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He was ..with ... and .... goods. charged, receiving, selling, stolen
He was considered … a good teacher ( to be;)
He was received with respect ... he felt awkward.A) nevertheless
he was____in a queue..the second
He will return from London in June; his sister.....there another month. will stay
He won’t know what to do ... he listens carefully.A) unless
He won’t know what to do .... he listens carefully(unless)
He wondered if she … the article by noon ( would have translated)
He wouldn’t have come back if you___him. Hadn’t called
He______looking for a job 5 months ago but______one yet. started / hasn't found
He’s lazy. He never does work.Any.
Heathrow is______airport in the UK. the biggest
Heaven knows when your poor child_____ England again
Helen …to be a good story-teller ( turned out; )
Her eyes were …large…small. (neither…nor;)
Her husband was told that he was too old to work ..., he was discharged with no pension.D) more
Her husband was told that he was too old to work ......, he was discharged with no pension.(more)
Her voice ... gave charm to her most common place remarks, ... it was different from the voice he remembered.D) still ... yet
Hie signal was given, and the steamer .... slowly from the dock moved
High (adjective) - (adverb) highly
His career crashed when he …letting a girl die in a car crash ( was accused of; )
His career crashed when he_____letting a boy die in a traflic accident.was accused of
His father is ---- lawyer.(A)
His hair is so wet. He ..... A shower.(Has just had)
His involuntary reflexes betrayed his feelings. D) uncontrolled
His involuntary reflexes betrayed his feelings.(uncontrolled)
His parents were sick, they didn’t have much money, so they …pretty desperate (were getting; )
His____book was published abroad....father-in-law’s
His___book was published abroad. father-in-law's
Honesty is …policy (the best;)
Hotels are becoming …nowadays (more expensive;)
How do you usually get to the .......... underground station (nearest)
How long…you to answer all the questions ? (did it take;)
How many imposing buildings…in Washington, DC ? ( are there;)
How many languages .... you....?(Do,speak)
Hugo talks .. he didn’t know me.C) as though
Hugo talks .... he didn’t know me(as though)
Hugo talks ...... he didn’t know me(unless)
I believe you but there are____ who doubt.those
I (to know ) her all my life and we (to be) friends since childhood..have known / have been
I (to know) her all my life and we (to be) friends since childhood. Have known/have been.
I (to speak) to the dean before I went home(had spoken)
I .... an interesting job yesterday(Was offered)
I .... her birthday and I .... how to make it up to her.(completely forgot .... just don’t know)
I .... to the engineer before I read the article about him in the newspaper.(Had spoken)
I ..... Lunch in the cafeteria every day.(Have)
I …mind a drink, if you had one ( wouldn’t; )
I admire your mother’s looks. She ____ lovely girl. must have been
I am afraid you …the point. I mentioned before that … (seem to have missed;)
I am not acquainted with Wales customs ........ I.(Neither am)
I am not interested in his offer.- …(neither am I;)
I am right, .... ?(Aren’t I)
I am sitting _____Tom and Mary.between
I am starting a new job next week. I am really:excited
I asked him __. (not to go away)
I asked the director __ to do it. (whether he would be able)
I asked two people the way to the centre, but of them could help.neither
I believe that she ... busy at 5 o’clock tomorrow.Will be.
I believe you but there are____who doubt.those
I believed him …the most honest person (to be; )
I can come tomorrow if you … it ( like;)
I can remember ... voices in the middle of the night. С)hearing
I can usually remember names and faces ... enough time. B)if given
I can usually remember names and faces....enough time.If given
I can’t run very fast. I smoke ..... Too much.
I can’t understand. Would you ask him to speak.....? The clearly
I can't understand. Would you ask him to speak ....? more clearly
I congratulate you …the event (on; )
I demand that he …the results of the experiment at the conference( should announce; )
I didn’t know you were in hospital. If I _____i _____to see you..had known / Would have gone
I don’t know about it; ask…else. ( somebody)
I don’t like .... mineral .... water, I prefer .... cup of tea. -/-/a.
I don’t like …jokes ( her; )
I don’t like films …have unhappy endings ( that;)
I don’t like this fish. It’s not very well cook __. (-ed)
I don’t like... mineral... water, I prefer... cup of tea.- /- / a
I don’t remember........him before.I laving seen.
I don’t think he trusted me. He looked at me so (suspicious)(suspiciously)
I eat____ apple every day.E)an
I enjoy ..., but I wouldn’t like ... it all my life.A) teaching, to do
I enjoy_____ but I would'nt like ____it all my live..cooking/do
I enjoyed the trip, …it rained ( however;)
I expected them …the problem in detail ( to consider; )
I felt her arm ... to see if any bones were brokenB) gently
I found out that by the year 1997 she …at the University for 20 years (would have been working;)
I got the book without …difficulty ( any;)
I hate him …( laughed at;)
I have ____ breakfast at 5 o’clock. My.
I have 10.315 tenge in my pocket. ten thousand three hundred and fifteen
I have been learning to dance since last year. Present Perfect Continuous
I have got .... pencils. I can give you.. .(Many, some)
I have never heard him … (sing;)
I have not been .... to sleep recently(Able)
I have very ... time and can't stay ... longer.little, any
I have_______to tell you.something
I have_____breakfast at 5 o’clock.My.
I heard it …the radio. ( on;)
I insist that that letter …immediately ( be answered)
I just had to take the dog out .... of the awful weather(In spite)
I know him well, probably_______than anybody else. better
I know you …an advanced geography course now ( are taking)
I last saw him ... down the road towards the shops. C) walking
I like playing volleyball on .... beach. a
I like to watch the planes …(to take off;)
I like working with computers. (So do I)
I liked the book. - … ( so did I; )
I live in_____ Abai Street..C)-
I might not be home____the morning. Can you call ___the afternoon instead? in. in
I might not be home___the morning. Can you call____the afternoon instead? in, in
I need to buy -----(a loaf of bread)
I need______information about hotels in Almaty…some
I needed a holiday and …Ann ( so did;)
I play basketball _____ the Sport Centre on Friday evenings. A) at
I prefer driving_____ travelling by train..to
I prefer driving______travelling by train.to
I propose that the problem …on the agenda ( be put;)
I really enjoyed the disco. It was great .... ?(wasn’t it)
I regret ... school at fourteen, it was a big mistake.C)to leave
I remember______your letter. posting
I saw her …the street ( crossing)
I saw Mary __the street. (Crossing)
I saw the professor __ the lab. (enter)
I see … more organisations coming together to put an end to the threat of nuclear war (would like to; )
I shall dictate …the titles of the books to be read for the exams ( to you)
I shall go there tomorrow .... I am too busy. Until
I shall go there tomorrow .... I am too busy.(unless)
I suggest that the film …developed at once ( be;)
I think the scientific article_____tomorrow in the evening..will be translated
I thought that she ..... That he.....the first place in the chess tournament?(knew, had taken)
I thought I’d reach Dover ....two hours(in)
I usually have my holiday __ summer. (In)
I usually have____biscuit and____cup of coffee at 11 A) some/some
I want __ first class tickets for the 9 o’clock train to Edinburgh. (and)
I want to go for a walk. Has it stopped snowing … ? ( yet;l)
I want to stay --- home this evening.(at)
I was _____person in line, and had to wait for twenty minutes at the bank. the fourth
I was born 01.05.1968.on the first of May in nineteen sixty-eight
I was busy and couldn’t listen …the radio (to; on; for)
I was hungry_____I didn't eat on the plane. The food didn't look appetizing.but
I was sorry for her ... I tried to help her.D) so
I was sure that they …that problem when by the time I called would be discussing)
I will lend you the book.....you will return it on Monday. As
I will take _____pensil and you take____one…this /that
I wish you _____ to see Ann last month.Had come
I wish you …interrupting me (would stop;)
I wish you …me something about the Tower of London (would tell;)
I wish you …us on the excursion ( could have joined;)
I wouldn’t mind living in England if the weather ....better.C)Were.
I... her birthday and I ... how to make it up to her.D) completely forgot ... just don’t know
I___ all the questions since I began working on this test(have answered)
I____ better start saving some money each month for my retirement(had)
I_____ have good health than a small fortune. would rather
I______ already_______my car. It______clean, now. have washed / is
I’d like to know ... my photos are readyD) whether
I’d like________glass of milk, please. A)a
I’ll do it....you told me. such
I’ll look after the kids ... you get back.A) until
I’ll never forget ... the President.E) meeting
I’ll post the letter …(; myself)
I’m not afraid of... alone at night.Walking.
I’m not tired enough go to bed yet. I wouldn’t sleep if I___to bed now. Had gone
I’m not very good_______repairing things..at
I’ve bought a______scurf. long blue Italian silk
I'd like_______sandwich, please.a
Identify the part of speech of the underlined pronoun:He scored a goal and we all cheered him.A) Object.
Identify the part of speech of the underlined pronoun: He scored a goal and we all cheered him.(object)
If I __ a more reliable car, I __ to Spain rather than fly. , Had, would drive
If I were you, I .. that coat. It's much too expensive. Don't buy
If ... has a high temperature, she will stay at home. A) she
If a thing is worth doing it is worth doing.... C) badly
If a thing is worth doing, it is worth doing ...... .(well)
If a thing is worth doing, it is worth doing...B) well
If Benjamin Franklin so hard, he the symbol of America.(Had not worked\ would not have become)
If captured, the runaway slaves …to end up in slavery ( were likely; )
If Dad ....(buy) a new car, we ........(go) to the sea-side by car next summer(buys, will go)
If he __a chance of success, he__to move to London. Will need, would have
If he didn’t like people, he … a doctor ( wouldn’t have become)
If he-----a chance of success, he ____to move to London.Were to have, would need
If her alarm-clock had rung, she ....on time for work yesterday.(would have been)
If humans were totally deprived of sleep, they hallucinations, anxiety, coma, and eventually, death.B) Would experience.
If I had known how difficult the job was, I .... it. won't have taken
If I had known how difficult the job was. I ___ it. won’t have taken
If I hadn't come along at that moment, Jim---the one arrested instead of the real thief.might have been
If I were rich,_____I,d have
If I were you, I … …a computer (would buy; )
If I were you, I … …England years ago (would have visited)
If I were you, I__that coat. It’s much too expensive Don’t buy
If I____ tomorrow evening I _____ to watch that movie. am free, will go
If I___a more reliable car, I___to Spain rather than fly. Had, would drive
If I’d listened more carefully to his directions, I___ got lost. wouldn’t have.
If it ------ this weekend, I’ll stay home and watch tv(rains)
If it were not for his advice, Tom … advantage of the situation ( wouldn’t have taken)
If the blind leads the blind …shall fall into the ditch ( both;)
If the doctor .....earlier, she would still be alive today.A) Had been called.
If the Spanish government … … Columbus with ships, he would not have discovered a new continent (had not equipped; )
If the technology__available, we would be able to expand the business. Would become
If the Titanic had not hit an iceberg, she … … on her first voyage ( would not have sunk;
If we … …air, there would be no sound ( did not have)
If we hadn’t taken the same plane, we might have never met …(each other;)
If wishes were horses, beggars …ride ( might; )
If you are in Astana, you can come and visit me____you like..whenever
If you are tried, you______ take the book home.would
If you buy any more books we …any place to sleep ( won’t have; )
If you forgot______ pen you may take_____D) your/mine
If you require … information or assistance, ask at your local station. (further)
If you took more exercises, you......... better. B) Would feel.
If you took more exercises,you ....better.would feel
If your teeth hurt you, you …a dentist ( should see;)
I'll do it.. .you told me as
Ill news …fast (travels;)
I'll see you_____next Friday.-
I'm not tired enough to go to bed yet. I wouldn't sleep if I to bed now. Went.
I'm not tired enough to go to bed yet. I wouldn't sleep if I_____to bed now.Went
In .... East Anglia , where ..... Land is drier and less fertile , the farms are bigger (-, the)
In ______ Canada became part of the British Empire.seventeen fifty-nine
In addition to being head of all ... armed services, the Queen is Colonel-in- Chief of several regiments and corps in the United Kingdom and other Commonwealth countries.C) three
In addition to being head of all....armed services,the Queen is Colonel-in Chief of several regiments and corps in the United Kingdom and other Commonwealth countries. Three
In more than 200 years the USA Constitution …26 times ( has been amended)
In the 1920s scientists tried ... to teach apes to speak but in 1979 two American scientists taught a chimpanzee to use the sign language which is used by deaf and dumb people.E) unsuccessfully
In the House of Commons the members sit ....A)on two of the hall
In the House of Commons the members sit__.On two of the hall
In the modern world Britain was the first country where capitalism …established (was)
in the morning (4)?2/3/1/4
In the spring, with the help from the Indians, the Pilgrims …for the next winter ( prepared)
In the State of Connecticut, there is a city of......(New Haven)
In the State of Connecticut, there is a city of...A) New Haven
In the year 1620, a ship named the ‘Mayflower’ …120 Englishmen to the rocky coast of America ( brought;)
In three months he … here a year .( will have been; )
In two weeks our group ... to Rome.Will go.
In two weeks our group .... to Rome. Will go.
In which sentence‘OF’ is used incorrectly?A) The treatment of Bob would last three weeks.
Insert the necessary pronoun: One of two houses was really nice,.... was terrible. The other.
Insert the necessary pronoun:One of two houses was really nice,... was terrible.The other.
Insert the proper preposition:Arc you looking forward_____going on holiday?To
Insert the right modal verb. He ....write this in transcription. Can
Insert the right modal verb: I am sorry .... I come in? may.
Insert the right modal verb:I am sorry ... I come in? may
Is it a toy a substitute for____ attention? parents’
Is John ___ Paul? No I don’t think so(taller than)
Is the US legislative branch made up of two …three houses ? ( or; )
Is there …work for you to do every day (little;)
Isaac Newton, the greatest scientist of all ages, lived in a period when the toxic effects of chemicals …less understood (were)
It … since early morning ( has been raining)
It cannot be denied ... the latest discoveries made at the Institute are of great value to medicineD)that
It cannot be denied ....the latest discoveries made at the Institute are of great value to medicine.That
It is a secret. Very ... people know about it.little
It is a secret. Very .... people know about it. Few.
It is easy .... . He is walking slowly. To catch up with him.
It is easy to -interpret someone's e-mail if its author has poor Grammatik skills. Un-
It is easy to___-interpret someone’s e-mail if its authour has poor Grammatik skills. Un-
It is evident that … want peace ( people)
It is important that the problem …today (be solved; )
It is necessary that you … … a travelcard and use it at any time at weekends and Bank Holidays ( buy; )
It is raining hard, so drive..carefully
It is raining hard, so drive____carefully
It is raining_____.heavily
It is washed by the waters of …; the Atlantic Ocean
It probably____in Western Europe soon..will not rain
It was a really_______experience. Afterwards everybody was ______terrifying/shocked
It was announced that the international treaty against weather warfare …and had gone into effect (had been ratified)
It was -----early autumn.(an)
It was evident that water …at 1000 C (boils; )
It was late in the year when the Pilgrims …and founded a colony ( landed)
It was much____than I had imagined.C) easier
It was pointed out that the patient…treatment for heart problems for a year (had been having;)
It was reported that …were present at the meeting (both; )
It was reported that a plane from the air field …since the previous morning (; had been missing)
It was reported that in honour of Tatyana, the patron saint of students, a nonscholastic party…by the sponsors the day before (had been organized;)
It was so dark that he ____his way. if she ____him by the hand A) would have lost, hadn’t taken.
It was to dark that he_____his way. if she____him by the hand…would have lost, hadn't taken.
It was uncertain whether the concert …outdoors ( would be;)
It,s a _____weather. Let’s go to the shore. lovely bright sunny
It,s quite _____ now, your example_____shows the difference.B) clear, clearly
It’s ____restaurant. reasonably cheap
It’s high time we … the report for consideration to the committee ( submitted;)
It’s high time we.....the report for consideration(have submitted)
It’s late. It's time to go__ home A)--
It’s nice ....work had finished
It’s_________ time I have been to London. D) the first
It's been ages______my last meal, and I am very hungry.since
It's nice .... work had finished
I've been invited to a wedding____ February 15.B) on
I've lost my keys. I can’t find them A) anywhere
Jack’s house is the white one ... the end of the street.At.
James Watt patented his steam engine, ___…mainly for pumping, in 1769 ( used)
James Watt patented his steam engine,_____mainly for..... A) used
Jane and David write articles for____school newspaper…their
Jane decided not to go____car. She got____ her bike instead..by. on
Jane wanted to get a brooch __ the shape of a horseshoe. (in)
Jane was unhappy that she did so_______in the exam.badly
Janet was out of breath because ....(she’d been running)
Jill and Ann are good friends. They know... well. Each other.
John asked Bill, «How long did you stay there?”E) John asked Bill how long he had stayed there.
John has not been able to recall where...D) she lived.
John Norton, the chairman of Norton Mining, is away a business trip.On.
Just a minute ago he arrived____Great Britain. in
Kairat has lived in Astana___ 1998.Since
Kate was listening to____good music.A)--
Kyzylorda is a .... town than Shimkent(less industrial)
Larry was so absorbed in his novel that he forgot about his dinner cooking.D) engrossed
Last night police said that they ... the missing girl.B) had found
Last night police said that they ..... The missing girl.(had found)
Last September detectives said that they ..,. missing girl. were finding
Last year the company made a profit, but this year______it makes a loss
Last year we took ______ holiday.a five-day
Let ....fly to China next week(us)
Let me have a look. I can’t see ...Anything.
Let me tell you how to get ---- our place.(to)
Let,s go to .. .Petrovs. They are our ... new neighbors.The,--
Let’s go to the party tonight, …?(; shall we)
-Let’s go to the snack bar. -What…we…for lunch? ( shall have)
Let’s meet at nine o’clock if it ... convenient for you.C) is
Let’s start now, ... we’re sure to have enough time.B) so that
Let's divide the pie All take the ______and you take the rest..two thirds
Like it or not, television …the supreme holiday attraction ever since it upstaged the cinema by showing old films ( has been; )
Lions and tigers .... in Zoos.(Can be seen)
Living in town is ------than living in country,..more expensive
Look at your umbrella! Yon should buy______a new one. yourself
Look here! Kate_____with her friend..is coming
Look! .... their telephone number in the letter.(There is)
Make the best choice of the modal verb. You ____ not smoke, it’s ruinous for your health.E)Should
Make the right choice.What chamber is the Upper House in the UK? D) The House of Lords.
Make the right choice: I saw Jack .... the concert last Saturday. At
Make the right choice:... Statue of Liberty was ... gift of... friendship from ... France to ... United States.The / a / - / - /the.
Make up a question from the word given below:can' you/ what/ do/ ?What can you do?
Make up a sentence from the words given below: autumn./in/ it/ often/ rains..It often rains in autumn.
Make up a sentence from the words given below: autumn/ in/ it/ often/ rains.A)It often rains in autumn.
Make up a sentence from the words given below: letter/ going/ a/' write/ she/ to/ is.a) She is going to write a letter.
Make up a sentence from the words given below:after/I/ phoned/ arrived/ borne/' immediately/ to' the. Airport…I phoned home immediately after I arrived to the airport
Make up an interrogative sentence from the folloving words. To/don’t/negative/questions/you/are/think/the/easy/ answers.Don't you think the answers to negative questions are easy?
Make up an interrogative sentence from the following words.to/ don’t/ negative/ question/ you/ are/ think the/ easy/ answers..Don’t you think the answers to negative questions ar easy.
Making patchwork ... was a popular American folk art. It was practices by the country’s ordinary people.D) quilts
Man …live by bread alone ( does not;)
Many great changes ..... Place in our country since the World War II.(Have taken)
Margaret’s alarm clock didn’t wake her up this morning .. she left her apartment later than usual, missing the first bus today.B) and
Margaret’s alarm clock didn’t wake her up this morning ..... She left her apartment later than usual, missing the first bus today.(and)
Maria's English is excellent. She speaks____English Perfectly
Martha ... she would be late for the meeting. She ... she was feeling ill.C) told me that ... said that
Martha .... she would be late for the meeting. She ..... She was feeling ill.(told me that ...... said that)
Mary asks her sister: «Do you like English?»(Mary asks her sister if she likes English)
Mary doesn’t speak very ... . I often have trouble understanding her.B) clearly
Mary doesn’t speak very ..... .I often have trouble understanding her. Clearly
Mary has never been to London, ______she? hasn’t
Mary went to the skating rink two hours ago ... has been skating ever.....A) and ... since
May the writer critisize …praise the actions of some public officials ? (or;)
Meanwhile in the village most people … …to go skiing. ( were preparing; )
Mike .... that his little brother is a very hard-working boy.(says)
Mike plays volleyball well; , but not as well as Mike..his brother also plays football
Montanelli entered the room where Arthur____ for him at the supper table.was waiting
Most of the old New Year customs take place in Scotland ,beginning with «first-footing”,in which the first person to enter the house in the New Year must be....A dark-haired man
Most of the old New Year customs take place in Scotland, beginning with «first-footing”, in which the first person to enter the house in the New Year must be...D) a dark-haired man
Mr Simon was sure that prisoners of conscience …at least 70 countries ( were being held;)
Mr. Sandford ... that his son is going to London.C) says
Mr.Sanford___that his son is going to London.Says
My boss smokes ..... . A lot.
My boss smokes.A lot.
My brother …music lessons for three years now ( has been taking; )
My brother goes . . .sports. C) In for
My brother was____in the race. the first
My father goes to____work by car A)--
My father has lived in Japan----- five years.(for)
My father is not only the town mayor, he runs ....., too.(a business)
My father’s coat is____brother’s, because they buy together. the same as
My favorite songs were ____ the programme. On.
My friend …on the ship for fifteen years by next year. (will have been serving;)
My homework was full ____mistakes..B) of
My little sister .... to school every day. Goes.
My mother asked me if I was hungry, but I said that I_____dinner..had already had
My mother let me ... to the cinema with my friends.Go.
My mother___________my favourite dish tomorrow.Will cook.
My nephew is .E) my brother’s son
My room is a mess. I must get it____up immediately. tidy
My sight is getting worse. Next year, I’m afraid, I …read without glasses ( won’t be able to)
My sister seldom_____volleyball. plays
My sisters speaks English. Я тоже(so do I)
Nick .... a bath when I came.(Was having)
Nick has a car____he doesn't often drive it..but
Nick wondered how much further …(they should ride; )
Nick’s gone, but he’ll return .... an hour. In
No museum …ever…buy even one painting by this artist ( has …been able to;)
No news____ good news.is
No, don’t worry. I don’t mind___for some time. Waiting
Norman rule introduced Norman French language, feudakism, and administration, …on castles (based;)
Not until the Triassic Period ..........(The first primitive mammals developed)
Note the sentence which possesses a noun with the meaning of an animal:B) Three kittens were playing in the garden when I came there.
Nothing …needs reforming …other people’s habits (so…as;)
Nothing_____ needs reforming other people's habits. so. as
Now I … how industry cooperates with the natural environment (shall be illustrating)118
Now London’s councilmen …to approve the erection of a life-size statue of Charlie Chaplin in the costume that the British-born Comedian made famous in his films ( are being asked)
Now she …difficulty in putting facts in order (is having;)
Now they .... an English article.(Are translating)
Odd one out: museum
Of two evils choose the …( least)
Oh, if I had had money, I____all homeless animals…would have helped
On ... Monday we open at 9 o'clock.a)-.
On her way home mother usually .... some shopping.(does)
On that day the sea was delightful(terrific)
On the first day of each month a few of us ... and play ... bowling. get down, tin-pen
One of .. of the late Middle Ages was Saint Tomas Aquinas, a scholar who studied under Albertus Magnus (The greatest thinkers)
One student asked several questions. I answered the____questions.student’s
Only on ... it started raining, and the rains put out the fires ... of the city had burned downD) the fifth day. Three-fourths
Only on .... it started raining, and the rains put out the fires .... of the city had burned down.(the fifth day. Three-fourths)
Open your books at page .... 53. No article.
Open____window, please. The
Our holiday was ... planned. A lot went wrong during it.B) badly
Our nephew is very good .... maths. At.
Our younger son doesn't want to be a lawyer like his____brother. elder
Over 57 million students …in American schools which range from kindergartens to high schools ( are enrolled; )
Paper is made…wood-pulp (from;)
Parliament consists of two chambers:A) the House of Lords and House of Commons
Paterson was angry ___ his friend and threw a book at him. with
Patrick has got_____ hair than Stefan.D) shorter
Paul and Karen______from them while they were on holiday.had all their money stolen
Paul gave the book to the girl ... was waiting for itE)who
Paul said: "I'm feeling ill". Paul said he feels ill
Paula got________job she applied for. the
Paul's _____ of history is excellent.knowledge
Pedestrians are required …the road at the zebra crossing ( to cross)
People said he actually .... there but nobody ......... him. lived; had seen
Perhaps in the future men …on the sea, away from the crowded and noisy cities on land (will live)
Peter has two____children
Peter sang....than all the others.Older
Please add .... more tea in my cup.(Some)
Please forgive me. I didn’t mean .... you. To be upset
Please, …be late for classes ! ( don’t;)
Please, add ... more tea in my cup.some
Please, buy ____milk and some biscuits.A)-
Please, please don’t do anything dangerous», said his wife.(she begged him not to do anything dangerous)
Please, remember: traffic .....Britain keeps.....the left!(in/to)
Pointout the number and person of the pronoun: We can do it, if we try. Plural, 1st person.
Police, firefighters, newspaper reporters and radio broadcasters …work on holiday in the USA ( must)
Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts..... .B) absolutely
Probably, I … … … my friends at this time ( shall be visiting;)
Pushkin, the great Russian poet, was born in … ( 1799;)
Put the following sentences into indirect speech Please, please don’t do anything dangerous”, said his wife.B) she begged him not to do anything dangerous
Put the following sentences into Indirect Speech»У тебя усталый вид, Джим”.C) I told Jim he looked tired
Put the words in the correct order.“I am so sony for forgetting to meet you yesterday!"- Maira said to Serik..Maira apologized for forgetting to meet Serik the previous day.
Quite a lot of people lived_____hand _____ mouth here.From / to.
Recently BBC experts …a new system that lets the deaf understand TV programmes (have invented;)
Regular conferences .... at this company every year(Being held)
Robert ...... ill for three weeks. He's still in hospital.(has been)
Robert and Grandpa sometimes spent their time ... the beach.on
Robert and Tom got everything arranged.. .the excursion.for
Robert is a______ name.man's
Robert... ill for three weeks. He's still in hospital.has been
Sally sat down on ____chair. a
Sam drove____along the narrow road.carefully
Samat has got____ pet. some
Scientists in many different countries …to explain its mystery (are working;)
Scissors … a small tool with two sharp blades screwed together ( is; )
Scott and Tracy have only met once before. They __ know each other. (hardly)
Selfish people think mainly of …( themselves;)
She .... Helen when she was walking along the street. Met.
She .... letters when you called.(Was writing)
She ........ read at the age of five.(Could)
She always .....him since he started working here(has trusted)
She arrived______Victoria Station half an hour later.at
She arrived___-Victoria Station half an hour later.A)at
She asked …back with further news( to be phoned)
She asked me what holidays … (I liked;)
She asked my advice___subject she should study at university. Off what
She asked: "Would you like_____banana?".the
She asked: "Would you like___banana?"a
She ate __ anything because she didn’t feel hungry. (Hardly)
She dedicated her life to helping the poor. devoted
She didn’t know that the man …carvings for 15 years ( had been making;)
She didn’t know where her umbrella … ( was)
She didn't want him to pay for her. She wanted to pay for_____.herself
She feels very ..... Today(bad)
She gets up., -than everybody else in house. the earliest
She has been waiting......the bus for two hours. for
She has been waiting.....the bus for two hours. for
She hasn’t _____ to read in the evening.A) Anything
She is known …on a very important problem now ( to be working)
She is married ___ a well-known artist. To.
She is perfectly willing to listen to reason, …? ( isn’t she; )
She liked to be alone, ... she hated Sundays when everybody was at home.C) hence
She liked to be alone, .... she hated Sundays when everybody was at home.(hence)
She likes living in a warm climate ----?(Doesn’t she)
She lost her umbrella.(What did she lose)
She meant_______goodbye to everybody before she left,.saying
She only had time to dress and run a comb______ her hair before the taxi arrived.C) through
She opened the mouth______, she hadn’t known that her new friend was a_____ as of late.A) widely, wide
She plays the piano ... than anyone else in her class.better
She reminded....E) me about what I had to do
She said that she …and could not work any more (was tired; )
She said to Nick «I like my job”.A) She told Nick that she liked her job.
She said, «We’ll go skating tomorrow”:A) She said that they would go skating the next day.
She says that American hotel managers … a very difficult job now ( have;
She sings so _______; In fact she has the most voice _____I’ve ever heard..beautifully / wonderful
She speaks .... well. She is a ....(Spanish/Spaniard)
She spoke in a low voice but I ..understand what she was saying.(Could)
She spoke very quietly, ... nobody could hear a word.C) so that
She talked ... she were in a hurryE) as though
She was born in....small Kazakh village. A
She was born on_______of May _____the second; nineteen sixty five.
She was invited to this conference ... a specialist in medicine.D)as
She went out without ...... money. Any.
She went to the cinema after she ----- had dinner.(Had)
She wondered ______scarf was mine. which
She worked____at her English pronunciation .D) hard
She’s a good student: she works.....than the others. Carefully
She'll stay with us as long as her family can do without her.How long_____ with us?.will she stay
Since 1886, the Statue of Liberty Enlightening the World has stood in New York harbour. It also commemorates American friendship for it was given by the people of...D) Spain
Since they …near the lake they can often go swimming ( live;)
Sir Walter was a proud knight, and …to think that he had to submit to the commands of a tyrant lord ( hated)
Sixteen thousand four hundred and eighty-six pound.£16.486
Smooth .smooths
Some inspiration is .... for the experiment. really essential
Somebody was waiting: a man who, though ... irregularly, was making quite a speed in my direction. C) moved
Sound travels at 330 meters per second ... light travels at 300.000 kilometers per second.C) whereas
Spaceships, aeroplanes, computers and even an Egyptian mummy are among the many … of objects in the Science Museum’s world famous collections (thousands;)
Spaceships, aeroplanes, computers are among the many_____objects in the Science Museum's world famous collection.. Thousands
Speak .. and carry a big stickE) softly
St.Basil’s Cathedral was built_____1561____the memory____the Victory______Kazan.In / in / of / over.
Students .... do their homework regularly.(Must)
Such a matter a girl can be allowed arrange for herself. (Forbidden)
Suddenly ----------- cloud grew darker.(the)
Sue and Kevin are going to the cinema. Do you want to go with ....? Them.
Sue was .... in red .... in blue dress. She was in a pink one.(Neither.....nor)
Supple the correct auxiliary verb. How -----you spend your summer vacations last year?(Did)
Supply the correct auxiliary verb. How vacations last year?E) Did
Supply the correct form of the pronoun:She hasn’t____to read in the evening.Anything
Supply the correct tense-form. Have you — forgotten a friend’s birthday?C) Ever
TableauB) tableaux
Ted will wait for ten minutes, ... he will leave.A) then
Teenagers who commit crimes … … be treated as adults and sentenced to significant punishment ( should;)
Terry has a refreshing .... approach to management. He’s much less concerned with theory than with getting things done in the most efficient way possible. Larger-than-earth
That was …case in his practice (the least difficult;)
That was nothing to do with ... we are interested in.C) what
The ... isn't interested in the finer points of the government's tax policy. They just want to know if they are going to take home more or less pay. man-down-of-the-street
The acting was poor, but we enjoyed …( the music)
The airplane goes from London to New York City without stops(non-stop)
The bees buzzed_____his head.around
The boy ... he is going to stay at home. D) says
The boy was forbidden to go out. Younger children ... stayed at home.C) likewise
The boy_____me that he______his train ticket and didn’t know how he would..had told / lost
The boy’s father promised____for the window to be repaired. to pay
The bridge … … by tomorrow morning (will have been reconstructed)
The British national anthem is based on a ... century song. It was established as such in ..,, making it the oldest in the world.A) 17-th; 1745
The city of Montreal …70 square miles. ( covers; )
The closer you are to the Equator, ..... the hotter it gets
The company is planning to produce more than four____of oil a day:million barrels
The conference began …October 18 ( on)
The damage from the rain could be....worse
The damage to the car could be …, that we expected (worse;)
The director his secretary .... the message straight away(to deliver)
The driver of the car was (serious) injured in the accident.(seriously)
The driver was requested …so fast (not to drive; )
The Easter break preceded by a «Maundy” Service at one of the country’s cathedrals, is spent at....E) Windsor Castle
The economy of .......... states contains 80% of the World’s well-being(powerfull)
The English Language developed from ... and is a . . ,. language.D) Anglo-Saxon; Germanic
The environment is already very bad and it .... worse.(Is getting)
The European experts …long…that the arms race would lead to war ( had…been warning;)
The exam was .....we expected(easier than)
The exam was fairly easy - than I expected..easier
The families were told to evacuate their houses immediately .... .when the water began to rise.
The famous Westminster Abbey was built by........D)Edward the Confessor
The fellow that agrees with everything you say is …a fool …he is getting to skin you ( either …or)
The film wasn't as good as we had expected. The film was_____disappointing
The first inhabitants of North America were...B) Indians and Eskimos
The first time Mrs. Moffat invited him to watch television with her, Simon declibed. He would rather read, he said ... she gave him a book, .. .she gave him classics.so ... but
The flats are very expensive._____student in the world could possibly afford such a high rent.No
The football game had been ....due to rain(cancelled)
The geographic position of North America, ....in the early days of the European settlement(Lying between Atlantic and the Pacific Oceans, isolated it.)
The government is doing nothing to help .....(The poor)
The government took these measures ... reduce crime.C) in order to
The helicopter took half an hour to see ... where Rebecca was but in the end it managed to reach her.A)exactly
The holiday …Thanksgiving Day is now observed on the fourth Thursday of November (called; )
The holiday____Thanksgiving Day is celebrated on the fourth Tursday of November.called
The house appeared____recently.E) to have been repaired
The inspector suspected him …the cop ( of having killed;)
The instructor had the students …the experiment over ( do;)
The job .... in the morning paper tomorrow.(Will be advertised)
The leopard …not change his sports ( can;)
The librarian asked us .....so much noise(not to make)
The main ideas were set forth in the statement which …in the press the day before (had appeared;)
The minister was taken ill in Iceland during a short....on his way back to Canada. Stopover
The most important thing… the present time is to get rid of the prejudice that only special officials can carry on the administration of the State ( at)
The mother gave her sun a shilling to spend at his discretion(indiscretion)
The name «Scotland Yard” originates from the plot of land adjoining Whitehall Palace where, in about the . . .-th century, the royalty and nobility of Scotland stayed when visiting the English Cowl.B)14
The nation’s income and productivity …enormously over the past 70 years ( have risen)
The Navy officials said that the dolphins …in salt water holding tanks ( would be kept; )
The new comers were met with hostility(Enmity)
The new engineer said ... he had worked at a factory for five yearsC) that
The news____.very depressing.Was
The nicknames of... are: the Last Frontier and Land of the Midnight Sun.D) Alaska
The number after ninety-nine is A) one hundred
The others insisted______accompanying them.on
The Pilgrims had only the belongings they …on the small ship ( had brought; )
The plural form for 'sheep' is_________.sheep
The police want ... anything suspicious.B) us to report
The power of knowledge …placed in the hands of people ( should be; )
The Prime Minister arrived …the capital on Monday ( in;)
The principal congratulated the student on his outstanding display of leadership.C) praised
The problem …is of great significance ( being discussed)
The proposal is reported … … by the committee ( to have been approved; )
The Queen of Great Britain is not …; absolute;
The real history of the period between 1688 and the middle of the 18th century … … summed up in three words: accumulation of capital ( can be)
The receptionist told Mrs Norrison that her son … for the past 24 hours ( hadn’t been seen;)
The red rose was the emblem of the ..., the white rose that of the ..., the two contending Houses for the English throne in the Wars of the Roses (1455-1485)Lancastrians; Yorkists;
The right form of the numeral 2409 is: two thousand four hundreds and nines
The sea is … unknown part of our world ( the largest;)
The Senate and the House of Representatives …approve a bill for it to become a law ( must;)
The Senate comprises lawmakers, who serve ... terms. Each state, regardless of population, has ... senators.E) six-year; two
The signal was given, and the steamer ....slowly from the dock moved
The signal was given; the steamer ..... slowly from the dock. Moving
The size of the pupil in the eye..........good indicator of a person’s interest, emotion, attitude and though processes(Is a)
The skiers would rather through the mountains than go by bus.travel by train
The sky is very dark and gloomy. It_____B) is going to rain
The southern part of Kazakhstan land is....(Mountainous)
The speaker .... the members of the government in strong terms(Was criticizing)
The speaker emphasized the need for cooperation in the project that we were about to undertake.C)accentuated
The story might be true, _ I don't think it is.....but
The story of the first Thanksgiving feast …among the Americans ( is well-known)
The student …as an apprentice to a trained worker next week ( will work; )
The students …on the Industrial Revolution at the end of the term (will be tested;)
The students said ... they wanted to go.B) that
The students stopped chatting when the teacher entered_____the room A)--
The summers here are wet ... the winters are very dry.A) while
The synonym of the baggage is:_______luggage
The teacher ___ attendance when I arrived. (was taking)
The teacher asked students: «Why haven’t you done this task?”D) The teacher asked students why they hadn’t done that task.
The teacher begged the students __ to classes the next day. (not to come)
The teacher had the Master students_____the experiment over. do
The teacher_______ attendance when I arrived.was taking
The thinilies were told to evacuate their houses immediately...E) when the water began to rise.
The thoughtless daughter has been stricken with grief.., her mother died.C) since
The total production of bushels of corn in the United States is ... all other cereal crops combined.D)More than that of
The traffic made me …as if my head would burst ( feel)
The train is standing ... platform 5. at
The Treaty of Paris was signed in September 1783. The colonies were now free but they …yet… a united nation. (had not…formed)
The view there was wonderful. If I ........a camera, I ........some photos.D) Had had / would have taken.
The war broke out in 1914. The European ruling classes …for it for 20 years. (had been preparing)
The woman was glad to recover her bag ... she thought was lost.B) which
The world sea surrounds the earth and …to us all. ( belongs;)
The_____ wants to know about the robbery..policeman
Their meal consists ___ two courses. Of.
Their______ forces soon overcame the invasion.B) powerful combined military
There __ a big supermarket on first floor now. (is)
There …not a passion so strongly rooted in the human heart as envy (is;)
There …ten pens and a magazine on the table. ( are; )
There are …parties that have nice music and pretty decorations ( few;)
There are …places of interest you can visit and enjoy in London (other)
There are flowers in the vase, (beautiful).There are beautiful flowers in the vase.
There are many______in the library.dictionaries
There are people in the group.twenty
There are______small tables near_____beds.-/ the
There is … in the garden waiting for you (a man)
There is …new under the sun ( nothing;)
There is …uniform school organization or curriculum in the USA (no)
There is a rich choice dishes.Of.
There is hardly_____milk leftE) any
There is much______ in this article.information
There is no cottage cheese______the dairy today.At.
There is too much_____in this dish.a) sugar
There is_____ to be done about it.A) nothing
There is_____traffic in Almaty.too much
There was an accident ..... the crossroads this morning. At.
There was no national election last month, …? (was there; )
There was no one else at the box office. I ..... In a queue(didn’t need to wait)
There were 375 people in the square.Three hundred and seventy five
There were many....in the park. Deer’s
There_____orange juice in the fridge.isn’t any
There___only one Xerox in the department. It’s not enough for 10 officers. (is)
There’s nothing left for him but escape, .... ?(Is there)
There’s only_____milk left. Please don’t use it all.A little.
There's _____ at the door. I heard some noise outside.somebody
These are just a few of the questions to which they … their energies (are devoting;)
These books ..... To the library.(Must be returned)
These people are____.the Germans
These plants_____three times a week. might be watered
They .... a business journal when I came(Were reading)
They ___ here for ten years and they don’t want to move. (have lived)
They are ___ talking. (still)
They are too late to get into the concert now ... the doors have already been closed.A) because
They became concerned about its effects on the people who were using it. A) after ... before
They became successful …( businessmen;)
They couldn't get____the 5 o'clock train, they had to wait for the next one. on
They covered the goods with canvas lest they_____by rain..be damaged
They didn’t have enough money to buy milk, ... they bought only eggs and bread.E) so
They directed that the buildingE) should be pulled down
They had fish hooks, so they____catch fish.a) could
They have ..... Paper than we have(less)
They informed us that they already .... the books by parcel post(Had sent)
They landed____a small airport.at
They listened to the English folk song_____by the girls.sung
They never ... to the cinema when they ... in the country.C) went ... lived
They raised the money simply .... for it. It was easy. By asking
They sell a variety of .... cheese’s
They walked on a little and then he___she____..saw, was crying
They were …business in London ( on)
They will give you some forms …( to complete;)
They wrote because they had to, and ... thought only of what they were going to write next.B)having written
They.....here for ten years and they don't want to move.have lived
Things ... are mightier than things.... E) seen ... heard
This area has turned ____ a new housing development. Into.
This bank of the river isn’t___that one. So beautiful as
This book is___mine
This flat is____than that one. but mine is____better, the best
This is …room (Jane and Mary’s;)
This is a .... purse. womans'
This is my affair and-__-- else’s.nobody
This is my___ car and this is my____house.parents’, brother’s
This is not_____car. that one is______our /ours
This is the .... bag. postman's
This is the .... place in the park(most beautifull)
This is the boj ______ sister came to see us the other dav. whose
This is_____than I expected..harder
This money is all yours.______the money was missing..None of
This name b Bob.D) man's
This negotiation will be .....(beliavable)
This real estate is sold at unbelievably _______price.lower
This room (clean) every day?(Is this room cleaned every day)
This room (clean) every day?B) Is this room cleaned?
Those two men .... about TV news.(Are speaking)
Those who couldn’t do it …TV or looking through the newspapers (were watching;)
To promote harmony between the members of your family, have photos of them around the room, ... smiling.E) preferably
Today the Committion ordered five atomic power stations …immediately (shut down)
Today the weather .... nice, but yesterday it .... cold. Is/was.
Tom .... towards the door. Quickly rans
Tom and Ann stood in front of the mirror and looked at ..... Themselves.
Tom has …finished his work. ( already;)
Tom has_____ finished his work.already
Tom is ------- the garden ------ his friend Sam.(In/with)
Transform(Turn to)
-----turn off the light.(before leaving)
Two courses of action are possible: on the one hand ________course seems correct, but on the other hand_________one seems safer..this /'that
Two Italians were … the plane when it crashed (on;)
Two men _______at this moment by police in connection with that terrible burglary. B) are being questioned
Unfortunately the driver .... the red light.(Didn’t see)
Unfortunately the train___by the time I reached the platform. Had left
Unless they improve their attitude towards the work, they …the exam (will fail;)
Unless you __ harder, you will lose your job. (Work)
Use the proper article: It was..... early autumn. C) An
Viewers …to object to the growing amount of violence on TV ( do not seem;)
We .... pupils two years ago.(Were)
We …commemorate great people ( need to; )
We …learn from the past ( must)
We …take a vacation this month ( shall not)
We can’t go along here because the road is ....(Being repaired)
We could hear .....noise of the party. The.
We could turn down the road, …? ( couldn’t we)
We decided to postpone___ party for____week.the, a
We didn’t go out____it was snowing. because
We don't have____ time to enjoy our children’s childhood.much
We had a good rest in a holiday-home, ....?(Didn’t we)
We had been diving for two hours ... Paul joined us.C)when
We hadn't got_____baseball bat, so we had to use______tennis racket. a/a
We have got_______flour at home. We can’t bake a cake. no
We prefer the letter ... by the chief. A) answered
We saw smoke .... from the chimney and were glad that somebody was .... for us. rising, waiting
We shall not begin the meeting until everybody … (comes;)
We speak about_____work every evening.Our.
We use _______ numbers with dates. C) ordinal
We use_________ numbers with names of popes.E) ordinal
We went to the theatre last night. We had seats______ the front row.E) in
We will fly to_____Paris in winter.a)--
We wouldn’t have worried ____. (if we had received the telegram for him)
We....sightseeing tomorrow. will go
We....sightseeing tomorrow. will go
We....to Ireland for our holiday last year.(Went)
We....told....a beautiful river not far away(Were/ there was)
We’ll go to Rome …bus (by; )
We’ll take …holiday ( a four-day; )
We’ve nearly run of coffee, Jane. A .... we’ve got left will be drunk tomorrow. Little
Were you______the concert yesterday? No, we worked______the library and then we went _______ the park. at/at/to
Western Scotland is fringed by the large island chain known as ... and to the north-east of the Scottish mainland are...D) the Hebrides; the Orkney and Shetland Islands;
We've nearly run of coffee, Jane. A ... we've got left will be drunk tomorrow. Little.
What ---- you doing when I rang you up?(Were)
What … his politics? - He supports the Labour Party (are;)
What …American public schools teach? ( do;)
What …have you seen at the museum ? ( else)
What …you… at 4.30 tomorrow afternoon ? ( will…be doing)
What clamber is the Upper House in the UK?(The House of Lords)
What do you see the picture?C) in
What do you usually order ___ dessert. For.
What do you want me to do with ?these
What have you been doing .... I last saw you? as
What is the largest state in the USA?(Alaska)
What is the name of the sea …England and France ? ( between)
What publishing house produces the Oxford English Dictionary?Oxford University Press
What role…G. Washington…in the American revolution ?(; did…play)
What time______a meeting about the terms of delivery?are we calling
What was done …be undone (couldn’t;)
What was the result of the dispute you …in ? ( were;)
What____to do at the end of the lesson?are you going
What’s the …news of today ? ( latest;)
What…booms and depressions in free economies? (causes; )
Whatever else the government …to undertake, its duty is to keep order in civil society ( may try)
When an organism is completely encapsulated and preserved, it becomes a fossil __ turning into evidence of things that once lived. (Thereby)
When he fell over, he broke two of his ---(teeth)
When Henry arrived home after a hard day at work ..... His wife was sleeping.
When I arrived at the party Tom had already gone home.(Who had already gone home when I arrived at the party?)
When I come ... home, I take .. my coat.D)-/off
When I went to Rome, I stayed with___ Italian friend of mine.C) an
When Jim came out of the army he … what to do ( was wondering)
When the Civil War ended traffic on the Mississippi river Mark Twain …his job as a river pilot and moved to the West ( left;)
When the lights went ___ and the curtain rose there was a storm ___ applause. Down/of.
When the monitor entered .... the classroom the students kept silent.(---)
When they came and found what …by the soldiers of Pharaoh they became angry (had been done)
When you go abroad …you attentive ( be)
When you go abroad, .... very attentive(be)
When you go through customs, your luggage may.....by a customs officer.(be cheked)
When you heat water it …(boils;)
When you’ve got flu you shouldn’t eat....Much.
When…the Civil War…? (did…end;)
Whenever she goes, she …friends ( makes)
Where ... you ... before you joined the army?E) Had . . worked.
Where .... the car? Did you park.
Where __ go yesterday? Did you had to
Where does ___walk finish?.the twenty kilometer
Where is the.....bakery? nearest
where/I/ always/ he/ works/known /have.I have always known where he works.
Where_____? Which hairdresser did you go to?did you cut your hair
Where…Washington, DC …? ( is…located;)
Which do you think is ____ : a holiday in the country or a holiday in a summer camp? more interesting
Which sentence the possessive ‘S cannot be replaced by the preposition ‘OF! in?E) Nick’s office is on the top floor.
Which suffix isn’t an adjective forming? D)-er
Which word is different ? Find it.C)To ride
Whichever attraction you decide to visit you …sure of an excellent day out ( can be;)
While …the book I came across a lot of interesting facts (studying; )
Who …America? ( discovered)
Who are party whips?E) They are party leaders who do not receive special salaries for their duties
Who was the 1st president of the USA?(G. Washington)
Who wrote «Canterbury Tales”?B)Geoffrey Chaucer
Whose camera is this? Is it.... yours
Why …the navigators…to find new trade routes in the 15th century? ( did…try)
Why did you go to the optician’s? To have my eyes tested
Will you call_____time?Another.
Will you wait ... me. I’ll come ... minute. for/in
William l l , 7th Duke of Normandy founded his dynasty …Harold l l to become William l of England ( by killing)
William the Conqueror is famous for_____ England..conquering
William the Conqueror______the Tower оf London in the 11 th century. built
Wilma asked them ... the answer was.E) what
Wise kings generally …wise councillors. ( have)
with/ bored/ new/ soon/ toys/ became/ the/ Sue.Sue became bored soon with the new toys
Would you like........coffee?Some.
Would you like_____rice. some
Yesterday I bought_____jacket and____shirt. _____jacket was cheap but_____ shirt was expensive. a / a / the / the
Yesterday our teacher asked us, «Do you read much?”Yesterday our teacher asked us if we read much
You …take care of your parents ( ought to;)
You are a good football-player. Since when …you…football ? (have …been playing;)
You are going on a long journey. …care on the motorway. ( take)
You can buy stamps at …post office. (any; )
You can find out somebody’s Phone number . in the directory. Е) by looking
You can go out ... you tell us where.A) as long as
You can see a man at the bookstall. He is buying a magazine for wife.His.
You know, we are going to ......tea with Smith today.(---)
You look very tired. You need ____holiday.D) a
You will find the news …the bottom of the newspaper (at; )
You______have come so early.needn't
You’d better take a coat_____it gets cold.A) in case
You’re off to Bangkok? What a ....! So am I.(Coincidence)
your breakfast (1), who(2), prepares (3), in the morning (4)(2/3/1/4)
Your flat is bigger than... ........walls are too high.Hers/ Its.
Your homework is exercise ____114. Do it in written form, please.C)-
Your suggestion will be put .... the board of directors at the next meeting. Before.
В двух шагах (близкo)B) at two step
Вошел еще один человек, потом ещеB) Came one more man then one
Двадцатого июля 1969 Аполлон 11 достиг своей исторической цели.(On July 20, 1969, Apollo 11 achieved his historical goal)
Двухмесячная зарплата Two month’s salary
ДезертирыА) dropouts
Доналдьу толькo десять, но он временами рассуждает как двацатилетний.A) Donald is only ten but sometimes he talks as though he were twenty
Ехать автобусом 134.E) to take the bus 134.
Команда корабля A) the ship’s crew
Нa cтpaнице 305A) on page three hundred and five
НeзабудкиB) forget-me-nots
Он сказал, что они переехали в деревню за два года до этого.A) He said they had moved to the country two years before.
Они разрешают посещать больных один раз в неделю They allow patients a one time’s visit a week
Поверхность земли.B) the earth’s surface
ПосредникиA) go-betweens
Сегодня двести восемнадцатый день года.D) Today is the two hundred eighteenth day of the year
Успех компании.the company’s success

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