2. Schmidt W. Deutsche Sprachkunde. Berlin, 1982. S.175б.
3. Абдрахманов A. Топонимика және этимология . Almaty, 1975.72 б.
4. Schippan Thea. Lexikologie der deutschen Gegenwartssprache. Thübingen: Max Niemeyer
Verlag, 2002ж.
5. Stepanova, M. D., Černyševa, I. I. Lexikologie der deutschen Gegenwartssprache. Moskau:
Vysšaya škola,1986.
Әр халық оқшау ӛмір сүру мүмкін емес. Олар үнемі бір-бірімен қарым-қатынаста болады. Олар
бір-бірінің үйлеріне қонаққа барып, сауда жасап, әдебиет және басқа жаңалықтармен алмасады.
Осылай олардың арасында қарым-қатынас түрлері пайда болады. Ол, коммерциялық, мәдени,
спорттық, саяси, ғылыми, экономикалық және басқа да байланыстар болуы мүмкін. Бір-бірімен
қарым-қатынас жағдайында адамдар бір-бірімен түрлі заттар алмастырады, осы заттар негізінде тілде
кірме сӛздер де пайда болады. Ұсынылып отырған мақала – қазақ тілінде кездесетін кірме
сӛздердің тілімізге ауысу жолдарын, қолданылу ерекшеліктерін қарастырып отыр.
постоянно общаются друг с другом. Ездят друг к другу в гости, торгуют, обмениваются литературой,
различными предметами, какими-то новинками. Между ними возникают различного рода
связи, отношения. Это могут быть торговые, культурные, спортивные, политические, научные,
экономические и другие связи. Общаясь между собой, народы иногда заимствуют друг у
друга предметы быта, орудия труда, машины, оружие, предметы искусства, научные открытия и
многое другое. Вместе с заимствованием предметов и вещей берутся, то есть заимствуются и слова,
их называющие. Так в языке появляются заимствованные слова. В статье рассматривается пути и
причины перехода заимствованных слов в состав лексики казахского языка и их особенности.
The people of the various countries can not live apart. They constantly communicate with each other.
They go to each other's homes, trade, exchange the literature, various objects, some novelties. Between them
there are different kinds of ties and relations. It may be commercial, cultural, sports, political, scientific,
economic and other ties. Communicating with each other, people sometimes borrow from each other
everyday objects, tools, machines, weapons, objects of art, scientific discoveries and others. However,
borrowing objects, there will be so called borrowed words. So borrowed words appear in the language. The
article considers the ways and reasons for transfer of loan words in the vocabulary of the Kazakh language
and their peculiarities.
UDK 37.01:81’276
Dauletbayeva A.B., Ilyas A.
Taraz state pedagogical institute, Taraz city
The language laboratory plays an important role in the language learning process. This article
discusses the various features of the language laboratory. As it is a technological aid for learning, it
has a number of advanced facilities that can help a student to learn a language with proficiency to
communicate. It has become inevitable in today‘s context but, at the same time, it poses certain
challenges. This article attempts to highlight the significance of the language laboratory and its
challenges imposed on the learner and the teacher. The aim of this study tends to explore how
students adjust themselves in learning English with the aid of multimedia computers and the
interaction between students and multimedia computers. The literature of past research in the
Communicative Language Teaching Approach and computer-assisted language learning usually
look into the topics in their own domain. The research combining the two fields is not common so
far, which makes this study important.
This study would like to address three questions. First, what are the similarities and
differences of language teaching and learning between a traditional classroom and a multimedia
language laboratory under the communicative framework? Second, are there any changes in the
roles of teachers and students when they are in a different teaching environment from traditional
classroom? Third, what are the implications of the Communicative Language Teaching Approach
(CLT approach hereafter) in a multimedia computer language laboratory in teaching?
The Need for the Language Laboratory required of any learner to have a good command of the
language for communication purposes, with clarity and accuracy being vital for effective and
efficient communication. What help one to acquire such proficiency in a language are the process
and the method of learning that language. Scientific advancements have produced a number of
innovative products to assist the learning process. Innovative products such as digital multimedia
control, wireless headsets and microphones, the interactive response pad, etc. are very useful for
students learning languages for communication. These interactive tools are designed to enhance not
only language teaching but also class room grading and distance learning.
The language laboratory is very useful for assessing students' speech. It provides students
with the technical tools to get the best samples of pronunciation of the language. The electronic
devices used in the laboratory will stimulate the eyes and ears of the learner to acquire the language
quickly and easily. The laboratory‘s collection is designed to assist learners in the acquisition and
maintenance of aural comprehension, oral and written proficiency, and cultural awareness. The
language laboratory offers broadcasting, television programmes, web-assisted materials and
videotaped off-air recordings in the target language. In short, a learner can get the experience of
having interaction with native speakers through the laboratory. Hence, the language laboratory has
become the need of the hour in any language learning process for communication.
To combine the CLT approach with a framework of computer-assisted language learning,
computer simulation seems to be the best strategy to fit both. Huang S. J. (1997) categorized
computer simulations into two types: instruction-oriented and fun-oriented. Their categorization
depends on their primary purpose, the nature of computer-human interaction, and the amount of
control [5].
Primary purpose
User control
Teaching and learning
Motivational and
The primary purpose is remarkably significant as it will determine the nature of the computer
simulations. The instruction-oriented computer simulation aims at teaching or helping people learn.
Consequently, the primary purpose of this type of computer simulation will be giving instructions
and placing the responsibility of learning on the users for most of the time and constantly
monitoring them to see whether they have successfully achieved the goal. Moreover, the nature of
computer-human interaction is not balanced. Users receive instructions passively, then respond, and
wait further instructions. The computer becomes dominant in the interaction. Subsequently, the
user's choice during the interaction is rather limited. Users do not have much choice since all
available choices are predetermined. The outcome of the user's move becomes predictable. The
user's limited control over the computer is partly due to the fact that users in an instruction-oriented
simulation are expected to accomplish a pre-set goal in learning. The simulation guides users in a
certain direction. Therefore, the user's choices are restricted by simulation's primary purpose. With
English being affirmed as an international link language, its acquisition has become a necessary
requisite. The pursuit to instill the excellent English communication skills amongst the students of
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