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Азимбаева Г. Т. - к.х.н., доцент КазНПУ им. Абая
POFL 3207 The professional-oriented foreign language
5В011200 - Chemistry
2 credits
Almaty, 2016
and methodical union of the group of specialties “Education” REMB of MES RK
within Abay Kazakh National Pedagogical University
APPROVED AND LAUNCHED by The Ministry of Education and Science
of the Republic of Kazakhstan
The Curriculum was designed in accordance with The Government
Compulsory Standard of Education of Kazakhstan of 2016 (Model Curriculum,
approved by minute of the meeting REMB of MES RK of 30/06/2016)
Zhilkibaev O. T. – Dr.of Chem.Sci., the professor of the Al-Farabi Kazakh
national university
Nurakhmetova A.R. – Cand.of Ped.Sci., the senior lecturer of chemistry chair
of the Abai Kazakh national pedagogical university
REVIEWED in the meeting of Republic Education Board’s Section
Education on 30 June 2016. Minute №2
All rights reserved. These curricula or parts thereof may not be reproduced in any form, stored in any retrieval
system, or transmitted in any form by any means—electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, or otherwise—
without prior written permission of the education and methodical union of the group of specialties “Education”
REMB of MES RK within Abay Kazakh National Pedagogical University.
The professional-oriented foreign language
The explanatory note
Expansion of the international cooperation in economic, political, scientific
and technical, cultural and educational areas demands from the modern graduate of
the higher school of active foreign language skills.
Foreign language skills allow realizing such aspects of professional work, as
timely acquaintance with the newest technologies, discoveries and tendencies in
development of a science and techniques, an establishment of professional contacts
with foreign partners. It provides increase of level of the professional competence.
As motivation at mastering by a foreign language the professional
requirement of the student, which prepare to become the highly skilled expert with
knowledge of a foreign language, first of all, serves. Thereupon one of the main
features of this subject in institute of higher education is its professional-oriented
character reflected in the educational purpose and the maintenance of training.
In this aspect, the development of skills of public speech (the message, the
report, discussion), development of skills of reading of the special literature with
the purpose of reception of the information, acquaintance with bases of abstracting,
annotation and translation the literature on specialty, development of the basic
skills of the writing for preparation of publications and carrying on correspondence
is realized. Training to specialty language is carried out on the base of
professional-oriented material.
The training purpose:
- To provide active proficiency in a foreign language of graduates as with
means of «formations and formulations of thoughts» in socially caused and
professional-oriented spheres of dialogue;
- To teach students to see in a foreign language the means of reception,
expansion and deepening of system knowledge on specialties and means of
independent increase of the professional qualification;
The course maintenance is made by spheres of common- professional,
industrial and educational-research communication.
Common-professional communication has the purpose to form the
communicative skills which provide a general-theoretical representation about the
mastered profession and the system of base scientific knowledge. The maintenance
of this sphere includes a general characteristic of specialty (chemistry), level of its
development, and also structure of professional work of the specialist.
The area of industrial communication corresponds with a practical (applied)
part of vocational training of the specialist. Components in the detail-thematic
maintenance of the given sphere are: business conversation and its versions, the
business correspondence, typical situations of industrial communication, the
general data from area of modern office-work and advertisement-knowledge, or
“Business English” as it is called in foreign methodic.
The educational-research communication puts the problem to impart ability
of the organization of study on a scientific basis, and also to give some skills of
actually scientific researches. The sphere maintenance is made by such base