Студенттер, магистранттар, докторанттар мен жас ғалымдарды 72-Республикалық ғылыми-тәжірибелік конференциясы
Сәуір, 2019
Gulamova Maftuna
5B011900-Fоrеіgn Lаnguаgе: twо fоrеіgn lаnguаgеs
Kazakh State Women’s Teacher Training University
Scientific supervisor: PhD, Senior lecturer Akimbekova Shyryn
Аннотация. В статье расматривается сравнительный анализ концепта «Судьба» на английском
иказахских языках. А также статья раскрывает что судьба - одно из самых старых ключевых слов нашей
культуры, которую, несмотря на изменение идей человека о мире, а также изменяет в мире и в самом
Abstract. This article deals with the comparative analysis of the concept “Fate” in the English and Kazakh
languages. Fate is one of the oldest key words of our culture, which, despite changing man's ideas about the world, as
well as changes in the world and in man himself, stubbornly do not want to disappear from the language and the
semantic space of culture.
to M.V.Pimenov, the
is often objectified through different
characters, that is, the different authors express the same concept features through a variety of linguistic
means. Thus, the full description of a concept, valuable to a particular culture, is only
possible while the study of the most complete set of tools of its representation [1].
The lexico-semantic field of a concept is not homogeneous - it includes both direct nomination of the
concept itself (core of the lexico-semantic field), and the nomination of certain cognitive features of the
concept, which reflect its content and the attitude to it (periphery of the lexico-semantic field).
The significance of age development is dialectical in nature due to fractional structuring in the
consciousness of the English-speaking ethnos.
Fate or
destiny is the idea that the future is already planned even if people do not know what their
fate is (what is going to happen to them). Humans in nearly all cultures have had ideas about their fate being
“predetermined” (fixed in advance).
People who live unhappy lives may believe that their misery is because of their fate and that they can
do nothing about it. This is called being “fatalistic”. Other people may believe that they can control their fate
by being brave and trying to “overcome” fate by improving themselves and their lives.
In Greek mythology there were three Fates. They were three goddesses who determined when every
person was going to be born, how they would live and when and how they would die. Human beings in many
cultures had lots of ways in which they would try to “read” their fate (know what would happen to them).
Sometimes they would try to read their fate in the stars (this is called astrology). In other cultures they might
ask a person with powers of magic like a shaman. The Ancient Greeks often went to Delphi to ask the oracle.
There are lots of references to fate in literature from almost every country and period, from Greek
tragedy (e.g. Oedipus Rex) to Shakespeare (e.g. Macbeth) and Russian literature[2].
"Fate" is one of the oldest key words in the culture of various peoples, which remain almost
unchanged, despite the change in the world itself and regardless of the change in the person's ideas about the
world. A full analysis of the concept of "fate", like other linguo-cultural concepts, requires a multilateral
approach (linguistic, cultural, folklore, philosophical, etc.). A wide range of problems is associated with the
concept of destiny, which is divided into the following cycles:
1) the content of the concept and its place in various philosophical and religious systems;
2) the concept of fate in the ordinary consciousness of man;
3) the concept of destiny in individual worldview systems;
4) universal signs of the concept of fate and the limits of its variation;
5) the influence of the concept of fate on artistic creativity: the construction of the plot, text
structures, word usage, the formation of images,
6) Although the original existential situation of freedom and necessity is universal for different
epochs and peoples, the categories of freedom and necessity in different cultures themselves are refracted in
their own way.
In accordance with these visions, different models of the world relation are being developed
(stereotypes of norms of behavior), which is connected with the orientation of a person in conditions of
Студенттер, магистранттар, докторанттар мен жас ғалымдарды 72-Республикалық ғылыми-тәжірибелік конференциясы
Сәуір, 2019
relative unfreedom of existence. Fate - the course of events, independent of the will of man, a combination of
circumstances (according to superstitious ideas - a force that prejudges everything that happens in life). Fate
is one of the most active and mysterious beginnings of life. The interest of humanity to it is constantly
maintained, since this category has a tinge of inaccessibility and at the same time predetermination [3].
In English судьба-fate неминуема и подчас ужасна: a fate worse than death – fate is worse than
-is also a stronger person::
to tempt the fate –
tempt fate.
The idea of the Divine power influencing on people's lives (русские провидение и промысел) in
English providence and disposal (divine disposal).
However тағдыр-fate always leaves the subject the right to "free will", a person can challenge and
resist судьба-fate, while the Russian concept of 'fate' does not give a person the right to choose, she should
In English, in proverbs and sayings, God often helps and supports the strong, the brave.
Fortune favours the brave – тағдыр ерді қорғайды;
fortune favours the bold – сәттілік батылдықты жақсы көреді;
providence is always more willing to help those that help themselves – Құдай әрқашан өздеріне
көмектесетін адамдардың жағында/Бог всегда на стороне тех, кто помогает себе.
English synonymous series consists of 8 basic elements and has 7 shades of meaning: fate → chance
→ destiny → fortune → doom → luck → lot → providence.
The concept of "тағдыр" is one of the cultural concepts of any people, and takes a major place in the
Kazakh world outlook. It is very complicated by its abstraction character. In general, this concept was
acknowledged by theologians and philosophers. We are talking about the concept of national identity in
proverbs and sayings in the world language picture of the worldview of the Kazakh people in this concept.
The concept “тағдыр“ is predetermined by the fact that a Muslim is in a constant state of
consciousness without patience. The notion that the power of man is for the patience, and the satisfaction that
he is. Kazakh people believe in God, waiting for his happy, happy moments, to endure the futility of the
"destiny" with long-suffering. In Kazakh the concept “тағдыр” doesn’t predict future and it gives the
meaning of confidential, incomprehensible, uncertain, predetermined, submissive. There are examples of fate
that it can be described and understood as living organism. For example, in the essay «Мағжанның
монологы» which was written by Serik Aksunkaruly, he quotes that: “ Тағдыр мені тулақ қылып иледі,
Тырнағыма неге тықты инені? Шетсіз шексіз жерім бар ед — мола боп, Елім бар ед — оны да
Елтай биледі “.
The Islamic religion focuses on this issue. According to religious beliefs, each person's destiny is
predetermined, but he always chooses a human being, and whenever a person goes, his destiny changes in
that direction. Therefore, it is not acceptable to deny that it is a fate. The idea of survival and the right to live
is a priority. Fulfillment of duty. The fate of the human being is written down, but the will of Allah is
permissible for the people.
The Kazakh proverb says that ”Балапан басымен, тұрымтай тұсымен”, everybody has to deal
with his own life, to make a living of his own, to face the troubles and suffering of the people. The Kazakh
proverb says that:“Жазымыштан озымыш жоқ”. It is based on religious beliefs that the Almighty
holds from the beginning to the forehead of the human being, that it is done in the same way that we cannot
change it.
The concept «тағдыр" remains a philosophical cognitive concept on the basis of its subconscious
philosophy of the development of social and social relations. Even if it did not comprehend its philosophical
and cognitive roots, it would not have been the subject of other worldly concepts, the general reality. This
concept is above pragmatic and other phenomena, without changing anything, keeping its absolute and
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2. Ляпин С.Х. Концептология: к становлению подхода // Концепты. Вып 1.– Архангельск,
1997. - С. 32-45.
3. Маслова В.А. Лингвокультурология. – М.: Издательский центр «Академия», 2001. – 208 c