The main purpose of extracurriculars on Physics is to delve deeply into content
determined by the basic curriculum, development of pupils' interest
in the subject,
instilling of skills of independent work, education and development of their initiative
and creativity. Extracurriculars on Physics are carried out according to established
academic curriculum.
Regular forms of extracurricular work within additional education on physics
are carried out with certain period during all academic year. They include circle
activities, intellectual club, correspondence physical and mathematical school, group
and individual work with gifted pupils and other forms. Circle activities unlike
extracurricular activities may not have regulatory program. The program of circle
activities is approved directly in the educational organization and in educational
institutions located in rural settlements and it can be focused on pupils of different
forms. The intellectual club and correspondence physical
and mathematical school
can combine pupils of educational institutions of a certain region. These classes may
be held both with the direct participation of pupils and remotely.
Irregular forms of work on physics can be carried out both in the educational
organizations and institutions of out-of-school education and training, higher
education institutions and other organizations. Such forms are focused on
participation in subject Olympiads and conferences, training and conducting activities
and competitions on Physics, performance of pupils' scientific works, etc.
Additional education may be carried out at all levels of secondary education by
means of regular and irregular forms of off-hour and out-of-school
work on Physics
and other kinds of activity. The school can increase a number of academic hours in
the study of Physics by providing applied courses due to variable components of the
curriculum for pupils who show a keen interest towards Physics and its practical
applications. It can be such courses as: "Physics and Technology", "Solution of tasks
on Physics with a computer", "Space Physics", "Physics and Ecology",
"Fundamentals of Radio Engineering and Electronics", "Biophysics", "Physics and
Energy of Kazakhstan", "Computer technology of physical processes modeling",
"Methods for solving tasks of advanced level on Physics", "Solution of experimental
tasks on Physics", etc.
Forms of conducting lessons of additional education are selected by the teacher
taking into account age psychological characteristics of pupils, aims and objectives of
the educational program, specifics of the subject and other factors.
1) Explanatory note
Within requirements which are imposed to the graduate on Physics at the
education level, his ability to solve problems isn't provided.
However, there are always pupils who don’t rule out the possibility to continue
their education in technical higher education institution among pupils studying
Physics at a basic level. This course is intended to be for such pupils. The course is
coordinated with the basic course of Physics and the study of subject requires more
tasks and its types in all sections of Physics as well as solving tasks with the use of
information technologies.
The course program is agreed upon with the requirements of the SCES (State
Compulsory Educational Standard) in accordance with the requirements of Final
Certification. The course involves generalization and deepening of knowledge
gained at the lesson as well as the development of skills to solve the task on Physics
and to understand Physics deeper due to it. Special attention is paid to the types of
tasks the solution of which is given a little time at the lesson but which are always
present in the UNT (Unified National Testing). The solution of tasks promotes
development of creative abilities of pupils, broadens horizons, improves skills in
solving tasks with natural science foundation, generalizes knowledge of Physics,
Biology, Chemistry. Teachers should provide
psychological comfort, pupils’ feeling
of success in their independent work individually. Individual consultations of a
teacher in pupils’ independent work should provide psychological comfort, feeling of
success. The use of the Internet resources and training CDs will allow to carry out the
differentiated approach to pupils’ training.
It is necessary to remember that the methodology of teaching Physics in three
languages is an applied psychology as the basic factors of learning can be taken from
the psychological mastering of regularities, i.e. to educate not
just Physics in English
but to think in it.
2) Academic content
Course aims:
To promote pupils’ interest in the study of Physics and intellectual and creative
abilities connected with its application in solving the tasks as well.
To provide opportunities for students to relate their knowledge according to the
requirements of higher education institutions.
To deepen and beef up earlier studied material according to sections of Physics.
To improve the ability to solve tasks of various complexity.
Course objectives:
1) formation of ideas on buildup, classification, techniques and methods in
solving the tasks on Physics
2) improvement of skills in solving the tasks using a variety of techniques and
3) teaching of solving non-standard tasks
4) development of special and general learning
skills provided by Education
5) development of logical skills: abilities to abstraction, induction and deduction
6) education of independence, development of will, attention.
Training mode
The course lasts for 34 hours (once a week)
During the classes students should learn:
- to work with the text of the task, to find hidden information, to transform the
from one form to another;
- to make up generalizing tables of theoretical material to the tasks on different
- to present visually the situation dealt with in a specific task in the form of
scheme, diagram, drawing.