Мақалада ағылшын ертегілерінің тек сюжеті емес басты мотив, дәстүрлі басталу
мен аяқталуы сияқты мәселелерін аударудағы жолдары қарастырылады. Бұл мақаланың
айырмашылығы. Көркем әдебиет және фольклор туындысы ретінде мысалдар ағылшын
ертегілерінің қазақша аударылған үзінділерімен келтірілген. Келтірілген мысалдар екі
тілдің синтактикалық айырмашылықтарын көрсетті. Мақалада көркем әдебиетті қазақ
тіліне аударудың нақты жолдары емес, қолдануға қолайлы әдістер келтірілген. Сондықтан,
бұл жұмыс осы тақырыпта ізденушілерге пайдалы болады.
В статье рассматриваются переводы английских авторских сказок, начиная от
главного мотива в сюжете до традиционных присказок и концовок сказок. Основная цель
статьи показать особенности мировоззрения англичан по сравнению с казахами. В
качестве примеров, как часть фольклора и художественной литературы, представлены
отрывки из английских сказок с их переводами на казахский язык. Приведенные примеры
перевода, показывают синтактическую разницу между двумя языками. Таким образом, мы
не предлагаем точных инструкций по переводу художественной литературы, а привели
варианты техник перевода, которые могут служить путеводителем для изучающих эту
УДК 802/809-4
L.S. Baimanova, Sh. D. Zhumabekova
Sh.Ualikhanov Kokshetau State University
Kokshetau, Kazakhstan
The dictionary of the English language is very various. It contains words of English origin
and borrowing words. The causes of the borrowings remain one of the most difficult problems in
modern English linguistics. Borrowings came to English from different languages. The article
considers classification of borrowings and a brief analysis of theoretical studies of the historical
prerequisites of Turkisms in English.
Key words: loan words, borrowing, classification of borrowings, ways of entering, Turkism,
In the conditions of globalization process of borrowing has the increasing character as new
inventions and the changed way of life lead to the expansion of political, economic, social and trade
relationship between the states. Studying of the process of Turkic lexical loans in English is one of
the most interesting and perspective directions in linguistics.
In modern lexicography the term "borrowing" can be interpreted in two ways, on the one hand
it is the process of enriching the vocabulary of the language, on the other hand is the result of
Classifications of borrowings according to source language and time do not cause much
controversy, but other principles of classification of borrowings are still the subject of debate. Most
often, the differences relate to the classification of loanwords in the degree of development and their
functioning in the language.
L.P. Krysin identifies three types of foreign words: borrowed words, foreign language
inclusions and exotic words [1,
43- 47
L.M. Bash in the article "Differentiation of the term "borrowing": chronological and
etymological aspects" refers to such type of borrowing as a "hybrid words," which he called quasi
and complemented the classification of new definitions: barbarisms, transliteration,
international words, the actual renewals, mixed words etc. [2,
E.I. Dibrova divides the foreign vocabulary words in the assimilated words, exotic words and
foreign-language inclusions, basing on the degree of development, structural and semantic
formation and its functioning [3,
Exotic vocabulary is words and phrases borrowed from the little-known languages such as
Indo-European and typically used to give a special flavor to speech [4,
Scientist of Caucasian languages Z.U Blyagoz believes that one of the main features of the
exotic words is a limited locality of use. He called such language regionalism (the name of life,
goods, customs and peculiarities of speech etiquette, etc.) [5,
The term culture-specific concept is close to the term exoticism. T.I.Cheremisina believes that
the words culture-specific concepts are "locally marked and serves to indicate the customs,
household items peculiar to a particular nation" [6,
The term "barbarism" or "barbarizm" is also used to indicate a foreign language vocabulary,
which we use to describe foreign customs, peculiarities of everyday life and to give to speech a
local colour". [7,
Barbarisms are similar to macaronic language. Macaronic words are foreign words which can
be used mechanically in speech in unchanged form. The functions of Macaronic words are a
satirical and ironic ones. From E.A.Burova’s point of view macaronic language does not lose its
relevance. [8, 5].
The English language has a long and difficult history. In 1348 the English language replaced
Latin as the language of instruction in most school, and in 1362 it replaced French as the language
of law. There are a lot of preconditions that influenced English. For example, William the
Conqueror and Roman invaders. In the English language there are words that have been borrowed
from the Turkic language, such words are called Turkisms.
Languages of Turkic peoples left many traces in various languages including English. The
Turkic peoples have created a huge number of different states, such as the Hun Empire, Turk
Empire, the Golden Horde, Timur's empire and others. English borrowed Turkic words through
direct contacts and owing to the intermediary languages. At the end of the IV century the words of
Turkic origin began to penetrate into the language of Angles and Saxons who were the ancestors of
the English, when they were conquered by the Huns and Turks. In 376 the whole Central Europe
was ruled by the Huns and only in 449 shortly before the death of Attila, the King of the Huns , the
first group of Angles, Saxons and Jutes began to move to the British Isles. This relocation process
lasted about 150 years.
Influence of Turkic language on the Old English under the domination of the Turks over the
Germanic tribes lasted at least 73 years. The Turks had the advantage over the German tribes in
culture and military. Therefore it is not surprising that the OE included many Turkisms of military,
horse-breeding sphere and Turkic words denoting concepts associated with the structure of the state.
During the development of the English language many Old English words, including the
words of Turkic origin borrowed in the Hun period, were driven out by the words either of other
Germanic languages or from Old French.
Another way of Turkic words penetration in Old English, Middle English willows was
Vikings. From IX to XII century, they contacted with Bulgarians, Pechenegs, Kipchaks and other
Turkic tribes, and they certainly borrowed some words during the process of interaction. The
Vikings were warriors, merchants and sea nomads. In the V century they especially valued Hun
swords. And in the IX-XII centuries, during the era of Scandinavian domination over England, the
Vikings language had strong influence on the English language.
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