педагогические условия формирование трудовых ценностей у студентов
Во второй части исследования под названием «Методические
основы формирование трудовых ценностей у студентов колледжа в
системе дуального обучения» определяется уровни формированиетрудовых
ценностей у студентов колледжа в системе дуального обучения, излагается
ее содержательная характеристика.
Предлагается методика формирование трудовых ценностей у
студентов колледжа в системе дуального обучения, описывается программа
курса «Основы профессиональных трудовых ценностей» и результаты
внедрения в практику электронного обучения «Основы дуального обучения».
В заключении дается результаты, выводы и предложения
диссертационного исследования доказывающие научной гипотезу, излагается
перспективные научные направления по проблемы формирование трудовых
ценностей у студентов колледжа в системе дуального обучения.
Общий обьем работы составляет страниц 150 компьютерного текста,
иллюстрированного 24 таблицами и 14 рисунками. Список литературы
включает 122 отечественных и зарубежных авторов.
the thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) on the
specialty6D012000 - «Vocational training»
«Pedagogical foundations of the formation of labor values by college students in
the dual training system»
Actuality of the theme of research.The modernization of the national
economy is one of the important priorities of Kazakhstan in the transition to the
new historical era.
It is necessary to update professional standards in accordance with the
requirements of the labor market and advanced world experience in training at the
In the message to the people of Kazakhstan in 2017 "The third
modernization of Kazakhstan: global competitiveness", The President of
Kazakhstan N. Nazarbayevdetermined as the fourth prioritythe improvement of the
quality of human capital. This priority iscaused by the orientation to the
economicallydeveloped, where according to the Bruges Communiquébegan the
Copenhagen process of modernization of the TVE until 2020 through the
mechanisms Europass, EQF, ECVET and EQAVET. The reorientation of the
economy and education system to the global market, the creation of thesociety of
universal labor is closely linked with the creation of the Society of General Labor,
the improvement of the quality of professional training of future specialists.On this
basis in the republic of Kazakhstan is implemented the project "Free vocational
education for all" today.
At present the process occurs due to the requirements the aegis "getting
education for thefast-changing world - education through whole life", the free entry
of future specialists into the labor market and the formation of the labor values, the
profile training of students in accordance with the enterprise conditions is the main
goal of not only the professional system education, but also in the system of dual
training of employers.
The need for each citizen to understand the importance of labor values in
modern society is the key to the competitiveness of future specialists.
The main requirements of employers for future professionals: professional
knowledge, formation of labor values, mobility, the availability of competence to
work in the newest equipment, readiness, as necessary, to go to another specialty,
to upgrade qualifications.
The special importance is paid to the training of future workers in the dual training
system. The basis of dual training is the principle of interaction between theory and
Therefore, the formation of labor values by college students is an urgent problem.
On the concept of the laborvalues related to dissertational research are
found in the content of the wise judgments of the Kazakh people, sayings and
annals, epic poetry.
Labor values as a philosophical concept formed in the wise commandments
of Kh. Yassawi, and in the concept of A. Kunanbayev "Mature person" as the most
important part of this concept.
In the late ХІХ and early ХХcenturies prominent representatives of the
national-public opinion Y. Altynsarin, M. Zhumabayev at the scientific level made
a conclusion about the peculiar position and techniques of popular pedagogy in
terms of labor education and professional orientation of young people.
Adam Smithconsidered philosophical and economical concepts about labor
values in his studies and the essence oflabor values were disclosed in the
philosophical and social aspects in the worksof A. Nysanbayev, A.B. Altynbekov.
If we consider from this position it can be noted that the basis of the dual training
based on national identity in the education, as young people worked in their youth,
the development of professional skills and business grew together with life
Together with that, as noted in the works of K.B. Zharykbayev in the heritage of
the national labor education special attention was paid to how to intervene boys
and girls to work, to mastering the profession.
The problems of modernization of vocational education and training of
workers within the framework of dissertational studies were considered by
Shamelkhanova, K.K. Boribekov, A.K. Kusainov, G.M. Mutanov.
In the German vocational education system, the content of dual training and its
practical implementation, demands and specific features of employers' demand in
the labor market for future specialists were considered in the thesis studies of
F.Avvissati, G.A.Fedotova, S.P. Romanov, D.A.Toropov.
Saipov A.B., Yu.N.Kamalov, S.A.Zholdasbekova considered the psychology
of development of the profession, the labor organization, psychological patterns of
labor trainingin their works, Zhanabayeva R.A.considered bases of labor education
of students.
The analysis of the work of the above scientists shows that this problem has
not been adequately studied. In the system of dual training, the problem of
formation of labor values by college students from the perspective of experience
was not considered, and in these conditions the need is revealed for special
The contradiction between the spiritual revival of the state in the global labor
market with orientation toward increasing the national economic potential, with its
demand for a competitive, high level of labor values mobile, able to quickly retrain
mid-level specialists, and with insufficient level of the college students' labor
values needs the solution; as well as the contradiction between the need for
methodological support for the formation of college students' labor values in the
dual training system and the lack of uncertainty pedagogical basis for the
formation of labor values.
The search forways the solution of these contradictions determined the
research problem and became the basis for choosing the theme of our thesis:
Pedagogical foundations of the formation of labor values among college students
in the dual training system.
The purpose of the research: consists in the scientific and theoretical
substantiation and in the development of the content and methodology of the
formation of the labor values of college students in the system of dual training.
The object of the research: teaching and educational activity of college
The subject of the research: the process of formation of labor values by
college students in the dual training system.
The hypothesis of scientific research:
If, the process of formation of labor values by college students in the dual
training system is justified, the model will also be developed and pedagogical
conditions will be determined and the methodology will be determined, provided
with the teaching and methodological complex, then the college students will
improve their qualifications, which in turn helps them to use their knowledge and
skills in practice.
The objectives of the study:
- theoretically justify the process of the formation of labor values by college
students in the dual training system;
- to develop the model for the formation of labor values by college students
in the dual training system;
- to reveal the pedagogical conditions for the formation of labor values by
college students in the dual training system;
- to justify the methodology for the formation of labor values among college
students in the dual training system and to test its effectiveness in experimental
Leading idea. Formation of labor values by college students in the dual
training system helps future specialists to demonstrate themselves in creative
Methodological and theoretical bases of research:
Philosophical, social, economic, psychological, pedagogical research of
scientists on the concepts of "dual training", "value", "labor values"; theory of
system, activity, values, theory of education and cognition; the content of
secondary vocational education; theory on vocational training, education, the
concept of humanization of education and dual training.
Sources of research: Messages of the President of the Republic of
Kazakhstan to the people of Kazakhstan, Rules of the introduction of dual
training; Law of RK "On Education"; State Program for the Development of
Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2016 - 2019, national spiritual
heritage related to the problem of research, scientific works of domestic and
foreign scientists, official documents of the education sector, state compulsory
education standards, curricula and programs, normative and legislative documents
between vocational training and enterprise.
The methods of theresearch:
For solving the set goals, tasks and check the put forward scientific
(investigation of the problem on the basis of studying psychological, pedagogical
and scientific methodological literature, as well as educational standards,
programs, etc.);
Empirical studies (observation of the activities of students and teachers,
interviews, questionnaires, interviews, generalization of advanced pedagogical
experience, pedagogical experiment);
statistical processing of data, and their graphical representation.
The main stages of the study:
At the first stage (2014-2015) on the problem of research, the collection and
analysis of archival data and materials was carried out; the study of the problem in
science, the importance of the formation of labor values by college students; In the
system of dual training, the students of the college have the status of professional
training of competitive mid-level specialists in the labor market, key concepts of
In accordance with the objectives of the study, the technique for
experimental work has been prepared, and verifying experiment has been carried
In the second stage (2015-2016), the model was created for the formation of
labor values by college students in the dual training system, pedagogical conditions
for its implementation were determined, and the experiment was conducted on the
formationof labor values by college students in the dual training system.
The third stage (2016-2017) the techniques for the formation of labor values
by college students in the dual training systemwas developed, the choice of forms
and methods for its implementation, verification in experimental work,
implemented in practice.
According to the dual training system in the teaching and educational
process of the college, the results of the experiment on the formation of labor
values by college students are processed and summarized, recommendations are
prepared, the list of used literatures is systematized.
Research bases: College №5 and innovation-technological college in
Shymkent, Kentau Polytechnic College, M. Auezov South-Kazakhstan State
Scientific novelty and theoretical significance of the research:
- the essence, structure and content of the formation of labor values by
college students in the dual training systemweredetermined;
- the model for the formation of labor values by college students in the dual
training system was developed;
- the pedagogical conditions for the formation of labor values by college
students in the dual training system were defined;
- the content and methodology of the formation of labor values by college
students in the dual training system is substantiated, the training and
methodological complex is provided and its effectiveness is tested in practice.
The practical significance of the study:
According to the results of the study, the program "Fundamentals of
professional labor values" was prepared for college students, and its teaching and
methodological complex was introduced into the educational process. For the
future teachers of vocational training, course program on the choice of
"Fundamentals of dual learning" was prepared, developed and introduced into the
educational process, teaching aids, educational and methodological complex, an
electronic manual "Fundamentals of dual training."
The results of the research can be used in technical and vocational
educational institutions and higher educational institutions for the training of future
teachers of vocational training and in the system of training of professionally
qualified workers.
Conclusions to the defended:
• the essence of the interrelation of concepts, the definition and content of
the concepts of "dual training", "labor values", the formation of labor values by
college students ";
• structural model of the formation of labor values by college students in the
dual training system;
• pedagogical conditions ensuring the formation of labor values by college
students in the dual training system;
• the content of the educational and methodical complex and effective
methods of forming labor values by college students in the dual training system.
The substantiation and proof of the results of the research.
Using modern data in the philosophical, psychological and pedagogical
sciences, studying the domestic and foreign dual system of training the formation
of labor values by college students at the theoretical level of substantive and
procedural characteristics, reliable research data, step-by-step plan for
experimental research, substantiation of the stated and final results of indicators;
the effectiveness of methodical work, as well as the provision of integrated
implementation in the teaching and educational process.
The approbation and implementation of the research results
26 scientific works were published on the materials of the thesis, 3 of them
in scientific publications recommended by the Higher Attestation Committee, 2 on
the information base Scopus and18 in the international conferences, 2 in the
materials of foreign conferences, 1 certificate of copyright for electronic textbook,
educational programs.
The structure of the dissertation.
The thesis consists of introduction, two sections and conclusion, the list of
used literatures and appendix.
In the introduction the scientific apparatus of researchare presented, the
relevance of the theme of scientific research, the object and subject, the scientific
hypothesis and tasks, the methodological foundations, the leading idea, the
methods of research and stages, the scientific novelty and theoretical significance,
the practical significance, the positions taken for protection that are summarized
and concretized, the evidence of the theoretical and practical significance of the
results of the study, and about the approval and implementation of it into
practiceare demonstrated.
In the section "Theoretical Foundations of formation labor valuesby
college students in the dual education system" theoretical analysis of the
philosophical, pedagogical, psychological work were carried out, the content of the
concept "the formation of labor values by college students in the dual education
system" was actualized the models and pedagogical terms of formation labor
values by college students weredefined.
In the second part of the research under the title “The methodology of
formation the basisof labor values by college students in the system of dual
educationare defined levels of the formation labor values by college students in
the system of dual educationand its conjugation character is given.
The methodology of formation labor values by college students in the
system of dual education is described, the program of the "Basis of professionals
labor value" and results in the practice of electron training "Fundamentals of dual
education» are described.
In the conclusion, conclusions and suggestions of the thesis,
provingscientific hypothesisof the research are given, perspective scientific
directions on the problem of the formation labor values by college students in the
system of dual education.
The total volume of work is 150 pages of computer text, illustrated with 24
tables and 14 figures. The list of literature includes 122 domestic and foreign
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