Высшее профессиональное образование Н. Г. Веселовская английский язык для направления «землеустройство и кадастры»

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Bottom-Up and Top-Down Planning
There are two different planning strategies. Bottom-up land use 
planning asumes a concept which understands rural development to be 
a process based on self-help and self-responsibility.
The population should actively participate in the process of land use 
planning. The result of planning and the implementation of measures 
can only be sustainable if plans are made with and by the people, not 
behind them or even against them. Planning is therefore not just a mat-
ter for experts, but should be carried out together with those affected by 
it. To ensure a feeling of ownership concerning self-help activities, peo-
ple who are affected have to be involved in the planning process from 
the early beginning.
Starting at the local level, bottom-up planning means active partici-
pation of the land users who will eventually implement the land use 
plan already at the identification of the land use problem. The other 
stages of the planning cycle, help to identify and prioritize between dif-
ferent options.
In some cases, especially in situations involving large areas or large 
investments it might be more efficient to focus land use planning at 
higher administrative level. It is called top-down land use planning. It 
allows to get results of planning which will be integrated with existing 
planning administration and legislation.
The two planning strategies each have their own advantages and 
disadvantages and care should be taken not to rely upon only one strat-
egy. Sometimes there are such actual planning situations when one 
should choose the most appropriate strategy to follow and often mix 
both of them to get the most satisfying result.
There are some of the advantages of bottom-up land use planning. 
They include local targets, management and benefits: people will be more 
enthusiastic about a plan seen as their own. More popular awareness of 
land use problems and opportunities are available. Plans can pay close 
attention to local constraints: natural resources or socio-economic prob-
lems. Better information is fed upwards for higher levels of planning.

But there are also different disadvantages. Local interests sometimes 
can conflict with regional or national interests. Difficulties occur in 
integrating local plans within a wider framework. There is limited tech-
nical knowledge at the local level. Technical agencies need to make a 
big investment in widely scattered places. Local efforts may collapse 
because of a lack of higher-level support.

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