- To analyze the performance of the structure and dynamics of water use and protection in the sectors of Kazakh-
stan's economy;
- To assess the rationality of the use of water-to-date and to identify future needs in the various sectors of the econ-
- To work with experimental and statistical data on water consumption and wastewater;
Postrekvizity: "Integrated water resources management", "Industrial water supply and drainage", "Water Re-
sources Planning and Management", "Hydroeconomic design", "Water Resources of Economics".
MG Reclamation hydrogeology
Prerequisites: «Water and Irrigation", "Hydrogeology and Engineering Geology"
The purpose of the study: Factors causing hydrogeological-reclamation conditions. The composition and content
of studies. Water balance studies on irrigated lands. The salt balance. Adjusting the level of groundwater for irriga-
tion. The forecast level. Calculation of backwater of groundwater for irrigation. Prediction of secondary saliniza-
Summary: The objectives of reclamation hydrogeology. Hydrogeological-reclamation conditions in Kazakhstan.
Expected results Laws of change of hydro-geological conditions under the influence of irrigation. Laws of for-
mation and principles of regulation of ground water regime of wetlands. Methods of hydrogeological Melior-tive
studies and forecasts. monitoring regime and balance of groundwater in the reclaimed areas
Postrekvizity "Reclamation hydrogeology and irrigation", teaches courses "General Hydrogeology", "General
geo-ecology", "Water supply and irrigation."
Processing and recycling of precipitation
Prerequisites :: philosophy, physics, chemistry, mathematics, chemistry and microbiology of water, water purifi-
cation equipment and technology.
The purpose of teaching the subject. The purpose of discipline is to familiarize students with the methods of dis-
posal of sewage sludge in order to obtain valuable components and re-use rain. It will also address the environmen-
tal issue, as ruled discharge into water bodies polluted waste water and waste.
Summary. Discipline "Processing and recycling of precipitation," gives an idea of the theoretical foundations and
basic practical provisions in the field of modern methods of wastewater treatment and disposal methods for indus-
trial waste and urban sewage treatment plants to produce one of the components.
Expected results: In the process of studying the discipline, students should:
acquainted with the species composition and properties of deposits of urban waste water;
learn the basic methods of disposal of sewage sludge; with standard techniques used for sludge treatment of in-
dustrial wastewater.
Postrekvizity: water management design, operation of water systems and facilities.
TOSV Waste water technology
Prerequisites :: hydraulics, water chemistry and microbiology, water transport.
The purpose of the study: The purpose of teaching "wastewater treatment technology" is the acquisition of theo-
retical knowledge and practical skills in the basics of design and calculation of wastewater treatment plants.
Summary: In the discipline are given basic information about drainage systems and composition of wastewater.
Results for reference materials on the appointment, terms and principles of operation, structures, methods of calcu-
lation and design of drainage networks, pumping stations, treatment plants. The methods and technological
schemes of wastewater treatment and sludge treatment.
Expected results: As a result of studying the discipline «waste water treatment technology," the student should
Methods and wastewater treatment schemes;
the types of construction and main drainage facilities for wastewater treatment;
-osnovy calculate drainage facilities for wastewater treatment;
basic techniques and facilities for the treatment of precipitation.
In addition, the student must be able to:
select technological scheme of sewage treatment;
define the basic parameters of the treatment processes and wastewater treatment;
select methods of wastewater treatment.
use of methods for determining the estimated parameters of the main equipment of treatment facilities of
wastewater treatment;
calculate and select major equipment and elements of treatment plant wastewater treatment;
Postrekvizity: knowledge of the discipline required in the study majors.
GI Hydrogeological studies
Prerequisites :: Matematika, Physics, Geodesy, meteorological and hydro-metric devices and equipment, Chemis-
try and Computational Simulation
The purpose of the discipline: the processing of the results, the calculation parameters. Routine observations. La-
boratory research. Experimental filtration operation.
Summary: The principle of hydrogeological studies. Hydrogeological survey. Hydrogeological maps. Drilling of
water wells. Filters. Technical tools used in hydrogeologists-cal studies.
Fourth year in college
Modules and discipline recommended for training path
Expected results: The objective of the course includes instilling students with practical skills-ray solutions for hy-
drogeological problems related to the assessment of aquifer systems and parameters and properties, determine the
boundary conditions, as well as the resources and reserves of groundwater deposits
Postrekvizity: Integrated water resource management, irrigation reclamation, hydraulic structures, water resources
and water supply in Kazakhstan
Цикл дисц.
Код дисциплины
Наименование дисциплины
БД 4.2.22
TTOV 3306
Machinery and water treatment tech-
Prospecting and exploration of
ПД 4.3.10
Water management industry
Operation of water management sys-
tems and structures
ПД 4.3.11
Efficient use of water
IRPV 4312
The use of groundwater resources
ПД 4.3.12
Water Resources Economics
Economics and management in the wa-
ter sector
ПД 4.3.9
OVR 4310
Protection of water resources
VP 4310.1
Hydroeconomic design
TTOV 3306 Machinery and water treatment technology
Prerequisites :: program of this discipline is based on the basis of "Physics" disciplines "Chemistry", "Water
Chemistry and Microbiology", "Hydraulics".
The purpose of the study: - The purpose of teaching is to develop the complex skills and knowledge on methods
and treatment technology and processing of natural and waste waters and their application in practical work in the
field of water management.
Summary: The discipline "Technique and technology of water purification," provides insight into the systems and
schemes of water supply and sanitation of buildings and individual objects, residential areas and industrial enter-
prises, design and construction of the basis of calculation of water supply and sanitation.
Expected results: As a result of studying the discipline, students should
- Main problems natural and waste water treatment in the Republic of Kazakhstan;
- Methods and schemes natural and waste waters;
- Basic types and design of water supply and drainage facilities for natural and waste water treatment;
- Bases of calculation of water supply and drainage facilities to clean water and sewage.
To be able to:
- To select the technological scheme of water purification;
- To determine the main parameters of the purification process and the processing of natural and waste waters;
- Choose methods of natural and waste waters.
Postrekvizity: knowledge of the discipline required in the study of special disciplines and diploma project prepara-
PRPV4311.1 Prospecting and exploration of groundwater
Prerequisites :: Principles of Geology and Hydrogeology, Hydraulics
The purpose of the study: the natural groundwater resources and methods of their determination; additional re-
serves of groundwater; assessment of operational stocks of underground waters.
Summary: The deposits of underground waters, their features. Groundwater deposits in Kazakhstan. Natural
groundwater reserves.
Expected results: hydrodynamic method UUFWR evaluation. Hydraulic sectional-sky and balance methods
UUFWR evaluation. The methodology of the exploration in a variety of hydrogeological conditions.
Postrekvizity: Gidrogeodinamika, hydrogeological studies, operational hydrology, groundwater monitoring
VHPP Water management of industrial enterprises
Prerequisites :: «Fundamentals of geology and hydrogeology", "Geology".
The purpose of the study: Circuits integrated water resources management. Systems and the design stage. The
composition of the survey work in the design of hydraulic structures. the design of water facilities requirements.
Design activities for site preparation for construction of the water.