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a/ French b/ German c/ Danish d/ Scandinavian e/ Greek

24. Find the metaphor in the following word combinations:

a/ the White House b/ teeth of a saw c/ a thousand thanks d/ to give the word e/ to keep the promise

25. Find the polysemantic word in the following examples:

a/ to run (move with quick steps) a run (act of running) b/ night, knight

c/ loud voice, loud color d/ tear (n/ - tear (v) e/ lead (n) – lead (v)

26. What are the main characteristic features of the morphemes?

a/ They can not be used independently, they are always parts of the words

b/ They may be described as the basic units of language, uniting meaning and form

c/ They can be used as a complete utterance

d/ They fulfil different grammatical functions, and may take different functional affixes

e/ They can be used as independent elements with the definite meaning

27. Two or more words belonging to the same part of speech and possessing identical or hearly identical denotational meanings, but differing in form and shades of meaning, connotation, style etc.

a/ antonym b/ paronyms c/ synonyms d/ homonyms e/ polysemy

28. What type of motivation (of the word) does the following definition characterize?

It is based on the co-existence of direct and figurative meaning of the same word within the same synchronous system.

a/ Morphological b/ Phonetical c/ Grammatical d/ Semantic e/ syllabic

29. What variant of the English language does the word “raincoat” refer to?

a/ Australian b/ British c/ Scottish d/ Indian e/ American

30. Point out borrowed suffix:

a/ -ism b/ -ly c/ -ing d/ -dom e/ -ship

31. Find the example of specialization or the narrowing of the meaning.

a/ to find b/ town c/ paper d/ fire e/ meat

32. What stock do the following words belong to: son, star, hill, come:

a/ Indo-European stock b/ French stock c/ German stock d/ Latin stock e/ Greek words

33. Synonyms denotes ...

a/ morphemic types of words b/ semantic component c/ semantic similarit d/ )different sound forms e/ semantic contrast of words

34. Find the metonymy in the following word combinations:

a/ a burning wish b/ the mouth of a pot c/ a blooming rose d/ hope of the family e/ the evil eye

35. Name the basic characteristic feature of inflected words

a/ they serve to supply the stem with lexico-grammatical meaning and form different words

b/ they serve to convey different derivational words

c/ they are complete sets of all the various forms of a word

d/ they cease to be homonymous to stems and no derivation is possible.

e/ they are capable of further derivation

36. The process reverse to specialization is termed …

a/ the narrowing of meaning b/ differentiation of meaning c/ paradigm d/ generalization of meaning

e/ functional change

37. Find homonyms proper in the following pairs of words

a/ steel-steal b/ bark(n) – bark(v) c/ lead(v) – lead(n) d/ piece – peace e/ wind(n) – wind(v)

38. From the words given in brackets choose English counterpart of the following Russian synonyms: заседание, съезд

a/ meeting, assembly b/ gathering, convention c/ conference, sitting d/ company, congress e/ sitting, congress

39. Grammatically most important part of compounds which undergoes infection:

a/ determinant b/ determinatum c/ immidiate constituent d/ component of non-idiomatic compound

e/ counterpart of idiomatic compound

40. . Point out compound adjective:

a/ soul-stirring b/ week-end c/ brain-trust d/ hurry-scurry e/ go-between

Tests in “ Theoretical Phonetics of the English Language”

Variant A.

1. Name one of the aspects of speech sounds.

  1. fundamental

  2. comparative

  3. functional

  4. practical

E/ grammatical

2 . Find one of the components of the English phonetic structure.

  1. Acoustic

  2. accentual

  3. syntactical

  4. functional

E) grammatical

3 . How do we call the type of obstruction when the articulating organs are in close contact, the air passage is completely blocked.

  1. intermitted

  2. incomplete

C) complete

D) constrictive

E) occlusive

4. Modification of a consonant by a neigbouring consonant in the speech chain is called …

  1. accommodation

  2. reduction

  3. assimilation

  4. elision

  5. palatalization

5 . Find the example of sound alternation.

  1. horse shoe B) what s this C) less-loose D) sing-sang-sung E) does

6 . What are the two kinds of breathing?

  1. power, vibrator

  2. resonator, obstructor

  3. inhalation, exhalation

  4. duration, tembre

  5. tune, tenseness

7 . A complete loss of sounds, both vowels and consonants is called…

accommodation B) elision C) reduction D) assimilation E) reduplication

8 . In what form can language exist?

in the material form of sounds

in the form of grammatical rules

in the form of sentences

in the form of syllables

in the form of morphemes

9 . What belongs to the power mechanism?

  1. larynx B) the wind pipe C) the teeth D) the lips C) vocal cords

10 . Name one the functions of the phoneme?

  1. constitutive B) constrictive C) phonetic D) occlusive E) morphemic

11. The joining of consonants of a similar or identical nature is called …

A) the on-glide B) interpenetration of stages C) the retention stage D) the off-glide E) assimilaition

12 . Melody, sentence-stress, rhythm, tempo, tembre, pause are…

A) the components oft intonation

  1. the degrees of intonation

  2. the types of intonation

  3. the functions of intonation

  4. the forms of intonation

13 . Name one of the degrees of assimilation.

regressive B) progressive C) double D) intermediate E) incomplete

14 .What do we understand by recognitive function of the phoneme?

  1. This function is proved by the fact that speech sounds constitute all the morphemes, syllables, words etc.

  2. One word or morpheme is differentiated from another word /or morpheme/ by a difference in their number of speech sounds

  3. This function consists in the use of the right allophone in words

  4. This function is known as replacing one speech sound by another in the same position

  5. This function is known as probability of occurrence as phonemes and their allophones in different positions of words.

15 . Name one of the main type pronunciation in Great Britain.

  1. Northern English pronunciation;

  2. Standard American pronunciation;

  3. Western English pronunciation;

  4. Eastern English pronunciation;

16 . What does articulatory phonetics deal with ?

  1. the functions of different phonetic phenomena;

  2. the study, description and classification of speech sounds;

  3. the physical nature of sounds;

  4. the movements and positions of speech organs;

  5. articulation and perception oft speech sounds.

17 . Name one of the types of obstruction.

  1. regressive; B) progressive; C) intermittent; D) bicentral E/ unicentral

18 . What type of allophone is the most representative?

  1. subsidiary allophones

  2. positional allophones

  3. combinatory allophones

  4. typical allophones

  5. universal allophones

19 . Consonants are classified as plosives and fricatives according to…

  1. The work of vocal cords

  2. The active organs of speech

  3. Manner of noise production or type of obstruction

  4. The horizontal position of The tongue

  5. The stability of articulation

20 . Name out the syllable formation theories of English language

  1. morphological

  2. phonological

  3. sonority

  4. the theory of vowels

E) the theory of consonants

21. Find the case of historical vocal alternation of the English language.

  1. live-life B) foot-feet C) important – importance D) loss-lose E/ bath – bathe

22 . Name one of the branches of phonetics

  1. biological phonetics

  2. fundamental phonetics

  3. physical phonetics

  4. articulation phonetics

  5. accentual phonetics

23. What speech organs belong to the vibrator mechanism?

A) mouth cavity

  1. the lungs

  2. the lips

  3. the teeth

  4. the larynx

24 . The last stressd word in an intonation group is …

A) the pre-head B) the haed C) the scale D) the nucleus E) the tail

25 . What is palatalization?

A) work of vocal cords

B/ softness of vowels

C/ adaptation of sounds

D/ loss of sounds in speech

E/ softness of consonants

26 . What speech organs belong to the power mechanism?

A/ nasal cavity B/ the lungs C/ the lips D/ the teeth E/ the larynx

27. The last stressd word in an intonation group is …

A) the pre-head B) the haed C) the scale D) the nucleus E) the tail

28 . What is elision?

A) work of vocal cords

softness of vowels

adaptation of sounds

loss of sounds in speech

softness of consonants

29 . Find the case of loss of plosion.

  1. this shop

  2. could you

  3. great trouble

  4. true

  5. sudden

30. Find the case of accommodation of sounds.

  1. tee – too

  2. wise – wisdom

  3. sing – sang – sang

  4. long – length

  5. speak – speech

31 . Find fricative consonants of the English language.

  1. t, d;

  2. h, g;

  3. f , v;

  4. m , k;

  5. r , n .

32 . Name one of the criteria of vowel classification.

  1. according to the manner of noise production;

  2. according to the work of vocal cords;

  3. according to the lip position;

  4. according to the place of obstruction;

  5. according to the type of obstruction.

33 . Name one of the criteria of consonant classification.

A/ according to the stability of ariculation

B/ according to the vertical position of the tongue

C/ according to the lip position;

D/ according to the place of obstruction;

E/ according to the type of obstruction.

34. Find backlingual consonants of the English language

  1. w , v; B) p , b; C) l , n; D) k , g; E) s , z .

35. Find front vowels of the English language:

A/ [a: ] , [ u ]

B/ [ei ] , [ ai ]

C/ [ i ] , [ u: ]

D/ [ ou ] , [ oi ]

E/ [ o: ] , [ au ]

36 . How many groups are speech mechanisms divided into?

A) 3 B) 2 C) 4 D) 5 E) 6

37 . Name one of the degrees of assimilation.

  1. regressive B) progressive C) double D) partial E/ incomplete

38 . On what theory is phonology based?

  1. morpheme theory

  2. acoustic theory

  3. phoneme theory

  4. auditory theory

E) pronunciation theory

39 . What do four components /the system of phonemes, the syllabic structure of words, accentual structure of words and intonational structure of English sentences / of the phonetic system constitute?

  1. the English phonology

  2. the English morphology

  3. the English orthography

  4. the English pronunciation

  5. the English syntax

40. Find the case of assimilation in the following examples:

  1. booty-beaty B) less-loose C) congress D) mostly- [mousli] E/ tip-top

41 . The joining of two adjacent /neighboring/ sounds of a different nature is called…

A) the off-glide B) the on-glide C) merging of stages D) the retention stage E) reduction

  1. Define the type of the syllable [si:] (see)

A) uncovered, open B) covered, closed C) covered, open D) uncovered, closed E) -

43 . What does acoustic phonetics study ?

  1. the physical nature of sounds;

  2. articulation and perception of sounds;

  3. the functions of different phonetic phenomena;

  4. the movements and positions of speech organs;

  5. the description and classification oft speech sounds.

44 . The general tendencies or habits in the way native speakers use their speech organs both during speech and at rest may be defined as…

  1. articulatory-aspect

  2. articularary basis

  3. phonological basic

  4. physiological basic

  5. phonological aspect

  1. Define the type of the syllable [pit]: (pit)

  1. covered, open B) uncovered, closed C) uncovered, open D) covered, closed E) -

46 . Name one of the syllable formation theories of the English language

  1. muscular tension theory

  2. morphological theory

  3. phonological theory

  4. the theory of vowels

  5. the theory of consonants

47 . The three degrees oft word stress are suggested by…

A) American linguists

B) British physiologists

C) Baudouin de Courteney

D) German linguists

E) British and Russian linguists.

48. Name one of the aspects of word stress

  1. recognitive aspect

  2. dictinctive aspect

  3. constitutive aspect

  4. structural aspect

E) functional aspect

49 . Why are there typologically identical sounds in all existing language?

  1. because almost all the languages have identical phonetic structure

  2. People belonging to different races and nationalities possess identical speech apparatus

  3. It is explained by Hie grammatical laws of the languages

  4. Because all the languages have absolutely spectrally identical sounds

E/ Because speech sounds in any language are characterized by common articulatory acoustic features

50. Find the case of lateral plosion

  1. tree

  2. settle

  3. this shop

  4. glad to see you

  5. E) at night

Variant B.

1. Who was the founder of phonology?

  1. L.V. Shcherba

  2. A.A. Reformatsky

  3. I.A. Boudouin de Courtenay

  4. N.S. Tonbetzkoy

  5. V.V. Vinogradov

2. What do we understand by distinctive function of the phoneme?

  1. This function is proved by the fact that speech sounds constitute all the morphemes, syllables, words etc

  2. One word or morpheme is differenciated from another word /or morpheme/ by a difference in their number of speech sounds

  3. This function consists in the use of the right allophone in words

  4. This function is known as replacing one speech sound by another in the same position

  5. It is proved by the fact that speech sounds can t constitute words, syllables…. etc.

3 . How many groups are speech mechanisms divided into?

A) 3 B) 2 C) 4 D) 5 E) 6

4 . Name one of the degrees of assimilation.

A) regressive B) progressive C) double D) partial E/ incomplete

5 . Find the right variant of syllable division:

  1. les-n, re-act B) le-sn, reac-t C) les-n, re-act D) le-sn, re-act E) l-esn, rea-ct

6 . On what theory is phonology based?

A/ morpheme theory B/ acoustic theory C/ phoneme theory D/ auditory theory E) pronunciation theory

7 . Allophones are …

  1. phonemes themselves B) morphemes C) non-distinctive sounds D) variants oft phonemes E) any sounds

8 . What do four components /the system of phonemes, the syllabic structure of words, accentual structure of words and intonational structure of English sentences / of the phonetic system constitute?

A/ the English phonology

B/ the English morphology

C/ the English orthography

D/ the English pronunciation

E/ the English syntax

9 . According to the active organs of speech the consonants may by classified...

A/ labial, lingual B) alveolar, voiced C) velar, voiceless D) palatal, fricative E) velar, voiced

10. Find the case of assimilation in the following examples:

  1. booty-beaty B) less-loose C) congress D) mostly- [mousli] E/ tip top

11 . Find the right variant of syllable division.

  1. ga: – dn, ful-i B) ga: d-n, f-uli C) ga: – dn, f-uli D) ga: d-n, ful-i E) ga: – dn, fu – li

12. The speech organs are constricted or narrowed leaving a passage for the air to go through. How do we call such type of obstruction?

  1. complete B) intermittent C) incomplete D) complicated E) regressive

13 . The joining of two adjacent /neighboring/ sounds of a different nature is called…

A) the off-glide B) the on-glide C) merging of stages D) the retention stage E) reduction

14 . What is the pronunciation standard oft the USA ?

  1. Southern English Pronunciation;

  2. Standard English pronunciation;

  3. General American pronunciation;

  4. Northern British pronunciation;

  5. Eastern American English pronunciation.

15 . What does acoustic phonetics study ?

A/ the physical nature of sounds;

B/ articulation and perception of sounds;

C/ the functions of different phonetic phenomena;

D/ the movements and positions of speech organs;

E/ the description and classification oft speech sounds.

16 . Which of the given speech organs belongs to the vibrator mechanism?

  1. the larynx; B) the wind pipe; C) the teeth; D) the lips; E) vocal cords.

17 . The general tendencies or habits in the way native speakers use their speech organs both during speech and at rest may be defined as…

A/ articulatory-aspect

B/ articularary basis

C/ phonological basic

D/ physiological basic

E/ phonological aspect

18. Define the type of the following syllable [si]: (see)

A) uncovered, open B) covered, closed C) covered, open D) uncovered, closed E) -

19 . Define the type of the following syllable [pit]: (pit)

A/ covered, open B/ uncovered, closed C/ uncovered, open D/ covered, closed E) -

20. Name one of the syllable formation theories of the English language

A/ muscular tension theory B/ morphological theory C/ phonological theory D/ the theory of vowels

E/ the theory of consonants

21. Phonetics studies…

  1. Words and their semantic structure

  2. Words and their various aspects

  3. Parts oft speech

  4. Sounds, their various aspects and functions

E/ morphological structure oft words.

22 . The three degrees oft word stress are suggested by…

A) American linguists

B) British physiologists

C) Baudouin de Courteney

D) German linguists

E) British and Russian linguists.

ects of word stress

23 . Name one of the aspects of word stress

A/ recognitive aspect B/ dictinctive aspect C/ constitutive aspect D/ structural aspect E) functional aspect

24 . Why are there typologically identical sounds in all existing language?

A/ because almost all the languages have identical phonetic structure

B/ People belonging to different races and nationalities possess identical speech apparatus

C/ It is explained by Hie grammatical laws of the languages

D/ Because all the languages have absolutely spectrally identical sounds

  1. Because speech sounds in any language are characterized by common articulatory acoustic features

25 . Name one of the stages of articulation of speech sounds.

  1. complete B) incomplete C) merging of stages D) interpenetrating of stages E/ retention (medial stage)

26 . Find the case of lateral plosion

A/ tree B/ settle C/ this shop D/ glad to see you E/ at night

27 . It studies the way in which the air vibrates between the speaker’s mouth and the listener’s ear.

  1. auditory phonetics

  2. articulatory phonetics

  3. instrumental phonetics

  4. perceptional phonetics

  5. acoustic phonetics.

28 . Name one of the principles of consonant classification.

  1. according to the stability of articulation;

  2. according to the horizontal movement of the tongue;

  3. according to the vertical movement of the tongue;

  4. according to the active organs of speech and place of obstruction;

  5. according to the phonological oppositions.

29 . It studies the way in which the air is set in motion, the movements of the speech organs and the coordination of these movements in the production of sounds is called…

  1. acoustic phonetics;

  2. articulatory phonetics;

  3. perceptional phonetics;

  4. auditory phonetics;

  5. instrumental phonetics.

30 .The branch of phonetics investigating the hearing process is known as …

  1. auditory phonetics;

  2. articulatory phonetics;

  3. acoustic phonetics;

  4. instrumental phonetics;

  5. perceptional phonetics.

31 . Qualitative or quantitative weakening oft vowels in unstressed positions.

  1. reduction;

  2. elision ;

  3. assimilation;

  4. accomodation;

  5. merging of stages.

32 . It studies the linguistic function of consonant and vowel sounds, syllabic structure, word accent is called...

  1. articulatory phonetics;

  2. acoustic phonetics;

  3. phonology ;

  4. auditory phonetics;

  5. instrumental phonetics.

33 . Point out one of the main functions of intonation.

  1. communicative;

  2. syntactic;

  3. recognitive;

  4. constitutive;

  5. distinctive.

34 .It studies the substance, the material form of phonetic phenomena in relation to meaning.

  1. theoretical phonetics;

  2. auditory phonetics;

  3. articulatory phonetics;

  4. practical or normative phonetics;

  5. acoustic phonetics.

  1. A Special prominance given to one more syllable in a word is…

A) the stress

B) the pause

C) the rythm

D) the melody

E/ the tempo.

36. Name mid-open vowels of the English Language?

A/ [I: ] , [ au]

B/ [ e ] , [ ei ]

C/ [ oi ], [ æ ]

D/ [ oi] , [ a : ]

E/ [ u: ] , [ i ]

37. Find one of the components of the English phonetic structure.

A/ acoustic

B/ accentual

C/ syntactical

D/ functional

E/ grammatical

38 . How do we call the type of obstruction when the articulating organs are in close contact, the air passage is completely blocked.

  1. intermitted

  2. incomplete

C) complete

D) constrictive

E) occlusive

39 . Modification of a consonant by a neibouring consonant in the speech chain is called …

A/ accommodation

B/ reduction

C/ assimilation

D/ elision

E/ palatalization

  1. Find the examples of sound alternation

A/ horse shoe

B/ what s this

C) less-loose

D) sing-sang-sung

E) does she

41. What are the two kinds of breathing?

A/ power, vibrator

B/ resonator, obstructor

C/ inhalation, exhalation

D/ duration, tembre

E/ tune, tenseness

42 . A complete loss of sounds, both vowels and consonants is called…

A/ accommodation

B/ elision

C) reduction

D) assimilation

E) reduplication

43 . In what form can language exist?

A/ in the material form of sounds

B/ in the form of grammatical rules

C/ in the form of sentences

D/ in the form of syllables

E/ in the form of morphemes

44 . What belongs to the power mechanism?

A/ larynx

B/ the wind pipe

C/ the teeth

D/ the lips

E/ vocal cords

45 . Name one the functions of the phoneme?

A) constitutive

B) constrictive

C) phonetic

D) occlusive, morphemic

E) -

46 . The joining of consonants of a similar or identical nature is called …

A) the on-glide

B/ interpenetration of stages

C/ the retention stage

D/ the off-glide

E/ assimilaition

47 . Melody, sentence-stress, rhythm, tempo, tembre, pause are…

A) the components oft intonation

B/ the degrees of intonation

C/ the types of intonation

D/ the functions of intonation

E/ the forms of intonation

48. Name one of the degrees of assimilation.

A) regressive B) progressive C) double D) intermediate E) incomplete

49 . Name one of the main type pronunciation in Great Britain.

A/ Northern English pronunciation;

B/ Standard American pronunciation;

C/ Western English pronunciation;

D/ Eastern English pronunciation;

E/ Southern American English.

50 . What does articulatory phonetics deal with ?

A/ the functions of different phonetic phenomena;

B/ the study, description and classification of speech sounds;

C/ the physical nature of sounds;

D/ the movements and positions of speech organs;

E/ articulation and perception oft speech sounds.

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