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Nadim Nakhchivani is known as a lyrical and satiric poet. Critics, controversial to society of some nefarious 
religious figures, occupy an important role in Nadim`s creative activity. Along with maintaining of national character as 
a tendency of development of XIX century literary language, he worked hard on rich lexical genres of classical poetry, 
national morphology and versatile syntax. By the way, Nadim as his Nakhchivan predecessors and contemporaries was 
a religious man and dedicated most of his poems to religious themes. 
Content and motives of Nadim`s literary heritage consist of Almighty Allah, Prophets, Holy Koran, favorites of 
Allah – Hazrat Mahammad`s(s.a.a.) undefiled Ahl-Beyt, people following the way of Allah, living on “Siratul-
mustagim”, Devil and those who follow him, his servants, charlatans, executioners, scoundrels, carnivores chosen 
content, motive, form, elegy, novkha, divan, hazrat 
A powerful writer Hussein Nadim lived in the late XIX and early XX centuries, was God`s poet who 
remained faithful to Almighty God, loved Holy Koran, Prophet Mahammad (s.a.s) and the Ahl al-Bayt with 
all his being. The main essence and content of his creativity is endless and divine love. According to Islam 
idea, a poet should glorify God created human being.

Абай атындағы ҚазҰПУ-нің Хабаршысы, «Филология ғылымдары» сериясы №4(62) 2017 ж. 
In elegies of the poet was reflected all of these with deeper meanings and logic. According to the hadith 
sheriff – “Prayer is my weapon” by Prophet Mohammad (s.a.s), in some of his works the poet prays to 
Almighty Creator. At the same time these prayers comprises his mental outlook, dreams, love, feelings and 
sense as the basis of his literary heritage and creativity. While praying, the poet undoubtedly does not think 
of only himself, as well as prays for his nation. He asks for forgiveness for all people and at the same time 
expressing that the people are fed up with troubles he prays to Almighty God for saving them from this 
Yox bircә kәs xilas edә bu nardәn bizi,
İmdad edәn yoxdı bu biçarә millәtә.
İslamdәn kәnar elәsün bu bәlalәri,
Olsun müin zәmanәdә dilparә millәtә...
... Mәn Nadimәm, zәmanәdә millәt cünuniyәm,
Ağlar gözüm hәmişә bu biçarә millәtә! [1, p. 12]. 
There is nobody to save us from fire (hell), 
Nobody helps this miserable nation 
Let Islam avoid these evils, 
And support the scattered nation... 
I’m Nadim, I’m crazy of the nation in our times, 
I’m always weeping for this helpless nation! [1, p. 12]. 
It is known that starting in 1922, Council government officials began to destroy mosques, temples, 
shrines, khanates, madrasas, religious educational institutions, even ancient monuments, caravanserais, 
mansions belonging to shahs and khans, libraries, reading halls, pharmacies, in a word, religious and national 
monuments and wealth of the Azerbaijani people and to build pig farms, pagan homes, at the same time to 
burn our holy books and collections by our classics. Hussein Nadim in some of his poems describes the 
events that are terrible as Karbala tragedy. He explains that Bolsheviks are devil`s obsession and local 
traitors help them. The poet demonstrates in such a way that a patriot, intelligent man will immediately 
understand it, and that idiots, truncheons will never understand these factors.This shows that he is not 
indifferent to the injustices to people, at the same time shows his high professionalism. 
The poet complains to Almighty God that tears has turned to blood ocean, his homeland has become 
strange land as a result of occupation by foreigners, religious people has been oppressed, and says he's tired 
of all this. He asks God to protect the Holy Koran. 
He knew the Holy Koran very well. In the 9th verse of “al-Hijr” of Holy Koran is said – “We have 
revealed the Koran and will protect it till the Day of Resurrection” by God. However, he used such a way 
and declared not only the people of the that time but also future generations that the Bolsheviks and their 
slaves acted unfairly against the Islamic religion, the Holy Koran and God`s commands and Prophetic 
Mission of Prophet Muhammad were in danger. Nevertheless, the poet wishes Hazrat Ali (ra) quartered Amir 
who was a giant of the Jews and occupied the seven fortresses of the city of Khaybar, and the twelfth Imam – 
Mehdi Sahib At-Zaman, who will appear before the Day of Judgment to put end the injustice and oppression. 
By reviewing the Divan by the poet, it is possible to see that the poetic content, motifs and essence of the 
poet's literary heritage are the history, nationality, religion and national values, sufferings of the people, the 
cruelty of the enemy, as well as the disasters, tragedies and miseries caused by the evil creatures. 
“It is known that literary works are artistic expression of life events. As the events change, the subject of 
literature also changes. In the result of development of history, new topics related with the struggle for the 
sake of the people, patriotism etc. become the main and actual subject for the literature.New contents do not 
conform to the old forms. New content requires a new and relevant form. Controversy of the new content to 
old form, contradiction between content and form, the expression of new content, new forms, and the 
emergence of new literary forms, in turn, are the development of literature. The key factor in the creation of 
this contradiction is undoubtedly content. The content is relatively variable compared to the form, and the 
form is relatively stable” [2, p. 43]. 
Hussein Nadim Nakhchivani started his creative career at young ages – 15 years old. From that time he 
often went to Ordubad far from the village of Nehrem, was participated in assembly of “Anjumani-shuara” 
and recited his works. The head of this literary council was Fagir Ordubadi. Fagir Ordubadi was one of the 
prominent poets in his time and corresponded with S.A. Shirvani who was amazed by the power of his pen. 
In some of his lyric letters were written about young Hussein Nadim and praised. Fagir noted in these letters 

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