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According to the structure the phrases may be divided into

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14.According to the structure the phrases may be divided into:

A). Elementary and compound

B). Elementary and complex

C). Simple and composite

D). Headed and non-headed

E) Predication and subordination

15.Define the structure of the following phrase: The water dribbled from his tightly closed lips.

A). Phrase with expanded head

B). Phrase with expanded head and adjunct

C). Phrase with expanded adjunct

D). Compound

E) complex

16.Define the structure of the following phrase: They were big whitish gray streamlined things with teeth.

A). Phrase with expanded head

B). Phrase with expanded head and adjunct

C). Phrase with expanded adjunct

D). Compound

E) Complex

17.According to the head component the following underlined phrase is: The sky had become lighter, much lighter

A). Progressive adverb phrase

B). Progressive adjective phrase

C). Regressive adjective phrase

D). Regressive adverb phrase

E). Progressive nounal phrase

18.According to the head component the following phrase is: She was not very good at seeing things

A). Progressive noun phrase

B). Regressive noun phrase

C). Progressive verb phrase

D). Regressive verb phrase

E). Progressive adjective phrase

19.Give a full classification of the following phrase: I have never heard so much despair fine voice. A). Subordinate, progressive, adjective phrase

B). Cumulate, one-class, noun phrase

C). Subordinate, regressive, adverb phrase

D). Subordinate, regressive, noun phrase

E) Coordinate, absolute,abstract

20.What is a syntactic bond?

A). A syntactic function

B). A syntagmatic relation between word-forms, word-groups and sentences

C). The meaning of the words

D). A sentence

E). a word –form

Test 5 Sentence and models of sentence analysis

1.Which of the following is the definition of the sentence?

A). The sentence is a unit of language, that is a system of two member oppositions.

B). The sentence is a nominative unit of language, which represents a concrete

thing or a whole situation.

C). The sentence is the immediate integral unit of speech built up of words according to a definite syntactic pattern and distinguished by a contextually relevant communicative purpose.

D). The word sentence is used to refer to any passage, spoken or written, of whatever length, that does form a unified whole

E) two or more elements which are grammatically equal

2.Which of the following is not a feature of the sentence?

A). The sentence is a ready-nude unit

B). The sentence is a unit of speech, which is intonationally delimited

C). The sentence is characterized by predication.

D). The sentence is a unit of speech

E) The sentence is a nominal element consisting of some components

3.What is "predication"

A). It is a relation between the subject and the verb

B). It is the expression of the relation of the utterance to reality

C). It is a predicative link word

D). It is a modal verb

E). It is an analytical form

4.Which of the following is not a classification of the sentence?

A). The classification according to the purpose of the utterance

B). The classification according to the actual division

C). The classification according to the head component

D). The classification according to the structure

E). The classification according to the meaning

5.The declarative sentence expresses:

A). An inducement

B). A question

C). A statement

D). An exclamation

E). A request

6.Which of the following statement about an exclamatory sentence is wrong?

A). The exclamatory sentence docs not possess any concrete. set of qualities that could place them on one and the same level with the three cardinal communicative types of sentences.

B). The property of exclamation should be considered as an accompanying feature which is effected with the system of the three cardinal communicative types of sentences

C). The exclamatory sentence expresses the interrogation, intention, negation and satisfaction.

D). The exclamation may be expresses by a one-member sentence conveying a signal of alarm

E) The exclamation may be expressed by vocatives

7.What are the main parameters of the classification of a simple sentence?

A). The number of the predicative lines

B). The type of the subjective-predicative relation

C). The structure and the purpose of the utterance

D). The way of expansion and the way of expressing the members of the sentence

E). The members of the sentence

8.From the point of view of their structure, sentences can be:

A). Affirmative, declarative, negative

B). Simple and composite

C). Subordinate and principle

D). Simple, composite and semi-composite

E). Predicative and composite

9.What is the elliptical sentence?

A). A sentence which contains only one predicative line

B). A sentence full of homogeneous members

C). A sentence with one or more of its parts left out, which can be easily restored

D). An unexpanded sentence

E). AN expanded sentence

10.What is O. Jespersen's viewpoint on the problem of the members of the sentence:

A). The direct object must be treated as a part of a predicate

B). The predicate is not an independent part of the sentence as it agrees with the third person singular of the subject in present time sphere

C). He introduced semi-notional members of the sentence- connectives, specifies and parenthesis

D). The subject and the object are of the same rank in the structure of the sentence, for they participate in conveying "the principal thought"

E). The subject and the predicate are of the same rank

11.Which of the following is a definition of the subject:

A). It is a unit that indicates who or what is engaged in carrying out the action specified by the verb

B). It is a member of predication containing the mood and the tease components of predicativity

C). It answers the question “who”\ "whom", "what” and denotes an object

D). It is a part of a sentence which qualifies a noun, a pronoun or any other part of speech

E). It is connected with the members of the sentence

12.According to the meaning the Attribute may be:

A). Loose and close,

B). Pre-position and post-position

C). Qualitative, quantitative and circumstantial

D). Adjectival, pronounal and stative

E) Cognate, , vocative

13.Point out the adverbial modifier:

A). She made her way back to the boat deck

B). The feature was in her power

C). She was most anxious to stay young.

D). Helson watched her with annoyance.

E). Mr. Johnson was awake.

14.According to the word the object modifies, it may be:

A). Object –pronoun, object -noun, object-infinitive

B). Object –to a verb, object –to an adjective, object to an adverb

C). Object -simple, object -phrasal, object-clausal

D). Object direct, indirect, cognate

E) . Prepositional, non-prepositional

15.Predicative may not be confused with:

A). An object

B). A subject

C). An adverbial modifier

D). A predicate

E) conjunction

16.What two notions does Bas Aarts distinguish to avoid ambiguity of the status of the subject, the predicate and the object:

A). Predicator and predicate

B). Complement and derivator

C). Modifier and determiner

D). Subjective complement, Predicator and object complement

E). adjunct and modifier

17.Which classification is common to subject, object and adverbial modifier:

A). According to the word they modify

B). According to the way of expressing

C). According to the types

D). According to the structure

E). According to the purpose

18.Stale the type of the subject "it" in the following sentence: "Number 25." — "It is just around the bend, to the left."

A). Notional

B). Impersonal

C). Introductory

D). Emphatic

E). finite

19.What is A.Smirnitsky's opinion concerning the object and the predicative:

A). He subdivides the objects into verbal, adjectival and nounal

B). He calls the object a modifier, and the predicative as a predicator

C). He subdivides the complements into Predicative complements (predicative) and Objective complements (Objects)

D). He calls the object a substance-modifier and the predicative a process-modifier of the subject-person

E). He proves the relation between them

20.Which of the following underlined parts is a predicative:

A). Mr Curry was out until half-past nine.

B). I am looking for a quiet room with breakfast

C). Mr. Curry was an avid reader.

D). He looked round him quickly

E). He was having his dinner.

Test 6 Composite sentences and the text

1.Poutsma used the term "composite" as a common term for...

A). the compound and complex sentences

B). the simple and all compound sentences

C). the supra-sentential unit

D). the discourse

E). discourse

2.What does «the clause» mean?

A). A grammatical unit, containing a subject and a predicate

B). A syntactic unit, containing a subject and a predicate

C). A discourse

D). A lexico-grammatical unit , which excludes the secondary members of the sentence

E) An intercourse

3.The trichotomic classification is a division of a sentence into...

A). Simple and compound

B). Simple, composite and complex

C). Simple, compound and complex

D). Primary, secondary and tertiary

E). Free and bound

4.What is the weak link in the trichotomic classification?

A). The concept of the compound sentence, containing syntactically independent coordinate clauses or sentences

B). The concept of the composite sentence

C). The concept of the complex sentence, containing syntactically dependent predicative clauses

D). The concept of the word order

E). The concept of communication

5.What new terms did the scientists employ to express the grammatical peculiarity of compound sentence?

A). "Multiple" and "triple" sentences

B). "Independent" and "dependent" sentences

C). "Copulative" and "Adversative" sentences.

D). "Double" and "Multiple" sentences

E). Headed and Non-headed

6.Which of the following is a semi-compound sentence?

A). No.38,39 and 40 were incorporated together as the Balaclava Private Hotel.

B). He had no wish to make a collection of cut dogs leads.

C). Men are so. extraordinary when it's a question of money.

D). Miss Amy Carnaby fell back, her hand went to her ample breast.

E). She sat motionless.

7.Which of the following is a semi-complex sentence?

A). The room was .very small and much overcrowded.

B). A few minutes later you gave the alarm that the dog had been stolen

C). She said her tonic tasted unpleasant.

D). He heard people calling.

E). Many happy returns of the day, darling.

8.Which of the following is not the feature of the compound sentence:

A). Communicative integrity

B). Several predicative lines

C). Predicative lines are connected coordinately

D). Predicative lines are connected subordinately

E). By clauses

9.What may the notion "discourse" mean?

A). A border unit which lies between the sentence and the text

B). A coherence within the text, including linguistic cohesion

C). One of the text connective means

D). One of the principal types of the text

E). One of the means of expressing quality

10"Ellipsis" is .... means of text connection

A). Lexico-grammatical

B). Lexical

C). Grammatical

D). Syntactic

E). Semantic

11.Point out the predicative clause

A). He stared at it as if it could tell him something.

B). Another thing was I admit I was scared.

C). If the ship sank, she would have some warning.

D). The notion that the vast mass of machinery might obey her made her smile.

E) Men are so extraordinary when it is a question of money

12How does the principal clause dominate the subordinate one:

A). Positionally

B). Lexically

C). Structurally

D). Morphologically

E). semantically

13.What does the conjunction "but" in a compound sentence imply?

A). A concessive relationship

B). A mere addition

C). Emphasizes the exclusion of one of die alternatives

D). A restatement of what was said in the first clause

E). Termination of the action

14.What is the problem of the principal clause?

A). What die discrimination is based on

B). If the very existence of either of clause is supported by the existence of the


C). Whether the treatment of the Subject and the predicative clauses as genuinely subordinate ones is rational or not

D). The semantic of the principal clause is of question

E). Its dependence on the subordinate clause

15.What may the scholars mean under the "text"?

A). A word and a sentence

B). Any supra-phrasal unit and a discourse

C). A novel, a poem, a monologue and a dialogue

D). A word, a phrase, a sentence, any supra-phrasal unit, a novel and so on

E). A morpheme and a word group

16.State the type of coordination in the following sentence: Usually they were friendly but sometimes they were critical.

A). Copulative

B). Adversative

C). Disjunctive

D). Causative-consecutive

E). Subjective

17.What two main objects of text linguistics does O.I Moskalskaya differentiate?

A). Discourse and text

B). Microtext and macrotext

C). Monologue and dialogue

D). Written or oral text

E). grammar and lexics

18.There are two views on the problem of anticipatory “it”.

A). This is not a complex sentence, but a compound one.

B). This is a semi- composite sentence.

C). This is a clause introduced by the anticipatory “it”, or the clause is appositive.

D). This is an adverbial clause

E). This is just a subject clause introduced by the anticipatory “it”, or the clause is appositive

19.What is the main criterion of the compound sentence?

A). It contains several predicative lines

B). It dominates the subordinate clause

C). It usually describes the events in their natural order

D). It may be proved by equivalent transformation of the non-anticipatory construction into anticipatory one

E). It may be mixed with complex sentences

20.Which of the following model of the sentence deals with immediate constituents:

A). Parts of the sentence model

B). Distributional model

C). IC model

D). Transfomational model

E). Compositional model
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