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RESUME Otynshy Aikumis Nurlanovna

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Отыншы Айкүміс Нұрланқызы

Otynshy Aikumis Nurlanovna
The topic of the master's thesis is "S.Kirabaev – investigator in history of Kazakh literature"
Direction of training: scientific and pedagogical:
7M01701 – "Kazakh language and literature"
The structure and Scope of the dissertation: introduction, consists of three chapters, a conclusion and a list of references.
Number of literature sources used: 71
Relevance of the study: In one article devoted to the responsibility of the critic, Serik Kirabayev writes:
"There is not enough criticism of the knowledge of the nature of literature. Moreover, he must be a man of literary knowledge, able to compare the images born from the pen of the writer with the phenomena of life, to understand the secrets of artistic representation. The critic should get a little ahead of the writer.) Because the critic, to some extent, shaping the aesthetic minds of the general reader, is his educator. A friend is a writer who gives advice to a writer and comments on his works."
A beautifully spoken word. And this is a high demand that he places on himself, first of all, as a critic.
Critical duty is not just criticism. When he took the writer's book in his hands, he clearly did not read it, in search of food, in good hopes. From the work only good, but first on sugaring. When you see real art, you love the soul. Sometimes even a book without power fell into his hands. And even if the light in the work was dim, and a flickering light was visible from afar, "his eyes will first notice this light. From a weak light that trembles and then flashes, there is a sign that the light will become bigger? Or is there only this? The critic is careful.
These qualities should be inherent in a critic who was first interested in his native literature, sincerely sympathized with art, and did not care about honor and glory.
Throughout all the literary works of the outstanding representative of modern Kazakh literary criticism and literary criticism Serik Kirabayev, we see an outstanding writer actively engaged in this requirement.
Each epoch has left its own breath, its own picture in literature. A writer who has failed to bring the realities of his time into his work cannot do something worthy both for history and for his contemporaries." Here is a critic by his criterion. The high social significance of the art space is emphasized here. It will be recognized in relation to the quality|reality of the work. And the degree and position of the writer in life depends on it. Therefore, the critic combines the problem of the correct reflection of reality in a work of art with the requirement of each party principle. At the same time, the social significance of the work is determined by the high degree of its artistic quality. The literary and critical works of Sputnik in close unity reflect the peculiarities of the development and achievements of national literature, reflect the depth and artistic height of literary growth.
In these works of the critic devoted to the problems of Kazakh literature, the main attention is paid to the multilateral development of national literature, starting from the era of the first creation and ending with today's high neighborhood of Esken. Despite the fact that this is the first step towards the creativity of S. Kirabaev, raising such large-scale new issues once again underlines the relevance of the topic.

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