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Therefore the person – "the only being in the world who is in a condition of a constant renew born, and 

this renew born happens only in that measure in what the person manages by own efforts to place itself in the 

thought, in the aspirations, in some strong magnetic field interfaced by limit symbols". 

Self-actualization is an aspiration personally to raise and develop. The person seeks for comprehension 

of an essence of a world order, and, above all – own essence and own mission. Qualitatively distinctive sign 

of the self-staticized personality is ability and intension to create. Violent search, stay and presence of such 

personality in creative, heuristic (expanded, stream, resource) conditions of consciousness allocates it from 

bulk of people [4]. 

In the modern society sometimes appears the defined "social order" for the creative person, for the 

person capable independently to set for itself the objective and significant purposes, tasks, to propose non-

standard and effective solutions. 

The creativity problem excited long time before mankind. It is actual and now owing to the mystery, 

gnoseological difficulty. Sources and ways of human creativity are inscrutable. We completely agree with D. 

V. Ushakov who writes: " Whether the law exists where you can describe creativity of a person? If we 

understand creativity as process whose results we do not guess from an initial state, it seems that on this 

question it is necessary to answer rather in the negative" [5]. Creativity possesses quality of esoteric 

knowledge, that is knowledge of secret, internal, personal, unclear for others, the expression hidden, not 

having verbal forms at the level of its procedural execution. 

Among diverse qualities of human consciousness and mysterious its ability to creativity – to acquisition 

of essentially new knowledge of the person surrounding it the world and ways of its transformation, 

knowledge which was no by the previous generations which should be got is the most intriguing, but not to 

receive in finished form from the predecessors and contemporaries. 

In our opinion, no one will never be able to claim surely that moves process of creativity and as it 

happens actually. In domestic and foreign psychology there are various opinions concerning the qualities 

inherent in the creative person. With researchers it is emphasized that it is impossible to consider activity of 

the creator in a separation from his personality, results of creativity are mediated not only nature of creative 

process, but also the identity of the creator. 

For someone creativity is "given from above", and there is an explanation as if the Lord creates hands 

and mind human. For someone is an exclusive natural gift, someone represents creativity as a special 

condition of consciousness. The mechanism of the creative act consists, according to D. N. Zavalishina, in 

"an exit out of limits" the initial level of mental ensuring activity, in transformation of a situation, in 

connection (or special formation) new "layers", "plans" of the mental organization of the subject. As a result 

productive process becomes multidimensional, flexible. 

The analysis only of positive sides of creativity leads to idealization of this process. As any process, 

creativity has as well a set of negative, destructive elements. The full, integrative analysis assumes disclosure 

not only the positive (light) sides of creative activity, but also its stagnation (twilight) and disruptiveness (a 

dark side, a wrong side). The birth of the new is connected with violation of habitual system of orderliness. 

Who told that the creator who went beyond initial system of knowledge, understanding, perception, 

representation has to be obligatory "at top of spiritual development". It can come to be on space day of 

loneliness, forlornness and despair.  

Traditionally the concept "creativity" ("creativity") is designated by creation of new and culturally 

significant product, detection new in statement and the solution of problems. The greatest achievements of 

the theory of creativity can be connected with integrative researches on a joint of various paradigms of 

psychology, philosophy, linguistics, art and physics. Their alloy can also give the most productive solution of 

this problem. We agree with the point of view of A.B. Brushlinsky who does not allocate creativity as special 

mental education and considers it as the main sign of any thinking. It assigns to the thinking caused by 

subject activity the dominating part in creative process. "Any thinking at least in the minimum degree is 

always search and opening essential, new (new to these specific individuals) and therefore it always is to 

some extent productive, creative, independent" [6]. 

According to an integrative study to the basic quality of consciousness and the personality – openness to 

the world, an orientation on something other, not being him. 

Considering self-updating from the point of view of an integrative paradigm of psychology, scientists 

consider that the aspiration personally to raise and develop is basic property of the person. He seeks for 

comprehension of an essence of a world order, and, above all – own essence and own mission. Qualitatively 

distinctive sign of such personality is ability and intension to create. Violent search, stay and presence of this 

person – the demiurge in creative, heuristic (expanded, stream, resource) conditions of consciousness 

allocates it from bulk of people. 


Owing to this fact development of akmeology as science which opens factors, the conditions, 

mechanisms defining success of improvement and self-improvement of the person, completeness of his self-

realization in a profession and life in general has big prospect in optimization of personal and professional 

development, achievement of creativity and acme – the highest blossoming of all forces and abilities of the 

personality, a spiritual and intellectual maturity. 

You can use creativity in practice to increase risk of harming. It occurs because there is not enough 

experience of use of new, untried ideas and means for the solution of a certain problem or achievement of the 

purpose. But with experience and development of creativity the understanding will come, what original ideas 

are useful, and what harmful. 

Some people in whom creativity developed unconsciously, feel uncertainly, uncomfortably because of 

the non-standard creative thinking. It is important to explain to such people that they are very useful, and to 

direct them in the necessary direction. Except development of creativity they should develop also and self-

confidence. With development of creativity there is a belief that any, even the most absurd and unreal idea, 

will help to achieve a definite purpose. This belief is one of motives pushing to realization of revolutionary 

ideas and creation of the new, huge systems solving global problems. As Henry Ford told: "You can believe 

that can. You can believe that cannot. In both cases you are right". 

Many successful people claim that 30-50% of success of their projects and the companies bring creative, 

original ideas generated by them, or specially employed professionals with well developed creativity. Also 

they note a vicious circle – creativity gives new progress, and they, in turn, are source of creativity and 

inspiration. It means that the person and creativity are whole that there cannot be a friend without friend. 

Therefore constantly it is necessary to give development of creativity and the creative abilities is will always 

have useful impact on success and not to stop being engaged in creative activity, after all it – the main means 

in realization of mission. 



1.  N.A.NAZARBAEV and EURASIANISM: collected articles and speeches of the Head of the state. In E.B. 

Sydykov (Eds.). (2012). Astana: Izdatelstvo ENU named by L.N. Gumileva, pp. 222. 

2.  Creativity as key competence of the teacher. The monograph / Under the editorship of the prof. M. M. 

Kashapov, dots. T.G. Kiselyova, dots. T.V. Ogorodova. Yaroslavl: FIPK "Indigo", 2013. – 392 pages. 

3.  V. V Kozlov. Theoretical and experimental bases of intensive integrative psychotechnologies in social 

psychology: The thesis on competition of an academic degree of the doctor of psychological sciences. 

Yaroslavl: YaRGU, 1999. – 336 pages. 

4.  Goats V.V., Maykov V. V. Transpersonal psychology: Sources, history, a current state / V. V. Kozlov – M.: 

JSC Nuclear Heating Plant Publishing House, 2004. – 603 pages. 

6.  Ushakov D. V., Creativity and "Darvinian" way of its description//"The psychological magazine", 2000, t. 20, 

No. 3, page 103-110. 

7.  Brushlinsky A.V. Myshleniye i prognozirovaniye / A. V. Brushlinsky – M.: Mysl, 1979.  



Бердібаева С.Қ., Касымова М.Ж., Төребек А.Б., Саитбекова Д.А. 

(Казахстан Республикасы, Алматы қаласы,  

əл-Фараби атындағы Қазақ ұлттық университтеті) 





Білім  беру  процесіндегі  инновациялық  процестің  мəні  мен  түсінігі,  ғылымдағы  прогресс, 

əлеуметтік  өзгерістер  білім  беру  процесін  модернизациялау  қажеттілігіне  əкелді.  Интеллектуалды 

өнімдерді сату арқылы Білімдер экономикасын жасау көптеген мемлекеттердің арманы.  

 Шет елде өтетін халықаралық конгресстер болсын, конференциялар болсын, кайсысын алсаңызда 

блім  мен  ғылымның  нақты  практикалық  аспіктілері  жəне  оқыту  процесіндегі  инновациялар  көп 


 22-27.07.2012  аралығында  Оңтүстік  Африка  мемлекетінің  Кейптаун  қаласында  өткен,  өзіміз 

қатысқан, 4 жылда  бір  рет  болатын, 30-шы  бүкіл  əлемдік  психологтардың  конгресс  жұмыстарын 

талдасақ,  барлық  зерттеулер  адамдардың  күнделікті  өмірлеріне  қажетті  мəселелерді  зерттеп,  оларға 

психологиялық  көмек  беру  бағытын  белгілейді  жəне  білім  саласындағы  инновацияларға  көп  екпін 

жасалатынын көруге болады. 

Конгресте  психологияның  əртүрлі  облысы  бойынша 300 лидерлік  ғылыми  баяндамалар 

талқыланды. Солардың біразына тоқталайық. 

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