Учебно-методический комплекс по дисциплине базовый английский язык а

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1. Посещение

Посещение должно быть обязательным. Пропуски занятий отрабатываются в полном объеме занятия, отраженном в учебно-методическом комплексе. Пропуски занятий без уважительной причины, в объеме, превышающем треть курса, ведут к исключению с курса.

2. Поведение в аудитории

Студент обязан не опаздывать на занятия, не разговаривать во время занятий, не читать газеты, отключать сотовый телефон, активно участвовать в учебном процессе.

3. Домашнее задание

Домашняя работа обязательна для выполнения и отчетность по ней принимается в оговоренное преподавателем время. У студентов опоздавших во время отчитаться домашнее задание приниматься не будет. На основе ваших отчетностей будет выведена оценка, которая повлияет на итоговую оценку.

4. Индивидуальные задания

Индивидуальные семестровые задания являются обязательными. Они выполняются в виде рефератов и защищаются студентами. Каждое из этих заданий оценивается отдельно и влияет на итоговую оценку.

5. Контрольная работа

Выполняется на занятии, сдается в конце пары, после занятия не принимается и не оценивается. Контроль знаний студентов главным образом будет осуществляться посредством решения тестовых заданий.

6. Собеседование

Собеседования должны сдаваться по расписанию для каждой группы отдельно, пересдача не допускается. Контроль знаний студентов может осуществляться посредством решения тестовых заданий.

2.4.Содержание урока
I term









Lesson 1

Sounds: [k], [g], [t], [d], [n], [s], [z], [Ө], [p], [b], [m], [i], [e]

Phonetic terms.

Individual reading of Pnonetic Exercises 1-3 pp.16-17


Word stress.

Listening to the Exercises from teachers reading.


the teacher's



Writing the words in transcription pp.16-17

Lesson 2

Consonants: [l], [f], [v], [j]. Vowel sound [ә].

New words of the lesson.

Pig, city, egg, ticket, kid.


Phonetic Rules.

Assimilation, Lateral plosion.

Phrasal and logical stress.

Working with the new sounds.



logues using

the new

words of the


Penmanship: Ll, Ff, Ss, Nn, Mm.

Phonetic Quiz.

Lesson 3


[i:], [a:], [u:], [u], [3:], [3u].

Types of syllable.


This is a book, isn’t it?

This isn’t a book, is it?

Demonst-rative pronouns: this (these), that (those). Plural of nouns. Types of questions.

Reading Rules: the letters: e, o.

Phonetic Notes. Plosion. Reduction. Phonetic Exercises.

Listening to the recordings of «stress time» dialogues.

Working in

pairs. Asking

and answering the different types of questions.

The letters: Oo, Cc, Ee, Dd, Pp, Bb, Rr, Tt, Vv.


Exercises: 3-4, 6-7, 9 pp.34-35

Lesson 4

Consonants: [h], [ ], [ ]

Vowel sounds: [ǽ], [u], [a].

Words of lesson 4.

Imperative sentences.

Impersonal sentences.

Reading Rules of letters a, i in I-II types of syllable.

Listening to the readings of your groupmates and find their mistakes.


Exercises 12





Aa, Ii, Kk, Xx, Zz,

Ph.Ex.-s: 4-7 p.45

Lesson 5

Sounds: [w], [n], [r], [au].

Intonation of adress. Form words.

Vocabulary Notes, p.,54

Conversa-tional Phrases.

to be in the Present Ind.Tense.

Degrees of comparison of adjectives.

Personal and possessive pronouns. Spelling Rules.

Dialogue: “A Visit”. Reading of Ph.Exercises concentrating on the sentence stress, weak forms of pronouns and the low fall.

Listening to the recording of the dialogue «A Visit».

Working in the laboratory.


the dialogue.

Exercises 8,

15, pp.61-62

Penmanship: Uu, Yy, Qq.

Exercises: 4 p.59, 11-12 p.61

Control work.

Lesson 6

Consonants: [t∫], [dz].

Dipthong [oi].

Intonation of parentheses and apposition. Stress in compound adjectives.

Vocabulary Notes of Lesson 6. Topical Vocabulary. Conversatio-nal Phrases.

To have in the Pr.Ind.TensePossessive Case of Nouns. Prepositions of place. Numerals to 100. Indefinite pronouns: some, any, no.

Text: Betty Smith.
Reading Exercises with Linking [r].

Reading Rules.

Listening to the tape and repeating the sentences after the dictor.

Topic: About


Retelling the



the pictures.


Ex.21 p.79

Letters: Hh, Gg, Jj, Ww.

Lexico-grammatical exercises.

Transcribing and intoning the words.


Lesson 7

Diphthongs: [iә], [εә], [u iә].

Fall-Rise. Intonation of address. Intonation of enumeration.

Vocabulary Notes, p.84

Topical Vocabulary (about professions).

Conversatio-nal Phrases.

Sentences with there is, there are. Numerals over 100.

Prepositions of time.

Text 1. Doctor Sandford’s Family.

Text 2. About Benny’s Cousins. Control reading of the texts.

Listening to the texts.

Watching a video film “Family Album”, USA”.

Talking about



Ex.25 p.94

Making up






My family.

My friend's


Writing a short composition about the family of well-known person.

Ex-s: 27 (a,b0, 19, 21-23 pp.92-94

Lesson 8

Combination of vowels: [aiә], [auә]. Intonation of the word “please” and word

Vocabulary Notes on the text.



Modal Verbs: can, may, must and their equivalents.

Text: Our English Lesson. Phonetic Notes. Reading additional material to the Lesson ((ABC, 110).

Listening to the poem “The Arrow and the song” by H.W.Longfellow.

Staging a


between a

teacher and

a student




Writing a short description of the classroom using the construction there is; there are.

Ex.14 p.107

Lesson 9

Sound [wә:]. Intonation of adverbials.

Intonation of complex sentences.

Vocabulary Notes, p.116

Topical Vocabulary.

Statements in Indirect Speech with the verb to say.

Text: Doctor Sandford’s House.

Phonetic Notes.

Text: My Home (ABC).

Listening to the fellow-students reading the Exercises of Lesson 9.


the topic:

«The flat and

live in».



Creative work.

«My House» (My flat). Control work.

Lesson 10

Intonation of exclamations. Phonetic Notes.

New Words on the theme: Literature.

:Books in our life”.

The Present Indefinite Tense.

General Questions in Indirect Speech.

Prepositions of time.

Text 1 “Books and libraries”, p.199 (ABC).

Text 2 “Charles Dickens”, p.218 (ABC).

Listening to the pronunciation of some proper names and tittles of books and practising them.

Talking about

the role of

books in our


Topics: At

the library,

My favourite


The biography of one Kazakh or English writer.

Dictation: «Their favoirite Poet».

Lexical Exercises.

Lesson 11

Intonation of complex sentences.

Theme: Geography. Vocabulary Notes, p.141

Topical Vocabulary.

Degrees of comparison of adverbs. The Use of definite barticle with geographical Names.

Dialogue, p.140

Phonetic Notes. Notes, pp.143-144

Listening to the Names of countries and practising their readings.




by J.Masefield.

Topic: Great


Lexico-grammatical Exercises. Creative work.

«Kazakhstan»Test work.

Lesson 12

Intonation of Parentheses.

Vocabulary Notes, p.160

Topical Vocabulary

About Meals.

The Present Continuous Tense.

Special Questions in Indirect Speech.

Text 1 Meals.

Text 2 In the Canteen.

Spelling Rules.

Repeat the sentences after the recordings.

Talking about eating habits.

Retelling the

texts using

slides for


Write your favourite recipe.

Composition: Kazakh National Meals.

Lexico-grammatical Exercises.

II term

Lesson 13

The High-Falling or Rising-Falling Tone.

Vocabulary Notes.

Topical Vocabulary, pp.182-183

The Present Perfect Tense.

Text 1 “A Student’s Day”.

Text 2

Dialogue, p.181

Listening to the text “The Daily Programme”.

Topic: The

Working Day.

Making up a conversation

using the


Notes of the


Ex-s:10-12, 19 (a,b), 22, 23 pp.187-193

Dictation: Housework.

Lesson 14

Logical Stress in Expressive Speech.

Vocabulary Notes, p.200

Vocabulary Notes.

The Past Indefinite Tense.

The Past Continuous Tense.

Statements in Indirect Speech.

Text 1 “Our University”.

Text 2 “St.Petrsburg University.

Listening to the texts, pp.255; 258 (ABC) and translating them.

Discuss why

you have

chosen this




for candidates seeking admission to

the University.

Ex-s: 20 p.208, 27 p.210

Grammatical Ex-s: 11; 112; 115; 119; p.495

Composition: My University.

Lesson 15

Sequence of Tones. Complex Sentences.

Vocabulary Notes, p.220

Topical Vocabulary.

Conversational Phrases.

The Future Indefinite Tense.

The Future Continuous Tense.

Adverbial Clauses of Time and Condition.

Text 1 “Seasons and weather.

Text 2 “Weather Talk”.

Listening to the text “The Climate of England” (ABC).


about weather.

Describe the

weather in

your place.

Ex-s: 25 p.226

26 p.22-23

ex.120-130 pp.497-502


Lesson 16

Intonation of Direct address.

Vocabulary Notes, p.237

Theme: Leasure time.

Sequences of Tenses. The future in the past. The Past Perfect Tense.

Text 1 “Under the High Trees”

Text 2 “At the Seaside”.

Listening to the texts.

Working in the laboratory.

Asking and


questions on

the text.

Retelling the


Topic: Rest.

Composition Exercises.


Ex.27 p.243

Lesson 17

Intonation of Author’s Words.

Theme: Travelling. Vocabulary notes.

Topical Vocabulary.

The Passive Voice.

Text 1 “A Visit to Moscow”.

Text 2 “Conversation.

Additional Material (from a Book for Aural Work, pp.102-103).

Listening to the tape (Inside Out”.

Work book. p,11



on the given


Speak about

some place

of interest in

your place.

Writing a description of
place you visited.

Lexico-grammatical Ex-s: 11 p.258; 12 p.268; ex.14 p.261; ex.19 p.263

Ex.142-149 p.507-508

Lesson 18

Intonation Pattern VI.

Low Head.

Vocabulary Notes, p.271

Topical Vocabulary (about shopping).

The Complex Object.

Text 1 “Carrie goes to a department store.

Text 2 “Shopping”.

Listening to the recording and to the tasks (Inside Out, p.39).

Pre-Intermediate Student’s Book.

Describe the

pictures, p.281

Talking about

buying things.

Exercises: 10 p.276; ex.12, 14 (a,b) p.277

18, 19 p.279

ex.152-160 pp.511-513

Lesson 19

Vocabulary Notes on the Theme: Sport.

Theme: Sport.

Conditional sentences.
Grammar Exercises from Golicinsky.

Text: Sport.

Dialogue, p.260 (ABC).

Additional Material, p.263

Listen to the part of a TV programme about sport. (Inside Out, Pre-Intermediate. Work book).
Speaking on one of the foollowing topics (ex.16 p.214).

Talking about






Making up


In the Surgery.

At the


(A book for

Aural Work).

Vocabulary and Speech Exercises pp.270-273 (ABC). Grammatical Exercises: 4-12 pp.407-410
Creative Work.

Sport and Healthful Life.

Lesson 20

Theme: Holidays and traditions.

Vocabulary Notes, p.296

Grammar Revision.

Text 1 “New Year’s Eve”. Text 2 “Dialogue” p.295

Additional Material (Inside Out. Intermediate, p.58 p.39).

Listening to the additional Material about Holidays in Kazakhstan from CD.

Talking about






Victory Day,

The Day of

the Republic).

Composition: Public Holidays in Great Bretain.

Creative Work.

Traditional Holidays in Kazakhstan.

Control work.

3. График выполнения и сдачи заданий по дисциплине

Вид работ

Цель и содержание задания

Рекомендуемая литература

Продолжительность выполнения


Форма контроля


Выподнение СРСП

Проверка практической подготовки

Практический курс по английскому языку– Аракин В.Д. Москва, 2000

3 неделя


Реферат и доклад


Задания СРС

Проверка самостоятельной работы

“Английский язык” Матюшкина-Герке,

Inside Out.

4 неделя


Чтение текста и перевод


Контрольная работа

Проверка практической подготовки по изученному материалу

Практический курс по английскому языку– Аракин В.Д. Москва, 2000

По расписанию СРСП


Письменная работа по вариантам



Активизация самостоятельности у студентов, а также усвоение терминологии

Практический курс по английскому языку– Аракин В.Д. Москва, 2000

№ 7 урок

№15 урок


Устный ответ



Комплексная проверка знаний

Дополнительная литература

7, 15 недели





Выподнение СРСП

Проверка практической подготовки


4. Карта учебно-методической обеспеченности дисциплины

Наименование литературы



В библиотеке

на кафедре

обеспеченности студентов (%)

Электронная версия









Практический курс по английскому языку– Аракин В.Д. Москва, 2000



100 %


Английский язык – Т.И.Матюшкина-Герке

1 курс, Москва, 1998



80 %


Inside Out.Pre-Intermediate – Sue Kay and Philip Kerr. Student’s book – Macmillan/Oxford, 2002



50 %


Inside Out. Pre-Intermediate – Sue Kay and Philip Kerr). Workbook – Macmillan/Oxford – 2002.



35 %


Inside Out. Intermediate. Student’s Book. Sue Kay and Vaughan Jones.



50 %


Inside Out. Intermediate.

Workbook. Philip Kerr.



35 %


Cutting Edge. Elementary. Student’s Book. – Sarah Cunningham, Peter Moor, Frances Eales.



15 %



Cutting Edge. Pre-Intermediate. Workbook. – Peter Moor.



15 %


Cutting Edge. Intermediate. Workbook. – Jane Comyns Carr, Frances Eales.



15 %


Грамматика (жаттығулар жинағы) – Ю.Б.Голицынский, Санкт-Петербург «Каро», 1998



20 %

5. Лекционный комплекс:

А) Название темы

В) Цель лекции

С) Ключевые слова

Д) Основные вопросы и краткое содержание

Е) Основные схемы, формулы и т.д., иллюстрирующие содержание

З) Вопросы для самоконтроля

И) Рекомендуемая литература

Программой не предусмотрена
6. Планы семинарских (практических) занятий

I term


The Content of the Lesson





Individual reading of Pnonetic Exercises 1-3 pp.16-17


Word stress.




Demonst-rative pronouns: this (these), that (those). Plural of nouns. Types of questions.

Phonetic Rules.

Assimilation, Lateral plosion.

Phrasal and logical stress.




Imperative sentences.

Impersonal sentences.

Reading Rules: the letters: e, o.

Phonetic Notes. Plosion. Reduction. Phonetic Exercises.




to be in the Present Ind.Tense.

Degrees of comparison of adjectives.

Personal and possessive pronouns. Spelling Rules.

Reading Rules of letters a, i in I-II types of syllable.




To have in the Pr.Ind.TensePossessive Case of Nouns. Prepositions of place. Numerals to 100. Indefinite pronouns: some, any, no.

Dialogue: “A Visit”. Reading of Ph.Exercises concentrating on the sentence stress, weak forms of pronouns and the low fall.




Sentences with there is, there are. Numerals over 100.

Prepositions of time.

Text: Betty Smith.
Reading Exercises with Linking [r].

Reading Rules.




Modal Verbs: can, may, must and their equivalents.

Text 1. Doctor Sandford’s Family.

Text 2. About Benny’s Cousins. Control reading of the texts.




Statements in Indirect Speech with the verb to say.

Text: Our English Lesson. Phonetic Notes. Reading additional material to the Lesson ((ABC, 110).




The Present Indefinite Tense.

General Questions in Indirect Speech.

Prepositions of time.

Text: Doctor Sandford’s House.

Phonetic Notes.

Text: My Home (ABC).




Degrees of comparison of adverbs. The Use of definite barticle with geographical Names.

Text 1 “Books and libraries”, p.199 (ABC).

Text 2 “Charles Dickens”, p.218 (ABC).




The Present Continuous Tense.

Special Questions in Indirect Speech.

Dialogue, p.140

Phonetic Notes. Notes, pp.143-144




Text 1 Meals.

Text 2 In the Canteen.

Spelling Rules.



II term


The Present Perfect Tense.

Text 1 “A Student’s Day”.

Text 2

Dialogue, p.181




The Past Indefinite Tense.

The Past Continuous Tense.

Statements in Indirect Speech.

Text 1 “Our University”.

Text 2 “St.Petrsburg University.




The Future Indefinite Tense.

The Future Continuous Tense.

Adverbial Clauses of Time and Condition.

Text 1 “Seasons and weather.

Text 2 “Weather Talk”.




Sequences of Tenses. The future in the past. The Past Perfect Tense.

Text 1 “Under the High Trees”

Text 2 “At the Seaside”.




The Passive Voice.

Text 1 “A Visit to Moscow”.

Text 2 “Conversation.

Additional Material (from a Book for Aural Work, pp.102-103).




The Complex Object.

Text 1 “Carrie goes to a department store.

Text 2 “Shopping”.




Conditional sentences.
Grammar Exercises from Golicinsky.

Text: Sport.

Dialogue, p.260 (ABC).

Additional Material, p.263




Grammar Revision.

Text 1 “New Year’s Eve”. Text 2 “Dialogue” p.295

Additional Material (Inside Out. Intermediate, p.58 p.39).



7. Методические указания по изучению дисциплины

Методические указания по изучению теоретического материала

Методические указания для лабораторных и практических (семинарских) занятий
а) практические (семинарские) занятия

The type of the lesson: Practical class (contact hour).

Theme: My University.

The aim:

1) To increase skills in speech, using key-words and phrases of the theme.

2) To develop students abilities in describing their own university and in expressing

their ideas and opinions.

3) To revise the last grammar material and improve their abilities in usage of the

Indirect Speech in their speech.

4) To learn the students to use the Vocabulary of the Lesson correctly in everyday speech.
Visual Aids:

  • cards with key-words and phrases; pictures representing university and classrooms;

  • grammar table.

The type of the lesson: Practical class (contact hour).

The procedure of the Lesson:

  1. Organization moment.

  2. Warm-up.

  3. Phonetic Drill.

  4. Checking the home task.

  5. Making up the dialogue.

  6. Revision of Grammar.

  7. Home task.

  8. Conclusion.

  1. Good morning, everybody! Today we’ll continue the theme “University”. Your home task was to find pictures representing our university and classrooms, to learn the Vocabulary words and be ready to describe your university. There were given also some Exercises.

  2. T: First, we’ll begin our lesson with warm-up:

Your task is to make as many words as possible using the letters from the word “Whitewash”.

S: tie, ash, tea, eat, sweet, sea, hat, wash, etc.

  1. T: Now, let’s Revise Reading Rules of digraphs before the letter r.

S1: ai + r } give the sound [έә]. E.g. air, chair, their

Ei + r }

S2: ea + r gives the sounds { [έә]

{ [έә] e.g. near, dear, bear.

Note: learn, earth.

S3: oa + r gives the sound [o:] e.g. beer, deer.

E r + r gives the sound [iә] e.g. board.
S4: oo + r gives the sound [uә] e.g. poor. Note: door, floor.

ou + r gives the sound [auә] e.g. our, floor.

  1. T: The theme of our lesson is “Our university”. So, it was your home task to find pictures representing university, libraries or classrooms. I hope you’ve found interesting and beautiful pictures. Let’s start describing.

a) S1, 2 … (describe the pictures and answer the questions).

  1. b) 1. Where is your university situated?

2. What faculties have you got in our university?

3. What kind of classrooms have you got in your faculty?

4. Have you got all modern facilities in the language laboratories?

5. Have you got a gymnasium in our university? /swimming pool/

Is it comfortable?

c) Checking Exercises 4, p.180

V. T: Now I want to check the key-words and phrases of the Lesson. Tasks of the Exercises: 3, p. 180 (translate the words into English).

a) First, you must find Kazakh equivalents of these English words: (primary school, degree, to specialize in, part-time student, graduate, etc.).

b) Yesterday you read a dialogue about the life of a foreign students. Now you should construct your own dialogue according to the model… You may also use the following scheme

VI. T: Now, let’s do some Revision Grammar Exercises.

  1. Exercise 8, p.439 (the tenses).`

  2. Exercise 9, p. 440 (task: fill in the missing verb).

  3. Exericse 10 , p.440 (to change sentences into indirect speech).

VII. Your home work is translation exercise 11, p.441

VIII. Thank you for this lesson. I am satisfied with your work.

Now, the lesson is over. Good-bye!

The Theme: The difference between the Past Indefinite and the Present Perfect.
The aim: To explain the differences between these two tences. To learn the students to use them correctly in their speech. To do Grammar Exercises to fasten the material.
Visual Aids: Grammar tables, cards; Additional literature:

  1. A Course of English by Matushkina-Gerke

  2. Practical Grammar in Patterns

  3. Grammar Exercise by Golicinsky

The plan of the Lesson:

  1. Organizing moment.

  1. Checking the home work (Exercises 7-8, pp.226-227) ABC. Exercise 7, p.226 (Matuskina-Gerke; “A Course of English”).

Task: Put the verbs into the Past Indefinite Tense.
Exercises 8 p.227

Task: Use Present Perfect and Past Indefinite instead of Present Indefinite and put them into a natural context to justify the use of the tenses.

  1. Peter has taken his wife to the theatre this week.

Peter took his wife to the theatre yesterday.

  1. has gone this summer; went last summer.

  2. has already helped; helped yesterday.

  3. has told today; told before yesterday.

  4. has met this morning; met last week.

  5. has borrowed this week; borrowed last month.

  6. has given lately; gave yeterday.

  7. has newer delivered; delivered 2 days ago.

  8. has just read; read last time.

  9. has seldom tried; tried last year.

  1. Explanation of the grammar material.

  1. To compare the use of Pr.Perfect and Past Ind.

The Pr.Perfect is used when the act is finished, but its result is in the present.

e.g. I have bought a new hat today.

The Past Ind. Means an act which refers to the past.

e.g. I bought a new hat yeterday.

  1. Pr.Perfect is used with such adverbs as: never, ever, lately, of late, already, yet, just, seldom, etc.

e.g. I have never met him.

Past Indefinite uses such adverbial modifiers of time: last week, 5 years ago, in 1957, from … to, yesterday, the day before yesterday, etc.

3.Present Perfect is often used in questions beginning with how long and Past with when.

e.g. How long have you been in London?

When did you do your home task?

  1. Gr.Exercises from Practical Grammar in Patterns.

Exercises 125-135, pp.65-69 (orally)

  1. To work with cards:

Task: Supply the correct tense: Present Perfevt or Past Ind.
Card № 1.

Put the correct tense: Present Perfect or Past Indefinite.

  1. We (to travel) around Europe last year.

  2. My father knows so much because he (to travel) a lot.

  3. I (to see) Pete today.

  4. She (to see) this film last Sunday.

  5. Alex (to meet) his friend two hours ago.

  6. I just (to meet) our teacher.

Card № 2.

  1. The children already (to decide) what to do with the books.

  2. Yesterday they (to decide) to help their grandmother.

  3. The rain (to stop) and the sun is shining again.

  4. The rain (to stop) half an hour ago.

  5. Mary (to buy) a new hat.

  6. I (to buy) a pair of gloves yesterday.

Card № 3.

  1. I already (to do) my homework.

  2. I (to do) my homework yesterday.

  3. He just (to come) home.

  4. He (to come) home a minute ago.

  5. I never (to be) to Washington.

  6. You ever (to be) to New York?

Card № 4.

  1. You (to see) Mary today?

  2. When you (to see) Mary? I (to see) her last week.

  3. He is not at school today, he (to fall) ill.

  4. When he (to fall) ill? – He (to fall) ill yesterday.

  5. Look at this bird-house. Mike (to make) it himself.

  6. He (to make) is last Sunday.

Card № 5.

Supply the correct tense: Present Perfect or Past Indefinite.

  1. He just (to finish) his work.

  2. It (to be) very cold yestreday.

  3. When you (to meet) him?

  4. I (not to see) him since 1987.

  5. The new school (to begin) working last year.

  6. I (not to see) my cousin since last year.

Card № 6.

Supply the correct tense: Present Perfect or Past Indefinite.

  1. He (to be) in the USA 5 years ago.

  2. You (to be) in the Caucasus last year?

  3. He (not to come) back yet.

  4. I (not to see) him for ages.

  5. Last night I (to feel) tired and (to go) to bed early.

  6. You ever (to spend) your holidays in the Crimea?

Card № 7.

Use the necessary tense: The Present Perfect or the Past Indefinite

  1. I (not to read) the newspaper today.

  2. We (to go) to the country yesterday.

  3. The lecture (not to begin) yet.

  4. She just (to go) out.

  5. She (to leave) the room a moment ago.

  6. When it all (to happen)?

Card № 8.

Put the correct tense: Present Perfect or Past Indefinite.

  1. When you (to open) the window? – I (to open) it 10 minutes ago.

  2. He (to visit) that place last year.

  3. I never (to visit) that place.

  4. I just (to get) a letter from Tom.

  5. You ever (to spend) your holidays in the Crimea?

Card № 9.

Use Present Perfect, Present Continuous, Present Indefinite, or Past Indefinite where necessary:

  1. I (not to meet) Peter since Monday.

  2. Nina just (to finish) her work.

  3. What you (to read) now? – I (to read) “Jane Eyre”.

  4. You (to see) Jack today?

  5. You (to write) your composition yet?

  6. And when you (to write) your composition? – I (finish) it 2 days ago.

Card № 10.

Use the correct tense: Present Perfect or Past Indefinite.

  1. They (to go) to the theatre last week.

  2. They (to be) to the Bolshoi Theatre twice this week.

  3. When your friend (to return) from the South?

  4. I (to see) this film this week.

  5. He (to come) here 5 days ago.

  6. My brother just (to come) home.

  1. Modal Verbs and their equivalents in the Past Indefinite Tense. Gr.Exercise VIII, p.198

  2. Home task: 1) Exercises 113, p.494 (Arakin)

14, p.229 (Mat.-Gerke)

  1. to study the grammar rule.

Theme: My Home.

The aim: 1) To increase skills in speech, using key-words and phrases of the theme.

2) To develop students abilities in describing their own houses and in expressing

their ideas and opinions.

3) To revise the last grammar material and improve their abilities in usage of the

Indirect Speech in their speech.

4) To learn the students to use the Vocabulary of the Lesson correctly in everyday speech.

Visual Aids: Cards with key-words and phrases; pictures representing house and rooms;

grammar table.

The type of the lesson: Practical class (contact hour).
The procedure of the Lesson:

  1. Organization moment.

  2. Warm-up.

  3. Phonetic Drill.

  4. Checking the home task.

  5. Working with the text.

  6. Revision of Grammar.

  7. Home task.

  8. Conclusion.

  1. Good morning, everybody! Today we’ll continue the theme “My House”. Your home task was to find pictures representing houses and rooms, to learn the Vocabulary words and be ready to describe your own houses or flats. There were given also some Exercises.

  2. T: First, we’ll begin our lesson with warm-up:

Your task is to make as many words as possible using the letters from the word “Whitewash”.

S: tie, ash, tea, eat, sweet, sea, hat, wash, etc.

  1. T: Now, let’s Revise Reading Rules of digraphs before the letter r.

S1: ai + r } give the sound [έә]. E.g. air, chair, their

Ei + r }
S2: ea + r gives the sounds { [έә]

{ [έә] e.g. near, dear, bear.

Note: learn, earth.

S3: oa + r gives the sound [o:] e.g. beer, deer.

er + r gives the sound [iә] e.g. board.

S4: oo + r gives the sound [uә] e.g. poor. Note: door, floor.

ou + r gives the sound [auә] e.g. our, floor.

  1. T: The theme of our lesson is “My House”. So, it was your home task to find pictures representing houses or rooms. I hope you’ve found interesting and beautiful pictures. Let’s start describing.

a) S1, 2 … (describe the pictures and answer the questions).

  1. b) 1. What furniture have you got in your living-room?

2. How many rooms are there your flat?

3. Have you got all modern conveniences in your house?

4. Which room in your house is the largest? And which of them is the most


5. Is there a black-and-white or a colour TV set at your home?

What model is it? Where is it?

(Questions of Exercise VII (b), pp.119-120).

c) Checking Exercises X-XI, p.121

Tasks of the Exercises: X, p.121 (to put questions to the sentences).

XI, p.121 (to fill in the missing words).

V. T: Now I want to check the key-words and phrases of the Lesson.

a) First, you must find English equivalents of these Kazakh words: (удобный, хорошо-запланированный, 1-ый этаж; наверху; мебель; красивый).

b) Give definitions to the following:

  1. A room people have meals in … . S1: a dining-room

  2. A room where people spend time after dinner or supper (where guests are received) …

S2: a sitting room or living-room .

  1. A room where food is kept … . S3: a pantry.

  2. A room where children sleep, play and have meals.

S4: a nursery.

  1. A room where a person studies, reads and writes, etc.

S5: a study.

  1. A piece of furniture to keep things in … .

S6: a cupboard. (a sideboard.)

  1. An electric equipment to keep food cool in hot weather.

S7: a fridge.

  1. A thing to cook meals on … .

S8: a gas-stove.

VI. T: Now, let’s do some Revision Grammar Exercises.

  1. Exercise XV, p.122 (the possessive case of noun).

  2. Exercise XVII, p.122 (task: fill in the missing modal verb).

  3. Exericse XXI (a), p.124 (to change sentences into indirect speech).

VII. Your home work is translation exercise XX, p.123

VIII. Thank you for this lesson. I am satisfied with your work.

Now, the lesson is over. Good-bye.

По основному курсу.

Структура урока № 12.

  1. a) Theme: Meals.

b) Grammar theme: The Present Continuous Tense.

  1. The aim: “Meals” тақырыбындағы сөздерді қатыстырып сөйлемдер құрап, сұрақтарға жауап беру арқылы жаңа грамматикалық материалды бекіту. Студенттерге нақ осы шақ пен ауыспалы осы шақтың айырмашылығын түсіндіру.

  2. Meal, breakfast, dinner, supper, to have a meal, to be thirsty, to be hungry, tasty, dessert, food, vegetables, fruit, to cook, to fry, to boil, to dine, to drink.

  3. 1. Present Continuous қалай жасалады?

2. Present Continuous шағында қолданылатын уақыт көрсеткіштері қандай?

3. Present Continuous шағы қандай іс-әрекетті білдіреді?

  1. Grammar table of the Present Continuous Tense.

  1. I - am playing football.

He – is speaking English.

She – is writing a letter.

It – is
Are we working in the garden?

Are you standing at the window?

Are they reading exercises?

  1. Exercise XI (a, b, c) pp.165-166 (Answer the questions).

  2. 1. В.Д.Аракин Ағылшын тілінің практикалық курсы. - Москва: “Владос”, 1990.

Т.И.Матюшкина-Герке. Ағылшын тілі. - Москва, 1998.
Практическое занятие №1

Содержание урока: Понятие о транскрипции. Звуки и буквы английского алфавита.

Знаки фонетической транскрипции (гласные и согласные).

Цели и задачи: Формирование произносительных навыков.

Постановка и отработка английских специфических звуков.

Коррекция рецептивных фонетических навыков.
Конспект занятия: В английском языке 26 букв – 20 согл. и 6 гласных, которые дают 48 звуков-24 гласных и 24 согласных звука.

Среди гласных различают 12 монофтонгов, 8 дифтонгов и 4 производных гласных.

12 monophthongs: (единичные гласные).
Среди гласных имеются долгие и краткие звуки. Долгота обозначается двоеточием:

и имеет смыслоразличительный характер.

например: Sheep- - овца. Pete- -Петя.

Ship- - корабль. Pit- -шахта.

Dark- - темный.

Duck- - утка.

Специфические английские звуки- [ e ] ; [ ǽ ].

Звук [ǽ ] в словах

bad, pan, man

должен быть чётко выражен и не может быть заменён на простой ударный звук е, т.к из из вышеуказанных слов при неправильном воспроизведении звука ( ) могут получиться совершенно иные слова:

bad [b ǽd] плохо - bed [bed] - кровать

pan [pǽn] - pen [pen]

сковорода - ручка

man [mǽn] - men [men]

мужчина - мужчины
Звук [ә: ] в словах bird [bә:d], girl [gә:l], third [Өә:d] и т.д. похож на звук в словах «свёкла», «Гёте»

8 diphthongs: (дифтонги - это двойные гласные звуки)

[ai], [ei], [ou], [au],[oi], [iә], [eә], [uә],

Согласные звуки: для обозначения согласных звуков используются в основном буквы латинского алфавита и лишь для некоторых – особые значки; среди согласных различают глухие и звонкие согласные:

[p] - [b] [k] - [g]

[t] - [d] [ s] - [z]

[f] - [v]
Английские звонкие согласные в конечном положении никогда не оглушаются, как в русском языке. Оглушение конечной звонкой согласной в английском языке влечёт за собой изменение смысла слова.


английские [ded] dead- [det] debt и русские прут, пруд, которые

произносятся одинаково - [прут]

Итак, мы познакомились с английскими звуками, которые на письме обозначаются знаками. С помощью этих знаков, передающих гласные и согласные звуки можно передать на письме графическое изображение звукового строя языка. Графическое изображение слова на письме называется транскрипцией.

Практическое занятие 2

Тема: Порядок слов в английском повествовательном предложении.

Цели и задачи: - Ознакомить со структурой английского повествовательного


- Отрабатывать навыки перевода таких предложений с родного

на английский язык.

Конспект занятия: Для английского языка характерен строго фиксироваппый порядок слов: (Обстоятельства места, времени), подлежащее, сказуемое, дополнение, обстоятельства места, времени и т. д.

Слова, определяющие существительное, как правило, ставятся перед определяемым словом. Слова, определяющие глагол, ставятся после определяемого слова, например:

I have much work. У меня много работы.

He must work much. Он должен много работать.

Тема: Предложения с формальным подлежащим it .

Цели и задачи: - ознакомление с четырьмя функциями местоимения it.

- отработка в правильности перевода и употребление в речи

безличных предложений.

- отработка в правильности перевода и употребление в речи

усилительных конструкций с местоимением it .

Конспект занятия: В английском языке местоимение it соответствует в русском языке местоимениям всех трёх родов и переводится на русский язык он, она, оно. Оно выполняет четыре функции.

личное безличное


указательное усилительное
А). личное (выполняет функцию подлежащего или дополнения)

Where is your pen? Где твоя ручка?

It is in the bag. Она в портфеле. (подлежащее).

Your translation is good. Твой перевод хороший.

I like it. Мне он нравится. (дополнение).

Б). указательное (в функции подлежащего).

What is it? Что это?

It is a computer. Это вычислительная машина.

В). безличное (в функции подлежащего).

It is important to do it. Важно сделать это.

It rained yesterday. Вчера шёл дождь.

It is known that he is a famous scientist. Известно, что он знаменитый


Г). усилительное (где оно является частью усилительной конструкции и служит для эмоционального и смыслового выделения того или иного члена предложения). Например, в предложении: I studied English at the University last year. Можно выделить четыре члена предложения:

It was I who (that) studied English at the University. Как раз (именно я) и изучал

английский в университете.

It was English that I studied at the University. Именно английский я и

изучал в унверситете.

It was at the University that (where) I studied В университете-то я и

English last year. изучал английский в

прошлом году.

It was last year that (when) I studied Как раз (это) в прощлом

English at the University. году я и изучал английский

в университете.

Практическое занятие 3

Побудительное предложение.

В английском языке побудительные предложения выражают приказание или просьбу, обращённую либо к собеседнику, либо к третьему лицу. Если в предложении присутствует слово «please» - это просьба.

Просьба и приказание, обращённые непосредственно к собеседнику, выражаются предложением с глаголом в повелительном наклонении как для ед. так и для мн. числа, который совпадает с основой глагола ( без частицы «to». Такие предложения могут быть как утвердительными, так и отрицательными.

Отрицательные образуются с помощью отрицания.

«Do not» - (don’t), которое ставится перед глаголом в повелительном наклонении.

Обращение непосредственно к собеседнику:

Tell me, please -Don’t tell me!

Look at me! - Don’t look at me!

Go to the door! - Don’t go to the door!

Open the book, please! - Don’t open the book!

Обращение к 3-му лицу:
Meet Ben! - Don’t meet Ben!

Tell Peter! - Don’t tell Peter!

Send Kate these new books! - Don’t send Kate these new books!

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тексерілу мемлекеттік
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ерікті анонимді
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қатысуға жолдамалар
қызметшілері арасындағы
академиялық демалыс
алушыларға академиялық
білім алушыларға
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туралы хабарландыру
конкурс туралы
мемлекеттік қызметшілері
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органдардың мемлекеттік
мемлекеттік органдардың
барлық мемлекеттік
арналған барлық
орналасуға арналған
лауазымына орналасуға
әкімшілік лауазымына
инфекцияның болуына
жәрдемдесудің белсенді
шараларына қатысуға
саласындағы дайындаушы
ленген қосылған
шегінде бюджетке
салығы шегінде
есептелген қосылған
ұйымдарға есептелген
дайындаушы ұйымдарға
кешен саласындағы
сомасын субсидиялау