modern conditions pro-
vides the actions connected with redistribution of land and formation of 
new land uses, fixing in nature the borders of the sites, with complex 
research and estimation of land, creation of land fund for compelled 
immigrants and granting the sites to them, etc. The main attention now 
is paid to performance of the following work:

рreparation of materials for the official registration of papers, cer-
tifying the right on land (including the proprietors of land shares);


rendering assistance to the agricultural enterprises in their reor-
ganization (reforming), including development of the land use planning 
projects providing economically and ecologically proved formation of 
new land uses;

maintenance of all agricultural enterprises with cadastral maps in 
which quantitative and qualitative indicators of each site of farmland 
are reflected;

the analysis of land fund use with the purpose of opportunity defi-
nition of granting land sites to citizens for conducting personal part-time 
farming, gardening, housing construction and other purposes;

preparation of the materials connected with an establishment of 
restrictions in using land and giving the rights for them to other per-
The main directions of land use planning activity are:

scientific maintenance and forecasting consequences of planned 
land transformations;

substantiation and realization of general state policy in planning 
and organization of rational land use and protection of all categories of 
land irrespective of ownership forms and a departmental accessory of 
the land sites;

maintenance of target land use, preservation of valuable land sites 
in agricultural production;

formation and accommodation of ecologically and economically 
justified, compact and rational landed properties and land uses;

creation of territorial conditions for effective functioning the in-
dustrial organizations and enterprises;

a complex of measures development on improvement of agricul-
tural areas, on increasing soil fertility, maintenance of steady landscapes 
and protection of land;

survey the grounds with an establishment (restoration) in nature 
(on land) administrative-territorial and production borders in a state 

manufacturing the documents certifying the right on land.

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