Department of languages can provide an educational and methodical complex and write textbooks
on their discretion, considering the level of students.
Purposes and obligations of professionally-oriented foreign language
Now modern process of teaching English and its promotion requires individual approach.
Also considers features of everyone separately. From there is a necessity of a right choice of a
technique of teaching a foreign language. It is about use of modern technology, about carrying out
systematic work on improvement of methods. There is a special wish to emphasize importance of
the solution of this first-priority problem in our country.
The course purpose – to train students of free informal conversation and to bring their level of
practical language to drawing up dialogue on specialty. Development of often used lexicon and
scientific terms in this sphere. To pass also gradually to studying of complex syntactic structure of
"Professionally-oriented foreign language" pursues the aim to keep to the main requirements
of vocational training of specialists in the level of knowledge of this discipline. Upon termination of
a course the student has to:
- to choose the necessary information from the general news flow English and to be able to
use it in the communicative functional direction;
- to be able to express, prove and defend the opinion in language;
- constantly to enrich the knowledge and to improve skills, to develop terminology and
- to be able to deliver a speech, to develop oratorical abilities in English;
- to be able to make the decision in any situation;
- to reveal a problem and to find solutions, to be able to inform of the think on English etc.
Course duties:
- training of students in this specialty to write letters, feedbacks, the essay, reports; to
understand contents of the text on specialty; systematically listen the latest news and to watch
telecasts in language;
- to seize informal conversation and to be able to keep up the conversation in any situation on
- formation of skills at the choice of the main information; reading various texts of a different
genre; reading works and scientific research on specialty;
- forming of skills for creation of information on; to write the summary, reviews and
congratulation letters;
- to understand radio and telecasts; to understand the speech of the native speaker; to
understand an interview on specialty;
- forming of skills for assimilation of a monologue; to differentiate the main thought when
listening the different informations;
- to understand professionally-oriented advertizing; to understand the official paper and
- ability to work with industry dictionaries; to find a sense of words in the explanatory
- ability to solve an informative problem; to listen and understand a problem essence;
- to write the opinion on the scientific text; to be able to write the scientific article and the
Prerequisites: English
Post-requisites: disciplines on specialty, reading literature on sport.
Structure of a course:
According to general education standards of the state in Higher Education Institutions of
credit training are allocated 2 credits on the subject "Professionally-oriented foreign language".
Teaching English is considered in this context and profound training is provided at lessons of
IWST and IWS. Undoubtedly, a practical training is closely bound with IWST and IWS.
Content of a subject relies on new cognitive and linguistic and cultural complexes. Their
components are:
- communicative branch which defines the maintenance of level of training (social, social
cultural and professional branch of communication);
- set of colloquial subject and topics in communication;
- simple situations of communication.
MODULE 1. The theme "Knowledge. Profession" in detail are considered in the following
topics: "University. Choice of profession", "My future profession", "Professional knowledge of
specialty", "Professional qualities of athletes", "Advantages and disadvantages of different kinds of
MODULE 2. The theme "Olympic Games" consists of the following topics: "The main
purpose of each athlete - to become the winner of the Olympic Games", "The Olympic
achievements", "The national team of Kazakhstan", "Winners of the Olympic Games".
MODULE 3. "The Kazakh national sports" consists from: "National sports - an integral part
of education", "About types of national sport", "Aitys as a component of opening of games",
"Altybakan - the Kazakh national game".
MODULE 4. The theme "Physical culture and sport - the main factor of strengthening of
health and education" in detail are considered in the following topics: "The physical culture is also a
healthy lifestyle",
"Improvement of high sporting achievements", "Pedagogical orientation of high sporting
MODULE 5. The theme "Outstanding athletes of the nation" is considered in the following
topics: "Kazhymukan - first professional wrestler of the Kazakh nation", "Baluan Sholak – one of
the greatest batyr of the nation", "The famous athletes of independent Kazakhstan".
MODULE 6. The theme "Types of wrestling" includes: "Development in Kazakhstan of free-
style wrestling", "National sport - kazaksha kures", "Development of boxing in Kazakhstan",
"System improvement of skills at wrestlers", "Theoretical and practical bases of the Kazakh
national wrestling".
MODULE 7. The theme "Chess is the Basis of Scientific Thinking and Folk Art" consists
from: "The first competitions in chess in Kazakhstan", "Togyzkumalak".
MODULE 8. The theme "The Queen of Sport — Track and Field Athletics" consists of