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A system of expressing a generalized grammatical meaning by means of paradigmatic correlation of grammatical forms is

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22.A system of expressing a generalized grammatical meaning by means of paradigmatic correlation of grammatical forms is...

A). A grammatical form

B). A grammatical meaning

C). A grammatical category

D). A sentence

23.What does the morphology deal with?

A). with sentence

B). with phrases and text

C). with morphemes and words

D). with syntactic bonds

E). with members of the sentence

24.Suppletive formation is characterized by...

A). a complete change of the root

B). affixation

C). an analytical form of the word

D). a change of a grammatical meaning

E). a formation of past simple.

25.Henry Sweet divided all parts of speech into ...

A). declinable and indeclinable

B). lexical and grammatical

C). animate and inanimate

D). continuous and discontinuous

E). modal and auxiliary

26.All parts of speech can be divided into ...

A). morphological and structural

B). notional and structural

C). four classes (article, verb, preposition and numeral)

D). covert and overt

E). lexical and syntactic

27.Classes of words, which have some common lexico-grammatical features, are called:

A). grammatical notions

B). parts of speech

C). phrases

D). interjections

E). grammatical categories

28Noun as a part of speech plays the following functions in the sentence:

A). connectors

B). no function at all

C). Only attribute and predicative

D). Any function with the exception of that of a simple verbal predicate.

E). Predicate

29The category of gender in English is...

A). a category of numeral

B). a category of adjective

C). a category of adverb

D). a category of verb

E). a category of noun

30Allamorphs are:

A). types of morphemes

B). types of sound alteration

C). types of plural forms

D). Types of word building

E). types of word –form derivation

31.What types of morphemes are used for deriving word –forms?

A). Inflection

B). Synthetic and analytical types

C). Composition

D). Derivation

E). No morphemes

Test2 Adjectives, adverbs, pronouns, numerals
1.Which of the following is the meaning of the Adjective:

A). some adjectives indicate time or place of an action while others indicate the

property and others the degree of property

B). the adjectives denote either number or place in a series

C). the adjectives express the categorial semantics of property of substance

D). The adjectives share essential peculiarities of nouns

E). quantity of the objects

2.Which of the following is not a class of adjectives:

A). Qualitative

B). Relative

C). Substanivized adjectives

D). Cardinal

E). stative

3.Which of the following is not a characteristic feature of the statives as a class of adjectives:

A). the statives denote stative property

B). the statives are capable of expressing comparison analytically

C). the statives function only as the predicative

D). the statives function as the predicative and the attribute like adjectives

E). the statives denote quantity

4.Which of the following are not derivational affixes of the adjective:

A). - ness, - ty, -or

B). - ish, -ous, - ive

C). - ic,able, -ible

D). - less, -ful

E). - tion,- ress, -ix

5.Wholly substantivized adjectives have all characteristics of nouns because they possess such grammatical categories as:

A). the genitive case, the number and they are associated with articles

B). the number, the person and they are associated with articles

C). degrees of comparison and they are associated with articles

D). articles

E). gender

6.Can the statives be called a separate part of speech? (B.S. Khaimovich and B.I. Rogovskaya's point of view):

A). No, because they possess all the features of the adjectives, such as - degrees of comparison and number

B). Yes, because they denote not property but state, are characterized by specific prefix -a and do not possess the category of degrees of comparison

C). Yes, because their combinability is different from that of adjectives and they denote a stative property

D). No, because they are adjectives

E). Yes, because they have all the feature of adverbs

7.Which of the following is the meaning of the Adverb

A). Some adverbs indicate time or place of an action, while others indicate its property and others the degree of property

B). The adverbs denote either number or place in a series

C). The adverbs express he categorial semantics of property of substance

D). The adverbs share essential peculiarities of nouns

E). The adverbs is a special part of speech

8.What groups are the adverbs divided into according to professor M.Y Blokh's theory?

A). Adverbs fall under seven groups

B). Adverbs fall under seven group and three more stand aside - interrogative, relative and conjunctive

C). Adverbs fall under three groups- qualitative, quantitative and circumstantial

D). Adverbs fall under two groups - cardinal and ordinal

E). Adverbs fall under twenty groups

9.As to their structure adverbs are divided into:

A). Simple (pretty), derivative (slowly), composite (at last)

B). Simple (long), derivative (likewise), compound (anyhow)

C). Simple (then), derivative (headlong), compound (sometimes)

D). Simple (there), derivative (quickly), compound (nowhere) and composite (at once)

E). Simple and regressive

10.Choose the following combinability of the adverb – “adverb + adverb"

A). Annette turned her neck lazily.

B). Harris spoke quite kindly about it.

C). She is very beautiful.

D). All the things are so wide await

E). He turned around .

11.The pronoun cannot do the following:

A). It may substitute for some word or phrase

B). It may single that reference is being made to something which is given or known within the linguistic or situational context

C). It may stand for a general concept

D). It may show the t. 111 ed around .ive

nty groups

ature of adverbs

ime of the action

E). It may the gender of the person

12.Which of the following class of pronouns is the most disputable one:

A). Relative

C). Reflexive

D). Defininghe gender of the person. Demonstrative

E). Defining

13.Which of the following class of pronouns possesses the category of gender.

A). Interrogative

B). Reciprocal

C). Defining

D). Possessive

E). Indefinite

14.Which of the following pronouns do not possess the category of case:

A). Possessive

B). Interrogative

C). Reciprocal

D). Indefinite

E). Personal

15.Which of the following pronouns is in the function of the attribute in a sentence?

A). I think that appeals to me

B). Who do you mean?

C). We approved neither plan.

D). He just loved me

E). They loved each other

16.Morphologically the numerals are:

A). Invariable, no grammatical categories

B). Variable, there are some grammatical categories

C). Some are variable and some are not

D). They have the category of order

E). There are some meanings of numerals

17.Which of the following are typical suffixes of numerals:

A). - ness, -less

B). -th, -ty, teen

C). -teen, -seen

D). - ty, -er, -est

E). – er. –est, -ity

18.Ordinal numerals indicate:

A). word order

B). Order

C). Number

D). Figures

E). Fractions

19.Both cardinal and ordinal numerals can have certain functions of:

A). Nouns and adverbs

B). Nouns and adjectives

C). Adjectives and verbs

D). Nouns and verbs

E) Adverbial modifier

20.Which of the following is an adverb:

A). They took a fast train.

B). They rode fast,

C). This is the fastest train

D). There was a fast runner.

E). As fast as a Quicksilver

Test 3 Verb as a part of speech

1.Which of the following is the definition of the verb:

A). The verb is a part of speech which has a categorial meaning of "substance" or “thingness"

B). The verb is a part of speech which expresses the dependencies and interdependences of substantive referents

C). The verb is a part of speech which categorial meaning is that of process

D). The verb is a part of speech which is that of indication

E). The verb is a part of speech whose categorical meaning is deixis

2.The verb is distinct:

A). Semantically and morphologically

B). Semantically, morphologically and syntactically

C). Semantically only

D). Only morphologically

E) Only syntactically

3.The verb stem may be:

A). Simple and compound

B). Simple, derived, compound and composite

C). Simple and derived

D). No morphological forms

E). extended, structural

4.According to its structure the verb "give up" is:

A). Simple

B). Compound

C). Composite

D). Derived

E). Double

5.According to their meaning the verbs can be:

A). Dynamic and stative

B). Transitive and intransitive

C). Notional and structural

D) Terminative and durative

E) Auxilary and seminotional

6.According to their relation to the continuous form verbs can be:

A). Dynamic and stative

B). Transitive and intransitive

C). Notional and structural.

D). Terminative and durative

E). Functional and notional

7.According to the type of the object they take verbs can be:

A). Dynamic and stative

B). Transitive and intransitive

C). Notional and structural

D). Terminative and durative

E). Causative and consecutive


A). a form of a discontinuous morpheme

B). a form of existence of matter (a thing)

C). a tense form

D). a combination of "past-present”

E). a form of the word

9.According to professors Smirnitsky and llyish:

A). The future tense "shall/will + inf.” is an analytical form

B) 9A form of the wordof mai
ch whose categorial . The future tense "shall/will + inf." is not an analytics! form

C). The future tense is a separate category like tense, Voice, Person and so on

D). The future tense does not exist at all

E).The future tense is an opposition

10.Can the combination "shall/will + inf." be treated as an analytical form of the future tense?:

A). No, because this combination as a whole has a modal meaning - that of certainty

B). 10 future tense is an opposition

. Yes, because this form can be singled out both grammatically and semantically

C). Yes, because this combination contains a discontinuous morpheme

D). No, because this combination is a form of subjunctive mood

E). No, because this combination is a derivative form of infinitive

11.Which of the following is not a critical point of existence of the future tense:

A). The combination "shall/will f Inf." As a whole has a modal meaning - that of


B). The future tense can be expressed by means of the Present simple, the Present continuous and other forms, not only by the form " shall/will 4- inf”

C). There is Future-in-the-Past. If Tense is a system of opossums, one of the opposition (Future) cannot be included into both of others

D). It doesn't mean that the future action cannot be expressed in English

E). It has its general meaning

12.Who of the following scholars interpret Aspect as a category of semantics:

A). M. Deutchbein, A.G .Kennedy, G. Curme

B). H, Sweet, O Jespersen. L .LJofik

C). B.A. llyish, A.I. Smirnitsky

D). M. Y. Blokh

E). R.A. Quirk

13.How can Aspect be expressed in English?

A). By lexical means (terminative and non-terminative verbs) and grammatical means (Continuous and non-continuous forms)

B). By lexical means only

C). By grammatical means only

D). By means of opposition "Aspect and tense"

E) as retrospective

14.Why are Aspect and Tense recognized as two distinct grammatical categories?

A). Because Aspect expresses actions simultaneous with some other actions or situations, as well as Tense

B). Because the tense of the verb shows die time of Use action while the aspect of the verb deals with true development of the action, their grammatical forms are the


C). Because The forms "wrote - were writing" are opposed as tense forms

D). Because these categories have different grammatical meanings and are marked

by different grammatical forms

E). They are alike

15Who of the following scholars consider the category of perfect, a peculiar tense category?

A). O Jespersen

B). B.A.llyish, A.I. Smirnitsky

C). M. Y. Blokh

D). G. Vorontsova

E). J. Nesfield

16.Which of the following is an example of Middle voice:

A). l will shave and wash myself

B). Unfortunately, Mell and Christopher divorce each other

C). The new paper-backs are selling excellently

D). You are mistaken

E). It was night. The sea smooth as glass.

17.Why can the reflexive voice be distinguished as the third voice in Voice system?

A). Because in cases like “He washed himself it is not the verb that is reflexive but the noun "himself

B). Because the words "washed' and "himself are words belonging to different lexemes

C). Because the cases like "Me washed himself express the actions which are not

passed from the subject to any outer object

D). Because a number of verbs express "reflexive" meaning without corresponding


E).Because the action is directed to the object

18.What does the category of mood express?

A). The character of connection between the process denoted by the verb and the actual reality

B). The direction of the process as regards the participants of the situation reflected in the syntactic construction

C). It reflects the inherent mode of the realization of the process irrespective of its timing

D). It indicates the time of the action

E) It indicates the number of the doers of the action

19.Why is the problem of the category of mood still open for discussion?

A). Because the Imperative mood cannot express the time of an action

B). Because the so-called three mood system is not a good solution of the problem

C). Because there are constructions of concession and comparison, expressions of urgency

D). Because without a sentence it is difficult to recognize a grammatical form of the mood

E) Because it characterizes the relation between the process and the reality

20.Why according to L.S. Barkhudarov, the Imperative mood isn't considered to be a mood form:

A). Because it can be regarded as an elliptical sentence

B). Because it isn't expressed by the form 'should + lnf”

C). Because it expresses the aspect of an action

D). Because it expresses the gender of an action

E) Because it expresses request

21.What is the categorical meaning of a verb ?

A). process

B). substance

C). property

D). quality

E). quantity

22.The category of number of the verb shows ...

A). Whether the action is associated with one or more doers

B). The number of the actions in the sentence

C). The number of listeners in the sentence

D). Whether the action was done once or more times

E). The number of objects in the sentence

23.According to their meaning and function in a sentence the verbs are classified into:

A). Countable and uncountable

B). Plural and singular

C). Notional and structural

D). Dynamic and stative

E). Dynamic and durative

24.The category of time-correlation shows ...

A). the tense of the verbs

B). the aspects of the verb

C). Whether the action is viewed as prior to other situations or irrespective of them

D). whether the subjects of the sentence is the agent or object of the action

E). whether the action is real or not

25.Which of the following is a grammatical meaning of the category of voice?

A). the process of action irrespective of timing

B). the time of the action

C). the priority

D). the direction of the process as regards the participants of the situation

E). the relation to the reality

26.What is the main problem of the category of tense?

A). the number of tenses

B). the meaning of tenses

C). the case of tenses

D). the gender of tenses

E). the absence of discontinuous morpheme

27.How many grammatical categories do the finite forms of the verb have?

A). four (tense mod. number, person)

B). three (case, person, gender)

C). two (voice, tense)

D). seven (tense, voice, mood, person, number, aspect, time-correlation)

E). one (degrees of comparison)

28.What aspects does the verb have in English?

A). continuous and non-continuous

B). past and present

C). active and passive

D). perfect and non-perfect

E). indicative and imperative

29.Gerund has the following grammatical categories:

A). Perfect, aspect, tense

B). Tense, mood, voice

C). Perfect, person ,number

D). Voice, mood

E). Perfect, voice

30.Define the type and the function of the verbal in italics:

Once a month Tommy, arriving separately, came in for a brief drink.

A). It is a gerund in the function of an adverbial modifier

B). Participle II as an attribute

C). Gerund as an attribute

D). Participle I as an attribute

E). Gerund as an object

Test 4 Syntax. Phrase

1.What does the syntax deal with?

A). Word-and word-groups

B). Word-groups, sentences and supra sentential units

C). Morphemes and words

D). Syntagmatic and paradigmatic relations

E) Affixes

2.Point out the definition of the "phrase":

A). A phrase is a unit with every word having its definite form.

B). A phrase is a combination of two or more words, which are a grammatical unit but not an analytical form of some word.

C). A phrase is a grammatical unit which consists of two or more subordinate clauses.

D). A phrase is an clement of a sentence, which contains the new information; opposite to theme.

E). A phrase is an adjunct or a modifier

3.Syntagmatic relations are...:

A). Immediate linear relations between units in a segmental sequence

B). Relations between elements of the system outside its surroundings

C). Relations between the syntagms of the words

D). Relations between the syntax and the morphology

E) Relations observed by the grammarians

4.What is the definition of the phrase , given by F.F.Fortunatov and A.A.Shahmatov?

A). it's any syntactical group of words

B). It's any syntactical group of notional words, agreed with each other

C). It's any syntactical group of words, excluding the coordinate and predicative connection of words

D). It's a combination of two or more words, which are a grammatical unit but not

an “analytical form of some word.

E). It’s a combination of homogeneous parts of speech Relations observed by the the grammarians

y action

5.What does the following phrase denote ? It's from a man who wants you to investigate the disappearance of his wife's Pekinese dog

A). concrete thing

B). An action

C). A quality

D). A whole situation

E). A reaction

6.What does the following phrase consist of? She collapsed onto the deck .

A). Notional words alone

B). Notional and functional words

C). Only functional words

D). concrete things alone

E). interjection and pronoun

7.I wanted him to be free and happy. What function does the phrase perform in the sentence:


B) Predicate

C) Object

D). Attribute

E). Predicative

8.What is the name of the method of expressing a syntactical relationship, which consists in making a subordinate word take a form similar to that of the word to which it is subordinate?

A). Government

B). Agreement

C). Coordination

D). Predication

E). Cumulation

9 “Predication" is a syntactic bond between...

A). a nominal element and a predicative element in predicative constructions

B). two or more elements which are not grammatically equal, i.e. one of them is a headword and others are subordinated to it

C). two or more elements, which are grammatically equal

D). adjuncts

E) relations

10"Subordination” is a syntactic bond between...

A). a nominal element and a predicative element in predicative constructions

B). two or more elements which axe not grammatically equal, i,e. one of them is a headword and others arc subordinated to it

C). two or more elements, which are grammatically equal

D). adjuncts

E). modal words

11.Coordination is a syntactic bond which exists between ...

A). the units of syntactically equal rank

B). the units of unequal rank

C). the subject and the predicate

D). the head-word and the adjunct

E). the combination of words

12.State the type of the syntactic bond in the underlined phrase: Art opened his eyes again, looked wonderingly at the face so urgently near his own

A). predication

B). subordination

C). coordination

D). cumulation

E). assimilation

13.Slate the type of the syntactic bond in the following phrase: / watched him go

A). Predication

B). subordination

C). Coordination

D). Cumulation

E) Assimilation

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