The grammatic phenomena: a subjunctive mood and conditional sentence (repeat);
functions and means of translation of an adverb.
Theme Case Study: the analysis of activity of the organization: studying of
directions of activity of the organization (secondary school), discussion,
Theme of the project: the ideal organization (secondary school)
Written speech: the electronic letter; memo.
Oral speech: telephone conversations; discussion on working questions.
2.2 Features of teacher and psychologist training in Kazakhstan and
different countries.
Thematic content: Concept about pedagogical activity; organization of pedagogical
activity; function, allotment and use of pedagogical activity; principles of
pedagogical activity; description of pedagogical activity .
The concept of vocational teacher training, psychological and educational
activities; organizing educational activities; function, purpose and use of
educational activities; principles of pedagogical activity; description of the
educational activities, the modern requirements to teacher training, the essential
characteristic of psychological and pedagogical teacher-psychologist’s training.
Content and methods of teacher training in foreign countries.
Schools, colleges and Universities of the USA, the England. Higher education in
Russia, Kazakhstan.
Language material:
Scientific and special terms (120 units for productive use).
Grammatical phenomena: Passive Voice after modal verbs; means of translation
Passive Voice; impersonal construction.
Theme of role game: conduction of open lesson.
Theme of project: categories of physics.
Written speech: description of lessons plane.
Oral speech: presentation of lessons plans using information and communication
technology (interactive board, computers, internet, tables, scheme, graphics and
3. The foundations of psychology
3.1 Research methods in psychology
The thematic contents : Culture of instruction and research; resources and learning;
information and communication technology; questions of educations quality;
educational monitoring; lesson analysis; training methods.
Basic psychological concepts: development, thinking skills, perception and
memory. Piaget's theory of cognitive development. Modern psychological theories
(Dzh.Boulbi, E. Fromm, K.Byutner, F.Dolto). Psychological Analysis of the
lesson; psychological methods of education.
Language material:
Scientific and special terms (60 units for productive use).
Grammatical phenomena: forms and function of gerund and means them
Theme of study: new opening in physics, analysis of physics categories, revealing
of the applied importance of physics.
Written speech: a fragment of the description of sections of physics up to 2000
Oral speech: discussions on problems of training and scientific research.
3.2 Psychological aspects of teaching and learning
The thematic contents:
Age stages of learner’s development and its characteristics. Natural potentials of
the personality. Abilities and individual characteristics of learners. Historical
prerequisites of understanding pedagogical process as an integrative phenomenon.
Pedagogical process as an integrative phenomenon. The essence of pedagogical
process. The unity and interrelationship of three functions of the integrative
pedagogical process in space and time – teaching, upbringing and developing.
Principles of pedagogical process. Psychological organization of lesson; the
educational and methodical documentation.
Language material:
Scientific and special terms (120 units for productive use).
The grammatical phenomena: an infinitive turn, complex adjunction and ways of
Case Study: a choice of a theme (a theme of a lesson or technology) for carrying
out of a lesson: gathering of the information, the comparative analysis of available
themes of lessons, substantiation.
Theme of lesson: an exemplary lesson plan .
Written speech: the summary; the text of presentation of a lesson.
Oral speech: discussion; public presentation of a lesson.
СӨЖ түрі
Жұмыстың мазмұны
Үй жұмысы
лексика-грамматикалық материалды үйрету
жазбаша сөйлеу
аудару жəне сауал жүргізу
Рөлдік ойындарға дайындық
Case Studies-ке дайындық
Жобаны дайындау
Тілдер апталығына дайындық
Кəсіби-коммуникативті міндеттерді шешу үшін
кəсіби маңызы бар ақпараттарды іздеу мақсатында
шет тілінде ғылыми-педагогикалық ақпаратты өз
бетінше оқып білу (қағаз/электрондық
класс, платформа
Бейне материалмен жұмыс істеу жəне оның
тапсырмаларын орындау
вокабулярды жасау жəне кеңейту
бейне материалдар негізінде коммуникативтік
сəтсіздіктерді іздеу