evaluation methods quantify processes and phenomena and the field of engineering geology methods.
The student should be able to: Solve problems of engineering-geological studies for the various types of con-
Postrekvizity: Special engineering geology, regional engineering geology, engineering geodynamics, engineering
geology urban agglomeration.
GMGIG Geophysical methods in hydrogeology and engineering geology
Пререквизиттері: Mathematics, Physics, Earth physics, structural geology, hydrogeology total.
The purpose of the discipline: : familiarize undergraduates with geophysical methods as a means of increasing
the efficiency of the hydrogeological and geotechnical studies.
Summary:knowledge of the physical and geological fundamentals leading geophysical methods used in hydroge-
ology and engineering geology and familiarization with the nature of problems to be solved; acquisition of the abil-
ity to assess the possibility of geophysical methods in hydrogeological and geotechnical studies on the basis of cre-
ating physical models of specific geological situations;
Expected results: ability to read different types of efficient graphics geophysical surveys using simple ways to in-
terpret charts and graphs of geophysical fields.
Know: to know the methods of investigation of groundwater balance, they change as a result of various processes
occurring in the subsurface hydrosphere.
Be able to: analyze the state of the rational use of groundwater resources in different conditions of water use for
drinking, industry and agriculture and other purposes,
Prospecting and Exploration of Mineral Deposits
Improving the quality of natural waters
Prerequisites: philosophy (the law of transformation of quantity into quality), physics (structure of the atom, its
properties, light and its properties, the current capacity), chemistry (basis total inorganic, analytical, physical, or-
ganic), Math (mathematical statistics), the chemistry of water and Microbiology , equipment and water purification
The purpose of the discipline: дисциплины: familiarize students with physical and chemical methods of analy-
sis of the essence of natural waters and techniques to improve the quality of natural waters.
Summary:Performance tests and requirements for the quality of natural waters. Methods and technological
schemes to improve the quality of natural waters. Clarification and discoloration of water. Water coagulating impu-
rities. Defending water. Filtering water. Disinfection of natural water, the removal of odors and flavors. Water sof-
tening. Desalination and water desalination. Removal of the water of iron and manganese. Removal of the water of
dissolved gases. Fluoridation of water and obesftorirovanie. Stabilization of water. Desilication water.
Expected results: The development of students of physico-chemical nature of the methods of analysis of natural
waters and techniques to improve the quality of natural waters;
Basic skills:
As a result of studying the course, students should know and master:
- Methods of improving the quality of natural waters,
- Know the physical and chemical bases of methods to improve the quality of natural waters,
- Technical and economic calculations to choose the method to improve the quality of natural waters,
- Be able to choose the facilities used to improve the quality of natural waters,
- The skills of research work in the field of improving the quality of natural waters.
Postrekvizity:"Hydroeconomic design", "Operation of water management systems and structures."
Construction of water facilities Technology
Prerequisites:: "Hydrology and flow regulation", "Hydraulics", "Hydrometry", "Irrigation reclamation", "Building
The purpose of the discipline: дисциплины: The development of knowledge and skills required to implement
design solutions in the construction of water facilities.
Summary:General information on the technology and organization of work on water use
The main objects of the work on water. Participants work on water use and the relationship between them
System of normative documents, documentation and organization of construction
production work on water. Sources of financing of water management
The works in the construction of structures of various purpose
The life cycle of the project work on water use
Production of construction and installation works. Office building organizatsiey.Kontrol and accounting in the pro-
duction of works on water
The Nature Conservancy in the production of works on water
Letting water facilities
Expected results: The development of various methods of technology and organization of work on water use, to
explore specific types of work in the construction of water systems.
The student should know: organization, regulation and planning of production processes in the performance of
design and survey, construction and repair
work in water use; work processes and technology, methodology selection and evaluation of technological solu-
tions for the production of works on water objects;
methods of control, accounting and reporting in the performance of works on environmental engineering and water
The student should be able to: to solve organizational and technological, organizational and managerial tasks
with regard to the safety of life and protection of the environment;
assess the performance of the machinery used in water use
Postrekvizity:"Integrated water resources management", "Industrial water supply and drainage", "Agricultural wa-
ter and flooding", "Water Resources Management"
IVZPV The artificial replenishment of groundwater reserves
Prerequisites:: "The materials for hydraulic engineering." "Principles of Geology and Hydrogeology". "Gidrogeo-
dinamika". "Improving the quality of natural water."
The purpose of the discipline: to acquaint students with general and specialized areas of artificial replenishment
of groundwater reserves
Summary: Introduction. The problem is solved with the help of IVZPV methods. Hydraulics seepage. Processes
clogging and siltation. The hydrogeological study to justify IVPV. Modes of infiltration basins. Terms pools open
type. Underground facilities. Specifications capacity and injectivity. Hydrochemical conditions. Sources fill IVPV.
Typical schemes of boundary conditions. Stages of work in prospecting. Designing IVPV systems for water sup-
ply. Schemes IVPV systems and their selection. Prior to improve the quality of surface water. Aeration. Defending.
Microfiltration. Sverhskorostey filters. Chlorination. Improving water quality in swimming pools. The role of the
clay film. Improving water quality in the aquifers. Chemical interaction. Sanitary protection IVPV systems.
Expected results: Development of students of general and specific issues of artificial replenishment of groundwa-
ter reserves.
A student must know: the theory and practice of artificial replenishment of groundwater resources, processes and
siltation clogging soils of aeration zone, stage works in prospecting.
The student should be able to: evaluate the sources of replenishment IVPV build the templates of boundary con-
ditions to perform the calculation of hydraulic seepage.
Postrekvizity: "Water Resources Management". "Water management techniques." "The use of groundwater re-
sources." "Economics and menedzhent Water Resources".
Irrigation reclamation
Prerequisites:: "Soil and Soil Mechanics", "Irrigation reclamation."
The purpose of the study: The objectives of the course includes theoretical and practical study of the issues of
land reclamation, the development of practical methods of hydrological calculations, calculation of hydraulic struc-
tures, irrigation regimes, types and methods of irrigation, irrigation system and its components,
Summary: Irrigation reclamation - the most effective way to use land resources to meet the needs of agricultural
Expected results: the irrigation system and its components, the dynamics of water and air regime of soil, sources
of water for irrigation, drainage on irrigated lands, irrigation technique elements of various plants, water distribu-
tion plans.
Postrekvizity: "Higher Physics", "Hydrometry".
UVR Water management
Prerequisites : «Computer science", "Chemistry", "Hydrometry", "Engineering Hydrology", "Geoecology", "Hy-
The purpose of the study: The aim of teaching is to give theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of ra-
tional use and protection of water resources.
Summary: The main objectives of the course:
-establishing concepts and essence of water use, water use and protection of water resources;
-oznakomlenie the classification of water use;
Studying of water consumption and wastewater analysis methods;
Studying of factors and patterns of water use and sanitation in the city;
- The study of the content of water consumption and wastewater sectors in the economy;
-oznakomit students with the problems of water use and water protection in the Republic of Kazakhstan;
Expected results: As a result of studying the discipline the student should know:
Basic terms and definitions in the field of use and protection of water resources;
The object and purpose of discipline "Management of water resources";
The essence of the greening of water;
Classification of water use;
Features of formation and factors affecting water consumption in the city and industries;
Indicators of use and protection of water resources, the calculation methods for their level, structure and dynamics;
The concept and strategy of the national water policy, the most important programs and projects for implementa-
be able to
-use course knowledge to solve current and future problems of water use and sanitation in the Republic of Kazakh-