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Қазақстан Республикасы Оқу – ағарту министрлігі
Ақмола облысы білім басқармасының жанындағы
«Ж.Мусин атындағы Көкшетау жоғары қазақ педагогикалық колледжі» МКҚК
Шетел тілі кафедрасы



Мамандық атауы: 0111000 – «Негізгі орта білім беру»

Біліктілігі: 0111083 – «Шетел тілі мұғалімі»

Пәні: Шетел тілін оқыту әдістемесі


Ғылыми жетекші:

Курстық жұмысты қорғаған бағасы __________________

Кафедра меңгерушісі ____________________ з.ғ.м. А . К. Ташенова

Хаттама №___ ___ _________________ 20___ж

Көкшетау, 2023ж







The need to teach English to children



The purpose of teaching English to young preschool children and primary school students



The effectiveness of using game elements in English lessons






Degree of English proficiency in primary school students



Active learning methods used in teaching English



Features of teaching English in elementary school







In the course of the formation of Kazakhstan as an independent state, the systemic reform of Secondary Education is of great importance from a public point of view. One of the most important characteristics of the implementation of educational reform is the need to technologize the learning process at the present time. The use of various new technologies in improving the quality of education in schools is becoming more practical and effective. In the field of education in the country, democratization and humanization are now being implemented. In addition to the native language, a foreign language improves not only the student's speech and general development, but also teaches him the culture of communication with the people around him.
Today, in connection with the strengthening of international relations and the need for qualified specialists who speak a foreign language, interest in teaching a foreign language at an early age has increased not only on the part of methodologists, teachers and psychologists, but also on the part of society.
Learning a foreign language at an early age is learning that takes place on an intuitive and experiential basis from the moment the child enters the world to school. Teaching a foreign language as a branch of the methodology began to develop in the nineteenth century. At this time, teaching children a foreign language from an early age was widespread in Russia. If we look at some information, in Russia in the nineteenth century it was possible to find children who could speak not one, but three foreign languages: English, French, German.
The problem of teaching a foreign language at an early age was the focus of pedagogical publishing and was discussed in the pedagogical, psychological, methodological literature of Russian magazines, as well as such methodologists as K. D. Ushinsky, E. Vodovozova, E. I. Tikheeva. This is the period of formation of the methodology of early childhood education.
Relevance of the research work. Preschool age is a very favorable period for teaching English, because children of this age are distinguished by the ability to perceive a language phenomenon: they develop an interest in observing their own speech experience, the "secrets" of the language. They can instantly master the given small material and retell it very well. As the age of children is added, such factors begin to lose their strength.
The subject of the research work is the methodology of teaching children English at an early age.
The purpose of the research work is to form a stable interest in teaching children a foreign language at an early age, and on this basis to create conditions for the intellectual development of the child.
In accordance with the purpose of the research work, the following tasks were set:

  • improving the level of motivation in teaching English;

  • deepening the knowledge of preschool children;

  • development of children's speech skills;

  • expand vocabulary;

  • provide additional information about English-speaking countries.

The theoretical basis of the research work is the works and articles of such methodological scientists as Aseev V. G., BIM I. L., Weisburd M. L., Tolstikov S. N., Vitlin zh.L., Danilenkova G. G., Zimnyaya I. A., Sakharova T. E.

1.1 The need to teach English to children

Today, one of the most pressing issues is the early learning of foreign languages, including English, as the political, economic, social and cultural relations of the Republic of Kazakhstan with foreign countries are developing more and more.

The school of the XXI century requires radical changes. The student demands changes in the world. The student should be able to show himself as a well-developed, creative, independent person in the world. In this regard, a modern student should master not only one language, but also several, including, of course, English. We all know that English is considered a very important and necessary subject for students. In the process of teaching English, a special place is occupied by interdisciplinary communication, especially the English language with Kazakh and Russian languages, since the main purpose of these disciplines is to teach young people the language. By mastering English, the student will have a deep understanding of the life, history, culture of other countries.
It is well known that there are many sources of physical and psychological activity of young people in teaching English at an early age. Young growth:
- fast reception;
- tendency to imitate;
- variety of imagination;
- development of thinking, oral speech skills;
- development of cognitive activities;
- memory;
- abundance and variety of properties of interest;
- tendency to comprehensive education;
- predominance of the imitative property;
-quick perception of action in the form of a game.
The above qualities are evidenced by the need to start teaching a child from kindergarten, primary school.
If Primary School students look at the new subject of study with great interest in English, and learn the spoken word more actively than in other subjects, show good performance, then they achieve spiritual satisfaction. The main goal of teaching English at an early age is to develop communication in students. In order to achieve this main goal, it is necessary to form and develop students ' skills in accordance with the requirements of the program:
- listen and understand;
- speech (in the form of monologues and diologues);
- training.
The development of oral speech at the stage of early learning of the English language has an impact on the further development of the oral base. Word of mouth is the basis for the development of other business skills.
It is clear that motivation plays a huge role in teaching English at an early age. The main condition is the development of young people's interest in the language. Since interest is an emotional attitude of a person to a particular activity, object, attention is trained, thinking becomes deeper, and language material remains in the mind for a long time. The educational process is interesting, attractive, has a large number of emotional edits, which increases interest in the English language. In her article, T. A. Degtereva indicates that the following factors affect the conduct of classes in an interesting and attractive way:
- content, variety of forms of training;
- activity of student-teacher communication.
An English teacher should use both effective and time - saving methods to increase the motivation (interest) of students.
According to the methodologist N. D. Galskova, the methodology used in English lessons must meet the following requirements::
- create a favorable atmosphere that creates the need to use language in communication activities to increase student interest;
- fully involve the student's personality in the educational process;
- to stimulate, stimulate the linguistic, cognitive, creative qualities of the student, to increase the activity of the student as the main person in the educational process;
- Organization of various types of work in the lesson, i.e. individual, pair, Group, team work;
- widespread use of various visual aids in the lesson, including technical (rhymes, computers, videos), non-technical means (drawings, applications, albums, drawings, tables, crosswords), especially frequent use of games and game elements;
- use of new pedagogical technlogies in the lesson (elimination method, etc.).
Already in elementary school, we give students the following project tasks in English lessons.
For example, when passing such topics as" my family"," my agenda"," my friend " food, etc., students conduct wellness, prepare collages, and defend their projects in class.
The form of the survey is given below:

  1. you ask the classmate about his family:

Full name



Place of work, educational institution


B) Ask your classmate about his friend:

Full name





The role of visualization tools in teaching English at an early age in elementary school is very important because they are a source of effective achievement in a short time for teaching purposes. In the rapid perception of educational materials, auditory and visual sensations are especially important among the senses for long-term memory, thinking, and therefore visualization is a tool that provides invaluable assistance to a primary school teacher.
In the general education system, the primary school educational process covers four years. During this period, the younger generation becomes schoolchildren, changes in behavior, becomes more complex in consciousness and thinking, turns to comprehensive education and upbringing. According to the concepts of scientists, the mental abilities of the younger generation are formed in primary school age, and they can be more successfully trained to study and work. Despite the anatomical, physiological and psychological changes that occur in primary school students, the main goal of primary school teachers is to awaken and develop their desire for comprehensive, deep knowledge.
Taking into account the above changes, the primary school teacher should organize each lesson in a deep, interesting, attractive way, involve the student in the learning process, stimulate his emotions, feelings, stimulate his creative qualities and increase his activity.

1.2 The purpose of teaching English to young preschool children and primary school students

In the context of the gradual transition of the education system of Kazakhstan to the world educational space, the role of teaching foreign languages will increase. The need for the transition to 12-year education the problem of pre-school training of five-year-old children in general education schools is to improve the quality of education, education of the child, promote students to simultaneously master the basics of spoken speech in three languages-Kazakh,Russian and English. Of course, one of the methods of teaching English in the context of 12 years of education is teaching through actions with elements of the game. The elements of the game are a kind of learning. The effectiveness of this method is to increase the activity of students, interest in the subject, motivation. We also urge all parents to teach their children in three languages, warning that without a broad knowledge of English, it will be difficult to talk about the true competitiveness of the nation. Students need to master the Kazakh language in full literary norm, fluency in Russian and English. And according to scientists, at a young age, a child learns the language without difficulty and fluently. At the same time, the attention of the Ministry of Education and science to teaching English from primary school is a correct requirement. The foundation of knowledge acquired at a young age will be solid and strong. And of course, it is the teacher who sows this strong and strong knowledge into the mind and instills it in the soul. English Language teachers are currently making the most of the world's best practices, new technologies and methods in the field of language teaching in order to improve the quality of teaching English.
Children of preschool age are better developed imitators than schoolchildren, so they have less difficulty learning English. In addition, they like to repeat English sounds, words, speeches. Elementary school children also learn by imitation, but it is possible to explain to these children the work of the organs of speech in order to pronounce sounds correctly.
The main activity of children 5-6 years old is the activity of playing, therefore, for teaching English, the teacher should use various games taking into account this factor. Through games,the teacher can teach children new words, phrases. Children 7-9 years old also like to play, but to teach them English, you need to perform not only games, but also various tasks, exercises. Through the game, children can easily communicate in a foreign language, and during the game, students quickly learn a foreign language, without feeling tired, with excitement and interest. If the teacher plays the game only to entertain the children, to make them breathe, there is no benefit from it. The game is only productive when it is played, aiming to provide a certain education.
Game means:

  • action (language)

  • lack of violence, wintering

  • activity unique to the individual

  • education and education through the collective

  • development of the child's psyche, thinking

  • learn with interest

In a foreign language, Lotto is played both in the form of cards, dominoes, puzzles, crosswords, contests, and in the form of linguistic games, glove toys, animals, vegetables, etc. There are the following types of foreign language learning games:

  • grammar games

  • phonetic games

  • lexical games

  • spelling games

  • role-playing games

At each stage of a foreign language lesson, you can use game elements. For example: at the beginning of the lesson, when you get a phonetic rhyme, which is obtained during the organizational part, and come on, whoever memorizes this poem first, organizes a competition game, and prepares a baton and gives it to the student ahead, and the student recites the poem and gives it to the next student, the children do not even notice how they memorize the poem while competing.
What do I do in the child's brain when the game is used in the lesson process? How can I say? How can I win? what is the difference? A child with poor knowledge of a foreign language will think that the game speaks the same language that is being taught as others, and that I am the same as others, and that I know it too. According to psychologists, children of primary grades move from play activities to educational activities. However, the importance of the game is abundant at this age. Children 6-7 years old have a lot of curiosity, when they perceive a new topic, they pay attention to beautiful, interesting things, but their attention becomes unstable. Children cannot listen to their story for more than 2-3 minutes, so it is advisable to use a question-and-answer approach when explaining lessons. Primary school students cannot sit for a long time, they quickly get tired, so it is advisable to conduct games and exercises every 10-15 minutes.
To fix certain speech patterns, you can use toys, construction tools. To move from the game to educational activities, you can move from toys to illustration. Usually children 6-7 years old do not accept the generally drawn up instructions, so it is advisable to make an individual remark to each child for the assignment.
There is a program for teaching English to preschool children and primary school students. The goals of teaching a foreign language under this program are: to teach easy skills in a particular foreign language, that is, to teach to understand a simple conversation and to teach to speak a foreign language. The program includes materials on the topic of Homeland, family, numbers, colors, vegetables, food, animals. To achieve the goals set, the teacher must know the psychological characteristics of children 6-7 years old . Children at this age are tuned in to learning a foreign language: they can easily memorize short language material and recite it, but as the child grows up, they begin to lose these abilities.
When we teach English to primary school students, we teach the four main skills. They are: listening, reading, speaking and writing. In the first grade, the formation of these four skills is preserved, and in preschool classes there are no writing skills, they repeat, memorize, depict toys, and master various games. If new technologies are used in teaching, for example, to perform songs together, listen to texts, etc., the memory learned by sight is more preserved.
Primary school is the basis for the foundation of all knowledge. Since primary school students are at a real age of perception, which absorbs into their minds what you teach them, it is possible to master very quickly, no matter what language. If the balgans were firmly on the tongue, the foundation would be laid for them to step on a bright path in the future. Since the language of Primary School students is not fully developed, of course, English is more difficult at first, but by the end it is gradually formed, it is possible to speak foreign and beautiful English. Since primary school students cannot carry heavy lesson baggage, we often need to educate children in new ways of teaching so that they do not get bored with English.
Since this year, the school has started teaching English from preschool and first grade. The purpose of teaching English at an early age is for students to master the basics of communication in English. Teaching English at an early age improves the skills of communicative development of students,has the opportunity to arouse students ' interest. And the knowledge of English, which is unofficially established as a world language, will improve the competitiveness of the nation. Knowledge of English is now a matter of time.
1.3 The effectiveness of using game elements in English lessons
English is a language that brings Kazakhstan to the world level. That is why learning English is so important. The use of Game forms in teaching English increases the student's motivation to learn the language. The use of game elements when teaching English increases the student's interest in a foreign language and affects a better understanding of a new topic. Through the game, children can easily communicate in English, and during the game, students quickly learn English, without feeling tired, with excitement and interest.
If the teacher plays the game only to entertain and relax the children, then there will be no benefit. The game is only effective when it is played with a specific educational goal.
Game means:

  • important activities of children in the field of communication;

  • learn with interest;

  • type of independent work of developmental activities of students of different ages;

  • development of the child's psyche, thinking.

In English lessons, a special place is occupied by the forms of active participation of each student in the lesson, the desire to speak, the desire and interest in learning English. These tasks can be solved with the help of Game teaching methods in the classroom. However, for what purpose can game activity be used? At what level? At what stage of the lesson? When does it give the best results? undoubtedly, every teacher is concerned about the questions " what is it?"
The game should be used with the following goals: mastering the alphabet and vocabulary, learning to communicate, memorizing language materials, developing certain language knowledge, developing the necessary mental functions and abilities, education. You can also easily, easily master boring topics through the game.
In English, it is also played in the form of puzzles, crosswords, Lotto, linguistic games, putting the furniture in place in the room, walking around the shops, talking on the phone, etc.
The types of the game are: lexical, spelling, didactic and grammatical, role-playing. In addition, there will also be special games that will teach you to speak and write in English.
The game can be used at each stage of the lesson. For example, during the organizational part, you can get a phonetic rhyme. If you spend it in the form of a competition (who memorizes the poem first?), students do not notice how they memorize the poem while competing.
Games used in English lessons:
«Let’s draw a Rainbow!"the game.
Purpose: to teach colors.
Tools needed in the game:colored crayons, a drawing with a rainbow.
Game progress: first, the teacher drew a picture with a rainbow on the board. Students Place 7 different crayons on the desk.
Teacher: this is a rainbow. I can see red color(shows a picture, children raise crayons of the same color), orange color, yellow color, green color, blue color, dark blue color, violet color. The rainbow is colourful. It’s beautiful. Let’s draw a rainbow!
Then the teacher gives the Children time to remember the colors in the rainbow in sequence and removes the picture from the board.
After the children have finished drawing the Rainbow, the teacher put the picture on the blackboard. Children compare with their drawings. After the pictures are drawn and compared, the teacher asks, indicating the colors of the rainbow. What colour is it? Children answer the question.
Game duration: 7-10 minutes." At the Zoo".
Purpose: to teach the use of the modal verb can.
Tools needed in the game: toy beasts placed on different desks.
Game progress: one of the students is a guide, the rest are visitors to the animal park. For example, children go to the bear.
Guide: this is a bear. It can run and jump. It can swim and climb trees but it can’t fly.
Visitors: can it hop?
Guide: No, it can't.
Then another student becomes a guide, and the game continues.
Game duration: 7-10 minutes.
3.Writing learning game.
The teacher writes some kind of word on the blackboard, for example:schoolchildren. From the letters in this word should form a word. For example: schoolchildren: he, She, side, shoe, nose, ill, red, doll, line, child, school, etc.
4. «Whose birthday is today?"the game.The teacher tells the students, " one of you has a birthday today. Guess who she is”.
Students: What color is her hear?
What colour are her eyes?
What is her nose like?
What is she wearing?
What is her hobby? it is necessary to find out whose birthday the students are, answering the questions: "what is the date of birth?" This game teaches students to speak English.
You can improve the quality of education through the game, which you can use effectively:

  • students ' interest in the lesson increases;

  • difficult grammar can be explained in an easy and interesting way;

  • increased student activity;

  • motivation to master the material.

In conclusion, leaving English vocabulary in the student's memory without game activity is less effective and requires a lot of mental effort. The game included in the educational process should be interesting, light and lively, as a kind of learning in English lessons. Game educational process
it should be noted that it simplifies. Depending on the goals, objectives and conditions set by the teacher for the lesson, the type of game should be changed.

2.1 Degree of English proficiency in primary school students

To begin with, when studying English at school, it is necessary to determine the purpose, subject, subject and Turkish of study and connect with the world, with the life experience of Balan.
The goals of studying a foreign language at the level of primary education consist in the formation of personality and its development as a whole, the development of emotional, creative, social, cognitive and linguistic abilities of lower-level students in order to implement the most important types of speech activity in a simple form of communicative activity, a specific minimum of speech in shenberin.
Learning as objectivity of learning goals is implemented through the following actions:

  • the formation of a foreign language as a means of communication that can be understood by people who speak/write a foreign language.;

  • in order for students to master the system of individual, system-service and communicative universal educational activities, to adopt their educational activities in a cohesive manner.

In the absence of a real language environment for the purpose of excellence in English language learning, the principle of disciplinary learning, the principle of sign, the principle of prominence, the principles of heart and intelligence, the principles of mastery of strength, the principles of solidity, the principles of individualization, the principles of didactic learning are of great importance.
In order to achieve a planned result of studying English at a primary school, it is necessary to lead the following fair principles of implementation, both when planning the educational process and when reducing the educational material: communicative principles of learning, principles of learning-subtlety of the material, functional principle, complex principles, principles of differentiation, principles of concentrism.
The principles of communication are based on the use of role – playing games in a diary environment, aimed at solving communicative tasks with a special purpose-the vocabulary of the sign and the grammatical material of the sign.
Elementary school students should pay special attention to the functional principle of teaching English. In the language system, the Arthurian dengue means of the English language-lexical and syntactic (both in phonetic, word-forming, morphological schonber) means serve the specific subject of the microhouse system is expressed as soot.
The principle of differentiation provides for the functional and semantic order of presentation of new words of one value, distributed according to the cost style, for the enrichment of the vocabulary of the student at the beginning, the basis for the means of expression, the student's speech, the knowledge of new words (the sign in the framework of the one - pointed tip). At the beginning of the speech and communicative communication of the great students, English grammar should be established as a heretical system of each game of Balan. The development of the grammar of the dictionary is characterized by the use of the sign of the simple word, the distribution of parts of the negizin nactylative composition of sentences (with equal parts of two), the merging of two simple sentences into one complex. Language is a means of communication. The language is done by saying. Only through the word Development, lived. We learn a foreign language through a means of communication.
The basis of speech is the relationship between the world of Man and the thought that finds the human mind. The negizgi object of the speaker is the connection with the truthful life. Mastering a foreign language according to bilyaev YAGNI, other entrepreneurs and ways to bring out thoughts in the mind. The need for Learning English is due to the need for students to express their thoughts in English. "I'm sorry," he said. For example, bring a person, answer a question, fulfill a request, as well as open a pen, open a door, draw a board, etc. The Nightingale has only a speech function. Both and one won, see-the sea.
In the process of selecting a tool related to the selection of words, the lexical vocabulary of communication between dictionaries, about a thousand approaches are realized. The unit in English used by the diary. Good Morning, Good Day, Thank you, my name is, I'm on duty, I can enter.
The expression of the words is replaced and the construction is changed, concave: my name is ready, the name is alive-the unit remains unchanged, and it will be my sister to change it or not.
If we start with the linguistic department, this is implemented in negizin, a training program anywhere. This applies to language units: word, word construction, grammatical value, phonetic minimum, etc. The language material of students increases speech not by units, but by a hundred. They are carried out in Myna Kur. They have a book, there are many books on the shelf, or what is in a happy birthday greeting .
2.2 Active learning methods used in teaching English
The main task of teaching English is to use effective and convenient methods in education to train future specialists who are knowledgeable, competitive, able to express themselves in three languages, to transform the lesson to increase the interest of students, to increase their creative abilities. The subject of the English language, along with school education and upbringing, has a special influence on the development of personal qualities of adolescents as a person, on finding their place in society.
The great Abai, a classic of Kazakh literature, said: "in order for your students to study well, they must have a great desire and interest in learning." Indeed, only a person who is energetic, constantly wants to know everything, shows perseverance and patience will achieve his goal.
To increase students ' interest in the language, an English teacher should use not only textbooks, but also other additional materials from newspapers, magazines, and even internet sources. In order for students to fully and quickly learn the material, the teacher must be able to properly organize the lesson, using a lot of visual aids. In order to arouse students ' interest in English lessons, the teacher should use different methods, but these methods must meet the following requirements:
1 in order to feel free through the methods, it is necessary to create a positive atmosphere, stimulate the interest of the student, create the need to use the language in practice.
2 the student's personality should be fully involved in the learning process, his emotions, feelings should be associated with his needs.
3 it is necessary to stimulate his linguistic creative qualities.
4 it is necessary to make the student active as the main person in the learning process and connect closely with other students;
5 it is necessary to help the student to be able to work independently, depending on their physiological, intellectual, psychological characteristics;
It is necessary to use 6 different types of work individually, in pairs, in groups, in class, and so on.
There are many methods of teaching English, which each teacher uses according to the level of his students.
Active learning methods that can often be used in English lessons are the following:
- Grammar-translation,
- Sales,
- Sequencing method,
- Method of silence,
- Physical sensing method,
- Role-playing games,
- Design method,
- Brainstorming,
- Exchange of views,
- Interactive methods,
- Communicative, visual, auditory, kinesthetic method,
- Thought review,
- Audiolinguistic method,
- Visualization method,
- Practical method and method of information and Communication Technology.
The visualization method is considered the most frequent and most effective method of teaching English. This is because this method is used in all stem forms. In the visualization method, of course, visualization tools and schemes are used. They should not be less than a few colors. This is the most effective way for students to develop their interest and vocabulary during the lesson.
The method of explanation is a method that is implemented by the teacher during the lesson, as the beginning of the learning process. In this method, the teacher is used to explain a new word, a new topic, or sentences.
The question and answer method is one of the most important for the development of children's language. In this method, students will be in the communicative method. They ask each other questions, and then they get answers to their questions. This type of method is widely used.
The practical method is a language learning activity based on various game elements when students learn lessons. Games play a great role in increasing the vocabulary of students, because games are necessary for the formation of their speech skills.
Interactive method-increases the activity of students in creating interviews. The purpose of this method is to create conditions for joint activity at all stages of the educational process. Students and, working on tasks, learn to think about the interests of the group as well. In this method, each student is motivated to achieve a common result, responsibly approaching his task. Students learn to work together. In this method, the student acts as a consultant, partner for students during the lesson.
During the English lesson, the computer helps the teacher to organize the student's independent work. To do this, on the recommendation of scientists, it is correct to use the following exercises and methodological approaches:
1. question and answer dialogue.
2. task with selective answers.
3.stylistic correction of freely formed sentences.
4. exercises that need to be supplemented.
5.exercises for self-esteem from mastering the dictionary.
Computer programs have matured over time and are developing rapidly. Thus, today we not only receive information through the World Internet system, but also a new type of Education has appeared-the method of intermediate learning. In this teaching method, with the help of multimedia technology, materials of the training course are created using video, text, graphics. As educational material, the student is offered traditional textbooks and teaching aids and video and multimedia materials with limited interactive properties.
Notes when teaching English:
- Regular English language training.
- Training begins with contexts that are often used in everyday life.
- Transfer the task according to the student's abilities.
- Get the training materials to be realistic.
– Learning is done through the position from simple to complex.
Using these methods and techniques, I noticed an increase in students ' interest in the English language.
2.3 Features of teaching English in elementary school
The purpose of teaching English at an early age is for students to master the basics of communication in English. Teaching English at an early age increases the skills of communicative development of students, allows you to arouse the interest of students, get the opportunity to speak more languages at once. And the knowledge of English, which is unofficially established as a world language, will improve the competitiveness of the nation. Knowledge of English is now a matter of time.
To the question of where to start, I would say that you need a good textbook. Because a properly selected teaching aid increases students ' interest in the subject. Currently, there are a lot of English textbooks, the textbooks of the Macmillan Publishing House have been used in our school, and today students in grades 1-2 use the textbooks of the Cambridge publishing house. 1 classes are divided into two groups and taught for one hour a week. The textbook “Primary Colors 1”, adapted for schools in Kazakhstan, was published by the Cambridge publishing house as an educational and methodological package. Authors Diana Hicks and Andrew Littlejohn. The peculiarity of these books is a training book and discs for the development of speech and listening skills, a workbook with writing tasks and a book for the teacher with a plan for each lesson and various methods, with illustrations for the topic.[14]
In language learning classes, the development of students 'listening, reading, writing, and speaking skills should be carried out during the lesson, and more attention is paid to students' listening comprehension, speech than to writing, because at this age most children remember by hearing, sight. In elementary school, the help of parents is also very important. If they repeat the words they learned in class today at home every day, in the next lesson the children will freely use them without forgetting them. But unfortunately, among parents there are many who say: "we do not know English, we cannot help." In this case, I advise you to use the internet, use dictionaries(for example, google-perevodchik).
It is also possible to organize various activities in the direction of developing students ' spoken English skills.
In the subject of a foreign language, it is necessary that the student can consciously apply them in practice, rather than just memorize the definition of rules and concepts. You can hone your theoretical knowledge through various tasks and exercises. For example, in the introduction of new word units, students ' memory increases by performing tasks such as mandatory display with pictures, repetition of words, memorization. Through the use of ICT tools, children become more interested in the lesson, more active in the lesson.
In English lessons, elements of the game should be used in the formation of educational –qualification, cognitive, communicative competence of students. As the great teacher V. A. Sukhomlinsky said," without games, without music, without fairy tales, without creativity, there is no full-fledged mental education, " I use different game elements during each lesson. Learning through the game method increases their interest in the subject, trains the ability to express their thoughts, opinions, views, listen to the answer of another student and complement it, voice their achievements and shortcomings. The game, which is well designed and organized in the best way, is a practical, educational and developmental way of learning.
In the process of teaching English, the frequent use of songs, role — playing games-as a means of language communication, contributes to the formation of new words and phrases, an increase in the student's vocabulary. When listening to songs and poems, familiar vocabulary is quickly memorized by the student. In the process of learning to sing in a foreign language, the student learns to correctly emphasize sounds, put the correct emphasis on sentences. During the work on the song, when studying in parts, the student's mood increases and interest in the language increases.
Now there are level courses to improve the pedagogical skills of Kazakhstani teachers. According to the theory of constructive learning, today it is proved that if knowledge is not received ready-made, and students build it independently, the personality develops, the acquired knowledge is remembered for a long time. This is one of the main principles of the program:
1) the main roles of the teacher: "leader", "organizer","manager",
2) conducting classes in a good mood from the moment of entering the classroom, of the language exercises widely used by subject teachers at the present stage can be included the exercise "Warming up". The purpose of language training is to create a turning point in the lesson. The warm voice of the teacher during the language training, the well – thought-out planning of questions and tasks will create a good relationship between the teacher and the student and improve the results of the upcoming lesson.
Elementary school students quickly get tired, so it is necessary to use refreshments, give students the opportunity to move, walk, complete each task in 6-7 minutes, and change tasks. In dialogical speech, students should be able to perform simple actions, such as questions and answers, statements, instructions, and so on.
Children should be able to form a new, whole situation from the elements of the part. Students should be able to ask General Special questions, answer various questions, express their agreement or disagreement with something. It is necessary to increase the pace of students ' speech, and each student must say two replicas when speaking.
Writing a small work not only increases students ' ability to write, understand the language, and speak, but also causes each child to develop as an individual. It is quite possible to spend such works as a 5-minute recording without taking much time.
In the process of listening to the work, it is worth paying more attention not to the mistakes made by the child, as in the dialogue, but to his idea, the ability to describe his life experience.
The school is experiencing a period of comprehensive modernization, being the main link in the education system. One of these innovations is the transition to a twelve-year education system. Changes in the natural-scientific, social-humanitarian, vocational-oriented content of education are being considered, the technology of education and training is being improved. The main link in the ongoing reform is the formation of a politically mature and cultured personality.
For this reason, the program of teaching foreign languages in high school is being revised and taught from the second grade. The content of education of foreign language disciplines taught in a general secondary school is determined, the requirements for it are clarified, classes are held using new technologies.
Today, school teachers are looking for Effective Ways and means of teaching, proving that educational games play a role not only in effectively organizing classes, improving the quality of learning, but also in forming students ' interest and activity in learning, improving mental development, as a new learning technology.[9.74]
As an activity, mainly the structure of the game includes setting goals, planning, implementing the goal, as well as the analysis of the results, in which the individual fully realizes himself as a person.. The structure of the game, in the order of work, includes: a) the roles taken by the players themselves; b) attempts to play as a means of implementing these roles; C) the game use of objects, that is, the replacement of real objects with Game conditional objects; E) the plot (content) is the area of action that is conditionally reproduced in the game.
In a modern school with an emphasis on the activity and acceleration of the educational process, game activity is used in the following cases:
- as a kind of technology for mastering the content, topic and chapter of the academic discipline;
-as an element of very voluminous technology (sometimes even informative) ;
- as a lesson (discipline) or its sections (introduction, explanation, comprehension, exercise, observation) ;
- as extracurricular activities;
The game type of learning is created during the lesson with the help of Game techniques and situations that serve as a means of stimulating and searching students in the course of learning. During the lesson, the implementation of game actions and events is carried out in the following main directions: the didactic goal is set for students in the form of a game; the course of learning is subject to the rules of the game; the educational equipment is used as its tool, the game element that turns the didactic task into a game is introduced into the learning process, the successful implementation of the didactic task is associated with the result of the game.
The place and role of Game Technology in the educational process, the combination of game and educational elements largely depends on the teacher's understanding of the grouping with pedagogical activity.
First of all, depending on the course of action, it is necessary to divide games into physical (motor), intellectual (mental), labor social and psychological.
Depending on the nature of the pedagogical process, the game is divided into the following groups:
a) teach, train, control and summarize;
B) cognitive, educational, developmental;
B) productive, creative;
C) communicative, advisory, professionally oriented, psycho-technical, etc
At different stages of the learning process, game types can also pursue a cognitive goal, being used in different forms depending on the age of the student.
For those of primary school age, openness and spontaneity of perception, ease of immersion in the image are characteristic. Children quickly get involved in any activity, especially playful ones, organize in group games on their own., continues the game with objects, toys, non-imitation games appear.


The demand for a new life worries any person. A foreign language is taught in many modern schools from the 1st grade. This contributes to the formation of readiness for interethnic and intercultural unity in the student from an early age. The advantage of teaching a foreign language from primary school is that it has a positive effect on the psychological thinking of every child, attention to the word of a foreign language, understanding, and then solidifies knowledge in primary school, improves the quality of education, and allows you to communicate in a foreign language and early intercultural communication.
Studying and learning a foreign language is not formed immediately. It is clear that it will not be easy to teach a foreign language to a child who has not yet fully mastered his native language. At this time, the teacher has a great responsibility. To do this, it is necessary to teach students to learn in different ways even in primary classes.
Teaching a foreign language is a real way to form intercultural communication skills in the minds of students. Intercultural communication is considered here as an understanding of the interrelationships between nations and cultures. The direction of training related to intercultural communication is a logical continuation of the methodology.
Thus, when teaching foreign languages, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of the culture of both peoples and their languages.
When considering the issues of teaching foreign languages, first of all, we are talking about the place of the native language. There are two different points of view among scientists on this issue. One of them believes that it is necessary to teach a foreign language based only on the native language and comparing it with the native language, and the other believes that foreign language lessons should be learned directly without the help of the native language. Scientist L. V. Lyakhovitsky: "taking into account the peculiarities of the native language in mastering a foreign language, it is extremely necessary for the learner to understand the difficulties encountered in a new language. It is possible to eliminate such difficulties that arise only by relying on the native language. By doing exercises in a foreign language, it is possible not to use the native language in the lesson, but the native language will remain in the minds of students. And if you do not pay attention to the peculiarities of your native language in the lesson, in some cases, students ' mastery of a foreign language can be harmed. That is, if the lesson is only in a foreign language, the number of incomprehensible language materials for students increases, which reduces the student's interest in learning a foreign language." Based on the scientist's opinion, the role of the native language in teaching English is high, so I consider it appropriate to teach agalshyn with a comparison with the Kazakh language.

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