Курстық жұмыс «Teaching foreign language in primary school»

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Қали Жұлдыз ШТ-405-1


Курстық жұмыс

«Teaching foreign language in primary school»

(Шетел тілін оқыту әдістемесі)

0105000 «Бастауыш білім беру»

Орындаған: Ж.Б.Қали «Шт-405»-тобы
Жетекшісі: Р.Б.Узыкова - шетел тілін
оқыту әдістемесі пәнінің оқытушысы

Қорғауға жіберілді (жіберілмеді)

«Шетел тілі» оқу-әдістемелік бірлестік
жетекшісі ______________
«_____» _________________ 2023 ж


1 «Teaching foreign language in primary school»

    1. Objectives of teaching foreign languages in primary school…….....................5

    1. Methods of teaching foreign languages…………………................................8

    1. Features of teaching foreign language to younger school children……..........11

    1. Psychological characteristics of primary school children................................15


2.1 The results of state practice at school...............................................................18

2.2 The procedure of the experiment of school...................................................19




The actuality of the research: The theme of my course work: " Teaching foreign language in primary school." I chose this theme because The modern education system is developing in the conditions of increasing globalization of economic and socio-cultural processes, integration in various fields of activity. In this regard, an important role in the education of modern schoolchildren is played by the study of foreign languages as an important means of intercultural interaction and general personal development. The most important is the stage of learning a foreign language in primary school, when students first get acquainted with the culture and language of another nation. It is at this time that the attitude to this academic subject is formed, on the basis of which its further assimilation will be carried out. When studying a foreign language in depth at primary school, many children and parents face difficulties, which subsequently lead to a decrease in interest in the subject being studied. Therefore, it is very important for a teacher to instill interest from the first year of study, to focus on each child as a creative person. Taking into account the psychological features of the development of perception, attention, memory, imagination and thinking of younger schoolchildren, it is advantageous to use imaginative thinking of children, elements of the game in the educational process. The game is a powerful incentive to master the language, it leads to development. The developing value of the game is inherent in nature itself, because the game is always emotions, practical activity for the formation of skills and abilities – where emotions are, there is activity, there is attention and imagination, thinking works there. Consequently, knowledge and skillful use of these and other features of younger schoolchildren will allow the teacher not only to increase the motivation of his students, but also to achieve real success in their learning. For example, techniques specially developed for this age involve the use of rhymes, songs, and all kinds of games to introduce the practice of language, which increases the motivation of children and thereby allows them to engage both voluntary and involuntary attention for a much longer time.

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