the phrase is free or phraseolofical in this concrete case for making a correct translation. Translation
of phraseological units can be done in several ways.
For example,
1) While analyzing the following sentence: "The report opened my eyes to the real situation",
we can define the phraseological unit "to open somebody’s eyes to something" which is has the full
compliance "открыть кому-то глаза на что-либо". Next sentence "He certainly doesn't believe in
letting the grass grow under his feet", the phraseological unit "to let the grass grow under one's feet"
completely changes and is translated as "он не является сторонником бездеятельного
ожидания". 2) In the process of official-political texts translation translator can come across with
various lexical transformations. For example, we can see discrepancy of word semantics in different
languages. The more semantic volume of the word is wider, the wider is its compatibility:
For example:
Labour Party protests followed sharply on the Tory deal with Spain.
За сообщением о сделке консервативного правительства с Испанией немедленно
последовал протест лейбористской партии.
3) Concretization is generally used for specification of value of movement verbs and speech
verbs, such as to be, to take, to have, to get, to say, to come.
For example:
At the by-election victory went to the Labour candidate.
На дополнительных выборах победа досталась лейбористам (победу одержал кандидат
от лейбористской партии).
4) Semantic development is used in replacement of dictionary compliance.
For example:
Many South African sanctuaries are readily reached from Johannesburg (Land of Safaries.The
New York Times).
До многих южноафриканских заповедников рукой подать от Йоханненсбурга.
I would like to pay attention to the translation of international and pseudo-international words.
Contemporary English and Russian dictionaries contain extremely large number of form and sound
similar words, and the volume of such lexicon increased the last decades. We can call the tens of
English words which entered into Russian: atlas, football, progressleader, diplomacyprocess,
tendency, etc. However, even among international words we can note some words which have
different meanings in English and Russian.
So, the word “progress” is not only “прогресс”, but also “успехи”, “достижения”,
“развитие”; “leader” – is not only “лидер”, but also “руководитель”, “глава (делегации)”;
“decade” – “десятилетие”, but not :декада”; “advocate” – “сторонник”, but not “адвокат”, etc.
From the written below, we can come to the following conclusion: the official-political
translation is developing and improving every day. Adequate translation is very important because
these texts have not only information installation, but also they are some kind of a peculiar device
of impact on population and spheres of life where this information is directed on. Therefore
translator has strong responsibility while translating these texts, considering all peculiarities.
It is well-known fact that for the analysis of any discourse, it is important to take into
consideration “the language personality” and his/her speech as an example. For the translation
analysis of this research, I have chosen the speech of the 43
U.S. President George Bush Jr.
The first peculiarity of his speeches which I have noticed is that the most of his speeches
begin with the words "I know". With the help of this phrase, the politician "imposes" listeners his
own viewpoints concerning any theme: “I know that the Democrats want to raise your taxes,
because they think they can spend your money better than you can”. [George W. Bush, Colorado
Victory 2006 Rally, Greeley, Colorado, November 4, 2006]. “And I know it’s on your minds. It’s
on my mind”. I know it’s tough fighting, and you know it’s tough fighting.
Another peculiarity in Bush’s speech – is a tendency to express feelings, for the purpose of
expressivity increasing in the speech. It is known that the expressivity is one of the main ways of
awakening of mass audience’s interest. So, for example, such expressions, as: “I believe…”, “I
appreciate…”, “I’m grateful to/for…”, “I am confident…”, “I hope”, “I will forever be optimistic
by…”, “I was excited about…”, “I can’t tell you how much I love you…” and so on, which occur in
J. Bush's speeches. “So she sends her love, and on this, our 29
anniversary, I’m proud to say, I
love her dearly”. “I appreciate very much being here with a fine United States Senator – a man I
call a friend and a person I know you call friend, Chuck Hagel”, etc.. Also there is used obligation
mode. “We must keep the pressure on all the time”. “And the American people must understand the
facts; if you vote Democrat you’re voting for a tax increase”. “You see, in this new kind of war we
must understand what the enemy is thinking and what they’re about to do, in order to protect you”.
“This can be our future. But first we must choose”.
From the aforesaid it is possible to draw the following conclusions: the political discourse is
very peculiar. Political activity first of all is speech activity. Word is the main tool of the politician.
The translation of political discourse makes a great difficulty for any translator as it is necessary to
take into account all factors, to consider all subtleties and features, but the translation of this type of
discourse is developing and improving every day.
1 Chilton, P.A. and Schaeffner, C. “Discourse and politics”. – London, Vol.2, 1997. – p. 25
2 Jørgensen, Marianne W. and Phillips, Louise J. “Discourse Analysis as Theory and
Method”. SAGE Publications, 2
edition, 2002. – p. 37
3 Faucault Michelle. “
The Archaeology of Knowledge & The Discourse on Language
Routledge, 2005. – p. 103
4 Sheygal, Yelena.“Semiotika politicheskogo diskursa”. – Volgograd, Peremena, 2000. –
p. 34
5 Chudinov, A. “Politicheskaya lingvistika (obshie problem, metaphora). – Yekaterinburg,
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6 Karasik V. I. Yazykovaya lichnost’: institutstional’nyi i personal’nyi diskurs:
Sb.nauch.trudov. – Volgograd, 2003. – p. 15
7 Brown, G. and Yule, G. “Discourse Analysis”. – Cambridge, Cambridge University Press,
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8 Dijk, Teun A. van. “Political discourse and ideology”. 2001
Аталмыш мақалада ұсынылған "саяси дискурс" ұғымы, дискурстың негізгі түрлерінің
бірі болып табылады. Бұл мақаланың мақсаты саяси дискурсты аудару кезінде
лингвостилистикалық ерекшеліктерді анықтау және қарастыру болып табылады.
Мақалада қазіргі таңда өзекті болып табылатын мәселеге автордың көзқарасы
көрсетілген,сонымен қатар автор бұл мәселенің маңыздылығын атап өткен. Автор оның
көрсетіп,«дискурс» және «саяси дискурс» ұғымдарының мәнін айқындайды. Бұл мақала
дискурс ұғымының мәнін толыққанды ашып, «дискурс» и «текст» терминдерінің
ажыратылуына аса үлкен мән береді.
В данной статье представлено понятие «политический дискурс», как один из
основных видов дискурса. Целью статьи является рассмотрение и выявление
лингвостилистических особенностей перевода политического дискурса. В статье
предлагается взгляд автора на проблему, которая является актуальной на данный момент
и автором предпринимается попытка осветить актуальность данного вопроса. Автор
обозначает его актуальность в современной лингвистике, социально-гуманитарном знании,
уточняет понятия «дискурс» и «политический дискурс». Данная статья полностью
раскрывает понятие дискурса, уделяя большое внимание проблеме разграничения таких
терминов как «дискурс» и «текст». Статья посвящена анализу процесса перевода
политического дискурса, приведены стратегии перевода и большое количество примеров
процесса перевода политического дискурса.
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