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I looked for my bag, but I could not find it …

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I looked for my bag, but I could not find it …

  1. anybody

  2. now here

  3. every where

  4. some where

e) any where
215. Choose the right variant:


  1. the twelve thousand six hundred and thirty seventh

  2. twelve thousand six hundred thirty seven

c) the twelve thousand six hundred thirty seven

d) twenty thousand six hundred thirty seven

e) twelve thousand six hundred and thirty seven
216. Choose the right variant:

I met my … friend yesterday /

  1. a) old

b) elde

  1. older

  2. olderer

  3. the old

217. Choose the right variant:

This book is … interesting than that book.

  1. well

  2. very

c) most

d) more

  1. the more

218. Choose the right variant:

Ill tell Serik all the things when … him.

a) I am going to see

b) I saw

  1. Ill see

  2. I shall see

e) I see
219. Find the correct answer.

If … my passport, Ill be in trouble

a) Ill lose

b) I lost

c) I lose

d) I would lose

e) I have lost
220. Choose the right variant:

The Queen of the United Kingdom of Britain and Northern Ireland lives in …

  1. a) the Downing Street 11

  2. b) Buckingham Palace

  3. c) St. Pauls Cathedrals

d) the House of Parliament

e) Covent Garden

221. Choose the right variant:

Most big towns of Kazakhstan …both a gallery and a museum.

a) has

  1. b) are having

c) have

  1. d) having

  2. e) has had

222. Choose the right variant:

Article is a part of every newspaper.

a) vacation

  1. b) advanced study of the subject

c) written report

  1. d) new approach

  2. e) laboratory experiment

223. Find the correct answer.

  1. a) Who do read the lectures in your university?

b) Who reads the lectures in your university?

c) Who does read the lectures in your university?

  1. d) Does who read the lectures in your university?

  2. e) Who read the lectures in your university?

224. Choose the Present Perfect Continuous.

  1. a) She is studying the new method.

  2. b) I have a lot of things to do.

  3. c) She has got a new car.

d) I have broken the pen.

e) I have been working at the University for 4 years.

225. Choose the right variant.

I … Arman yesterday.

a) saw

b) see

c) seen

  1. d) seeing

  2. e) was see

226. Complete the sentence:

This is … pen.

a) Sholpanes

b) Sholpans

c) Sholpans

d) Sholpans

e) Sholpan

227. Complete the sentence:

Aliya … Russian lessons every day.

a) have

b) having

c) has

d) is having

e) are having
228. Add the sentence:

Kairat and Aigul are married … have a baby.

a) She

b) I

c) they

d) We

e) You
229. Complete the sentence:

I like ice – cream very … .

a) a few

b) few

c) more

d) many

e) much
230. Choose the right variant:

She works in room … .

a) one

b) first

c) oneth

d) ones

e) the first

231. Complete the sentence:

He makes mistakes in English very … .

a) much

b) few

c) often

d) many

e) little

232. Complete the sentence

Before they … the country they should take passports.

  1. will leave

  2. to leave

c) leaves

d) left

e) leave
233. Complete the sentence:

The room where he eats is …

  1. a living – room

b) a kitchen

  1. a bathroom

  2. a study

  3. a bedroom

234. Complete the sentence:

There is … picture at the end of the book

a) an

b) –

c) a

d) the

c) any
235. Complete the sentence:

What … Tom … now?

a) is / done

b) is / does

c) are / doing

d) is / doing

e) am / doing

236. Complete the sentence:

The students … not smoke.

a) have

b) might

c) should

d) cannot

e) have to
237. Choose the right variant:

That isnt my book. … is here.

  1. my

b) me

c) none of me

d) me not

e) the mine

238. Choose the right variant:

Samat was very ill … day

  1. those

b) these

c) such

d) same

e) that

239. Choose the right variant:

… are you reading?

a) what

b) which

c) at what

d) for whom

e) who
240. Choose the right variant:

They were students at this university four years ….

a) ago

b) for

c) since

d) already

e) in
241. Choose the right variant:

Who sings songs … than you?

  1. the best

  2. the most best

c) good

d) better

e) more better

242. Choose the right variant:

My father asked “Will you come soon?”

a) My father said me would come soon

b) My father asked if I was come soon

c) My father asked if I would come soon

d) My father asked would I come soon

e) My father fold to come soon

243. Complete the sentence:

Kazakhstan is a …

a) People state

b) Federation

c) Monarchy

d) Unitary state

e) Republic
244. Choose the right variant:

The head of Great Britain is the….

  1. Governed

  2. Lord chancellor

c) President

d) Prime minister

e) Queen
245. Complete the saying:

“East or …, home is best”

a) West

b) south

c) east

d) north

e) north - east
246. Complete the English saying:

“My home is my …”

a) balcony

b) university

c) penthouse

d) castle

e) mansion
247. Choose the right variant:

… you go to Almaty next week?

  1. did

  2. do

c) have

d) shall

e) will

248. Complete the sentence:

If I … busy tomorrow I wont go to the cinema.

a) are

b) am

c) is

d) will be

e) shall be

249. Choose the right variant:

He … tomorrow.

a) leave

b) will leave

c) is leave

d) be leaving

e) leaves
250. Choose the right variant:

My parents … in Moscow last autumn..

a) is

b) are

c) were

d) was

e) am
251. Complete the sentence:

… you meet him yesterday?

a) do

b) did

c) does

d) will

e) shall
252. Complete the sentence:

Their house is better than … house.

a) hers

b) mine

c) our

d) its

e) yours
253. Complete the sentence:

She … a doctor.

a) is

b) am

  1. shall be

  2. were

  3. are

254. Choose the correct form of the pronouns.

… shall be working at 5 oclock tomorrow.

a) They

b) I

c) She

d) You

e) He
255. Choose the right variant.

My brother … many friends at the University.

a) have got

b) has got

c) having got

d) got

e) is
256. Complete the sentence:

The book is … the bag.

  1. into

  2. for

  3. over

d) to

e) in
257. Choose the right variant:

The … is the head of the country.

a) Prime – minister

b) Judge

c) Senator

d) President

e) Director

258. Complete the sentence:

Senate of the Parliament is located in

a) Taraz

b) Astana

c) Aktau

d) Almaty

e) Atyrau
259. Complete the sentence:

I … the article now.

a) am translating

b) is translating

c) was translating

  1. are translating

  2. were translating

260. Complete the sentence:

The letter … by me yesterday.

a) is written

b) were written

c) am written

d) was written

e) are written
261. Choose the right variant.

After a few months of the treatment he … walk.

a) have to

b) am able to

c) has

d) could

e) are allowed
262. Complete the sentence:

That house belongs to … parents.

a) we

b) mine

c) my

d) I

e) me
263. Choose the right variant.

How … water do you need?

a) few

b) much

c) many

d) any

e) little
264. Choose the correct form of the pronoun.

Is … in the house?

a) nobody

b) anybody

c) everywhere

d) nowhere

e) anywhere
265. Choose the right variant.


a) the sixteenth thousand five hundred and ninety two

b) sixteen thousand five hundred and ninety two

c) the sixteen thousand five hundred and ninety second

d) six thousand five hundred and ninety two

e) the sixteen thousand five hundred and ninety two

266. Choose the right variant.

I want to be ... student in the group.

a) better

b) the best

c) best

d) the good

e) the better
267. Choose the right variant.

She is ... beautiful than Aigul

a) more

b) well

c) very

d) the more

e) most
268. Choose the right variant.

Ill show you something interesting when I ... you.

a) meeting

b) met

c) meet

d) will meet

e) am going to meet
269. Find the correct answer.

Well go there if the weather ... fine.

a) are

b) was

c) will be

d) is

e) are not
270. Choose the right variant.

English Prime Minister lives in:

  1. the Buckingham Palase

  2. the St. Pauls cathedral

  3. Covent Garden

d) Downing street, 10

e) the Houses of Parliament

271. Choose the right variant.

Every student should...both a book and a notebook.

a) have

b) had

c) has

d) having

e) have had

272. Choose the right variant.

Holidays are very important for people.

a) written report

b) new approach

c) laboratory experiment

d) vocations

e) study of the subject

273. Find the correct answer.

a) Who work at the polyclinic?

b) Who does at the polyclinic?

c) Who works at the polyclinic?

d) Does who work at the polyclinic?

e) Who do work at the polyclinic?

274. Choose the Present Continuous

a) She is reading the book now.

b) She has read the book

c) She’s never read a book

  1. The book is read by her

  2. She reads a book

275. Choose the right variant.

I heard the telephone...

  1. ring

  2. ringed

  3. rung

d) rings

e) rang
276. Choose the right variant

There are many ... in my garden

a) flower

b) flowers

c) flowers

  1. flowers

  2. the flowers

277. Complete the sentence.

He ... a student two years ago.

  1. are

b) were

c) am

d) was

e) is

278. Add the sentence.

Their names are Timur and Aidos. ... are from Kazakhstan.

  1. she

  2. we

c) them

d) it

e) they
279. Choose the right variant.

You should be proud of....

  1. ourselves

  2. himself

  3. myself

  4. themselves

e) yourself
280. Choose the right variant.

  1. He speak English

  2. We has got a new flat

c) I am a student of the Medical University

d) Today I is going to the cinema

  1. They walking in the park

281. Choose the right variant.

February is the ... month of the year.

a) second

b) two

  1. first

  2. third

  3. one of

282. Indicate the antonym.


  1. often

b) usually

c) never

d) seldom

e) sometimes

283. Complete the sentence.

We do many experiments in the....

a) Deans office

b) Auditorium

c) Computer class

d) laboratory

e) Library

284. Complete the sentence.

We ... a Periodic table in our classroom.

a) has got

b) have got

c) got

d) have no

e) hasnt got

285. Complete the sentence.

They ... their parents every weekend.

a) visits

b) visit

c) shall visit

d) are visiting

e) visiting
286. Complete the sentence.

I ... not seen you for ages.

  1. has

b) did

c) have

d) shall

e) does
287. Choose the right variant.

I ... not go to the library yesterday.

  1. must

  2. can

c) am able

d) could

e) is to
288. Choose the right variant.

Look at ... girl. She is crying.

a) they

b) this

  1. it

  2. those

  3. these

289. Choose the right variant.

... of the books is yours?

a) whose

b) whom

c) what

d) which

e) who

290. Choose the right variant.

In Kazakhstan children go ... school at the age of 6 or 7.

a) of

b) from

c) to

d) in

e) at
291. Choose the right variant.

Anatomy is the ... subject.

a) difficultest

b) most difficult

c) more difficult

d) more most difficult

e) most more
292. Choose the right variant.

When my mother came, I ... the book.

a) were reading

b) was reading

c) reading

d) am reading

e) is reading
293. Complete the sentence.

If I ... your watch, Ill tell you.

  1. found

  2. will find

c) have found

d) find

e) finds
294. Choose the right variant.

The colour of flag of Kazakhstan is ... .

a) red

b) yellow

c) pink

d) blue

e) white
295. Complete the sentence.

The London buses are:

a) yellow

b) red

  1. pink

  2. white

  3. blue

296. Choose the right variant.

They ... at the University yesterday.

  1. was

b) am

c) were

d) is

e) are
297. Choose the right variant.

Where does your father...?

a) work

  1. to work

  2. works

  3. worked

  4. working

298. Complete the sentence.

I can ... this text today.

  1. to translate

b) be translated

c) to be translated

d) translate

e) have translated

299. Choose the right variant.

There are ... on the window.

  1. telephone

  2. book

  3. paper

d) flowers

e) glass
300. Choose the right variant.

Our teacher told us....

a) not to be late

b) dont be late

c) not be late

  1. will not to be late

  2. be late

301. Complete the sentence:

... is a teaсher.

a. Nick’ father

b. Nick’s father

c. Nick father

d. Nick fathers

e. Nick’ father

302. Complete the sentence: Here is ... pen you need.

a. an

b. this

c. the

d. a

e. some
303. Complete the sentence: Ann ... be busy on Monday.

a. am

b. was

c. will

d. were

e. are
304. Choose the correct form of the pronouns: I must go to the meeting. ... begins at 7 o’clock.

a. She

b. They

c. Him

d. It

e. Her
305. Choose the right variant: You should remember.... phone number, or you can’t call her tomorrow.

a. she

b. my

c. her

d. we

e. us
306. Complete the sentence: The best ... luck for the New Year.

a. at

b. in

c. of

d. by

e. the

307. Choose the right variant: A ... is a machine for playing records, etc that produced sound from two speakers.

a. radiator

b. lamp

c. stereo

d. chamber

e. mirror

308. Complete the sentence: The world famous skating-rink “Medeo” is located in ... .

a. Almaty

b. Astana

c. Kokshetau

d. Aktau

e. Karaganda

309. Complete the sentence: Paul ... for his keys for a long time.

a. was/looked

b. were/looked

c. looking

d. were /looking

e. has been/ looking

310. Complete the sentence: The lecture ... by the teacher yesterday.

a. were delivered

b. is delivered

c. deliver

d. are delivered

e. was delivered

311. Choose the right variant: After a few weeks in the mountains the students ... observe the area.

a. have to

b. am allowed to

c. is able to

d. am to

e. could
312. Complete the sentence: This article belongs to....

a. she

b. he

c. I.

d. you

e. your
313. Choose the right variant: How ... museums did you visit in London?

a. little

b many

c. gew

d. any

e. much

314. Choose the right form of the pronouns: I looked for my bag, but I couldn’t find it....

a. anywhere

b. nowhere

c. everywhere

d. somewhere

e. anybody

315. Choose the right variant: 12359.

a. one hundred twenty three and fifty nine

b. twelve thousands three hundred fifty nine

c. twelve thousand three hundreds fifty nine

d. twelve thousand thirty five and nine

e. twelve thousand three hundred and fifty nine

316. Choose the right variant: Alaska is ... than Texas.

a. the most largest

b. more large

c. largest

d. larger

e. large
317. Choose the right variant: He’s ... intelligent than his brother.

a. well

b. more

c. very

d. are more

e. most
318. Choose the right variant: I’ll tell the truth when ... her.

a. I shall see

b. I saw

c. I’ll see

d. I see

e. I’m going to see
319. Find correct answer: If he didn’t like people, he ... a doctor.

a. would had become

b. will not become

c. wouldn’t have become

d. will become

e. wouldn’t become

320. Choose the right variant: What role ... George Washington ... in the American revolution?

a. had been/played

b. is/ played

c. was/played

d. did/ play

e. will/play

321. Choose the right variant: Most big towns in Britain have both a university ... of higher education.

a. and a lyceum

b. and a college

c. and a gymnasium

d. a private school

e. a kindergarden

322. Choose the right variant: ... is a document showing that a student has successfully completed a high school.

a. written report

b. advanced study of the subject

c. diploma

d. vacation

e. new approach

323. Find correct answer: ... there billions of stars in the Galaxy?

a. Be

b. Was

c. May

d. Are

e. Is
324. Choose: Present Perfect Continuous.

a. My brother have taken music lessons for three years now

b. My brother has been taking music lessons for three years now

c. My brother took music lessons for three years now

d. My brother has not taken music lessons for three years now

e. My brother is taking music lessons for three years now
325. Choose the right variant: I saw her ... the street.

a. crossed

b. having crossed

c. are crossing

d. has crossing

e. crossing

326. Complete the sentence: ... is a businessman.

a. Peter’ uncle

b. Peters’ uncle

c. Peter uncle

d. Peter’s uncle

e. Peter uncles

327. Complete the sentence: Here is ... map you need.

a. a

b. this

c. an

d. the

e. some
328. Complete the sentence: Jack ... be free tomorrow.

a. are

b. were

c. will

d. am

e. was

329. Choose the correct form of the pronouns: You must go to the shop ... closes in 20 minutes.

a. his

b. her

c. it

d. we

e. she

330. Choose the right variant: She should change ... wet dress or she will catch another cold.

a. me

b. my

c. their

d. it

e. her
331. Complete the sentence: Thanks ... coming.

a. for

b. in

c. to

d. at

e. the
332. Choose the variant: A... is a piece of special glass that you can look at and see yourself.

a. chamber

b. lamp

c. radiator

d. mirror

e. stereo
333. Complete the sentence: Astana is on the river ... .

a. Irtish

b. Tobol

c. Ishim

d. Chu

e. Aksu
334. Complete the sentence: Peter ... for his documents for a long time.

a. was/looked

b. looking

c. has been/ looking

d. were/looked

e. were /looking
335. Complete the sentence: The experiments ... by the scientist last week.

a. is carried out

b. was carried out

c. carried out

d. are carried out

e. were carried out

336. Choose the right variant: After a few weeks on the training course I ... know the new method well.

a. am allowed to

b. have to

c. could

d. is able to

e. am to
337. Complete the sentence: This company belongs to ... .

a. our

b. him

c. I

d. he

e. his
338. Choose the right variant: How ... conferences did he participate in?

a. few

b. much

c. any

d. many

e. little

339. Choose the right variant.: They looked for his keys, but he couldn’t find it ... .

a. everywhere

b. anywhere

c. anybody

d. nowhere

e. somewhere

340. Choose the right variant: 15875.

a. fifteen thousand eight hundred and seventy five

b. fifteen thousands eight hundreds seventy five

c. fifteen thousand eight hundred seventy five

d. one thousand five hundred eighty seven and five

e. fifteen thousands eight hundred seventy five

341. Choose the right variant: Mr. Fletcher met his ... friend yesterday.

a. goodest

b. the best

c.. best

d gooder

e. better

342. Choose the right variant: Honesty is ... policy.

a. better

b. the best

c. more better

d. best

e. good

343. Choose the right variant: Tom will tell the answer when ... them.

a. he saw

b. he will see

c. he won’t see

d. he see

e. he is going to see

344. Find the correct answer: He speaks as if he ... London himself.

a. visited

b. visits

c. had visited

d. has visiting

e. was visiting

345. Choose the right variant: Where ... Washington, D.C ... ?

a. does/locate

b. has been/located

c. is/ located

d. will/ locate

e. will be/locate

346. Choose the right variant: Most big towns in Britain have both a university and a college of...

a. secondary education

b. high education

c. preliminaru education

d. secondary school

e. higher education

347. Choose the right variant: ... is a document showing that a student has successfully completed a high school or university.

a. written report

b. research work

c. new approach

d. diploma

e. vacation

348. Find the correct answer: ... you know where I can change my tickets?

a. are

b. does

c. were

d. do

e. am
349. Choose: Present Simple.

a. You are a good football-player.

b. You were a good football-player.

c. You will be a good football-player.

d. You have been a good football-player.

e. You was a good football-player.
350. Choose the right variant: By the end of this century there will be 600 million people around the world... in absolute poverty.

a. living

b. having lived

c. lived

d. were living

e. are living

351. Complete the sentence: ... is a student.

a. John sister

b. John’ sister

c. John’s sister

d. John sister’

e. John sisters
352. Complete the sentence: Here is ... toy you need.

a. a

b. some

c. the

d. an

e. this
353. Complete the sentence: It ... be hot the day after tomorrow.

a. is

b. are

c. be

d am

e.. will
354. Choose the correct form of the pronouns: She must stop doing it ... is wrong.

a. They

b. He

c. It

d. you

e. We
355. Choose the right variant: I should change ... dress because I’m going to the theatre.

a. it

b. she

c. my

d. his

e. they
356. Complete the sentence: The best wishes ... the future.

a. in

b. at

c. for

d. of

e. by

357. Choose the right variant: A... is an enclosed space, especially in your body or inside a machine.

a. chamber

b. radiator

c. stereo

d. mirror

e. lamp
358. Complete the sentence: Kazakh State Opera and Ballet Theatre named after Abai is located in... .

a. Chimkent

b. Taraz

c. Almaty

d. Astana

e. Aktobe
359. Complete the sentence: They ... for me for half an hour.

a. was/waited

b. waiting

c. was/ waiting

d. were/ waited

e. have been/ waiting

360. Complete the sentence: The exercises ... by them yesterday.

a. is done

b. were done

c. do

d. are done

e. had done

361. Choose the right variant: After a few months on the training course we ... speak English quite well.

a. have to

b. am allowed to

c. is able to

d. am to

e. could
362. Complete the sentence: This room belongs to ... .

a. ours

b. me

c. our

d. my

e. we

363. Choose the right variant: How ... countries did she visit?

a. many

b. much

c. few

d. any

e. little
364. Choose the right variant.: She looked for his toys, but she couldn’t find them ... .

a. anybody

b. anywhere

c. everywhere.

d. nowhere

e. somewhere

365. Choose the right variant: 17534.

a. seventeen thousands fifty three and four.

b. seventeen thousand five hundred and thirty four.

c. one thousand seventy five and thirty four.

d. seventeen five hundred thirty four.

e. one hundred seven thousand five hundred thirty four.

366. Choose the right variant: He met his ... friend yesterday.

a. goodest

b. the best

c. gooder

d. best

e. better

367. Choose the right variant: Actions speak ... than words.

a. more louder

b. louder

c. the loudest

d. loud

e. the most louder

368. Choose the right variant: Your brother won’t tell the news when ... her.

a. he will see

b. he saw

c he didn’t see

d.. he sees

e. he is going to see

369. Find correct answer: If I were you, I ... England years ago.

a. would visit

b. will be visiting

c. would have visited

d. have visited

e. had visited

370. Choose the right variant: When ...the Civil War ...?

a. had/ended

b. did/end

c. was/ended

d. is/ended

e. was/end

371. Choose the right variant: Most big towns in the USA… both a university and a college of higher education .

a. have

b. has

c. has had

d. is having

e. to have

372. Choose the right variant: … is an important feature of university work.

a. holidays

b Research

c. vacation

d. new subjects

e. new approach

373. Find correct answer: ... there a good connection from the airport to the city?

a. Is

b. Does

c. Are

d. Do

e. May
374. Choose: Present Perfect Continuous.

a. My friend has been teaching English for 5 years.

b. My friend has teaching English for 5 years now.

c. My friend is teaching English for 5 years now.

d. My friend will teach English for 5 years now.

e. My friend are teaching English for 5 years now.
375. Choose the right variant: The holiday ... Thanksgiving Day is now observed on the fourth Thursday of November.

a. calling

b. to be called

c. called

d. is calling

e. are calling

376. Complete the sentence: ... is a lawyer.

a. Sarah’s mother

b. Sarah mother

c. Sarahs mother

d. Sarah’ mother

e. Sarahs mothers
377. Complete the sentence: Here is ... ball you need.

a some.

b. the

c. a

d. an

e. this

378. Complete the sentence: It ... be very interesting lecture on Tuesday.

a. were

b. are

d. be

c. will

e. is

379. Choose the correct form of the pronouns: Nick must speak English with them. ... didn’t understand him.

a. she

b. his

c. our

d. we

e. they
380. Choose the right variant: We should buy this book, because ... is necessary for our study.

a. we

b. him

c. it

d. me

e. he
381. Complete the sentence: The best wishes... the future.

a. for

b. at

c. in

d. at

e. off
382. Choose the right variant: A ... is an object that produced light by using electricity, oil or gas.

a. stereo

b. radiator

c. chamber

d. lamp

e. mirror
383. Complete the sentence: The alpine skiing center «Chimbulac» is in ... .

a. Chimkent

b. Uralsk

c. Taraz

d. Almaty

e. Astana

384. Complete the sentence: I ... for my brother at that time.

a. was/ waiting

b. were/ waited

c. waiting

d. were/ waiting

e. was/waited

385. Complete the sentence: The experiment ... by the scientist last month.

a. were carried out

b. was carried out

c. carried out

d. will carry out

e. are carried out

386. Choose the right variant: After a few months on the training course you ... know the program well.

a. am allowed to

b. have to

c. could

d. is able to

e. am to
387. Complete the sentence: This papers belongs to ... .

a. we

b. I

c. my

d. your

e. me
388. Choose the right variant: How ... books did she buy yesterday?

a. much

b. many

c. few

d. any

e. little

389. Choose the correct form of the pronoun: She looked for her diary, but she couldn’t find it...

a. anybody

b. everywhere.

c. somewher

d. nowhere

e. e anywhere

390. Choose the right variant: 19285.

a. nineteen thousand twenty eight and five.

b. nineteen thousand two hundreds eighty five.

c. nineteen thousand two hundred eighty five.

d. nineteen thousand two hundred and eighty five.

e. nineteen thousands two hundreds and eighty five.

391. Choose the right variant:Mr Brown watched his ... favourite film on TV.

a. better

b. the best

c. the most

d. gooder

e. goodest

392. Choose the right variant: What’s the ... news?

a. latest

b. later

c. last

d. more last

e. most last

393. Choose the right variant:He will tell all the news when ... her.

a. he saw

b. he sees

c. he will see

d. he has see

e. he is going to see

394. Find correct answer: If I were you, I ... a computer

a. would bought

b. would have bought

c. will have bought

d. won’t buy

e. would buy

395. Choose the right variant:Who ... America?

a. did discover

b. does discover

c. will discover

d. discovered

e. is discovered

396. Choose the right variant: Most big towns in the USA have both a university ... of higher education ... .

a. and a college

b. and a gymnasium

c. and a kindergarden

d. and a private school

e. and a lyceum

397. Choose the right variant: Research is an important feature of university work.

a. laboratory experiment

b. leisure time

c. vacation

d. advanced study of the subject

e. new approach

398. Find the correct answer: ... Washington the first city in history to be built for the purpose of governments?

a. Did

b. Was

c. Were

d. Been

e. Have been

399. Choose: Present Perfect Continuous.

a. It rained since early morning.

b. It had rained since early morning.

c. It has been raining since early morning.

d. It is raining since early morning.

e. It will raining since early morning.

400. Choose the right variant: While ... the book I learnt a lot.

a. study

b. studying

c. having studied

d. has studied

e. will
401. Complete the sentence.

This is … flat.

  1. my

  2. mine

  3. hers

  4. him

  5. thems

402. Complete the sentence.

I … in the second course now.

  1. have

  2. has

  3. is

  4. am

  5. are

403. Add the sentence.

Saule and Serik are pupils. …. study at school.

  1. He

  2. I

  3. She

  4. They

  5. You

404. Complete the sentence.

They enjoyed the travel very ….

  1. Much

  2. most

  3. more

  4. much more

  5. more much

405. Choose the right variant.

He lives in house ….

  1. ten

  2. tenth

  3. tenths

  4. a ten

  5. a tenth

406. Complete the sentence.

They go to play football very ….

  1. frequent

  2. much

  3. more

  4. most

  5. often

407. Complete the sentence.

When they … home they will do this work.

  1. comes

  2. coming

  3. come

  4. came

  5. to come

408. Complete the sentence.

The New York taxies are:

  1. red

  2. yellow

  3. pink

  4. white

  5. blue

409. Complete the sentence.

We … listening to music now.

  1. were

  2. am

  3. was

  4. is

  5. are

410. Choose the right variant.

There is … house at the end of the street.

  1. a

  2. an

  3. the

  4. any

411. Complete the sentence.

The Tower of London … in 1078.

  1. were build

  2. was built

  3. is build

  4. have build

  5. has build

412. Complete the sentence.

… you speak English?

  1. may

  2. have to

  3. shall

  4. to must

  5. can

413. Choose the right variant.

Are … a student?

  1. he

  2. you

  3. she

  4. we

  5. it

414. Choose the right variant.

… are you? I am a teacher.

  1. Which

  2. Whose

  3. What

  4. Whom

  5. Who

415. Choose the right variant.

Liz is … in her family.

  1. younger

  2. youngest

  3. the youngest

  4. the younger

  5. the yongest

416. Choose the right variant.

Young people like to listen … music.

  1. to

  2. for

  3. from

  4. in

  5. of

417. Choose the right variant.

Don’t … this seat.

  1. take

  2. taking

  3. took

  4. taken

  5. takes

418. Complete the sentence.

If he studies at the medical university he will become ….

  1. a teacher

  2. a doctor

  3. a writer

  4. a student

  5. a singer

419. Add the sentence.

Their names are John and William. … are from England.

  1. she

  2. we

  3. it

  4. they

  5. them

420. Choose the right variant.

March is the … month of the year.

  1. two

  2. second

  3. first

  4. third

  5. one of

421. Choose the right variant.

The colour of flag of Kazakhstan is ….

  1. a) blue

  2. b) red

  3. c) yellow

  4. d) pink

  5. e) white

422. Choose the right variant.

In Kazakhstan children go to … at the age of 6 or 7.

  1. school

  2. university

  3. work

  4. college

  5. institute

423. Complete the sentence.

… visit their parents every weekend.

  1. Them

  2. Him

  3. They

  4. My

  5. Thems

424. Choose the right variant.

Look at … boy. He is crying.

  1. this

  2. them

  3. it

  4. those

  5. these

425. Choose the right variant.

I … not go to the cinema yesterday.

  1. Must

  2. Can

  3. Am able

  4. Is to

e) Could
426. Choose the right variant.

There are many … in the garden.

  1. childs

  2. children

  3. childrens

  4. childes

  5. children’s

427. Complete the sentence.

English lessons … interesting for us.

  1. was

  2. is

  3. am

  4. are

  5. have

428. Complete the sentence.

His name is Paul. … is from France.

  1. She

  2. You

  3. They

  4. I

  5. He

429. Complete the sentence.

I am fond of music very….

  1. most

  2. more

  3. too much

  4. few

  5. much

430. Choose the right variant.

He lives in house ….

  1. fifth

  2. fifths

  3. a five

  4. five

  5. a fifth

431. Complete the sentence.

She visits her parents very ….

  1. more

  2. most

  3. little

  4. often

  5. slow

432. Complete the sentence.

If he … us we’ll tell him about it.

  1. calls

  2. calling

  3. to call

  4. will call

  5. called

433. Complete the sentence.

The room where we wash ourselves is ….

  1. a living – room

  2. a kitchen

  3. a bedroom

  4. a study

  5. a bathroom

434. Complete the sentence.

Which book … you … now?

  1. am/reading

  2. was/reading

  3. were/reading

  4. is/reading

  5. are/reading

435. Choose the right variant.

There are … children in the park.

a) any

b) much

c) every

d) most

e) some

436. Complete the sentence.

Yesterday Jane … to the party.

a) is invited

b) were invited

c) am invited

d) was been invited

e) was invited
437. Complete the sentence.

You … study well.

a) shall

b) has to

c) can to

d) have

e) should
438. Choose the right variant.

We invited Liz to stay with … in this house.

a) their

b) us

c) our

d) ourselves

e) our’s
439. Choose the right variant.

… are you looking for ?

a) Which

b) Whose

c) What

d) What’s

e) Whome
440. Choose the right variant.

This task is … than that one.

a) much difficult

b) most difficult

c) difficulter

d) difficultest

e) more difficult
441. Choose the right variant.

It consists … 3 groups.

a) of

b) to

c) after

d) on

e) off

442. Choose the right variant.

They … at university.

a) studying

b) studies

c) have study

d) has study

e) study
443. Complete the sentence.

If he treats teeth he is ….

a) a stomotologist

b) a teacher

c) a driver

d) a pilot

e) an artist

444. Complete the sentence.

… you speak Kazakh?

a) may

b) have to

c) shall

d) to must

e) can
445. Complete the sentence.

If he studies at the university he ….

a) a teacher

b) a student

c) a singer

d) a writer

e) a doctor

446. Choose the right variant.

March is the … month of the year.

a) two

b) fifth

c) first

d) third

e) one of

447. Choose the right variant.

… my mother came, I was reading the book.

a) Why

b) When

c) Where

d) What

e) Will

448. Choose the right variant.

… are flowers on the window.

a) That

b) There

c) It

d) Those

e) These
449. Choose the right variant.

The colour of flag of China is ….

a) yellow

b) red

c) pink

d) white

e) blue
450. Complete the sentence.

The London buses are:

a) red

b) yellow

c) pink

d) white

e) blue
451. Choose the right variant.

This is … thing.

а) Pete’s

b) Petes

с) Pete

d) Petes’

e) Petes’s

452. Complete the sentence.

We … Anatomy every week.

a) has

b) have

c) having

d) are having

e) is having
453. Add the sentence.

Ann is Hanna’s sister. … is a student.

a) He

b) They

c) We

d) She

e) You

454. Complete the sentence.

I like coffee very ….

a) a few

b) few

c) more

d) many

e) much
455. Choose the right variant.

Open your book on page ….

a) fourtieth

b) forty

c) fourty

d) fourtyth

e) forti
456. Complete the sentence.

She writes letters very ….

a) much

b) many

c) little

d) often

e) most
457. Complete the sentence.

If you … to the chemist’s let me know.

a) goes

b) will go

c) to go

d) going

e) go
458. The place where we buy drugs is ….

a) a shop

b) a café

c) a chemist’s

d) a university

e) a school
459. Complete the sentence.

What … he … now?

a) are/does

b) am/doing

c) is/done

d) is/ doing

e) was/ doing

460. Choose the right variant.

There are… universities in our Republic.

a) a lot of

b) any

c) lot

d) a lot

e) not
461. Complete the sentence.

The shop … at 11 p.m.

a) are closed

b) is closed

c) am closed

d) have closed

e) have been closed

462. Complete the sentence.

You … to do it at once.

a) am

b) is

c) has

d) have

e) should
463. Choose the right variant.

She washed … hands and face.

a) hers

b) that

c) her

d) her’s

e) herself
464. Choose the right variant.

… do you study?

a) Whom

b) Where

c) Which

d) Who

e) Whose
465. Choose the right variant.

London is … than New York.

a) older

b) more older

c) much

d) oldest

e) the oldest

466. Choose the right variant.

Look … this picture!

a) on

b) at

c) of

d) on

e) from
467. Choose the right variant.

He … to school every day.

a) go

b) goes

c) gone

d) has gone

e) going
468. Complete the sentence.

Persons, treated at a hospital, are called ….

a) friends

b) patients

c) doctors

d) a patient

e) patients

469. Add the sentence.

Their names are Yura and Denis. … came from Russia.

a) I

b) He

c) They

d) She

e) We
470. Complete the sentence.

The place where we eat is ….

a) a café

b) a library

c) a shop

d) a theatre

e) a cinema
471. Choose the right variant.

Natasha … Kazakh fluently.

a) speaking

b) speaks

c) speak

d) have spoken

e) have spoke

472.Complete the sentence.

If you like driving a car you may become:

a) an artist

b) a policeman

c) a writer

d) a doctor

e) a driver

473. Complete the sentence.

He … in the cinema yesterday.

a) are

b) was

c) were

d) am

e) is
474. Complete the sentence.

The room where we sleep is ….

a) a living – room

b) a kitchen

c) a bathroom

d) a bedroom

e) a study
475. Choose the right variant.

Timur is … than Aidos.

a) smaller

b) more smaller

c) small

d) smallest

e) the smallest
476. Compile a word with following letters: e,t,r,w,a

a. etawr

b. atwer

c. twera

d. water

e. rweta

477. The antonym of the word “High” is:

a. little

b. rise

c. low

d. level

e. long

478. Choose the correct word: Her … names are John and Tom.

a. of cousins

b. cousins’s

c. cousins

d. cousins’

e. cousen’s

479. Compile the sentence: Happy New Year … a great holiday of the year.

a. am

b. were

c. been

d are

e .is
480. Choose the appropriate Russian equivalent: Mike was going to call me tomorrow.

a. Майк зашел в кино за мной завтра.

b. Майк собирался позвонить мне завтра.

c. позвонил мне вчера.

d. собирался играть в футбол сегодня.

e. Майк вчера заходил ко мне.
481. Choose a word in which the picked out letter differing from others:

a. Garden

b. Gate

c. Gentle

d. Geese

e. Gaze

482. Choose the correct variant of preposition: The pupils stood … when the teacher came in.

a. of

b. under

c. up

d. over

e. down
483. Choose the correct variant of date reading: “25/06”

a. The twenty and fifth of June.

b. The twenty – fifth of June.

c. The twentieth and fivs of June.

d. The twentieth fifteenth of June.

e. The twentieth five of June.

484. Choose the correct variant of degrees of comparison of adjectives: Paul is much … than her sister.

a. youngerer

b. younger

c. young

d. youngest

e. youngster
485. Choose the correct variant of pronouns: Are there … dolls in the box?

a. nothing

b. none

c. something

d. any

e. anything

486. Choose the uncountable noun:

a. bottle

b. pencil

c. book

d. sugar

e. pen
487. Find the correct variant of predicate: The holidays … this week.

a. begin

b. was begin

c. begins

d. began

e. will begin
488. Choose the correct Russian equivalent to the sentence: She said she would phone back.

a. Она сказала, что она звонит еще раз.

b. Она сказала, что она перезвонила опять.

c. Она сказала, что перезвонила домой.

d. Она сказала, что перезвонит

e.Она сказала, что позвонит назад.

489. Choose the unnecessary word in the given group of words:

a. coat

b. aunt

c. hat

d. shoes

e. dress
490. Compile the proverb: East or… home is best .

a. South

b. North

c. West

d. North West

e. South East
491. Find the numeral:

a. twenty

b. changeable

c. heavily

d. agree

e. traditional

492. Complete the sentence: He remembered everything, …?

a. didn’t you

b. don’t you

c. doesn’t he

d. didn’t he

e. aren’t you

493. Translate into English: Она всегда рада помочь своим друзьям.

a. She was always glad to helped her friends.

b. She is always glad to being help her friends.

c. She was always glad to help her friends.

d. She is always glad to helping her friends.

e. She is always glad to help her friends.

494. Choose the correct answer: What is the capital of Great Britain?

a. New York

b. Oxford

c. London

d. Sydney

e. Washington

495. Choose the correct variant: Look! … my house over there and those are my pigs.

a. this are

b. there are

c. that is

d. this is

e. these are

496. Choose the correct variant: He asked his friend … her that night.

a. why he didn’t phoned

b. why he hadn’t phoned

c. why he hadn’t phone

d. why didn’t he phone

e. why hadn’t he phoned

497. Find the correct form of the verb: I went to see how she was and found her … .

a. were smiling

b. has been smiling

c. smiled

d. smiles

e. smiling

498. The sound “[h]” is pronounced in the word:

a. whose

b. where

c. two

d. write

e. why

499. The antonym of the word “slight” is

a. brave

b. dark

c. strong

d. weak

e. heavy
500. Choose the correct word: … pig is too big.

a. -

b. these

c. the

d. an

e. those
501. Put in the verb in the correct tense form: Look! The woman … the floor.

a. is sweeping

b. are sweeping

c. were sweeping

d. was sweeping

e. am sweeping

502. Choose the appropriate English equivalent: На телевидении слишком много фильмов.

a. On television too much films are there

b. There too much films are on the television

c. Too much films are there on television

d. There are too many films on television.

e. There are on the television too many films

503. Choose the word in which picked out letter differing from others:

a. sock

b. tongue

c. dog

d. rock

e. top

504. Form the adjective with the opposite meaning of the word “impossible”:

a. possible

b. impossible

c. ilpossible

d. inpossible

e. unpossible

505. Choose the correct pronoun: Be careful! They are looking at … .

a. yours

b. youre

c. you

d. our

e. yourself

506. Choose the question pronoun for the picked out word: We usually have supper at eight.

a. why

b what time

c. with whom

d. where

e. what
507. Choose the correct form of the verb in the Passive Voice: This magazine (to sell) everywhere.

a. are sold

b. sold

c. were selled

d is sold

e. were sold
508. Choose the correct modal verb: You … stop writing at the end of the test. Your time is limited.

a. need

b. can’t

c. might have

d. don’t have to

e. must
509. Choose the correct variant: The sky is dark … at eleven o’clock already.

a. this

b. its

c. it is

d. there is

e. this is
510. Choose the correct Participle: The … week.

a. following

b. followning

c. followeding

d. followeded

e. followned

511. Choose the appropriate word: Almaty is the most … part of Kazakhstan.

a. kingdom

b. little

c. populated

d. valley

e. wet

512. Give the definition to the word “teacher”:

a. A person who lives near you

b. A person who is helps in sport

c. A person who is fond of reading

d. A person whom you like

e. A person who gives knowledge

513. Put the necessary preposition in the sentence: I am interested … English.

a. at

b. in

c. with

d. for

e. on
514. Choose the correct variant of translation, paying attention to the suffix: “Несчастливо”

a. unhappily

b. unhappiest

c. unhappier

d. unhappiness

e. unhappiiul
515. Choose the correct variant of the degree of comparison of adjectives: My … brother doesn’t live with us.

a. eld

b. more old

c. old

d. more older

e. elder

516. Choose the correct variant of plural form of the noun: Our … are … .

a. childs/ sisters

b. children/ sisters

c. child/ sisters

d. childrens/ sisters

e. children/ sister

517. Choose the correct variant of the possessive form of noun: … fathers were talking.

a. The babies’

b. The baby

c. The babie’s

d. The babys’

e. The babies

518. Put the sentence into negative form: The boys are playing in the street.

a. The boys are not playing in the street

b. The boys don’t playing in the street

c. The boys isn’t playing in street

d. The boys not playing in the street

e. The boys didn’t playing in the street

519. Choose the correct variant of negative to the given sentence: He used to live in Almaty.

a. He didn’t used to live to Almaty

b. He used not live in Almaty

c. He didn’t use to live to Almaty

d. He used not to lived in Almaty

e. He not to use to live in Almaty

520. Compile the sentence: Her only … in her life is making money.

a. bag

b. way

c. issue

d. aim

e. uniform

521. Read the numeral: 155 000

a. One hundreds and fifty fivs thousands

d. One hundreds and fifty five thousand

b. One hundred and fifty fifth thousands

c. One hundred and fifty five thousand

e. One hundred fifty five thousand

522. Choose the correct variant: I don’t know what … if you …this letter.

a. happens/forget

b. happen/forget

c. will happen/forget

d. happens/will forget

e. will happen/ will forget

523. … working at the hardware store, John was never happy.

a. He was

b. When he was

c. When was he

d. Was he

e. Was he when

524. Complete the sentences with the verb: I’ll wait for you until the bus ….

a. will come

b. has been come

c. come

d. came

e. comes

525. Circle the best answer: A,B,C,D,E: You would have a lot of fun if you … .

a. went

b. go

c. have been

d. would go

e. going
526. Complete the sentences with an appropriate preposition: She went … speaking for hours. It was so boring.

a. by

b. on

c. in

d. up

e. off

527. Circle the best answer: A,B,C,D,E: She is late. What …?

a. was happened

b. is happened

c. has happened

d. was happening

e. is happening
528. Circle the correct answer: If you don’t take a compass, you’ll … .

a. get lost

b. get lose

c. have lost

d. lost

e. lose
529. Complete the sentences with the verb: Oh my God! it’s broken! Don’t worry.

I … you a new one.

a. am going to buy

b. am buying

c. are buying

d. will be buying

e. will buy

530. Valerie decided … flowers this year.

a. for growing

b. to grow

c. grow

d. grown

e. growing

531. Choose the correct form of the Passive voice: Everybody got a gift but I … nothing.

a. had been sent

b. was sending

c. none of the above

d. have sent

e. was sent

532. Complete the sentences with the adverb: Jane says she … to move out into the country this year.

a. want

b. is wanting

c. have wanted

d. wants

e. have been wanting

533. Circle the correct answer: … that baby. Isn’t he lovely!

a. look at

b. watch

c. see

d. look

e. do
534. Complete the sentences with an appropriate preposition: The TV series were based … her love story.

a. near

b. over

c. of

d. on

e. by
535. Circle the correct answer: Each person …mistakes sometimes.

a. does

b. has

c. makes

d. gets

e. knows
536. … working at the plant, Michael was never happy.

a. He was

b. When he was

c. When was he

d. Was he

e. Was he when
537. Bob wants new disk. Please give … to him.

a. they

b. those

c. them

d. its

e. it
538. Your house is bigger than … . … walls are too high.

a. our/Her

b. hers/Its

c. her/ its

d. my/her

e. us/his
539. She is busy with … son.

a. her

b. mine

c. hers

d. yours

e. ours
540. We think they have met her … .

a. somebody

b. anywhere

c. something

d. somewhere

e. sometimes
541. There aren’t … apple - trees in the orchard.

a. no

b. some

c. any

d. anything

e. nothing

542. There are a lot of … in this shop.

a. mices

b. mouse

c. a mice

d. a mouse

e. mice
543. You look very happy. What’s the news? … good?

a. Is it

b. Is there

c. Are there

d. Are they

e. There are
544. Cuba is … coffee - growing areas in the world.

a. one of the larger

b. one of the largest

c. one of the largest

d. largest

e. the largest

545. Choose the right article if it is necessary: Can you play … guitar?

a. the

b. a

c. an

d. -

e. cood
546. What is …matter with … Ainur?

a. an/the

b. the/-

c. a/the

d. -/the

e. the/an
547. … Australia is … far away country.

a. The/a

b. -/-

c. -/a

d. An/-

e. The/the

548. Choose the word of phrase, which completes the sentence best: I’ll be on vacation … next Monday.

a. in

b. on

c. at

d. the

e. -
549. Choose the word or phrase, which completes the sentence best: What is she laughing …?

a. on

b. at

c. over

d. above

e. up
550. Antarctica is the side of … elevations in the world.

a. than the highest

b. the highest are

c. the highest

d. higher

e. and the highest

551. Choose the necessary form of the verb “to be”. There …three categories of drugs.

a. are

b. is

c. was

d. am

e. shall be

552. Choose the necessary form of the verb “to be”: A root (to be) an expanded organ of a plant.

a. are

b. am

c. is

d. were

e. aren’t

553. Put the verb “to study” in the brackets in a proper tense: Botany (to study) the arrangement and classification of plants

a. is studied

b. study

c. is studying

d. studys

e. studies

554. Put the verb “ to take” in the brackets in Present Indefinite: The patient (to take) the prescription.

a. take

b. takes

c. to take

d. took

e. will take

555. Put the verb “to grow” in the brackets in Present Indefinite: Roots usually (to grow) under the ground.

a. grew

b. grown

c. is grow

d. grow

e. will grow

556. Put the verb “to try” in the brackets in Present Indefinite: Since ancient times scientists

(to try) to find medicinal plants.

a. try

b. trying

c. is tried

d. was tried

e. tried
557. Put the verb “to administer” in the brackets in Present Indefinite: A doctor (to administer) me capsules and pills.

a. to administer

b. administered

c. administer

d. administers

e. will administer

558. Put the verb “to be” in the brackets in Present Indefinite: A daily cream (to be) useful for the skin.

a. am

b. to be

c. will be

d. are

e. is
559. Choose the correct variant of the verb “to be”: There … some important groups of plants.

a. am

b. was

c. are

d. is

e. been
560. Choose the correct variant of the verb “to have”: Most plants … no true flowers or roots.

a. has

b. have

c. has not

d. has got

e. having

561. Put the verb in the brackets in a proper tense: Usually the fruits (to contain) the seeds.

a. contain

b. are contained

c. will contain

d. is contained

e. was contained

562. Put the verb in the brackets in Present Indefinite: Botany is the science which (to deal) with plants.

a. dealt

b. is dealt

c. deal

d. dealing

e. deals

563. Put the verb in the brackets in Past Indefinite: Rhizomes (to grow) under the ground.

a. grown

b. will grow

c. is grow

d. grew

e. did grow

564. Put the verb in the brackets in Future Indefinite: A man with a chronic peptic ulcer (to tolerate) pills.

a. will tolerate

b. tolerate

c. to tolerate

d. tolerates

e. is tolerate

565. Choose the correct variant: … a root usually absorb water and minerals?

a. Does

b. Did

c. Has

d. Do

e. Are
566. Choose the correct variant: … the shape and positions of flowers vary?

a. Am

b. Are

c. Do

d. Does

e. Is

567. Choose the correct variant: … the fruits contain the seeds?

a. Does

b. Are

c. Has

d. Do

e. Am
568. Choose the correct variant: … there three important groups of vegetables?

a. Are

b. Does

c. Is

d. Have

e. Has
569. Give the negative form of the verb: Plant morphology (to study) the life and functions of the plant.

a. not study

b. does not study

c. was not studied

d. do not study

e. study not
570. Give the negative form of the verb: All semisolids (to have) fat substance.

a. is not have

b. has not

c. are not have

d. do not have

e. are not having

571. Choose the correct form of the Passive Voice: All drugs (to keep) in drug cabinets.

a. kept

b. to keep

c. are kept

d. is kept

e. to be kept

572. Choose the correct form of the Passive Voice: Usually composite fruits (to form) from many flowers.

a. was formed

b. are formed

c. will be formed

d. is formed

e. should form

573. The antonym of the word “hot” is:

a. cool

b. warm

c. cold

d. very cold

e. freeze

574. Choose the correct word: His … names are Brown and Jackson.

a. cousen’s

b. of cousins

c. cousins

d. cousins’es

e. cousins’

575. Choose the correct variant of degrees of comparison of adjectives: Ann is much … than her brother.

a. youngerer

b. younger

c. youngest

d. young

e. youngster

576. Choose the right variant.

There are many beautiful … in the garden.

a) flower

b) flowers’

c) fower’s

d) flowers

e)a flower
577. Complete the sentence.

I … a teacher now.

a) am

b) will

c) was

d) will be

e) have
578. Complete the sentence

Every day I … dinner at five o’clock.

a) had

b) has

c) am having

d) have had

e) have
579. Add the sentence.

Elisa is a student. … studies in the second form.

a) I

b) He

c) She

d) We

e) You
580. Complete the sentence.

This film is … spoken about.

a) many

b) much

c) few

d) more

e) big

581. Choose the right variant.

It’s easy for you. You can do it … .

a) themselves

b) himself

c) myself

d) ourselves

e) yourself

582. Choose the right sentence.

a) My parents were in much countries.

b) You watch TV every day.

c) Did you take some photos?

d) My wive speaks few.

e) Do it as any as possible.

583. Choose the right variant.

April is the … month of the year.

a) one

b) first

c) second

d) third

e) one of
584. Find the antonym.


a) superior

b) inferior

c) backwards

d) posterior

e) low
585. Complete the sentence.

They keep their clothes in the ….

a) wardrobe

b) cupboard

c) sofa

d) TV-set

e) refrigerator
586. Complete the sentence.

The shoes are made of … leather.

a) the

b) any

c) -

d) an

e) an

587. Complete the sentence.

Tom is in his room. He … the guitar

a) was playing

b) plays

c) played

d) is playing

e) has playing

588. Complete the sentence.

Books … to students in the library.

a) are given

b) was given

c) gave

d) gives

e) gaves
589. Choose the right variant.

… I take the book?

a) can

b) had to

c) have to

d) may

e) can to

590. Choose the right variant.

I don’t like this pencil. Give me … one.

a) this

b) these

c) that

d) those

e) its
591. Choose the right variant.

I met my … friends yesterday.

a) goodest

b) better

c) the best

d) well

e) best
592. Complete the sentence.

If you study … you will pass your exams.

a) worst

b) good

c) well

d) best

e) bad

593. Complete the sentence.

The capital of Canada is …

a) Moscow

b) Leningrad

c) Ottawa

d) Almaty

e) Kiev

594. Choose the right variant.

Doctor-cardiologist treats the patients with …

a) pneumonia

b) cardiovascular diseases

c) urological diseases

d) gynecological diseases

e) diseases of the nervous system

595. Choose the right variant.

The system is … into five groups.

a) taken

b) given

c) divided

d) belonged

e) refered
596. Complete the sentence.

You… this work already.

a) did

b) done

c) didn’t

d) had done

e) have done
597. Choose the right variant.

I saw a boy…out of the window.

a) looks

b) have looked

c) is looking

d) look

e) looking

598. Choose the right variant.

Children go … kindergarden at the eight o’clock

a) on

b) To

c) from

d) in

e) at

599. Choose the right variant.

Time … money.

a) is

b) are

c) am

d) will

e) have
600. Choose the right variant.

The teacher asked the student … late.

a) not to be

b) don’t be

c) not being

d) not be

e) doesn’t be
601. Choose the right variant.

There is … on the shelf.

a) books

b) book’s

c) books’

d) a book

e) book
602. Complete the sentence.

She … born in 1994.

a) is

b) were

c) had

d) was

e) am.
603. Complete the sentence.

Last year the students … lessons on Biology.

a) have

b) have had

c) had

d) was having

e) don’t have
604. Complete the sentence.

Jane works at a hospital. … is a nurse.

a) They

b) She

c) I

d) We

e) You

605. Complete the sentence.

There are … books on the table.

a) little

b) much

c) many

d) few

e) any
606. Complete the sentence.

Let him do it by ….

a) herself

b) himself

c) ourselves

d) itself

e) themselves

607. Choose the right sentence

a) I like dancing very much.

b) Much students passed this examination.

c) There is many money in my pocket

d) I enjoyed the party very little.

e) There were not some people in the street.

608. Choose the right variant.

He is…of the best friend.

a) second

b) one

c) third

d) one’s

e) ones
609. Indicate the antonym to ‘’ frequently’’.

a) usually

b) sometimes

c) never

d) seldom

e) often

610. Complete the sentence.

All the drugs are kept in the ….

a) cupboard

b) sofa

c) drug cabinets

d) table

e) bag
611. Complete the sentence.

This dress is made of … silk.

a) any

b) –

c) an

d) the

e) a
612. Complete the sentence.

Where are our children? They … nice pictures.

a) was drawing

b) were drawing

c) are drawing

d) is drawing

e) have drawing
613. Complete the sentence.

Yesterday we … to the party by our friends.

a) was invited

b) are invited

c) were invited

d) is invited

e) will invited
614 . Choose the right variant.

He … to do this work by five o’ clock.

a) has

b) can

c) may

d) must

e) have
615 . Choose the right variant.

I need only … pen.

a) these

b) those

c) this

d) its

e) it
616 . Choose the right variant.

Mary is … in her family, Isn’t she?

a) younger

b) the youngest

c) youngest

d) young

e) the youngerst

617. Complete the sentence.

If he sees him he will ask some … about it.

a) questions

b) story

c) answer

d) paper

e) advice

618. Complete the sentence.

The head of our country is the ….

a) prime minister

b) chairman

c) president

d) akim

e) senator
619. Complete the sentence.

Butcher’s is a shop where we can buy ….

a) sweets

b) bread

c) drugs

d) vegetables

e) meat
620. Choose the right variant.

The scull… of twenty six bones.

a) consists

b) contains

c) gives

d) composes

e) divides
621. Complete the sentence.

He … out just now, hasn’t he?

a) went

b) have gone

c) has gone

d) goes

e) gone
622. Complete the sentence.

The teacher … the students in room 26.

a) examine

b) examining

c) is examining

d) will examine

e) have examined

623. Choose the right variant.

My little brother is afraid … frogs.

a) on

b) in

c) from

d) to

e) of
624. Choose the right variant.

Knowledge … power.

a) are

b) will

c) is

d) am

e) have
625. Choose the right variant.

Mike hoped that his friend … him with this problem.

a) would help

b) helped

c) have helped

d) will help

e) is helping

626. Choose the right variant.

There are some … in the hall.

a) chair

b) chair’s

c) chairs’

d) chairs

e) chaires
627. Choose the right variant.

Washington … the capital of the USA.

a) were

b) Is

c) am

d) are

e) have
628. Choose the right variant.

Mary and her brother … wonderful voices.

a) do

b) has

c) is having

d) have

e) are having

629. Complete the sentence.

Saule and Gulnar are students. … study at college.

a) He

b) I

c) She

d) They

e) We
630. Complete the sentence.

She has … money.

a) many

b) much

c) small

d) big

e) any
631. Choose the right variant.

We did this work ….

a) himself

b) itself

c) herself

d) themselves

e) ourselves

632. Choose the right sentence.

a) He doesn’t have some time.

b) There are much buildings in this region.

c) Little childrens go to the school.

d) There are many flowers in the garden.

e) Many people lives here.

633. Choose the right variant.

August is the … month of the year.

a) first

b) eight

c) tenth

d) fourth

e) fifth
634. Indicate the antonym to ‘’ never’’.

a) always

b) usually

c) ever

d) often

e) sometimes

635. Choose the right variant.

We buy meat at …

a) chemist’s

b) butcher’s

c) grocery

d) shop

e) market
636. Choose the right variant.

The table is made of … glass.

a) a

b) some

c) an

d) –

e) the
637. Complete the sentence.

I … for my glasses.

a) is looking

b) am looking

c) are looking

d) were looking

e) have looking
638. Complete the sentence.

This comedy … on this channel every day.

a) showed

b) is shown

c) show

d) shown

e) were shown
639. Choose the right variant.

… you speak Spanish?

a) have to

b) should

c) may

d) can

e) would
640. Choose the right variant.

Don’t touch … papers. They are mine.

a) that

b) this

c) these

d) it

e) its

641. Choose the right variant.

This magazine is the … one.

a) more interesting

b) as interesting as

c) interesting more

d) interesting most

e) most interesting

642. Complete the sentence.

If he wants to study Kazakh he will need ….

a) Russian teacher

b) English teacher

c) Spanish teacher

d) French teacher

e) Kazakh teacher
643. Complete the sentence.

The Day of Constitution of the RK is on….

a) the 30 th of August

b) The 25 th of October

c) the 31 st of May

d) the 23 d of February

e) the 16 th of December
644. Choose the right variant.

My brother ….

a) don’t like reading books

b) don’t know anything

c) is a well educated person

d) know everything

e) are very strange
645. Choose the right variant.

Jane … dancing.

a) go

b) looks

c) likes

d) gets

e) gives
646. Complete the sentence.

I … never...in the USA.

a) have/been

b) had/been

c) was/been

d) were/been

e) don’t/been

647. Choose the right variant.

I saw her … the road.

a) crossed

b) cross

c) crosses

d) having cross

e) crossing

648. Choose the right variant.

Kate is fond … sport.

a) in

b) on

c) of

d) at

e) to
649. Choose the right variant.

Johnson … a famous writer.

a) are

b) were

c) was

d) will

e) have
650. Choose the right variant.

A teacher asked the students … her.

a) no to disturb

b) not to disturb

c) don’t disturb

d) doesn’t disturb

e) aren’t disturb
651.Choose the right variant.

There are no … among him.

a) girl

b) girl’s

c) girls

d) girls’

e) a girl
652. Complete the sentence.

What … your uncle’s name?

a) are

b) am

c) were

d) is

e) have

653. Complete the sentence.

Pete … biology lessons every week.

a) have

b) is having

c) has

d) had

e) have had

654. Add the sentence.

I watch this film every day. … is very interesting.

a) I

b) It

c) He

d) They

e) We
655. They enjoyed the concert very….

a) more

b) few

c) much

d) a few

e) best
656. Choose the right variant.

Let me do it ….

a) himself

b) herself

c) myself

d) ourselves

e) itself

657. Choose the right sentence.

a) My friend didn’t make some mistakes.

b) There isn’t many milk in the bottle.

c) She has much friends.

d) He spends his winter holidays in the village.

e) I have many time.

658. Choose the right variant.

The… month of the year is November.

a) fourth

b) third

c) sixth

d) first

e) eleventh
659. Indicate the antonym to ‘’ frequently’’.

a) never

b) seldom

c) sometimes

d) usually

e) rare
660. Complete the sentence.

There are many books on the …

a) wardrobe

b) refrigerator

c) table

d) chair

e) sofa
661. Complete the sentence.

It is made … wood.

a) for

b) to

c) off

d) of

e) on
662. Complete the sentence.

Listen! Somebody … … a lovely poem.

a) was reading

b) are reading

c) is reading

d) were reading

e) has reading

663. Complete the sentence.

The Winter Olympic games … once in 4 years.

a) hold

b) are hold

c) were hold

d) was held

e) holds
664. Choose the right variant.

He … attend all lectures.

a) could

b) has to

c) must

d) would

e) have

665. Choose the right variant.

Look at … picture. It is beautiful!

a) this

b) that

c) it

d) these

e) them
666. Choose the right variant.

Mukhtar is … than his brother Kairat.

a) strong

b) strongest

c) stronger

d) so strong

e) the stronger

667. Choose the right variant.

If the weather is … tomorrow we will go to the countryside

a) bad

b) fine

c) best

d) worse

e) baddest
668. Complete the sentence.

The Day Independence of Kazakhstan is on ….

a) the 30 th of August

b) the 9 th of February

c) the 25 th of October

d) the 16th of December

e) the 1st of May

669. Choose the right variant.

A theatre is a place where …

a) we dance

b) we go to see a play

c) we study mathematics

d) we cook meals

e) we have breakfast

670. Choose the right variant.

He always … to a pop music.

a) listens

b) sings

c) hears

d) hates

e) likes

671. Choose the right variant.

We … this lecture already.

a) wrote

b) write

c) have written

d) writes

e) has written

672. Choose the right variant.

Antony does not like … TV.

a) watching

b) have watched

c) watched

d) watch

e) is watched
673. Choose the right variant.

Fresh vegetables is useful …our health.

a) in

b) at

c) of

d) on

e) for
674. Choose the right variant.

Jane’s mother … a doctor at the hospital.

a) are

b) have

c) am

d) is

e) having
675. Choose the right variant.

The teacher asked the pupils … lessons.

a) missing

b) doesn’t miss

c) not to miss

d) don’t miss

e) be missed

676. Complete the sentence.

… is a dancer

a) Aiguls sisters

b) Aiguls sister

c) Aiguls sisters

d) Sisters of Aigul

e) Aigul sisters

677. Complete the sentence.

Here is … magazine you need.

a) the

b) an

c) a

d) this

e) some
678. Complete the sentence.

He … be in the village next month.

a) am

b) was

c) are

d) will

e) were

679. Choose the correct form of the pronouns:

Ann must go to the Spanish lesson. … begins at 8 o, clock.

a) she

b) they

c) him

d) he

e) it
680. Choose the right variant.

Give … this paper, please.

a) his

b) she

c) me

d) your

  1. e) it

681. Complete the sentence.

He is speaking … his father.

a) to

b) on

c) of

d) for

e) from
682. Choose the right variant.

Now we … an Russian article.

a) is translating

b) are translating

c) translates

d) translate

e) have translated

683. Complete the sentence.

The Congress Hall of Kazakhstan is located in:

a) Almaty

b) Atyrau

c) Taraz

d) Astana

e) Aktau
684. Complete the sentence.

She … for her friend at that time yesterday.

a) was / waited

  1. b) ware / waited

c) waiting

d) were / waiting

e) was / waiting
685. Choose the right variant.

After a few months of the training course they … swim well.

a) have to

b) could

c) am allowed to

d) am able to

e) can to
686. Choose the right variant.

The home task … by him yesterday.

a) done

b) is done

c) do

d) was done

e) are done
687. Complete the sentence.

This book belongs to …

a) ours

  1. b) me



e) we
688. Choose the right variant.

How … sisters do you have?

  1. a) any

  2. b) much

c) few

d) many

e) little

689. Choose the correct form of the pronoun.

I looked for my watch, but I could not find it …

a) anybody

b) now here

c) anywhere

d) every where

e) some where
690. Choose the right variant:


a) the twelve thousand six hundred and thirty nine

b) twelve thousand six hundred thirty nine

c) the twelve thousand six hundred thirty nine

d) twelve thousand six hundred and thirty nine

e) twenty thousand six hundred thirty nine
691. Choose the right variant:

I met my … friend last week.

a) older

b) elde

c) old

d) olderer

e) the old
692. Choose the right variant:

This film is … interesting than that film.

a) well

b) more

c) most

d) very

e) the more
693. Choose the right variant:

Ill tell Nurlan all the things when … him.

a) I am going to see

b) I see

c) Ill see

d) I shall see

e)I saw
694. Find the correct answer.

If … my documents, Ill be in trouble

a) I lose

b) Ill lose

c) I lost

d) I would lose

e) I have lost

695. Choose the right variant:

The Queen of the United Kingdom of Britain lives in …

  1. a) the Downing Street 11

  2. b) St. Pauls Cathedrals

  3. c) Buckingham Palace

d) the House of Parliament

e) Covent Garden

696. Choose the right variant:

Most big towns of Kazakhstan …much historical places.

a) has

  1. b) are having

c) have

  1. d) having

  2. e) has had

697. Choose the right variant:

Article is a part of every magazine.

a) vacation

  1. b) advanced study of the subject

  2. c) laboratory experiment

  3. d) new approach

e) written report
698. Find the correct answer.

a) Who do cook the dinner in your family?

b) Who cooks the dinner in your family?

c) Who does cooks the dinners in your family?

  1. d) Does who cook the dinners in your family?

  2. e) Who cook the dinners in your family?

699. Choose the Present Perfect Continuous.

a) She is studying the new method.

  1. b) I have a lot of things to do.

c) She has got a new car.

d) I have broken the pen.

e) I have been working at the Hospital for 4 years.
700. Choose the right variant.

He … his friends yesterday.

a) seeing

b) see

c) seen

d) saw

e) was see
701. Complete the sentence:

This is … bag.

a) Sholpanes

b) Sholpans

c) Sholpans


e) Sholpan
702. Complete the sentence:

Julia … English lessons every day.

a) has

b) have

c) having

d) is having

e) are having
703. Add the sentence:

Mike and July are married … have a baby.

a) She

b) I

c) We

d) they

e) You
704. Complete the sentence:

She likes cake very … .

a) a few

b) few

c) much

d) many

e) more
705. Choose the right variant:

He works in the office … .

a) one

b) first

c) oneth

d) ones

e) the first
706. Complete the sentence:

She makes mistakes in French very … .

a) much

b) often

c) few

d) many

e) little

707. Complete the sentence

Before they … the city they should take passports.

a) will leave

b) leave

c) leaves

d) left

e) to leave

708. Complete the sentence:

The room where she cooks is …

a) a kitchen

b) a living – room

c) a bathroom

d) a study

e) a bedroom
709. Complete the sentence:

There is … beautiful picture at the end of the book

a) an

b) –

c) the

d) a

e) any
710. Complete the sentence:

What … Fred … now?

a) is / doing

b) is / does

c) are / doing

d) is / done

e) am / doing
711. Complete the sentence:

The children … not smoke.

a) have

b) might

c) should

d) cannot

e) have to
712. Choose the right variant:

That isnt my coat. … is here.

a) my

b) me

c) the mine

d) none of me

e) me not

713. Choose the right variant:

Duman was very ill … day

a) those

b) that

c) such

d) same

e) these
714. Choose the right variant:

… are you cooking?

a) which

b) what

c) at what

d) for whom

e) who
715. Choose the right variant:

We were students at this university five years ….

a) for

b) since

c) ago

d) already

e) in
716. Choose the right variant:

Who draws pictures … than you?

a) the best

b) the most best

c) better

d) good

e) more better

717. Choose the right variant:

My mother asked “Will you come soon?”

a) My mother said me would come soon

b) My mother asked if I was come soon

c) My mother asked if I would come soon

d) My mother asked would I come soon

e) My mother fold to come soon
718. Complete the sentence:

Russia is a …

a) People state

b) Federation

c) Monarchy

d) Unitary state

e) Republic

719. Choose the right variant:

The head of the USA is the….

a) Governed

b) Lord chancellor

c) President

d) Prime minister

e) Queen

720. Complete the saying:

Almaty is located in the …

a) West

b) South

c) East

d) North

e) North – east
721. Complete the English saying:

“My home is my …”

a) castle

b) balcony

c) university

d) penthouse

e) mansion
722. Choose the right variant:

… you go to Astana next month?

a) did

b) do

c) have

d) will

e) shall
723. Complete the sentence:

If he … busy tomorrow he wont go to the cinema.

a) are

b) am

c) is

d) will be

e) shall be
724. Choose the right variant:

She … tomorrow.

a) will leave

b) leave

c) is leave

d) be leaving

e) leaves

725. Choose the right variant:

My parents … in London last summer.

a) is

b) were

c) are

d) was

e) am
726. Complete the sentence:

… you meet her yesterday?

a) do

b) does

c) did

d) will

e) shall
727. Complete the sentence:

Their flat is better than … house.

a) hers

b) mine

c) our

d) its

e) yours
728. Complete the sentence:

He … a teacher.

a) is

b) am

c) shall be

d) were

e) are
729. Choose the correct form of the pronouns.

… shall be working at 8 oclock tomorrow.

a) They

b) I

c) She

d) You

e) He
730. Choose the right variant.

My sister … many friends at college.

a) have got

b having got

c) has got

d) got

e) is

731. Complete the sentence:

The pen is … the bag.

a) into

b) for

c) over

d) in

e) to
732. Choose the right variant:

The … is the head of our country.

a) Prime – minister

b) Judge

c) President

d) Senator

e) Director
733. Complete the sentence:

Senate of the Parliament of RK is located in

a) Astana

b) Taraz

c) Aktau

d) Almaty

e) Atyrau
734. Complete the sentence:

He … the article now.

a) am translating

b) is translating

c) was translating

d) are translating

e) were translating
735. Complete the sentence:

The article … by me yesterday.

a) was written

b) were written

c) am written

d) is written

e) are written
736. Choose the right variant.

After a few months of the treatment she … walk.

a) have to

b) could

c) am able to

d) has

e) are allowed

737. Complete the sentence:

That house belongs to … grandparents.

a) we

b) mine

c) my

d) I

e) me
738. Choose the right variant.

How … money do you need?

a) few

b) many

c) much

d) any

e) little

739. Choose the correct form of the pronoun.

Is … in the flat?

a) nobody

b) anywhere

c) everywhere

d) nowhere

e) anybody
740. Choose the right variant.


a) the sixteenth thousand five hundred and ninety seven

b) sixteen thousand five hundred and ninety seven

c) the sixteen thousand five hundred and ninety seven

d) six thousand five hundred and ninety seven

e) the sixteen thousand five hundred and ninety seven

741. Choose the right variant.

I want to be ... pupil in our class.

a) better

b) the best

c) best

d) the good

e) the better
742. Choose the right variant.

She is ... beautiful than Dinara.

a) more

b) well

c) very

d) the more

e) most

743. Choose the right variant.

Hell show you something interesting when he ... you.

a) meeting

b) met

c) meets

d) will meet

e) am going to meet

744. Find the correct answer.

Theyll go there if the weather ... fine.

a) are

b) is

c) was

d) will be

e) are not
745. Choose the right variant.

The Queen of GB lives in:

a) the Buckingham Palace

b) the St. Pauls cathedral

c) Covent Garden

d) Downing street, 10

e) the Houses of Parliament
746. Choose the right variant.

Every student should...both a book and the copy - book.

a) had

b) have

c) has

d) having

e) have had
747. Choose the right variant.

Holidays are very important for students.

a) written report

b) new approach

c) vocations

d) laboratory experiment

e) study of the subject

748. Find the correct answer.

a) Who work at the hospital?

b) Who does at the hospital?

c) Who do work at the hospital

d) Does who work at the hospital?

e) Who works at the hospital?

749. Choose the Present Continuous

a) She is reading the magazine now.

b) She has read the magazine

c) She’s never read a magazine

d) The magazine is read by her

e) She reads a magazine

750. Choose the right variant.

She heard the telephone ...

a) rang

b) ringed

c) rung

d) rings

e) ring
751. Find the sentence with a possessive noun:

a) Arman’s friend

b) Asem’s good

c) She is sick

d) Askar’s late

e) It’s time

752. Complete the sentence:

My … … are very from here.

a) Friends’ houses

b) Friends houses

c) Friend houses

d) Houses of my friends

e) Friend’s house
753. Complete the sentence:

…students of our University learn foreign languages.

a) in

b) a

c) an

d) for

e) the
754. Complete the sentence:

I often … a lot of work to do.

a) have

b) was having

c) had

d) is having

e) has
755. Choose the correct item:

I am from New York.

a) How old are you?

b) What is your name?

c) Where are you from?

d) Where is your father from?

e) Where is your friend from?
756. Choose the correct word:

The climate is extreme … in Kazakhstan.

a) hot

b) regional

c) European

d) Asian

e) continental
757. Indicate the correct answer:

What is the capital of England?

a) Belfast

b) Birmingham

c) London

d) Dublin

e) Cardiff
758. Choose suitable word:

The coastline … of the United States proper is 22,860 km

a) territory

b) district

c) wild

d) length

e) region
759. Make the right choice:

She has … good sense of … dress.

a) The/the

b) A/the

c) The/a

d) A/-

e) A/a
760. Choose the right variant:

What’s the weather like in Canada? How often … there?

a) Snow it

b) Does it snow

c) Snows it

d) Snowing

e) Does it snows

761. Choose the right variant:

A new film … in this cinema tomorrow.

a) Is shown

b) Will be shown

c) Was showing

d) Are shown

e) Was shown

762. Choose the correct answer: It is … known that Berlin is a city divided between East

and West.

a) best

b) well

c) rather

d) the best

e) quite
763. Choose the correct answer:

Since we have to be there before 9 o’clock, we … take a taxi. Otherwise, we’ll be late

a) are able to

b) had better

c) can

d) may

e ) would
764. Choose the correct variant: You … take any book you like.

a) should

b) have to

c) must

d) may

e) can
765. Choose the right variant:

Look at … beautiful flowers!

a) they

b) those

c) that

d) them

e) this
766. Choose the right variant:

Date: September 30?

a) The thirtieth of September

b) Thirty of September

c) The thirteenth of September

d) Thirty September

e) September thirteen

767. Choose the right variant:

How do you say the number “101”?

a) ones hundreds one

b) one thousand ones

c) one hundred and one

d) one hundreds one

e) one and one hundred
768. Choose the right variant:

You can see the details … the computer screen.

a) along

b) in

c) on

d) by

e) at
769. Choose the right variant:

John marks are … than mine.

a) bad

b) the worst

c) the baddest

d) badder

e) worse
770. Fill in the suitable adverb in the sentence:

I … sleep with my windows open.

a) a let

b) many


d) more

e) always
771. Choose the correct variant:

“I’m writing a letter,” she said:

a) She said she writes a letter

b) She said she writes a letters

c) She said she were writing a letter

d) She said she writing a letter

e) She said she was writing a letter
772. Choose the correct variant:

A swimming pool is a place … you can swim.:

a) which

b) whom

c) where

d) when

e) who

773. Choose the best alternative.

She had an accident yesterday,…she?

a) didn’t

b) did

c) had

d) hadn’t

e) wasn’t

774. Choose the correct answer.

Do you know it is my parents’ wedding anniversary next month? They …

Married for thirty years.

a) are

b) will be

c) have been

d) will have been

e) are going to be

775. Choose the right variant:

She went to the cinema after she … had dinner.

a) was had

b) have

c) will have

d) had

e) has
776. Choose the right suffix for:


a) -ment

b) ship

c) -ness


777. Complete the sentence:

This is … book.





778. Put the correct article. This is a picture of …town where I was born:

a) the

b) a

c) -

d) an

e) any

779. Choose the right variant:

We … at the lesson.

a) are

b) is

c) am

d) was

e) were
780. Find the correct variant:

Where do you take book?

a) At the museum

b) At the library

c) At home

d) At the station

e) In the park
781. Choose the correct word:

Kazakhstan has all types of … except arctic, tropical and equatorial

a) sunshine

b) regions

c) winds

d) climate

e) days
782. Choose the correct item:

Every year the anniversary of W.Shakespeare is celebrated in ….

a) Liverpool

b) Stratford-upon Avon

c) Manchester

d) London

e) Brooklyn
783. Fill in a suitable word: Washington is the … of the USA.

a) main district

b) district

c) capital

d) region

e) territory

784. ___chocolates which I ate last night tasted very strange.

a) The

b) -

c) A

d) Any

e) An
785. Complete the sentence:

I … a headache earlier but I feel fine now.

a) Would have

b) Had

c) Will have

d) Have

e) Has

786. Find the right variant:

How many houses … built in your city a year?

a) Is

b) Have

c) Was

d) Are

e) Has
787. Choose the correct answer:

In the old days, bottles … by hand.

a) Are make

b) Is made

c) Were making

d) Ares made

e) Were made
788. Choose the right variant:

We … do our lessons everyday.

a) will have to

b) had to

c) might

d) must

e) could
789. Complete the sentence:

I …go to the doctor.

a) Ought to

b) Is to

c) May

d) Can

e) Have not to
790. Choose the right variant:

… much time does it take to go there?

a) Why

b) How many

c) How

d) What

e) When

791. Choose the right number:

He lives on (7)floor.

a) the fifth

b) the sixth

c) the fourth

d) seven

e) the seventh

792. Choose the right variant:

The house was constricted in the … century.

a) Nineties

b) Ninety

c) Nineteenth

d) Nine

e) Nineteen
793. Choose the right variant:

The phone is … the computer.

a) in

b) to

c) from

d) for

e) next to
794. Choose the correct answer:

This car is nearly … price … the one we tried yesterday, but this one appears to be in better condition.

a) different/from

b) as/as

c) the same/as

d) similar/to

e) so/that
795. Choose the right variant:

They moved … through the hall.

a) Quieter

b) Quietly

c) Quiet

d) The quietest

e) Quietest
796. Choose the correct answer:

…, I could have phoned you while I was spending my holiday in Spain.

a) If you gave your phone number

b) Had you given your phone number before you left

c) But for your phone number

d) Although you had given me phone number

e) Did you give your phone number to me

797. Choose the correct answer:

Mrs. White is scornful of the romantic idea of love and treats marriage

Simply as something … prudent women use to their advantage.

a) but

b) whose

c) whom

d) of which

e) which
798. Choose the best alternative:

… anything on television, so I turned it off.

a) There was

b) There weren’t

c) It was

d) There wasn’t

e) It wasn’t
799. Choose the right variant:

I didn’t look at the present until she … gone.

a) had

b) have

c) did

d) does

e) has
800. Choose the best alternative:

It’ll take a long time to read this book. He … reading it by the weekend.

a) won’t be

b) has finished

c) won’t have finished

d) is finished

e) will be finishing
801. Choose the right noun in a possessive case:

Where is your … handbag?

a) Mothers

b) Mother

c) Mother’s

d) Mothers’s

e) Motheres
802. Choose the noun in a possessive case:

… name was “Titanic”.

a) The shipes

b) The ship

c) The ship’es

d) The ships

e) The ship’s

803. Choose the correct answer:

Butterflies are … insects.





804. Choose the best alternative:

New York … a big city.





e)am not
805. Choose the correct answer:

I sent a letter two weeks ago and they haven’t received it … .





806. Find the synonym to the underlined words:

She spoke to her English teacher after classes.





807. Choose the right variant:

Who is responsible for government actives before the President of the Republic Kazakhstan?

a) the Depute

b) the Speaker

c) the Prime-Minister

d) the Vice-president

e) the Chairman

808. Choose the correct answer:

A lot of people go to the stadium to watch….

a) the sport events

b) singing competitions

c) drama shows

d) religious singing

e) recitations singing

809. Choose the correct article:

He bought … few books yesterday and I bought 2 ones.

a) -

b) any

c) the

d) an

e) a
810. Choose the right variant:

Have you … been to London?

a) lately

b) yet

c) soon

d) ever

e) always

811. Choose the right variant:

Grammar … by our teacher.

a) Explains

b) Explained

c)Will explain

d) Are explained

e) Is explained
812. Choose the correct variant:

The monument … away.

a) taken

b) takes

c) took

d) has been taken

e) is taking
813. Choose the correct answer:

“ Why are you in a hurry? You … be in your office before half past eight.”

a) couldn’t

b) aren’t supposed to

c) mustn’t

d) might not

e) had better not
814. Find the right variant:

You go … there today.

a) Been

b) Are

c) Has

d) Have

е) Needn’t

815. Choose the right variant:

a) Are you

b) The yours

c) Yours

d) The your’s

e) Your
816. Choose the right variant of the year nineteen fifty-seven.

a) 1975

b) 1955

c) 1959

d) 1957

e) 1956
817. Choose the right variant:

How do you say the following big number “624,112”?

a)Six hundred and twenty-four thousand, one hundred and twelve.

b)Six hundreds and twenty-four thousands, eleven hundreds and two

c)Six hundreds, twenty-four, one hundred and twelve thousand

d)Six-two-four and eleven-two

e)Six hundreds and twenty-four thousands, one hundreds and twelve

818. Choose the correct answer:

When flooding forced mane people … our area to higher ground, my niece’s family stayed … us.

a) of/by

b) at/between

c) in/with

d) from/in

e) as/among
819. Choose the right variant:

My brother is … than my sister

a) Taller

b) Most tall

c) The tallest

d) More tall

e) Most
820. Choose the correct answer:

When I came home my parents … .

a)Watched TV

b)Will watch TV

c) Are watching TV

d) Watch TV

e) Were watching TV

821. Choose the right variant:

We shall not leave for the country before my father … home.

a) Is returned

b) Shall return

c) Return

d) Returns

e) Will return

822. Choose the right variant:

The Statue of Liberty greets everybody who comes to … by sea.

a) Washington

b) New York

c) Chicago

d) Los-Angeles

e) Boston
823. Choose the best alternative:

“ …leave so early?” ”I’m afraid I do. I must finish my homework before midnight.”

a) Don’t you have to

b) Do you have to

c) Have you to

d) Don’t you have to

e) Have got you to
824. Choose the right variant:

She … thought of it yet.

a) Didn’t

b) Isn’t

c) Hasn’t

d) Doesn’t

e) Wasn’t
825. Choose the right variant:

The hotel owner informed us that he … the police already.

a) Is calling

b) Had called

c) Calls

d) Are calling

e) Calling

826. Choose the right answer in a possessive case:

The name of the boy.

  1. The names boy

  2. The boys name

  3. The boy’s name

  4. The boys name’

  5. The names boys

827. Complete the sentence:

These are my….newspapers.

  1. Sister

  2. Sistern

  3. Sisters’

  4. Sisterss

  5. Sisters

828. Which of the nouns is used with –an:

  1. Accident

  2. City

  3. Pear

  4. Town

  5. Table

829. Complete the sentence:

  1. Is

  2. Has

  3. Are

  4. Were

  5. Am

830. Which of the following adverbs has suffix –er in the comparative degree?

  1. Bad

  2. Good

  3. Worse

  4. The worth

  5. Firm

831. Find the right variant: The tea isn’t…enough for me.

  1. sweet

  2. salt

  3. small

  4. large

  5. favorite.

832. Choose the right variant. London stands on the river:

  1. Severn

  2. Thames

  3. Mersey

  4. Colorado

  5. Blade

833. Fill in a suitable word:

The highest…is observed in Death Valley (sometimes up to 56 C)

  1. Scale

  2. Phase

  3. Degree

  4. Grade

  5. Temperature

834. Put the correct article. School year begins on …1st of September:

  1. the

  2. an

  3. a

  4. any

835. Choose the correct answer.

The hotel was so awful that we wrote a letter of…to the agency when we got back home.

  1. warning

  2. recommendation

  3. thanks

  4. relief

  5. complaint

836. Choose the correct variant. This film…by about thirty million people now.:

  1. was being watched.

  2. is watched

  3. is being watched

  4. will be watched

  5. has been watched.

837. Find the right variant: The palace …to public in 1990.

  1. has been opened

  2. opened

  3. was opened

  4. open

  5. is opened

838. Choose the right variant:

You …help your mother about the house, it’s your duty.

  1. Must

  2. Would

  3. Might

  4. May

  5. Can

839. Complete the sentence:

People…to drive more carefully.

  1. Must

  2. May

  3. Could

  4. Would

  5. Ought

840. Choose the right variant:

I see only two students in the room. Where are…?

  1. Other

  2. The others

  3. The other

  4. Another

  5. Others

841. Choose the right number: There are (14) schools in our town.

  1. Two

  2. One

  3. Three

  4. Five

  5. Fourteen

842. Find the right variant: “14/10”

  1. The October and fourteen

  2. The fourteenth of October

  3. The fourteenth October

  4. The fourteen October

  5. The fourteen of October

843. Choose the right the best alternative.

The Independence Day is celebrated…the 16th of December.

  1. in

  2. with

  3. on

  4. at

  5. for

844. Choose the right variant:

I met my…friend yesterday.

  1. Gooder

  2. Better

  3. The best

  4. Best

  5. Goodest

845. Choose the correct answer:

…, I would lend you some money now.

  1. Unless I lose my job in two weeks’ time

  2. If I had gotten my salary yesterday

  3. The cost of living is higher, so

  4. If I have enough money

  5. If I win the game

846. Choose the right form of the verb: If it …for your help, we would have got into real trouble.

  1. Were not

  2. Did not

  3. Am not

  4. Had not been

  5. Is not

847. Choose the correct answer:

The river Ishim…through Astana

  1. Locates

  2. Walks

  3. Goes

  4. Runs

  5. Stretches

848. Choose the best alternative:

Five minutes…too long to wait.

  1. are

  2. will not

  3. have not

  4. isn’t

  5. aren’t

849. Choose the right variant:

I…the radio for 10 minutes before the car turned over.

  1. Was playing

  2. Had been playing

  3. Is played

  4. Am playing

  5. Played

850. Complete the sentence:

Ann…at home when I….. .

  1. Wasn’t/ had phoned

  2. Has’t been/phoned

  3. Were not/ has phoned.

  4. Wasn’t/ phoned

  5. Has been/ have phoned.

851. Choose the right answer in a possessive case:

    1. The brother’s car

    2. The brother car

    3. The brother’s car

    4. The brother car

    5. The brothers car

852. Complete the sentence:

Would you like to go to…theater with me tonight?

  1. These

  1. An

  1. The

  2. A

  3. In

853. Choose the best alternative.

…you got any relations?

  1. Has

  1. Are

  1. Do

  2. Will

  3. Have

854. Find the right equivalent:

Year 1950

  1. The fiftieth.

  2. Nineteen fifty.

  3. Nineteen hundred.

  4. Ninety fifty.

  5. Ninety fifteen.

855. Choose the correct answer: You don’t need to vacuum the carpet. I’ve….done it

  1. Rather

  2. Already

  3. Yet

  4. Still

  5. Often

856. Choose the right variant:

A room or a place for the preparation and cooking of food is called a ____.

  1. Kitchen

  2. Dining-room

  3. Hall

  4. Sitting room

  5. Bedroom

857. Choose the right variant:

The Clock Tower is famous for its big hour bell, known as….

  1. “Small Ben”

  2. “Long Ben”

  3. “Nice Ben”

  4. “Big Ben”

  5. “Large Ben”.

858. Fill in a suitable word:

The Us has two main________ parties-the Democratic Party and the Republic Party.

      1. Wonderful

      2. Civil

      3. Political

      4. Public

      5. Important

859. Choose the noun in a possessive case:

The_______ _museum.

  1. City’s

  2. City

  3. Citie’s

  4. Cities

  5. Citi’s

860. Complete the sentence:

…course of study at…Institute of physical culture lasts four years:

  1. The/-.

  2. The/a.

  3. -/the

  4. The/the.

  5. a/the

861. Choose the correct answer.

Since the day he______ ill_____ a lot of reading.

  1. Is/he has done

  2. Is/he has been done

  3. Has been ill/he had done

  4. Was/he had done

  5. Was/ he has done

862. Choose the right variant:

John______ on the phone now.

  1. Was wanted

  2. Is wanted

  3. Am wanted

  4. Are wanted

  5. Be wanted

863. Choose the correct variant: The flowers…in a warm sunny place.:

  1. Should kept.

  2. Be kept

  3. Shall keep

  4. Shall be keeping

  5. Should be kept

864. Choose the right variant:

…you pass me the salt, please?

  1. May

  2. Must

  3. Can

  4. Had do

  5. Should

865. Complete the sentence:

Like any top sportsman she…to train very hard.

  1. Should

  2. Must

  3. Has

  4. May

  5. Can

866. Choose the correct answer:

_____people get married for financial security or because ____are lonely.

  1. All/some

  2. Most/we

  3. Any/many

  4. Your/you

  5. Some/they

867. Choose the right variant: 8579

  1. Eight thousand five hundred and seventy nine.

  2. Eighteen thousand five hundred seventy nine.

  3. Eight thousand five hundred seventy nine.

  4. Eighteen thousand five hundreds seventy nine

  5. Eight thousands five hundred seventy nine.

868. Choose the best alternative.

You’re walking too fast. I can’t keep….with you.

  1. Out

  2. In

  3. On

  4. Up

  5. At

869. Choose the correct answer.

The bus______ we are traveling is the latest model from our company.

  1. on which

  2. whatever

  3. that

  4. of which

  5. from which

870. Choose the correct answer.

  1. As soon as we waited

  2. When we waited

  3. Before we waited

  4. Until we waited

  5. As we were waiting

871. Choose the correct variant. Sarah is so lonely but if she….a club, she would make more friends.:

  1. Joined

  2. Will be joined

  3. Would join

  4. Will join

  5. Joins

872. The President of the Republic is the ________of the state.

  1. chief ideologist

  2. legislator

  3. monarch

  4. head

  5. chief legislator

873. Choose the best alternative.

We ……orders for the new cosmetic product coming in from all over the world.

We will be rich, partner!

  1. Give

  2. Have

  3. Take

  4. Make

  5. Do

874. Choose the best alternative to complete the second so that it means the same as the first sentence.

He pretended that he was reading the newspaper.

He pretended….the newspaper.

  1. to have read

  2. to be reading

  3. to reading

  4. to have been read

  5. reading

875. Choose the right variant:

The results of his experiments are supposed_________ very interesting.

  1. been

  2. has been

  3. have been

  4. to be

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