Английский язык Пособие для поступающих в магистратуру, докторантуру, резидентуру и адъюнктуру

/4 kilometer ..three quarters of a kilometer 3/5 tons:Three fifth tons

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3/4 kilometer ..three quarters of a kilometer
3/5 tons:Three fifth tons
30/08(The thirtieth of August)
4*1/3 in English..four and a third
53.75 тонны fifty-three point seven five tons
53.75 тонны.A) fifty-three point seven five tons
A businessman(Businessmen)
A glass vase is made…glass ( out of;)
A good name is better …riches ( than)
A good______sleep makes feel fit. night’s
A louse(Lice)
A man is …old … he feels ( as…as;)
A man is_____ old ___he feels. as, as
A peer A) who attends a debate receives salary in addition to traveling expenses
A person who leaves for another place without permission.B) a runaway
A policeman caught the boys throwing stones _____ passing trains. E) at
A week later____I am visited by a very stylishly dressed young woman
About 85 percent of American students …public schools, which are supported by state and local taxes ( attend)
Actions speak …than words ( louder)
Adil can’t help [laugh] when he sees you. (laughing)
After .. two days .... about where .. for our holidays, we decided .. anywhere. Spending, arguing, to go, not to go
After failing his driving test four times, he finally trying to pass.C)gave up
After the alien spacecraft had hovered over the park for a short while, it vanished.B) disappeared
After the festival’s over she … a vacation with her family. ( will take; )
After.. two days ... about where .. for our holidays, we decided.. anywhere. spending, arguing, to go, not to go
Aiman came from Kazakhstan to visit Jack.____liked American television.She
All agree that the Stars and Stripes originated as the result of a resolution offered by the ..... Committee of the 2-nd Continental Congress at Philadelphia and adopted on June 14, 1777A)Marine
All children in the UK are offered vaccinations against key diseases as part of the national child-__immunization schedule. - ful
All his life he had taken pains to be . than his fellows.stronger, braver.
All historical places of London …in the West End. ( are)
All the available_____ show that the development of economy started in the East. data
All the available… show that the revolution started in the East (data;)
Alternative for the underlined word or phrase: What's the time? – It's a quarter to seven. D) 6:45
Alternative for the underlined word or phrase:What’s the time? - It’s a quarter past six.B) 6:15
Although some jobs are still dominated by one or other sex it is not because of sexual discrimination, but ... because men and women are attracted to different jobs.A) basically
Although they are both grown in the United States and exported abroad, corn is not native to America and winter wheat....(is either)
Aluminum is about 3.5 times lighter than copper.three point five
America’s first college, Harvard, …in Massachusetts in 1636 (was founded)
American institutions of higher education include technical training schools …offer programmes from hairstyling to computers ( which)
American schools for many years …federal aid for special purposes. ( have received; )
Amina-shopping-never-Sunday-on-goes.Amina never goes shopping on Sunday.
Amongst music-lovers in Britain — and indeed, in many other countries — the period between ... is a time of excitement, of anticipation, of great enthusiasm.B) July and September 21
Amongst music-lovers in Britain and indeed, in many other countries-the period between....is a time of excitement of anticipation, of great enthusiasm. July and September 21
An architect is someone________designs buildings.who
Ancient people didn’t know that the Earth …around the Sun (goes; )
And now I would like to give the floor to Dr Green, … is going to talk about “Environmental Protection” (who; )
Angela is ... good with animals.A) amazingly
Angela is ..... Good with animals.(amazingly)
Ann said: «I’ve got the wrong number”.B) Ann said that she had got the wrong number.
Answer the question using the word in brackets: Whose T-shirt is this? (Andy) It’s Andy’s
Answer the question: What are you looking forward to? I’m looking this word up
Answer the question: Which of the expressions is out of order?A) Give him a good lesson.
Answer the question:What is the largest state in the USA? E)Alaska.
Аntonym of patient ..impatient
Anyway I won't be able_____ to her wedding next month.to go
Are ( ......) clean notebooks?(These)
Are there billions …millions of stars in the Galaxy ? ( or)
Are there_____?any bananas
Are you through .....your work(With)
As If .... him I turned and stared into his face.(obeying)
As if... him I turned and stared into his face.A) obeying
As your leader I’ll tell you about our future excursions. We …by tram at nine in the morning and coming back at about seven ( shall be leaving;)
At 11 in _ morning _ weather was fine and we had _ long walk in _ park. (The/the/a/the)
At nine o’clock yesterday morning we ... for the bus.Were waiting.
At nine o’clock yesterday morning we .... for the bus. Were waiting.
At the General’s funeral we .... we would never forget our Commandant (swore)
At Woolworth's first five-and-ten-cent store,... more than a dime. Fill in the gap with the correct variant: No item cost
Axis D) axes
Bainazarov is _ ___surname.A)Ruslan's
Because they have moved away, they hardly never go to the beach anymore (hardly never)
Ben would have studied medicine if he ..... To a medical school.(had been admitted)
Ben would have studied medicine if he to a medical school.D) had been admitted
Bess is used to fly after having crossed the continent many times during the past decade (To fly)
Bob is sitting_____me____the park. next to/in
Bob wants the money. Please give ......to him.(It)
Bolat is repairing the car at____moment..this
Bright … should start school as early as possible ( children;)
Bright____ _ should start school as early as possible.childs
Bureau E)Bureaus
But Emmy is old enough _____ up her own mind, isn't she? B) to make
But for the revolution the King … ( wouldn’t have been executed)
But there was nobody now_____ for. to wait
By 1787 it was believed that the unity of states … ( would disintegrate)
By nature he was_____evil
By the 16th century a new economic system … … feudalism ( had replaced)
By the end of this century there will be 600 million people around the world …in absolute poverty ( living;)
By two o’clock the students will … …the test translation for two hours ( have been doing;)128
Can I have___stamp, please? a
-Can you come over to me on Friday? - Sorry, I’d love to, but I …for Paris tomorrow. ( am leaving; )
Can you help me----- my homework(with)
Can you turn on___ radio, please? I want to listen to some musicA) the
Change into reported speech.He said. «I get up at eight o'clock. E) He said that he got up at eight o’clock
Change into reported speech:"I will come tomorrow and finish the work,” the plumber said to grandma…The plumber promised grandma tliat he would come the next day and finish the work.
Change into reported speech:»He is ill”, I think : She thought that he was ill.
Change into reported speech:He: "Where's the airport?’’He asked me where the airport was.
Change the Direct Speech into the Indirect Speech.»I will come tomorrow and finish the work,” the worker said to me.The worker promised he would come the next day and finish the work.
Change the Direct Speech into the Indirect Speech.»I will come tomorrow and finish the work,” the worker said to me.E) The worker promised he would come the next day and finish the work.
Choose the necessary form: He said he would rather die than .... . surrender.
Choose an antonym to: Attend (to miss classes)
Choose an antonym to:Attend (v)to miss classes
Choose an appropriate preposition: Cats are afraid.....dogs. Of
Choose an appropriate preposition:We are proud ... our country.Of.
Choose antonym to the underlined words.The mother gave her sun a shilling to spend at his discretion.D)Indiscretion
Choose antonyms to the underlined words.Such a matter a girl can be allowed to arrange for herself.Forbidden
Choose live correct sentence: You’re out of breath. _?Have you been running?
Choose one alternative for the underlined word or phrase: What's the time? - It's a quarter to seven.(6:45)
Choose one alternative for the underlined word or phrase:What's the time? - It's a quarter to seven.6:45
Choose right variant: Who .... Phil with his homework?( does help)
Choose the lexically correct equivalent for the Russian 'еще' They are ... talking.Still
Choose the adjective: Change.
Choose the adjective: Change.
Choose the antonym to the word: Work Relax.
Choose the antonym to the word: Slow Fast
Choose the antonym to the word: Work Relax
Choose the antonyms to the underlined words. Such a matter a girl can be allowed to arrange for himself.B)Forbidden
Choose the appropriate form:... an orphan at six, he was brought up by a distant relative.Being.
Choose the appropriate form:........the invitation, I felt a sense of relief.Having sent.
Choose the appropriate form:........with great force the stone reached the opposite bank.) Being thrown.
Choose the appropriate form:....with great force the stone reached the opposite bank.Being thrown.
Choose the appropriate form:A lot depends on........the mistakes at once.Your pointing out.
Choose the appropriate form:Do you object to........here?Our smoking.
Choose the appropriate form:Don’t worry ........ I’m late tonight. C) If .
Choose the appropriate form:He is in the habit of.........before breakfast.Smoking.
Choose the appropriate form:He seems.........something.To be writing.
Choose the appropriate form:He wanted the arrangements........early in the month.To be completed.
Choose the appropriate form:He was very sorry so many lessons just before the exam.To have missed.
Choose the appropriate form:He was very sorry.........so many lessons just before the exam.To have missed.
Choose the appropriate form:I can’t remember my father.........of the book.Having talked.
Choose the appropriate form:I can’t understand ... children like that.Neglecting.
Choose the appropriate form:I don’t remember............him before.Having seen.
Choose the appropriate form:I have known him.........three years. For.
Choose the appropriate form:I remembered.........the door when I left but I forgot to shut the windows.Having locked.
Choose the appropriate form:I wrote him a friendly letter......him for his help.Thanking.
Choose the appropriate form:I’m going to Paris for a meeting next week. I........ come the same day. It depends on how long the meeting goes on.Might.
Choose the appropriate form:It has been raining........lunch time.Since.
Choose the appropriate form:Letters........by my sister are difficult to read.Written
Choose the appropriate form:Please forgive me ....to you.Not writing.
Choose the appropriate form:She does not want .........in the rain.To be caught.
Choose the appropriate form:She does not want in the rain.To be caught.
Choose the appropriate form:Some people do not like plays from novels.Taken.
Choose the appropriate form:Stones into the water go to the bottom.Thrown.
Choose the appropriate form:The answer........from the sellers greatly surprised us.Received.
Choose the appropriate form:There are a lot of nice ... in our country.Cities.
Choose the appropriate form:There is ... at the door.Anyone.
Choose the appropriate form:There is ... to eat.Nothing.
Choose the appropriate form:Those ... hats are on the table.Men’s.
Choose the appropriate form:We were interested in .... other people, no matter where we met them. Knowing.
Choose the appropriate form:We were interested in.........other people, no matter where we met them.Knowing.
Choose the best answer. I have been late for school.Never
Choose the best word or phrase. Huygens' astronomical observations required an exact means of measuring time, and he was .... led in 1656 to invent the pendulum clock(thus)
Choose the best word or phrase.Huygens' astronomical observations required an exact means of measuring time, and he was ... led in 1656 to invent the pendulum clock.thus
Choose the corect preposition: I caught a cold____waiting for you outdoors for an hour.D)after
choose the correct form of the adjective....idea(sensible)
Choose the correct adverb to complete the sentence:Scott and Tracy have only met once before. They ... know each other.hardly
Choose the correct adverbs to complete the sentence: It's a .... cheap restaurant and the food is .... good.(reasonably, extremely)
Choose the correct adverbs to complete the sentence:It's a ... cheap restaurant and the food is ... good.reasonably, extremely
Choose the correct answer _______do you get to the University? By bus.How.
Choose the correct answer There are plans____a lottery system for school places.to extend
Choose the correct answer. He ___ read at the age of four. Could.
Choose the correct answer. peter is .... in the class. The tallest
Choose the correct answer. We _______ have dinner in the restaurant. Do not.
Choose the correct answer. __ people don't like rock music. An.
Choose the correct answer. ___ do you get to the University? By bus. How
Choose the correct answer. ____ TV-set is good. His.
Choose the correct answer. ____ you have dinner at this time every evening? Do.
Choose the correct answer. _____ do you go on Sunday? To the library. Where.
Choose the correct answer. ____people don’t like rock music. Some.
Choose the correct answer. Adults have to give young people responsibility ... their own decisions. For making
Choose the correct answer. Can you help me ___my homework? With
Choose the correct answer. He .... the work on time if he uses this updated application. Will finish.
Choose the correct answer. I want to stay ___home this evening.At
Choose the correct answer. Look at ­­­­____ beautiful flowers! Those.
Choose the correct answer. My brother works at an office. He.
Choose the correct answer. My mother ___ my favourite dish tomorrow. Will cook.
Choose the correct answer. She serves people .... food and drink. With.
Choose the correct answer. The desire to write has nothing ... with business..to do
Choose the correct answer. The desire to write has nothing ... with business. to do
Choose the correct answer. The exams _____ be next month. Will.
Choose the correct answer. The snow had ceased......,.and the patrols could easily find the tracks..falling
Choose the correct answer. They have ___ butter. Some.
Choose the correct answer. We ... our English exam from 1 to 3 o'clock tomorrow..will be taking
Choose the correct answer. Who ___ Jane meet? Did.
Choose the correct answer........ I a doctor?A) Am.
Choose the correct answer..We went____Prague last year. To
Choose the correct answer.____ listening to pop music?who likes
Choose the correct answer.____ time does the News start? At 8.00 o’clock.E)What.
Choose the correct answer._____ people don’t like rock music. An.
Choose the correct answer.________people don’t like rock music.Some.
Choose the correct answer._______is one of the most popular sports in the world…Skating
Choose the correct answer.______do you go on Sunday? To the library.Where.
Choose the correct answer.______you have dinner at this time every evening?Do.
Choose the correct answer.____TV-set is good. His
Choose the correct answer.Can you help me____ my homework?B) With.
Choose the correct answer.Could you lend me____ money? some
Choose the correct answer.He the work if you help him. B) Will finish.
Choose the correct answer.He the work if you help him.E) Will finish.
Choose the correct answer.He.....read at the age of four.Could.
Choose the correct answer.He___the work on time if he uses this updated application. Will finish
Choose the correct answer.His father is______ lawyer.D)A.
Choose the correct answer.How many cars... in the accidents on this rood.have been damaged
Choose the correct answer.I saw the professor....the lab. Enter.
Choose the correct answer.I want to stay ______ home this evening.A)At.
Choose the correct answer.I want to stay___home this evening.At.
Choose the correct answer.I wrote to her but________letters never arrived.The.
Choose the correct answer.I’m afraid I____ renew the book for another fortnight tomorrow. I haven’t finished reading it yet.will have to
Choose the correct answer.Look this photo _____my girlfriend.B) At/of
Choose the correct answer.Look at____ beautiful flowers!Those
Choose the correct answer.Mv brother works at an office.He.
Choose the correct answer.Peter is_____in the class.The tallest.
Choose the correct answer.Peter is___in the class. The tallest
Choose the correct answer.Please come______my party-----Saturday.To/on.
Choose the correct answer.Please come__my party __ Saturday.A) To/on.
Choose the correct answer.She looks ... passengers.B) After.
Choose the correct answer.She serves people ____ food and drink. With.
Choose the correct answer.She serves people _______food and drink.D) With.
Choose the correct answer.Some new metro stations m Moscow now. are being built
Choose the correct answer.Suddenly _________cloud grew darker.B)The.
Choose the correct answer.Suddenly____cloud grew darker.The.
Choose the correct answer.Take bags into the kitchen.These.
Choose the correct answer.The British are living longer____ever thanks to better Healthcare.than
Choose the correct answer.The exams____be next month. Will.
Choose the correct answer.The horse jumped_____ the fence.....over
Choose the correct answer.The phone is ____ the computer.D) Next to.
Choose the correct answer.The train arrives _____ Rome 4 p.m.E) in/at.
Choose the correct answer.They have______butter.Some.
Choose the correct answer.They____to Madrid at five yesterday evening…flew
Choose the correct answer.Tom is_______ the garden _______ his friend Sam.B) In/with.
Choose the correct answer.We _____have dinner in the restaurant. Do not
Choose the correct answer.-What .....you doing when I rang you up?A)Were.
Choose the correct answer.What language____at the moment? is she speaking
Choose the correct answer.What____?- He’s a doctor..does your father do
Choose the correct answer.What____you doing when I rang you up?Were.
Choose the correct answer.Who Jane meet?Did.
Choose the correct answer.You ______to be in a hurry. You still got plenty of time.B) needn’t
Choose the correct answer:
Choose the correct answer: Mr Sandford ... his son is going to London. Says
Choose the correct answer: _____dictionary is that?E) whose
Choose the correct answer: ____his voice she ran to mee him.Heard
Choose the correct answer: A pessimist is a person who always expects bad things to ____ . Happen
Choose the correct answer: Avoid all risks______you are quite sure of where you stand.before
Choose the correct answer: Do you know____man? that
Choose the correct answer: He defended_____bravely. himself
Choose the correct answer: He got malaria while___ in Africa.travelling
Choose the correct answer: He had to go ______university. Back to
Choose the correct answer: He promised he would return the book as soon as he ....(had read)
Choose the correct answer: He sat at the table.____ . A)to think
Choose the correct answer:-------- I a doctor?(Am)
Choose the correct answer: I scored 60% in the exam_____Anita scored 7% more than the this year…while
Choose the correct answer: I’m afraid I_____renew the book for another fortnight tomorrow.
Choose the correct answer: Linda asked me _____down as the road was dangerous..to slow
Choose the correct answer: Mary asked me if I___where Jane ___knew, lived
Choose the correct answer: Mr Sandrof ....his son is going to London. Says
Choose the correct answer: My children _____my birthday. usually don’t forget
Choose the correct answer: Oh,____ I go with you..could
Choose the correct answer: Scientists claim that oil pollution is now ....cause of death among sea birds. The most common
Choose the correct answer: The guests were expected____ in a couple of weeks.A) to arrive
Choose the correct answer: This song is very popular, you I’ll hear it____everywhere
Choose the correct answer: When we entered the hall, the wall____bright yellow by a modern
Choose the correct answer: You ... have rung me up when you arrived. I had been waiting for you for a month. might
Choose the correct answer: _____the classroom, he found all the pupils sitting at their desk' and revising their homework.Entering
Choose the correct answer: ____came here yesterday?who
Choose the correct answer:_____ are you speaking about?What
Choose the correct answer:_____, the runner sprinted over the line. A) Though he was tired
Choose the correct answer:______written this letter today?Who has
Choose the correct answer:_____English or geography today?B) have we got
Choose the correct answer:_____far is it from here?how
Choose the correct answer:_____in him overweighs the bad. the good
Choose the correct answer:_____Js one ol the most popular sports in the world.Skating
Choose the correct answer:_____the classroom, he found all the pupils sitting at their desks and revising their homework..Entering
Choose the correct answer:____touch this!E) Do not
Choose the correct answer:____was he speaking about? what
Choose the correct answer:1,000 children in this city in a few years.-will be born
Choose the correct answer:1,000 children in this city______ in a few years.A) will be born
Choose the correct answer:Bob, ____is my mother..this
Choose the correct answer:He got malaria while in Africa. travelling
Choose the correct answer:He promised he would return the book as soon as he.....B) had read
Choose the correct answer:He sat at the table____thinking
Choose the correct answer:He thought that the professor ... from the University in 1944.B) Had graduated.
Choose the correct answer:How many cars........ in the accidents on this road so far? have been damaged
Choose the correct answer:I don’t like____music.this
Choose the correct answer:I think you ... tell him everything you know the sooner the better.E) should
Choose the correct answer:I wonder if you ... lend me two hundred dollars.could
Choose the correct answer:In the coming few weeks, financial markets the 1930s.will face
Choose the correct answer:It is worth ....... that the Irish were given a vote on enlargement.remembering
Choose the correct answer:Last year my friends and I ______to take part in a TV program. were invited Choose the correct answer:I'm not sure but they .. the day before yesterday. might have left.
Choose the correct answer:Look at the picture ____the wall. on
Choose the correct answer:Lydia liked her new house..but she didn’t like the front yard. ^
Choose the correct answer:My little daughter_____ her classes at 10:00.starts
Choose the correct answer:My sister loves cookies,_____but 1 love ice-cream,
Choose the correct answer:Never_____such a nice and peaceful scene! have I seen
Choose the correct answer:She looks .....passangers(After)
Choose the correct answer:The British____ for improvement of living conditions for many years.have been waiting
Choose the correct answer:The guests were expected____in a couple of weeks. to arrive
Choose the correct answer:This child_____for his classes.is often late
Choose the correct answer:This is not my pencil.____is blue. mine
Choose the correct answer:We ________of it.have never heard
Choose the correct answer:We can go to the cinema, ..so we can get something to eat.
Choose the correct answer:Where .. the car?C) Did you park.
Choose the correct answer:You love him,____but he hates you.
Choose the correct answer;
Choose the correct answer;The runner____ fast.runs
Choose the correct answer_____are you late again?Why
Choose the correct answers. What are you doing this evening? C) I am going to the cinema
Choose the correct article.I think she needs....vitamins for better recovery. A
Choose the correct article.You know, we are going..... to tea with the Smiths today. B) -
Choose the correct auxiliary verb:.....she cook breakfast every morning?B) Does.
Choose the correct conjunction
Choose the correct English variant:My sister speaks English. Я тоже.So do I
Choose the correct English variant:My sister speaks English. Я тоже.B) So do I
Choose the correct form of pronoun. I wanted to find some coffee___but there was in the house. .A) none
Choose the correct form of pronoun._____of you is Dr. Brian? I have a message for you.Which
Choose the correct form of pronoun.___is perfect. we a11 make mistakes. No one
Choose the correct form of pronoun.I’d like to try one of____shirts on.A) those
Choose the correct form of pronoun.Some students speak English slowly, but there are____students wh fluently. other
Choose the correct form of reading. «30/08”. D) The thirtieth of August.
Choose the correct form of the adjective. Kyzylorda is a town than Shymkent. D)Less industrial
Choose the correct form of the adjective. The economy of states contains 80% of the World’s well-being.D) Powerful
Choose the correct form of the adjective. The southern part of Kazakhstan land is.... B)
Choose the correct form of the adjective. This negotiation will be........ B) Believable
Choose the correct form of the adjective..... idea C) Sensible
Choose the correct form of the adjective.Kyzylorda is a........town than Shymkent.Less industrial
Choose the correct form of the adverb. Nobody can understand his French as he speaks....Most fast
Choose the correct form of the article. I live _____ Abai street. One
Choose the correct form of the Infinitive: I can't go out now. I'm waiting .A) for my son coming
Choose the correct form of the Infinitive:I can't go out now. I'm waiting_____.for my son to come
Choose the correct form of the numeral « in 1969E) In nineteen-sixty-nine.
Choose the correct form of the verb He ..... Interviewed at the moment. Is being
Choose the correct form of the verb. I remember ....to the mountains with my friends when I was a schoolboy. Went
Choose the correct form of the verb. I saw Mary .... the street. Crossing.
Choose the correct form of the verb. My mother let me ..... To the cinema with my friends. Went.
Choose the correct form of the verb: Bye. We _____ of you! D) will be thinking
Choose the correct form:She ate ... anythinq because she didn't feel hunqry.Hardly.
Choose the correct forms to complete the sentence:Dad, can you mend this for me? I can’t, sorry. Ask Mum. She____ it for you.C) will do
Choose the correct modal verb.You’re always at home You___go out more often..should
Choose the correct modal verb:I am feeling sick. I______eaten so much ice cream last night.shouldn't have
Choose the correct modal verb:I have not been ... to sleep recently.A) Able.
Choose the correct modal verb:You seldom go out. You _______take walks more often.should
Choose the correct modal verb:You're always at home. You____go out more often.should
Choose the correct plural form:E)oxen
Choose the correct possessive case of the noun:E) Children’s toys
Choose the correct preposition: Jane wanted to get a brooch ... the shape of a horseshoe.A)in
Choose the correct preposition:Fill in the correct preposition or adverb:My brother goes ...sports.In for
Choose the correct preposition:I usually have my holiday ... summer.In.
Choose the correct preposition:Jane wanted to get a brooch ... the shape of a horseshoe.in
Choose the correct pronoun : Are (....) clean notebooks? D) These
Choose the correct pronoun:Mr. Jones, the broker about... I told ... has come.Whom / you.
Choose the correct sentence. I know the Prime Minister well.
Choose the correct sentence..They have already sold their car.
Choose the correct sentence:B) We walked together to the end of the garden.
Choose the correct sentence:enough food /have / to stay / we / in the camp / one more day /didn't.We didn't have enough food to stay in the camp one more day.
Choose the correct sentence:is/ badly / a / new / playground / our children / needed / for..A new playground is badly needed for our children
Choose the correct sentence:three times/ come / this month/ us / he / to see / has…He has come to see us three times this month.
Choose the correct suffix to form the correct noun from the adjective «weak”( –ness)
Choose the correct suffix to form the correct noun from the adjective.weak .-ness
Choose the correct variant (I wish I had more help)
Choose the correct variant ---British drink far too much tea.The
Choose the correct variant of prefix: Her shyness was a .... advantage in a company.(Dis-)
Choose the correct variant of prefix:Her shyness was a ... advantage in a company.’Dis-.
Choose the correct variant of sentence in indirect speech.»Can you come tomorrow?” He asked ... the next day.C) If I could come.
Choose the correct variant of the sentence:»Don’t make such noise, will you?” the man said to him. A) The man asked him not to make so much noise.
Choose the correct variant.I wish I had more help
Choose the correct variant.You won’t get there in time ___you hurry.though
Choose the correct variant: mice
Choose the correct variant: Do ... know the young man ... name is Patrick? You I whose.
Choose the correct variant: I . . . to meet her in the library today. Am.
Choose the correct variant: I drink .... fruit juice. A lot of.
Choose the correct variant: I felt somebody ... ray shoulders. Patting.
Choose the correct variant: We were very tired. We went all the way ... foot. On.
Choose the correct variant: ___, he decided to go to the Far East. When he was graduating to the university
Choose the correct variant: _____, he decided to go to the Far East. When he was graduating to the university
Choose the correct variant: Adrian takes no interest in clothes. He'll wear ....(anything )
Choose the correct variant: After her famous husband’s death, Eleanor Roosevelt continued _________ for peace. B) Working.
Choose the correct variant: Alice ..... Her mother in London most weekends. Sees
Choose the correct variant: California relies heavily on income from fruit crops, and------(So does Florida)
Choose the correct variant: Do .... know the young man .... name is Patrick? You/whose
Choose the correct variant: He makes me____. Laugh
Choose the correct variant: He....for me for 20 minutes at the entrance to the theatre. Waits
Choose the correct variant: How do you usually get to the....underground station? Nearest
Choose the correct variant: I .... to meet her in the library today. Am
Choose the correct variant: I asked him....E) Not to go away.
Choose the correct variant: I cannot excuse you, unless you....me what the problem is. Speak
Choose the correct variant: I chanced .... Mary in the street yesterday. To meet
Choose the correct variant: I don’t like her. She always ....Complains
Choose the correct variant: I drink ..... Fruit juice. A lot of
Choose the correct variant: I felt somebody .... my shoulders. Patting
Choose the correct variant: I had very .... friends at the University. Few
Choose the correct variant: I like working with computers. Neither I like.
Choose the correct variant: I’d like two______, please.bottles of lemonade
Choose the correct variant: John is good at tennis but Richards is___.Better
Choose the correct variant: mice
Choose the correct variant: My watch is .... minutes fast. B) ten
Choose the correct variant: She ......... a small girl. Looks like
Choose the correct variant: Something has gone ... with my iron.C) Wrong
Choose the correct variant: The news .... so shocking. Was
Choose the correct variant: They can’t have___more strawberries. I want___to make jam. Any, some
Choose the correct variant: They have ... paper than we have. A) Less.
Choose the correct variant: We .... pupils two years ago. Were
Choose the correct variant: We were very tired. We went all the way .... foot. On
Choose the correct variant: Who .... questions? Had been
Choose the correct variant: Why....your clothes so dirty? Are
Choose the correct variant: You’re off to Bangkok, you say? What a ... ! So am I. D) Coincidence.
Choose the correct variant:... winter came, the days became shorter.as
Choose the correct variant:.... winter came, the days became shorter.(as)
Choose the correct variant:.He ... for me for 20 minutes at the entrance to the theatre.E) Has been waiting
Choose the correct variant:____ British drink far too much tea (The)
Choose the correct variant:Adrian takes no interest in clothes. He'll wear ... anything
Choose the correct variant:Bob wants the money. Please give ... to him. E) It.
Choose the correct variant:California relies heavily on income from fruit crops, and.So does Florida.
Choose the correct variant:Eleven thousand nine hundred and thirty-four.11934.
Choose the correct variant:Everyone in the group shook hands with ...each other
Choose the correct variant:Extraordinary abilities in mathematics ... in the boy, so he was transferred to the mathematical school. E) Had been displayed.
Choose the correct variant:Harry didn't think the book was very interest....-ing
Choose the correct variant:He has been unemployed ... he left college.Since.
Choose the correct variant:He made Ann _____the letter. C) Write.
Choose the correct variant:He made Ann___ the letter.Write.
Choose the correct variant:He makes me A) Laugh.
Choose the correct variant:He makes me_____.Laugh.
Choose the correct variant:He speaks as if he .........London himself. E) had visited
Choose the correct variant:He... for me for 20 minutes at the entrance to the theatre.Has been waiting
Choose the correct variant:How do you usually get to the ... underground station?Nearest.
Choose the correct variant:I am not acquainted with Wales customs.... I.C) Neither am.
Choose the correct variant:I asked him ....Not to go away.
Choose the correct variant:I asked the director---to do it.whether he would be able.
Choose the correct variant:I don't like this fish. It's not very well cook....-ed
Choose the correct variant:I have got ... pencils. I can give you..... .C) Many, some
Choose the correct variant:I just had to take the dog out ... of the awful weather.A) In spite
Choose the correct variant:I like working with computers.So do I.
Choose the correct variant:I thought that she ... that he ... the first place in the chess tournament?Knew; had taken.
Choose the correct variant:If it .... rain we .... to the forest to gather some mushrooms.(does not / will go)
Choose the correct variant:I'm hungry. If only I ... a sandwich with me.had
Choose the correct variant:It’s high time we ... the report for consideration.B) have submitted
Choose the correct variant:Janet was out of breath because.... D) she’d been running
Choose the correct variant:Let ... fly to China next week. C) Us.
Choose the correct variant:Please remember: traffic ... Britain keeps ... the left!D) In/to.
Choose the correct variant:Please, add ... more tea in my cup.C) Some
Choose the correct variant:She always ... him since he started working here. B) Has trusted.
Choose the correct variant:She asked: "What is your name?"She asked what my name was
Choose the correct variant:She asked: « What is your name?”(She asked what my name was)
Choose the correct variant:She likes living in a warm climate.......? D) Doesn’t she.
Choose the correct variant:She was invited to this conference ... a specialist in medicine.As.
Choose the correct variant:Someone suggested______for a walk. going
Choose the correct variant:Something has gone ....with my iron.(wrong)
Choose the correct variant:The director told his secretary ... the message straight away.To deliver.
Choose the correct variant:The football game had been ... due to rain.E) Cancelled.
Choose the correct variant:The librarian asked us ... so much noise. E) not to make
Choose the correct variant:The size of the pupil in the eye — good indicator of a person’s interest, emotion, attitude and thought processes. A) is a.
Choose the correct variant:The southern part of Kazakhstan land is ...Mountainous
Choose the correct variant:The speaker ... the members of the government in strong terms.E)Was criticizing.
Choose the correct variant:The teacher begged the students____to classes the next day.Not to come.
Choose the correct variant:There.....only one Xerox in the department. It's not enough for 10 officers.is
Choose the correct variant:They have ... paper than we have.Less.
Choose the correct variant:Walking mountains is sometimes a ... trip.Dangerous
Choose the correct variant:What... the news?Is.
Choose the correct variant:When you go abroad, ... very attentive.D)be
Choose the correct variant:You're off to Bangkok, you say? What a ... ! So am I.Coincidence.
Choose the correct verb form. The story Thanksgiving feast ____well-known among the Americans.is
Choose the correct verb form:
Choose the correct verb form: ____, the goods arrived in good condition. Being packed
Choose the correct verb form: Aidar can remember____hands with Dastan. but he doesn,t remember the other guests. A) shaking
Choose the correct verb form: He couldn't remember where he____his car.D) had parked
Choose the correct verb form: Karim____Almaty in the morning A) is leaving for
Choose the correct verb form: She will come ....soon
Choose the correct verb form: The two houses belong to the same family. It____ that there is a secret.. tunnel between them.E) is said
Choose the correct verb form: We____by a loud noise during the night. were woken up
Choose the correct verb form:_____a hotel, we looked for somewhere to have dinner ..Having found
Choose the correct verb form:_____the English language well, he can translate newspaper articles without a dictionary.Knowing
Choose the correct verb form:Anna____never been to England.E)has
Choose the correct verb form:At this time next week I______a report on environment pollution issues at a conference in Geneva.will be giving
Choose the correct verb form:Harry______very hard this term. He's sure to fail his exam!.hasn't studied
Choose the correct verb form:He ... the best student of the first course.A)Is.
Choose the correct verb form:He grew a beard but now he ... it off.C) Has shaved.
Choose the correct verb form:His hair is so wet. He...... a shower.D) Has just had.
Choose the correct verb- form:I (to speak) to the dean before I went home.C) Had spoken.
Choose the correct verb form:I . . . lunch in the cafeteria every day.C) Have.
Choose the correct verb form:I ... to the engineer before I read the article about him in the newspaper.D) Had spoken.
Choose the correct verb form:I don’t enjoy_____very much. driving
Choose the correct verb form:I enjoyed applying for jobs, but I didn’t dare ... that I would get one..to hope.
Choose the correct verb form:I enjoyed applying for jobs, but I didn't dare ... that I would get one.to hope
Choose the correct verb form:I______hungry. I always______hungry in the afternoon. Am getting; get
Choose the correct verb form:In the course of more than 200 years the USA Constitution_____26 times..has been amended
Choose the correct verb form:In two weeks our group ... to Borovoye. C) Is going.
Choose the correct verb form:Jane is back home now. She_____ to Italy.D) has been
Choose the correct verb form:Look at those black clouds. It.______is going to rain
Choose the correct verb form:Martin seems_____his new job now.to be enjoying
Choose the correct verb form:She ... Helen when she was walking along the street. .E) Met.
Choose the correct verb form:She spoke in a low voice but I ... understand what she was saying.B) Could.
Choose the correct verb form:The job ... in the morning paper tomorrow.C) Will be advertised.
Choose the correct verb form:The research_____out now is very important.being carried
Choose the correct verb form:They ... a business journal when I came.D) Were reading.
Choose the correct verb form:They informed us that they already ... the books by parcel post.D) Had sent.
Choose the correct verb form:Those two men . . . about TV news.D) Are speaking.
Choose the correct verb form:Unfortunately the driver.., the red light.A) Didn’t see.
Choose the correct verb form:We ... pupils two years ago.C) Were.
Choose the correct verb form:Written messages ____os soon as the headquarters___ on order..will be sent, issues
Choose the correct verb forms: These little girls .... when their brothers .... with them. Like, play
Choose the correct verb from: There ... a lot of people in the theatre yesterday. Were.
Choose the correct verb torn: ' They didn’t understand me, I realized that I_____the wrong word…..must have used
Choose the correct word: I hate ___early in the morning. getting up.
Choose the correct word:I Don’t ( забудь ) your copy-book at home! B)Leave
Choose the correct word:She speaks ... well. She is a..... A) Spanish / Spaniard
Choose the correct word;I hate______ early in the morning…getting up
Choose the equivalent sentence to the following one. Use the right form of the Infinitive:Mу teacher didn't let me leave early.My teacher forbade me to leave early.
Choose the list of uncountable nouns:D) money, information, luggage
Choose the necessary form:Are you going to the bank? — No, I’ve already.........to the bank.Been.
Choose the necessary form:He said he would rather die than.Surrender.
Choose the necessary form:He worked hard at school last term but he........hard this term.Hasn’t worked.
Choose the necessary form:He your address and that’s why he doesn’t write to you.May have lost.
Choose the necessary form:He............come to Moscow this summer.May.
Choose the necessary form:I don’t regret......... like this and if I had a chance to start again I... a single moment.To live \ wouldn’t change.
Choose the necessary form:I haven’t had a good meal........last Tuesday.Since.
Choose the necessary form:I tried........why I was so late, but she didn’t listen.To explain.
Choose the necessary form:I... with her words and couldn’t say «no”.Was flattered.
Choose the necessary form:My ... hurts me a lot.Tooth.
Choose the necessary form:We haven t........each other........a long time.Seen \ for.
Choose the necessary from: He .... come to Moscow this summer. May.
Choose the one alternative for the underlined word or phrase: How much is a chicken sandwich and a mineral water? – ₤2.80 D) two pounds eighty
Choose the one alternative for the underlined word or phrase: This computer costs eleven thousand and forty dollars.D) $11,040
Choose the one alternative that best completes the sentence:There ... a big supermarket on the first floor now.is
Choose the opposite to the given word: Light. Dark
Choose the opposite to: Fast. Slow
Choose the opposite:Open the door!Do not open the door!
Choose the preposition, which completes the sentence best:What are you laughing____A) at
Choose the proper answer:When an organism is completely encapsulated and preserved, it becomes a fossil____turning into evidence of things that once lived.Thereby
Choose the proper article: Her birthday is on __first day of spring. An
Choose the proper preposition to complete the sentence..It was early afternoon____very dark outside, the lamp, had already been turned on..but/and
Choose the proper synonym to the given word:funny.Jolly.
Choose the proper verb form:I really enjoyed the disco. It was great....?C) wasn’t it
Choose the right tense –from: What did you do last Tuesday? We .... a dictation. Wrote.
Choose the right answer. My watch is ... minutes fast.A)Ten
Choose the right answer.Christmas Day is celebrated... C) December, 25.
Choose the right answer: My watch is ....minutes fast(ten)
Choose the right answer:Kazakhstan borders on ....Russia and China
Choose the right articles:.... actors taking part in the play are called ... cast.A) the, the
Choose the right conjunction.I saw many places of interest____ I was in Washington.when
Choose the right form of plural: phenomenon.Phenomena.
Choose the right form of the numeral «в1969 году”: C) In nineteen-sixty-nine.
Choose the right form of the numeral 1/2 one half
Choose the right form of the numeral 2409…two thousand four hundred and nine
Choose the right form of the numeral 5/6..five sixths
Choose the right form of the verb be: There ....(be) a school here in 1990. Was
Choose the right form of the verbs: ....he .. .(read) this book yet? D) Has he read.
Choose the right form of the verbs: ....you.....TV?- No, you can turn it offC) Are ... watching.
Choose the right form of the verbs: If Dad ... (buy) a new car, we .... (go) to the sea-side by car next summer. buys, will go.
Choose the right form of the verbs: If you wore your new suit, you ... smart. Look.
Choose the right form of the verbs:... he .. .(read) this book yet?Has he read.
Choose the right form of the verbs:....you....TV? – No, you can turn it off.(Are ....whatching)
Choose the right form of the verbs:I am right,......?Aren’t I.
Choose the right form of the verbs:I am right....., .....? D)Am not I.
Choose the right form of the verbs:If Dad ... (buy) a new car, we........(go) to the sea-side by car next summer.C)Buys, will go.
Choose the right form: I think you behaved very ______________. (selfish) D) selfishly
Choose the right form: She ate (hard) anything because she didn't feel hungry. Hardly.
Choose the right form: The teacher said to the students, “_____your books”.Open
Choose the right form:He knows English (good) than his sister.E) Better.
Choose the right form:Mike keeps fit by playing tennis_____. (regularly)E) regularly
Choose the right form:This is the ... place in the park. B) Most beautiful.
Choose the right passive form of the verbs Regular conferences.... .... at this company every year.C)Are held.
Choose the right passive form of the verbs.When you go through customs, your luggage may...........by a customs officer. B) Be checked.
Choose the right preposition.I'll show you the film____the end of the term…at
Choose the right preposition.The government has introduced a new tax___luxury goods. For
Choose the right preposition: What do you press your clothes ....? With.
Choose the right preposition: I,ll show you the film____the end of.....at
Choose the right preposition:Are you through . . - your work?B) With
Choose the right preposition:Don't forget to shake the snow ... your coat.off
Choose the right preposition:Let me tell you how to get .....our place. C) To.
Choose the right preposition:The button has come ... my coal.off
Choose the right preposition:What do you press your clothes ...?with
Choose the right preposition; The button has come ... my coat. Off
Choose the right preposition; The button has come .... my coat. Off
Choose the right question:She lost her umbrella.B) What did she lose?
Choose the right question:When I arrived at the party Tom had already gone home.C) Who had already gone home when I arrived at the party?
Choose the right sentence:I was afraid of being late_______so I decided to hurry
Choose the right synonym to the given word: to arrive To come
Choose the right synonyms to the underlined words. On that day the sea was delightful E) Terrific
Choose the right synonyms to the underlined words. The newcomers were met with hostility.C) Enmity
Choose the right synonyms to the underlined words.These methods answer our purpose completely.(Aim)
Choose the right synonyms to the underlined words.These methods answer our purposes completely.D) Aim
Choose the right tense-form:What did you do last Tuesday? We ... a dictation.Wrote
Choose the right translation: Baм бы лучше остаться дома.D) You had better stay at home
Choose the right variant of a question: You take your tea with toastr or cakes?
Choose the right variant of Plural: Applause.E) applause
Choose the right variant: 2.035.325 wordsE) two million, thirty-five thousand, three hundred and twenty-five
Choose the right variant: According to Ushinsky «life without serious work can neither be worthy nor .... Happy
Choose the right variant: Adil cant help (laugh) when he sees you.laughing
Choose the right variant: Almas has got .... apple. An
Choose the right variant: At 11 in ... morning ... weather was fine and we had ... long walk in ... parkThe / the / a / the.
Choose the right variant: At the General’s funeral we ... we would never forget our Commandant.A) Swore.
Choose the right variant: Can I turn off the TV?” « .... it?”C) Are they watching
Choose the right variant: Do I have to get ready now? -Yes, it's time we.....Went.
Choose the right variant: Don’t you wish you had come earlier?
Choose the right variant: Excuse me, sir. I’m..... stranger here.A) A
Choose the right variant: Great Britain and Ireland are separated by the..... E) Irish Sea.
Choose the right variant: He always feels. . . when he comes to his native town.E)Happy
Choose the right variant: He comes home very....A) Late
Choose the right variant: He drove (careful) along the narrow road.A) Carefully.
Choose the right variant: He prefers coffee... cocoa.To
Choose the right variant: He will be the first ___ and the last to go. To come.
Choose the right variant: I could do it today if I had any free time
Choose the right variant: I didn’t like it in the city at first. But now ... here,was..I’m used to living.
Choose the right variant: I don’t think he trusted me. He looked at me so (suspicious). D) Suspiciously.
Choose the right variant: I want---first class tickets for the 9 o' clock train to Edinburgh.And.
Choose the right variant: I wish I had thought of it before. It’s a good idea
Choose the right variant: I would go to see you if I could find time
Choose the right variant: I____ better start saving some money each month for my retirement.E) Had.
Choose the right variant: I___with you, but I had to study. Can go
Choose the right variant: I’m so sorry I had no money with me yesterday. I would have bought that dress
Choose the right variant: If Antony was asking, I would have been able to help.
Choose the right variant: If Benjamin Franklin .....so hard, he..... the symbol of America. Had not worked / would not have become.
Choose the right variant: If he were in Moscow next time he would come to see us
Choose the right variant: If her alarm-clock had rung, she ... on time for work yesterday. B) Would have been.
Choose the right variant: If I ... a bird, I... away.B) Were/would fly.
Choose the right variant: If I had any free time now or tomorrow, I should do the work myself
Choose the right variant: If I had been there, too, I could have heard the story myself
Choose the right variant: If I were in Astana now I would go to see the new production
Choose the right variant: If I were out of touch with my friends I should be ashamed of myself
Choose the right variant: If I were young I should have a walking holiday
Choose the right variant: If it this weekend, I’ll stay home and watch TV.D) Rains.
Choose the right variant: If it ... rain we ... to the forest to gather some mushrooms.E) Does not/ will go.
Choose the right variant: If the railway station was nearer we should have got there long ago
Choose the right variant: If we had had more time we should have considered all the suggestions
Choose the right variant: If you had left earlier you would caught the train
Choose the right variant: In ... East Anglia, where ... land is drier and less fertile, the farms are bigger. A) -, the
Choose the right variant: In your place I ... on the immediate arranging of these measures.D) Wouldn’t insist.
Choose the right variant: Is John Paul? No, I don’t think so.D) Taller than.
Choose the right variant: It was they who told us the news
Choose the right variant: It would be a good thing if you didn’t smoke
Choose the right variant: It’s a pity you can’t come tomorrow. Peter would help you
Choose the right variant: John said he was feeling ill. I was feeling pretty bad ..... Myself.
Choose the right variant: Jonh said he was feeling pretty bad ..... . Myself
Choose the right variant: Many chemicals react .... in acid solutions. More quickly
Choose the right variant: Many chemicals react... in acid solutions. As quickly as.
Choose the right variant: Milk and cows is in the village
Choose the right variant: My brother is in Antalya on vacation, but I wish he____here now so that he could help me repair my car. Had been
Choose the right variant: My father is not only the town mayor, he runs........ , too.B) a business
Choose the right variant: Our holiday was too short - the time went...Quickly.
Choose the right variant: Robert’s employer suggested that he transferred to another division
Choose the right variant: Sandy’s marks are .... than mine. Worse
Choose the right variant: She feels very ... today.D)Bad
Choose the right variant: She is much .... than her sister. Younger
Choose the right variant: Some people think Russian is....than English. More difficult
Choose the right variant: Sue was ... in red ... in blue dress. She was in a pink one.A) Neither... nor.
Choose the right variant: Supply the proper degree of comparison. My car isC) Faster
Choose the right variant: The ... produced at our factory in Scotland.goods are
Choose the right variant: The __sun was hidden by clouds. Risen
Choose the right variant: The accident was seen by some people .... at a bus stop. Waiting
Choose the right variant: The driver of the car was (serious) injured in the accident.C) Seriously.
Choose the right variant: The exam was..... we expected. C) Easier than.
Choose the right variant: There are...mistakes in my dictation than in yours. Fewer
Choose the right variant: There is....apple and....orange on....plate The/the/the
Choose the right variant: There’s ... use in complaining. They probably won’t do anything.little
Choose the right variant: There’s nothing left for him but escape,...? B)Is there.
Choose the right variant: This room (clean) every day?B) Is this room cleaned?
Choose the right variant: We ... told ... a beautiful river not far away.Were / there was
Choose the right variant: We can’t go along here because the road is ... .being repaired
Choose the right variant: Were he in Moscow now, he would take part in the discussion
Choose the right variant: What ....in your briefcase? Are there
Choose the right variant: What about the weather? - Well, it was fairly ...Good.
Choose the right variant: What.. .in your briefcase? Are there.
Choose the right variant: When ... you last... to the theatre?B)Did/go.
Choose the right variant: When he fell over, he broke two of hisA)Teeth.
Choose the right variant: Who .... Phil with his homework? Helps
Choose the right variant: Who was the 1st. president of the USA?A) G. Washington.
Choose the right variant: Who_____Phil with his homework?Helps.
Choose the right variant: Why didn’t you phone him yesterday? He would have helped you.
Choose the right variant: You were very kind to that foreigner, Dick. I wish that we could see him
Choose the right variant: Двадцатого июля 1969 Аполлон 11 достиг своей исторической цели.On July 20,1969, Apollo 11 achieved his historical goal
Choose the right variant:... Crimea is in ... South of our country.The, the
Choose the right verb form. At last we ... that difficult problem.have solved
Choose the right verb form:Looking out of the window, we saw that a large number of policemen_______standing around the building.were
Choose the right verb tense: I am sorry but I have no time to discuss this question now
Choose the right verb tense:There was no one else at the box office. I ... in a queue. D) didn’t need to wait
Choose the right word: Has the bell __?rung
Choose the right word: He hasn’t ... any mistakes in his dictation.B) made
Choose the right word: Mike ___that his little brother is a very hard-working boy. Says
Choose the right word: The student spoke English — badly that the teacher couldn’t give him even a satisfactory mark. E) So
Choose the right word:Has the bell....? E) rung
Choose the right word:He is (тот самый) person we want to see. Е) The very
Choose the right word:Mike ... that his little brother is a very hard-working boy.B)says
Choose the right word:On her way home mother usually ... some shopping.E) does
Choose the right word:The student spoke English ----- badly that the teacher couldn`t give him tvtn a satisfactory mark.(So )
Choose the right word:They live on a busy road. _______must be a lot of noise from the traffic.It
Choose the right word:This is the flat in we live. which
Choose the sentence that uses the ‘OF’ incorrectly. B) The classes of Mr. Smith from Scotland will last three weeks.
Choose the sentence that uses the possessive ‘5 correctly.C) The children's beds were polished.
Choose the sentence that uses the possessive ‘S correctly.A) My son's school name is ‘Daryn’.
Choose the sentence with an uncountable noun. C) I am sorry but I have no time to discuss this question now.
Choose the sentence with an uncountable noun.I am sorry but I have no time to discuss this question now.
Choose the sentence with an uncountable noun:D) Though I can not play any musical instrument I like the classical music.
Choose the sentence with the right word order:Everybody enjoyed the party very much.
Choose the sentence with the right word order:He was carrying a black plastic bag.
Choose the sentence with the right word order:Technology is something that we use every day.
Choose the sentence with the right word order:The new hotel is probably very expensive.
Choose the similar word to the underlined one. His name is constantly mentioned in the gossip column. Continuously
Choose the similar words to the underlined words At the beginning of June the village is really fairy like. In early June
Choose the suffix forming English adjectives: D) Able.
Choose the suffix forming English adjectives:Able.
Choose the suitable answer to the question ‘What do you do?’ I am a doctor
Choose the suitable preposition. Gold is similar .... color to brass. In
Choose the suitable preposition. She used to go shopping .... Sunday morning. On
Choose the suitable preposition......Christmas we usually get together with our relatives.A) At
Choose the suitable preposition.He split ____with his girlfriend last week. C) Up.
Choose the suitable preposition:I thought I’d reach Dover two hours.B)In.
Choose the suitable preposition:This report is ... great value for my scientific research.of
Choose the suitable preposition____Christmas we usually get together with our relatives.At.
Choose the suitable variant. This place gets .... crowded with tourists every summer. more and more
Choose the suitable variant: She ate (hard) anything because she didn’t feel hungry. Hardly
Choose the suitable variant: She looks ... .in her new hat. Nicely
Choose the suitable variant: Tomorrow the day ..... at home by all the family. Will be spent
Choose the suitable variant:She looks . . . .in her new hat.D) Nice
Choose the suitable variant:She looks ... .in her new hat.Nice
Choose the suitable variant:The government is doing nothing to help.The poor
Choose the suitable variant:The government is doing nothing to help.... D) The poor
Choose the synonym to the following word: to bring C)To fetch.
Choose the synonym to the word: to includeTo contain
Choose the word combination in Possessive Case:A) the Guests’ presents
Choose the word or phrase which completes the sentence best: Congress insisted that the present law---To be enforced.
Choose the word or phrase which completes the sentence best: Mary has never been to London,___she? Didn’t
Choose the word or phrase which completes the sentence best:Congress insisted the present law____to be enforced
Choose the word or phrase which completes the sentence best:I got two letters. One was from my father._____was from my girlfriend.The other
Choose the word or phrase which completes the sentence best:It was so late that I_____take a taxi.had to
Choose the word or phrase, which completes the sentence best:After failing his driving test four times, he finally — tiying to pass.D) gave up
Choose the word or phrase, which completes the sentence best:I _____ all the questions since I began working on this test. B) Have answered.
Choose the word or phrase, which completes the sentence best:I’ll be on vacation_____next week. No preposition
Choose the word or phrase, which completes the sentence best:I’m really angry __you!E) with
Choose the word or phrase, which completes the sentence best:My father has lived in Japan five years. C) for
Choose the word or phrase, which completes the sentence best:What are you laughing ___?E) at
Choose tlie uncountable noun A) furniture
Choosethe right form of the verbs: If you wore your new suit, you....smart. Look
Choosethe suitable preposition. Gold is similar .... color to brass. In.
Christmas Day is celebrated....(December 25)
Civilization will never flow backward while there …youth in the world. ( is)
Coffee now is ____most widely traded commodity after oil. the second
Complete the disjunctive question: Paul went to Florida,____he? Did.
Complete the following sentence.I'm tired. I'd rather not___out this evening, if you don't mind.E) Go
Complete the question: Mother is at home,....? Isn’t she
Complete the sentence They sell a variety of ....(Cheeses)
Complete the sentence with an appropriate comparison.He doesn't play golf now ... he used to.as much as
Complete the sentence with an appropriate preposition.I bumped into Tim ...... a dinner I went to the other evening( at)
Complete the sentence with an appropriate preposition.I bumped into Tim ... a dinner I went to the other evening.at
Complete the sentence with the correct form of the verb:The economic situation _____to improve, according to figures Which______ yesterday.B) has finally begun / were released
Complete the sentence. It is important .... with the task( for him to cope)
Complete the sentence. Letters have not been sent to our customers ....(yet)
Complete the sentence.Had run out of gas, I ______ called the gas station (Would have)
Complete the sentence.I need to buy _____. C) A loaf of bread.
Complete the sentence.I wish you .... a doctor.(Were.)
Complete the sentence.I've often ..... at this hotel.(Stayed)
Complete the sentence.Not until I saw him____remember we had met before. Did I
Complete the sentence.There___a very good reason for my decision..Is
Complete the sentence:
Complete the sentence: __ the room! Won't go.
Complete the sentence: My colleague ... an extended family. Has.
Complete the sentence: ___ turn off the light.Before leaving.
Complete the sentence: ___the room! Won’t go
Complete the sentence: ___you seen the new film yet? Have
Complete the sentence: Alison never _____ the radio. Listens to.
Complete the sentence: Alison never ______ the radio. Listens to.
Complete the sentence: And now I would like to give the floor to Dr. Green,____ … is going to talk about "Environmental Protection".who
Complete the sentence: He began ... plays at an early age. Writing.
Complete the sentence: He began....plays at an early age. Writing
Complete the sentence: I .... the symphony many times before. Have heard
Complete the sentence: If had been able to do what I wanted when I was younger, everything .....all right. Was
Complete the sentence: If I had been able to do what I wanted when I was younger,
Complete the sentence: Jenny._____likes the book very much
Complete the sentence: My colleague .... an extended family. Has
Complete the sentence: My mother told me .... more quietly. To talk
Complete the sentence: My mother told me ....more quietly. If I would talk
Complete the sentence: My uncle is .... . My mother’s brother.
Complete the sentence: She must have been very beautiful,______ everybody said so.B) As for
Complete the sentence: When you get back, I ..... Painting the front door. Would have finished
Complete the sentence:American institutions of higher education include technical schools____offer programmes from hairstyling to computers.which
Complete the sentence:At nine o’clock yesterday morning we ... for the bus.B) Were waiting.
Complete the sentence:Brangwen never smoked cigarettes,_____he took the one offered
Complete the sentence:Do you want to go alone, or ______want me to come with you.do you
Complete the sentence:Every evening at 90’ clock he ... his dog for a walk.D) Takes.
Complete the sentence:Everything ... well.B) Will go.
Complete the sentence:Had I run out of gas, I_____called the gas station.would have
Complete the sentence:He ... at 9 o’clock yesterday.B) Was working.
Complete the sentence:He ... her before he came into the office and now he is very worried.E) Had not seen.
Complete the sentence:He had a very bad head-ache and decided to go to the....A) Doctor.
Complete the sentence:How many languages ... you...?B) Do, speak.
Complete the sentence:I ... an interesting job yesterday.A) Was offered.
Complete the sentence:I saw Mary ... the street.Crossing.
Complete the sentence:I used to play tennis a lot, ______I don’t play very often ..But
Complete the sentence:I wish you ... a doctor.Were
Complete the sentence:If you press this button, the engine______.stops
Complete the sentence:It is important... with the task.For him to cope.
Complete the sentence:It took Mike_____to repair his jeep.so much time
Complete the sentence:I've often____ this hotel.Stayed.
Complete the sentence:Letters have not been sent to our customers ....Yet.
Complete the sentence:Lions and tigers ... in Zoos.E) Can be seen.
Complete the sentence:Look! ... their telephone number in the letter.C) There is.
Complete the sentence:Many great changes ... place in our country since the World War II.E) Have taken.
Complete the sentence:Marat_____while we were having dinner. was phoning^
Complete the sentence:Mike plays volleyball well;______ but not as well as Mike.brother plays his football also
Complete the sentence:Nick ... a bath when I came.B) Was having.
Complete the sentence:Now they ... an English article.E) Are translating.
Complete the sentence:She ... letters when you called.E) Was writing.
Complete the sentence:She went to the cinema after she_____ had dinner.
Complete the sentence:She.. -read at the age of five.E) Could.
Complete the sentence:Students.., do their homework regularly.B) Must.
Complete the sentence:The environment is already very bad and it ... worse.E) Is getting.
Complete the sentence:The money to my bank account.B) Has been transferred
Complete the sentence:These books . . - to the library.A) Must be returned.
Complete the sentence:They sell a variety of...cheeses
Complete the sentence:Unless you ... harder, you will lose your job.Work.
Complete the sentence:We . . . to Ireland for our holiday last year.B) Went.
Complete the sentence:We don't like movied_____ have unhappy ending*.d) which
Complete the sentence:We had a good rest In a holiday-home, ...?D) Didn’t we.
Complete the sentence:We wouldn't have worried--------.If we had received the telegram from him.
Complete the sentence:You really should not go _____to bed so late
Complete the tag question:He works for the Bank,____ ?doesn’t he?
Cornflakes are generally eaten............milk.With.
Corpus corpora.
Corpus D) corpora
Couldn’t you drive a bit ..... the carefull
Couldn't you drive a bit ..... the carefull
cups of coffee are drunk every day globally.two billion
David is away at the moment. I don’t know exactly when he’s coming back, but I’m sure he’ll be back....Monday by
David is away at the moment. I don’t know exactly when he’s coming back,but I’m sure he’ll be back ... Monday.by
David is away at the moment. I don’t know exactly when he’s coming back, but I’m sure he’ll be back ... Monday. B) by
designer.A) was being painted
Despite yesterday’s snowfall, they______drive home in less than an hour. were able to
Did he deserve …? (praising; )
Dinosaurs …millions of years ago (died out; )
Do any of your friends smoke? No,_______ of my friends smoke. C) none
Do I have to get ready now? – Yes, it’s time we (went)
Do the citizens take part in national elections directly … indirectly ? ( or)
Do the sums. Ninety minus twenty is:B) Seventy.
Do the sums. Twenty nine plus forty one is .... Seventy
Do you know what time ____The film begins?
Do you want …tea? ( some;)
Do you want me …a new theory to the class ? ( to present; )
Do…..clean their……?c) mice, teeth
Does this car use …petrol ? ( much;)
Don’t (забудь) your copybook - at home.(leave)
Don’t be late ... the lesson.C) for.
Don’t be late,… ? (will you;)
Don’t call on me. I …for Kiev by noon. ( shall have left; )
Don’t cry, speak ... if you want to tell me something important.E) quietly
Don’t forget to shake the snow __ your coat. (off)
don’t like... mineral... water, I prefer... cup of tea.- /- / a
Don’t most of the people in Brazil speak Portuguese? A) Bonpoтельно-отрицательное
Don’t worry. He is ....on the danger list .... no longer
Don’t worry. He is …on the danger list ( no longer)
Don’t you see I’m tired ? You …me, you know. (might have …helped;)
Double agents live in a perpetual state of fear.B) constant
Draughts … not a complicated game ( is; )
Draughts_________not a complicated game.E) is
During the apprenticeship period the student …to earn money ( will begin)
Eleven thousand nine hundred and fifty-four (11934)
ErratumA) errata
Every day ____begins at 9 and finishes at 3.. school
Every evening at 9 o’ clock he ... his dog for a walk. Takes.
Everybody should be able to defend …( himself;)
Everyone in the group shook hands with __. (each other)
everything .... all right. Was
Everything .... well.(Will go)
Everything is____in my country.A)cheaper
Excuse me, …you tell me the way to the Houses of Parliament, please ? (could; )
Excuse me, sir. I’m – stranger here.(A)
Extraordinary abilities in mathematics ....in the boy, so he was transfered to the mathematical school.(Had been displayed)
Fill in prepositions.Look - the picture - page 25A) at, on
Fill in the correct participle form: __________in the company for many years, he knew everyone and everything.B) having worked
Fill in the correct participle form: ________the child of poor people, he often went to bed hungry. D) being
Fill in the correct preposition or adverb: I see you are angry .... me. With.
Fill in the correct preposition or adverb: When the monitor entered .... the classroom the students kept silent. No preposition.
Fill in the correct preposition or adverb:I see you are angry......me.with
Fill in the correct preposition or adverb:When the monitor entered.... the classroom the students kept silent.No preposition.
Fill in the correct preposition or adverb:When the monitor entered.... the classroom the students kept silent. E) -
Fill in the gap with the correct variant Not until the Triassic Period.... .The first primitive mammals developed
Fill in the gap with the correct variant: At Woolworth’s first five-and-ten-cent store, .... more than a dime. No item cost
Fill in the gap with the correct variant: Do you smoke? Not now, but I____Use to
Fill in the gap with the correct variant: My neighbour Bill___his car to work every day last year, but now he goes to work by bus. Has left
Fill in the gap with the correct variant: You .... work hard at your French if you want to pass the exam. Must
Fill in the gaps with the correct variant.The total production of bushels of corn in the United States is ... all other cereal crops combined.More than that of
Fill in the gaps with the correct variant:Although they are both grown in the United States and exported abroad, com is not native to America and winter wheat....Isn’t either
Fill in the gaps with the correct variant:Although they are both grown in the United States and exported abroad, corn is not native to America and winter wheat.... B) Is either
Fill in the gaps with the correct variant:Giant Ape Man, our biggest and probably one of our first human ancestors, was just about the size of a male gorilla.В) It is believed that
Fill in the gaps with the correct variant:One of... of the late Middle Ages was Saint Thomas Aquinas, a scholar who studied under Albertus Magnus.The greatest thinkers
Fill in the gaps with the correct variant:The geographic position of North America,... in the early days of the European settlement.Lying between the Atlantic and the Pacific Oceans, isolated it
Fill in the noun into the sentence. The official .... of the country is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (Name)
Fill in the noun into the sentence.The official ... of the country is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.Name.
Fill in the right verb:He and I .. . many things in common, because we are best friends.B) Have.
Fill in: Do you like to lie ___ the sun. in.
Fill in: I shall not go to Rome if it . A) rains
Fill in: What do you see..... the picture?A)in
Fill in:Do you like to lie____the sun.in
Find the correct pronoun. There aren’t....fruit-trees in the orchard Any
Find the correct sentence made from these words: Has, buildings, our, several, institute. Our several institute has building.
Find the correct sentence made from these words: Our several institute has building.
Find the correct sentence..Dima never arrives late.
Find the correct sentence:He always wakes up at 6:30.
Find the correct variant.Bess is used ... after having crossed the continent many times during the past decade.To flying
Find the correct word:The United Kingdom is a constitutional B) Monarchy.
Find the incorrect variant: Bess is used to fly after having crossed the continent many times during the past decade. To fly
Find the incorrect variant:Because they have moved away, they hardly never go to the beach anymore.A) Hardly never
Find the incorrect variant:He isn’t driving to the convention in March and neither they are.Neither they are
Find the noun only used in singular form.A) water
Find the noun used mostly in the singular form.Tea.
Find the noun used only in the singular form.C) Tea.
Find the nouns used only in the plural form:(Scissors, goose, trousers)???
Find the odd word:C)Intelligent
Find the odd word:Intelligent.
Find the plural form: Cherub.D) cherubim
Find the plural form: Tempo.D) tempi
Find the right sentence:Ask your mother when lunch will be ready
Find the right sentence:That’s an attractive brown leather coat
Find the right variant: ....to St. Petersburg he at first went to see the most popular places of interest. Arrive
Find the synonym for the underlined expression:The airplane goes from London to New York City without stops. E) Non-stop.
Find the synonym to the word «to choose” To select
Find the synonym to the word: Transform B) Turn to.
Find the uncountable noun. Time
Fine (adjective)________-(adverb).Finely
finished reading it yet.will have to
Form a sentence using these words: (1) They (2) cold (3)wore (4)the (5)warm (6)from (7)clothes (8)themselves (9)to (10) protect 5/2/9/7/1/3/8/6/4/10
Form a sentence using these words: and (1) his (2) Asanov (3) their (4)friends (5) weekend (6) enjoyed (7)much (8) very (9) D)3/1/2/5/7/4/6/9/8
Form a sentence using these words: your breakfast (1) who (2) prepares (3) in the morning (4)?2/3/1/4
Form the adjective from the noun "care".careful
Fresh pasta stated___ by supermarkets only in 1990s.to be sold
Genius (fabulous spirits).genii
Genius (men of talent)B) geniuses
George comes .... a good family. from
Give me two ... pencils.more
Give the antonym of the word: busy Free
Give the antonym of the word:Large Small
Give the antonym of the word:Small( large)
Give the antonym: Together Alone
Give the antonym: Work. Relax
Give the books …(to him;)
Give the opposite to: Entertaining (adj.)boring
Give the plural A louse.Lice.
Give the plural: A businessman.A) Businessmen.
Give the plural: a city.F) Cities.
Give the plural: An Ox A) Oxen.
Give the plural: Genius (fabulous spirits)B) genii
Give the possessive form.B) Teacher’s pen.
Give the right equivalent of the following year 1112. Eleven twelve
Give the synonym of the word: travelling Trip
Great Britain and Ireland are separated by the ....(Irish sea)
Great Britain is a.... B) parliamentary monarchy
Great Britain consists of … parts. ; three;
Hardly had they entered the house, when a violent thunderstorm … (broke out;)
-Has Ann made up her mind on what to do after finishing school ?- Oh, yes. She … …the University. ( is going to enter;)
Have you eaten both_______pieces?.those
Have you ever considered___ as teacher?A) working
Have you finished the shopping?Already
Have you finished the translation yet ?- I …the translation by nine o’clock tomorrow morning . ( shall have finished;)
Have you got …objections? ( any)
Have you got____questions? any
Have you heard the____news? latest
Have you read the text ... by the students?С) translated
Have you read the text..... by the students?(Is translating)
He ------ the work if you help him.(Will finish)
He ... at seven and ... breakfast at half past seven every morning.waking up, having
He ... many companions. Has.
He ... write this in transcription.can
He .... at 9 o’clock yesterday(Was working)
He .... at seven and .... breakfast at half past seven every morning. Wakes up, has.
He .... for me for 20 minutes at entrance to the theatre (has been waiting)
He .... her before he came into the office and now he is very worried.(Had not seen)
He .... many companions. Has.
He .... the best student of the first course.(is)
He .... write this in transcription. Can.
He … … everything except his last paper ( has done)
He always feels ..... When he comes to his native town (happy)
He and I .... many things in common, because we are best friends.(Have)
He asked _____ the document was signed by. who
He asked me____I had received their invoice.whether
He asked which of these two cakes she would prefer,____one or ——one..this /that
He behaved very ... I think.C) selfishly
He believed the principles …more important than wealth ( to be; )
He came … a two-day official visit at the invitation of the Government ( on)
He comes home very .......... (late)
He drove (careful) along the narrow road(carefully)
He extended his hand … ( to me;)
He grew a beard but now he .... it off.(Has shaved)
He had a terrible temper ... everybody liked him. E)but
He had a______holiday last summer. month's
He had no language problems, .... English for a long time.(having studied)
He had no language problems,....English - for a long time.Е) having studied
He had to go____university…along at
He had to leave _____ a quarter to six this morning to catch the train. B) at
He has been unemployed .... he left college.(Since)
He hasn’t .... any mistakes in his dictation(made)
He is (тот самый) person we want to see(the very)
He is expected … a report on Monday morning ( to make)
He is looking forward …to the country (to going;)
He is said … a novel for ten years (to have been writing; )
He is____than Mike.shorter
He knows English (good) than his sister(better)
He listened to me ____E)sadly
He listened to me..saddly
He looked as if he______his best friend. had lost
He made Ann ............the letter(write)
He made his money....., and .... houses.C) by buying ... selling
He made his money....and ....houses.(by buying ....selling)
He makes me ........(laugh)
He prefers coffee .... cocoa. To.
He promised he would return the book as soon as he …it ( had read; )
He put_____ hand in his, hers
He realized that the old life he …in that city since his boyhood was ended (had lived; )
He speaks as if he ...... London himself(had visited)
He speaks as if he … …London himself ( had visited)
He spends _____ money on clothes than me. D) more
_____ are famous for their wines and cooking. A) The French
He splite ----- with his girlfriend last week.(over)
He spoke ... and we understood at once that something had happened.В) angrily
He thought that the professor .... from the University in 1944.(Had graduated)
He took care ____ the flowers ____ the garden. After/in.
He took care_____the flowers______the garden.After / in.
He wanted to find out how long the man would stay with them. What____did he want to find out?
He wanted to know which bus …( she should take;)

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