the pedagogical studies of M.Kh.Baltaeva, U.Janibekov, M.E. Erzhanov, N.Kamalova, B.I. Karakulov, S.
A. Kuzembaeva, M.K.Kukeyeva , Y.D. Safarova. Researches of scientists show that the traditional culture
of the Kazakh people has a deep ecological meaning and is the key to spiritual regeneration and the key to
the formation of ecological consciousness in the younger generation.
Every people has spiritual and moral support. One of such fundamental supports in the minds of
the Kazakh people is the creative legacy of the outstanding educator Abai Kunanbayev. In his works the
traditions of national creativity and comprehension of problems of a society are as much as possible re-
If we turn to the pedagogical views of Abai, formed in the last century, they reflect the fundamen-
tal universal problems of pedagogical theory and practice. And although Abai Kunanbayev did not write
any special philosophical and pedagogical works, almost all the works of the fiery youth mentor are per-
meated with moral and ethical edifications based on the interests, moral ideals and wisdom of the working
people, on the work of the Kazakh people's intelligentsia - poets and composers, on public thought
achievements of the peoples of the East and West.
The great Kazakh teacher and educator Ybyray Altynsarin argued that the main means of the mor-
al formation are labor and the example of parents. In his opinion, the basis of morality is education and
upbringing. Activity of Y. Altynsarin is permeated with reflections on the essence of morality, the meaning
of human existence and happiness, the moral motives of behavior and relationships, the upbringing of a
highly moral person. He also attached great importance to labor education.
V.A. Slastyonin, I. F. Isaev, E. N. Shiyanov in the theory of moral culture define the basic con-
cepts: morality as a custom, temper, rule (the concept of ethics is a synonym for this concept as a habit or
custom); morality as a personal characteristic that unites the qualities and properties that regulate the indi-
vidual behavior of each person: kindness, decency, honesty, truthfulness, justice, hard work, discipline,
collectivism; moral standards as rules and requirements that determine the actions of a person in a particu-
lar situation and are subject to moral principles; moral categories (good, justice, duty, honor, dignity, hap-
piness) as concepts that have a universal character, and which man should be guided by; moral ideal as an
example of reasonable and useful moral behavior, to which children, adults, teenagers aspire.
The scientist, historian, ethnographer and enlightener Shokan Ualikhanov believed that only
knowledge and education give man strength and are a great tool in the struggle for enlightenment of the
people's well-being.
Today, an important and very important issue is the formation of environmental awareness among
schoolchildren. In conditions of scientific and technical and social progress, environmental education and
upbringing are an integral part of the formation of a new person. Communication of young people with
nature brings up the best moral qualities in them. V.A. Sukhomlinsky created a whole system of education,
in which an important place is given to the communication of the younger generation with nature, its laws,
values and beauty. Therefore, each educator faces the task of forming an ecological consciousness and
ecological culture, both during lessons and after-hours.
The protection of the environment, the wise use of natural resources refer to those aspects of mod-
ern human life, where, perhaps, the most effective is "theory of small cases". An important component of
this interdisciplinary, multidimensional, large-scale activity in the world is the implementation of the prin-
ciples of sustainable development on the basis of educational institutions. As shown by similar (and al-
ready impressive) experience of many countries, it is the universities, colleges, schools that have unique
opportunities to test these principles in everyday practice. A conditional beginning to this was the appear-
ance of the term "green campus", invented in the 1980s by American professor David Orr. In his view,
teaching students the principles of sustainable development, environmental management, conservation of
biological diversity and resources is meaningless without practical implementation. And if on this basis the
whole university complex will function, then the students will do this themselves and will be able to see
the fruits of their labor. For example, the idea of preserving biological diversity can be realized by cultivat-
ing different cultures in own botanical garden.
Ecological consciousness in the broadest sense of the word is a sphere of social and individual
consciousness, associated with the reflection of nature as being. The problem of the formation of ecologi-
cal consciousness was especially acute in the twentieth century, when humanity began to realize the harm-
ful effects of its activities, which led to an ecological crisis.
Formation of ecological consciousness is a command of time, because the problem of ecology is
global in nature and environmental problems need to be introduced into the minds of people from child-
hood. Now the problem of the relationship between a person and the environment is more acute than ever.
As you know, the biosphere is at the last limit of its capabilities. This requires a radical change in
the worldview and way of life of people, the formation of ecological consciousness among the broad
masses. Famous teacher M.N. Skatkin wrote that environmental education is not a figurative, but in the
literal sense - a vital problem, from the solution of which depends largely on the preservation of the envi-
ronment and human health. "Just as in order to create a cultural speech environment, every pedagogical
team strives to create a unified speech regime," he said, "it is necessary to create a unified ecological re-
gime." [2]
Ecological behavior consists of individual actions (a combination of states, specific actions, skills
and habits) and a person's attitude to actions influenced by the goals and motivations of the individual.
Ecological education is a purposeful influence on the spiritual development of children and ado-
lescents, on the formation of their values, on the special morality of their relations with the environment,
thereby placing emphasis on the emotional rather than the rational side of the relationship. In addition, the
meaning of the term "Ecology" is also widely understood, it is transcended from the strictly biological
knowledge and is viewed as the whole system of human relations - to oneself, to knowledge, to another
person, to nature.
The existing system of school and out-of-school education and upbringing includes an insuffi-
ciently large volume of environmental knowledge, skills and skills that fulfill the requirements for the
growth and development of ecological culture. In the current ecological situation, it is important to green
the whole system of education and upbringing of the younger generation. One of the most important prin-
ciples of environmental education is the principle of continuity - the interrelated process of learning, educa-
tion and human development throughout life.
The basis of education, which determines moral development, is the formation of humanistic rela-
tions of children, regardless of the content, methods, forms of educational work. The process of education
aimed at the development of all children must be built in such a way as to ensure the optimal development
of each child, based on the individuality of each child.
In the education of any moral quality, various means of upbringing are used. In the general system
of moral education an important place is occupied by a group of means aimed at the formation of moral
judgments, assessments, concepts, and the upbringing of moral beliefs. This group includes ethical conver-
sations, lectures, debates on ethical issues.
I believe that international dialogue and experience are extremely important in the education of the
ecological consciousness of youth. Many projects we could adapt for our country, university.
The foregoing allows us to conclude that the accumulated experience of the people in fostering a
careful, reasonable attitude to their native land and nature, humane attitude to the plant and animal world,
knowledge and tradition of ecological character is contained in the sources of material and spiritual culture,
ideas and traditions of popular pedagogy.
1. Slastyonin V. A. Pedagogics: tutorial for high education institutions students / V. A. Slastyonin, I. F.
Isaev, E. N. Shiyanov / edited by V. A. Slastyonin. – 7 – th edition., – М.: Publishing center «Academi-
ya». 2007. – 576 p.
2. Skatkin M.N. School and children’s comprehensive development: B. for teachers – М.: Enlightenment,
1980. – 144 p.
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