Methodology of modeling of subject domain. Methods and design tools. Information support of IS.
Design of IS with use of CASE – technologies.
Expected results: In the course of training students have to:
To know process of designing of effective information systems, to possess basic knowledge in the
organization of information space and navigation for it for the purpose of ensuring usability;
To be able to design convenient information systems in use, to develop architecture of resources
and convenient system of navigation, to create prototypes and visual design of interfaces;
To have an idea of a current state and the perspective directions in the field of designing of
information systems.
Post requisites: The acquired knowledge and skills will be used by students at degree design. The
acquired knowledge and skills will be used by students when studying the following disciplines:
Imitating modeling; Analysis, modeling and automation of business-processes, Control of
PNYaCSh3219.1 Programming in C# language, 3 credits
Prerequisites: "Informatics", "Algorithms, data structures and programming".
The purpose of the study:: acquisition of practical skills of development of algorithms, block and
function charts of software products; acquisition of practical skills of development of the user
interfaces and programming in languages of high level.
Summary: System types С#. Conversion types. Variables. Operations in expressions. Assignment
and built-in functions. Operators of the C # language. Procedures and functions - class methods.
The correctness of methods, recursion. Arrays C #. The Array class and new opportunities arrays.
Symbols and lines of constant length in C #. C # strings. The classes String and StringBuilder.
Regular expressions. Classes. The structures and enumerations. Relations between classes. Clients
and heirs. Interfaces. Multiple inheritance. Functional type in C #. Delegates. Developments.
Versatility. Classes with generic parameters. Debugging and exception handling. Interface
Organization and drawing on forms.
The expected results: As a result of a discipline study students shall:
- to have an idea of basic approaches to software development;
- to know basic provisions of structured, modular, object-oriented and protective programming;
- to have an idea of features of software development in case of different approaches of
- to acquire practical skills of creation of a complete software product.
Postrequisites: "Technologies of programming", "Interfaces of computer systems", "System
PNYaP3219.2 Programming in the Python language, 3 credits
Prerequisites: "Informatics", "Algorithms, data structures and programming".
Study purpose: mastering of the theory of algorithm elaboration, methods and technology of the
decision of practical and scientific tasks in the Python language.
Summary: Algorithms. Principles of processing of algorithms Analysis of algorithms. Assessment
of complexity of algorithms. Growth of functions. Formula of Stirlinga. Simple recursions. Data
types. Structured and base data types. Pointers. Data structure. Algorithms of processing of a data
structure. Abstract data types. Algorithms of processing of lines. The recursive algorithms. Sorting
algorithms. Search algorithms. The linear and binary search. Algorithms of processing of rows.
Dynamic programming.
The expected results: Training of students in skills of development of programs at the Python
PLJ3305 Programming in Java, 3 credits
Prerequisites: Computer science, "algorithms, data structures and programming" software
technology, object-oriented programming
The purpose of the study: The purpose of discipline "Programming in Java» in training - provide
insight and understanding of the basic properties of the Java platform means and tools to teach
students to develop applications for a wide range of applications, give a basis for further study of
Summary: Object-oriented programming in Java. Classification of Java. The integrated Java
environment. Simple application in Java. Input and output data. Input and output data to a file.
Arrays. Array Processing. Classes. Using classes. The development of user interfaces and the
development of programs. Creating a graphical user interface. Creating a visual interface. The
layout of the user interface. Handling events. Components for text input. select Components.
Expected results: As a result of studying the discipline The students should know the types of data
characteristics, operations on them, language statements, principles of object-oriented
programming, classes are used when developing applications, work with files, principles of
Postrequisites: Web Technology, Software Information Systems
IP3305.1 Internet programming, 3 credits
Prerequisites: Discipline "Internet programming" is based on the knowledge gained in the study
subjects "Informatics", "algorithms, data structures and programming," "programming technology",
"Object-oriented programming."
The purpose of the study: "Internet Programming" in training - is training in razrazrabotki WEB-
applications using advanced tools. As a result of studying the discipline "Internet programming",
students should know: design methods WEB-applications using modern technologies; be able to
apply modern software tools for applications using the Internet; have an understanding of the
modern outlook and trends of Internet programming.
Summary: According to the discipline studied the basics of Internet offerings. Classification
programmmnogo tools. Struck-round online programs. Applications are executed on the client side
and the server. Development of the user interface, interactive interface navigation. server interaction
interface with at-application program. Programs gateways. The syntax of markup languages and
scripting languages (HTML, XML, JS, VBS, PERL, PHP).
Expected results: Implementation of sending data to the server operations, recording data on the
server, write data to the database server, the formation of queries and responses, including the
external components.
Postrequisites: Web Technologies, Computer Networks
TBA3305.2 Theory of business analytics, 3 credits
Prerequisites: Data base systems, Design of Web-application, Design of information systems
Purpose of the course: To gain basic knowledge and skills in using methods of business analysis
for business intelligence needs of the organization in order to identify business problems and come
up with proposal for their solution.
Summary: The course provides broad overview on the preparation of the analysis of the customer's
business needs, the formulation of the solution concept and drafting the terms of reference for the
project by constructing models of processes and structures, user interface prototypes, use cases, as
well as implementation and consulting software application.
Expected results: to acquire the ability to understand the business problems and opportunities in
the context of the requirements and formulate recommended solutions that enable organizations
most effectively achieve their goals.
Postrequisites: diploma projects, disciplines for master degree