«Жоғары оқу орындарында көптілді білім берудің өзекті мәселелері»
аймақтық ғылыми-практикалық конференция, 30 қараша 2018ж.
Х.Досмұхамедов атындағы Атырау мемлекеттік университеті
English is an international working and official language. There are about
1.5 billion English speakers in the world today. English, which is the most
taught language, it does not replace other languages, but complements them:
- 300 million Chinese - more than the population of the United States -
learn English.
- In 90 countries, English is either a second language or it is studied widely.
- In Hong Kong, students in nine out of ten high schools learn English.
-In France, in state secondary schools, students must study English or
German for four years, and the majority of them - at least 85% - usually choose
- In Japan, students must learn English for six years before graduating from
high school.
In Russia, where the study of foreign languages for children is a
compulsory subject, most pupils learn English. Now in Kazakhstan it is
introduced trilingualism: Kazakh as a state language, Russian as language for
communication of peoples in former Soviet republics, and English as the world
universal language. In Norway, Sweden and Denmark, it is definitely learnt
English. Of all European countries, not counting the UK, Holland is in first
place in the number of people who know English. Since Portugal joined the
European Community, the demand for English lessons has replaced the demand
for French classes. So, it is not surprising that about 75% of letters, 60% of
television and radio programs, 50% of print publications are written and
broadcast in English. Thus, the English language becomes an integral part of the
life of modern man. Reading interesting articles and books, watching English-
language films, comfortable travels is a small part of what English language
skills can give to any person.
An important role is played by knowledge of the English language when
applying for a job. Knowing English, an employee can fully work with
documents, negotiate and enter into transactions.
The advantage of knowing the English language is obvious for people who
stand in the way of choosing a profession and an educational institution. This
advantage allows you to get an education in almost any university. Education
abroad is known for the high quality of acquired knowledge. After training, the
student receives an international diploma, internship opportunities and devices
in leading companies.
In some areas, knowledge of the English language becomes very important.
For example, for professionals who is busy in the field of IT. The work of the
programmer is to create a program that solves the problem. People who do not
speak the language are forced to wait for the information to be translated and
Since the IT industry is a fast-growing environment, information becomes
obsolete and loses meaning. According to research, English-speaking
«Жоғары оқу орындарында көптілді білім берудің өзекті мәселелері»
аймақтық ғылыми-практикалық конференция, 30 қараша 2018ж.
Х.Досмұхамедов атындағы Атырау мемлекеттік университеті
programmers have advantages over the rest. They solve debugging problems
faster, work more efficiently with the operating system and documentation. In
the education system, more and more attention is paid to the study of English.
Fluency in English is the key to further self-development and self-improvement.
[3]The first, the information and computer technology and good command of
English language imply a future specialist of new knowledge, skills, style of
thinking which will provide necessary social adaptation to changes and
guarantee its competitiveness on the labour market; secondly, necessity of
perfection of the methodical-didactic organization of the process of
professionally oriented training of future. Thanks to English language and
modern technologies, teachers and modern students can use of educational
software that contains lots of educational information, is equipped with
animated demonstrations, hypertext links, videos, and other multimedia
attributes, facilitates the implementation of effective pedagogical approaches.
Mikitchenko S.P., Razikin V.B. English language in the activities of the
programmer // Psychology and Pedagogy 2016.-№49-2-С.45-49.
Shpitsberg A. I. Influence of information technology on the activities of
modern society // Young Scientist-2014.-№ 6.2. - P. 81-83.
Soldatov O.A. Learning by computer. [Electronic resource] http://dvd-
kurs.ucoz.ru © GK Ismagilova, AR Vafina, 2017
ӘОЖ: 372.882
, Ж.А Есқалиева
, Г.Б. Нажикенова
Х.Досмұхамедов атындағы Атырау мемлекеттік университеті
Бүгінгі күнгі жоғары оқу орындарының басты міндеті – бәсекеге
қабілетті білікті мамандарды дайындау екендігі даусыз. Заман талабы
өзгерген сайын жоғары оқу орындарына қоғам тарапынан қойылатын
талап та өзгереді. Сол талаптардың маңыздыларының бірі педагогикалық
үдерісінде инновациялық іс-әрекет жүргізу қажеттілігі. Инновациялық
процесс түсінігі, ол барлық динамикалық процестерді қамтып, жаңалық
аймағында процесуалдық аспектілердің, барлық жаңалықтардың өзгеруіне
Қазақ тілі мен әдебиеті кафедрасының аға оқытушысы, магистр
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