Практикум (русский язык). 6 Лабораторная работа 1

Characteristic reactions of Copper cations Cu2+

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Characteristic reactions of Copper cations Cu2+

1.Water ammonia NH4OH. The reaction is carried out in two stages:

the 1st: 2Cu2+ + SO42- + 2NH4OH = (CuOH)2SO4 + 2NH4+;

the 2d: (CuOH)2SO4 + 2NH4+ + 6NH4OH = 2[Cu(NH3)4]2+ + 8H2O

For example,

2CuSO4 + 2NH4OH = (CuOH)2SO4↓ + (NH4)2SO4;

(CuOH)2SO4↓+(NH4)2SO4 + 6NH4OH = 2[Cu(NH3)4]SO4 + 8H2O.

Test carrying out

Add little by little NH4OH solution to 3-4 drops of copper salt solution up to basic salt formation (precipitation) and then the excess of NH4OH up to the dilution of precipitation and formation of complex compound which has dark blue color. This reaction is highly sensitive (c=1:500000).

Characteristic reactions of Cobalt cations
Ammonium or Potassium Thiocyanide (NH4SCN or KSCN) - crystalline or solution in organic solvents (foe example, acetone ) forms the solution of dark blue color:

Co2+ + 4SCN- = [Co(SCN)4]2-.

For example,

CoCl2 + 4NH4SCN = (NH4)2[Co(SCN)4] + 2NH4Cl.

Reaction is very sensitive. Complex compound solves better in the layer of organic solvent, that in water solution.

Test carrying out

Add 4-5 drops of saturated solution of ammonium or potassium thiocyanide in organic solvent to 3-4 drops of Cobalt (II) salt. Shake up content of tube and wait a few seconds. The upper layer is colored in dark-blue color.

Presence of Fe3+-ions in analyzing mixture prevents to determination of cobalt(II), because complex ion [Fe(SCN)6]3- is more stable that Co(SCN)4]2-. In such case it is necessary to mask Fe3+-ion added solid NaF, where F- ions form with Iron (III) ions stable colorless complex ion [FeF6]3-, when cobalt (II) ions don’t compexing with this masking agent. As masking agent orthophosphoric acid and wine acid H2C4H4O6 might be used.
Characteristic reactions of Nickel cations Ni2+
Dimethylglioxime (Chugaev’s reagent) C4H8N2O2 in ammonia medium (pH=9) forms bright pink precipitation of intra-complex salt with Ni2+ ions [Ni(C4H7N2O2)2]↓. Precipitation solves in acids, alkalis, but doesn’t dissolve in diluted ammonia solution.

Reaction is very sensitive, concentration limit с=1:300000:


For example:

NiSO4 +2C4H8N2O2+2NH3=[Ni(C4H7N2O2)2]+(NH4)2SO4.

Test carrying out

Add 12-16 drops of ammonia solution and 8-10 alcohol solution of Chugaev’s reagent to 4-5 drops of nickel salt solution. Study solubility of prepared precipitation in mineral acids, alkalis and ammonia solution. For this to divide prepared precipitation into 4 tubes and add corresponding reactant in every doze of precipitation.

Ions of Fe2+, Fe3+, Cu2+ prevent to determination of nickel(II) ions with Chugaev’s reagent.
Characteristic reactions of mercury Hg2+
Reagent for Hg2+is KI, which forms a bright red precipitate HgI2 soluble in excess of reagent:

Hg(NO3)2+ 2 KI → HgI2↓ + 2 KNO3

Hg2++ 2 I‾ → HgI2

HgI2+ 2 KI → K2[HgI4]

HgI2+ 2 I‾→ [HgI4]2

colorless solution

5-LW Qualitative reactions of cations (seminar )
In this lesson you will learn 6 questions

1. Various system of classification of cations: hydrogen sulfide, ammonium phosphate, acid-base.

2. The principles underlying the classification of cations on each of these systems.

3. The number of analytical groups in each system, group reagents.

4. Advantages and disadvantages of each system of classification of cations.

5. Characterization of acid-base classification system:

• The relationship of this classification system with the arrangement of the elements in the Periodic system of chemical elements D. I. Mendeleev;

• Detailed description of each of the groups of the cations • Qualitative reactions of individual cations.

6. Mapping analysis of mixture of cations (a thought experiment):

• Cations are treated as one analytical unit;

• Cations belong to two different analytical groups

6-LW Analysis of mixture of cations 1-3 analytical groups (control task).

Each student is issued with a bottle of the mixtures containing 3 cation of these groups.

The task:

Determine which of the cations contained in the mixture (p99-101, application5, circuit5). The result of the issue the report, which should reflect the procedure for opening the ion reaction equations the opening, the observed effects, the circuit opening.

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