«Жоғары оқу орындарында көптілді білім берудің өзекті мәселелері»
аймақтық ғылыми-практикалық конференция, 30 қараша 2018ж.
Х.Досмұхамедов атындағы Атырау мемлекеттік университеті
Даулетьярова Д.Б. « Ағылшын тіліндегі етістіктің шақ формалары
және олардың қазақ тіліне аудару жолдары »// Мектептегі шет тілі. № 3,
2010ж. 10-12 бет.
A.T. Tleugalieva
Atyrau State university
Современное казахстанское общество характеризуется модернизацией
интеграционных процессов, где ведущее место занимает образование.
Необходимость в английском языке- это мировая тенденция. Выполнения
заданий с использованием новых инновационных технологий позволяет
учащимся погружаться в реальную языковую среду. Применение
инновационных технологий в преподавании не только делает урок более
самообразованию учителя.
Article deals with the using of innovation technologies in education. Modern
Kazakh society is characterized by integration process modernization-
education is on the first place. Necessity in English- the world tendency. The
using of new technologies help students to deep in real language surroundings.
Using of IT in teaching not only make the lesson more various but also assist in
teacher’s self- education.
Introduction of polylinguism on the basis of innovations in education at the
lessons of the English language.
Key words: Polylinguism, innovations, education, society, modernization,
develop, language, knowledge, multilingual, information.
“People will be wise in raising their offspring, taking care of their health,
education, and worldview. It will be equally good to speak Kazakh, Russian and
English. He will be a patriot of his country, known and respected all over the
world "- N.Nazarbayev
Modern Kazakhstan society today is characterized by social modernization
and striving for global integration processes, where education plays a leading
Старший преподаватель кафедры Методика преподавания
иностранного языка
«Жоғары оқу орындарында көптілді білім берудің өзекті мәселелері»
аймақтық ғылыми-практикалық конференция, 30 қараша 2018ж.
Х.Досмұхамедов атындағы Атырау мемлекеттік университеті
role in the modernization process. It is known that only society can successfully
develop and harmoniously fit into a number of leading countries of the world,
which will be able to create for its citizens decent conditions for acquiring high-
quality and modern education.
Education should be competitive, high-quality, so that graduates of the
Kazakh school can easily continue their studies in foreign universities. The
introduction of three-language education into the educational process of a
general education school is certainly a significant step forward towards the
implementation of the Education Development Concept of the Republic of
Kazakhstan, one of the basic competencies of which is polilingual.
Identify ways to introduce multilingualism on the basis of innovations in
learning in English lessons.
Kazakhstan should know the state Kazakh language. Russian is the
language of our big neighbor, one of the six languages of the United Nations.
Through this language, we entered the great literature and great culture, you see.
We should not forget this language, each language is human wealth.
The need for English is a global trend and also an obvious necessity. And
an excellent command of the Russian language is our wealth, which is extremely
unwise to lose. It will be a great advantage for us if we are fluent in Kazakh,
Russian, and English. ”
The main provisions of the Concept speak about the need for a high-quality
foreign language proficiency of a modern school graduate - this is a vital need
necessity, since the intensive pace and level of development of science and
technology in the world require fluency in foreign languages in order to better
and fully obtain the necessary theoretical and practical knowledge and skills.
In turn, multilingual education is a focused, organized, normalized triune
process of teaching, educating and developing an individual as a multilingual
personality based on the simultaneous acquisition of several languages as a
“fragment” of the socially significant experience of humanity embodied in
language knowledge and skills, language and speech activity , as well as in the
emotional value attitude to languages and cultures.
After analyzing the relevant scientific literature, legislative acts in the field
of language and education, having studied the educational documentation of
schools, it is possible to identify and formulate the following contradictions and
• the need of society for a multilingual personality and the lack of an
appropriate system of multilingual education as a process of its preparation in
terms of
• awareness of the need to develop a system of multilingual education and
the insufficiency of its regulatory and scientific and methodological support;
• complexity and large amount of the
proposed educational material;