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Научная новизна диссертации

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Научная новизна диссертации. Данная работа впервые рассмотривает комплексно с теортичесних и методических положений вопросы формирования и развития колледжей и лицеев в 1991-2008 гг.:

- проведен с новых методологических позиций историографический анализ возникновения и формирования лицеев и колледжей Казахстана;

- впервые произведена систематизация и оценка потребности в лицеях и колледжах;

- конкретизированы направления развития лицеев на основе правительственных программ 1991-2008 гг. и колледжей и введен целый пласт источникового материала в научный оборот;

- определены, систематизированы и оценены виды и приемы подготовки конкурентоспособных рабочих и специалистов в технических и профессиональных учебных заведениях;

- впервые дан анализ роли лицеев и колледжей в подготовке специалистов для производства, сельского хозяйства, транспорта;

- определены положение данного типа школ в годы кризиса, пути преодоления трудностей и адаптации к условиям рыночной экономики;

- конкретизированы основные пути укрепления и расширения материально-технической базы профессионально-технических учебных заведений;

- выявлены и систематизированы меры по обеспеченню лицеев и колледжей педагогическими кадрами, пути повышения их профессиональной квалификации.

Результаты исследования. В диссертации получены следущие результаты:

- всестороне дан анализ историографии формирования лицеев и колледжей в Казахстане в 1991-2008 гг;

- дается исторический анализ и оценка научных положений относительно формирования в Казахстане профессионально-технических учебных заведений;

- выявлены и подвергнуты анализу правительственные постановления и решения относительно формирования данного типа образовательных заведений, обосновано их значимость в развитии экономики;

- уточнены основные направления развития профессиональных лицеев и школ в 1991-2008 гг.

-дифференцированы виды и методы подготовки конкурентоспособных рабочих и специалистов в данных учебных заведениях;

-обоснованы роль и место лицеев и колледжей в системе образование РК в подготовке специалистов для промышленности, сельского хозяйства;

- определена деятельность колледжей и лицеев в годы кризиса и их адаптация к условиям рыночной экономики на основе материалов периодической и архивных документов;

- изучена материально-техническая база лицеев и колледжей, их взаимосвязь с производственными предприятиями на архивных, статистических материалах;

- выявлено соответствие методов обучение в профессионально-технических школах Республики Казахстан международным стандартом;

- исследовано состояние обеспечения профессионально-технических учебных заведений педагогическими кадрами и повышения их профессионального уровня.

Структура диссертации: Работа состоит из введения, 5 разделов, заключения и списка использованной литературы.

on the theses submitted for the scientific degree of doctor of historical sciences on specialty 07.00.02 – Native History (A History of the Republic of Kazakhstan)
A History of formation and development of professional Lyceums and colleges of Republic of Kazakhstan (1991-2008 years)

Actuality of research. From the first days of Independence and the next reports and declarationes President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.A. Nazarbaev told about necesseties of modernization of professional schools, reconstruction of its with modern achivements of science, technics and innovation technology. Questions of quality of education, co-ordination between employer and professional educational institutions, its correspond to inquiries of labor market are objective needs of modern Kazakhstan and its emphasized actuality of research problem.

In Soviet period Kazakhstan was assigned as a part of raw materials’ appendage, decision of economical questions were Centre’ prerogative.

Independent Kazakhstan realizes its industrial-innovation program. Republic of Kazakhstan is a full and equal member of world community, it has large scientific potentiality.

Strategy of state development of the Republic of Kazakhstan provides for training of competent specialists, competition on contemporary market.

President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.A. Nazarbaev repeatedly underlined necessity of intellectual resources for innovation economics’ creation that in one’s turn it means professional-technical base.

In the Message “New Kazakhstan in new world” a Leader of the state points out on actuality of a state policy trending on guarantee of international standards for training (additional training) professional personal. The State Program of a development of technical and professional education on 2008-2010 years was confirmed by President’s Decree № 626 from 01.07.2008. Realization of this program of a development of professional and technical education promotes to secure on training professional specialists.

On contemporary stage of the Republic of Kazakhstan’s history this problem doesn’t lose its actuality because people with medium-level professional education is predominated over specialists-practices in economics.

During this research a history of colleges and Lyceums in the Republic of Kazakhstan for 1991-2008 years was analyzed on base of documents.

As native and foreign experience show school-leavers of these educational institutions made a valuable contribution in economics’ development, improving social level of the country adopting to new market conditions.

One of the considerable problems in economics of contemporary Kazakhstan

- definition of a demand on labor market of worker- specialists therefore training them in professional Lyceums and colleges and subsequent them distribution demand regularly exchange of production experience, being equipped of training base with comfortable equipment, training of pedagogical personal with high qualification and ets. Employers have to promote for strengthening of partner relation with educational institutions, renewal of content and technology of training. Pointing problems were considered during research.

A historical analysis of formation and development of professional Lyceums and colleges of Republic of Kazakhstan from new scientifically – theoretically positions is a contribution in native historiography.

A Purpose of thesis is objective estimation of formation and development of educational system of professional Lyceums and colleges of Republic of Kazakhstan on base of historical documents, theoretical and methodical materials.

The next tasks were put for realization of the purpose:

- a definition of preconditions for formation Lyceums and colleges of Republic of Kazakhstan;

- an analyze and estimation of practical of significance of educational institutions;

- substation of necessity of the development of educational institutions of this type;

- an analyze of state’s resolutions for these training institutions;

- made known of and systematization of methods for training specialists for professional-technical education’s sphere;

- definition of propositions of training institutions at crises’ years and its adaptation to market economics’ conditions;

- made known conditions of Lyceums and colleges’ material-technical base and ways of its strengthening by social partner;

- analysis of professional schools’ scientific-methodological base in development of professional quality of pupils accordance this base to international standards;

- definition and scientifically estimation of guarantee Lyceums and colleges with engineering and pedagogical personal, improvement of its qualification.

Scientific novelty of research. At the first this work researched completely from theoretical and methodological propositions problems of formation and development of colleges and Lyceums in 1991-2008 years:

- made known historiography analyze appearance and formation Lyceums and colleges of Kazakhstan from new methodological position;

- at the first made systematization and estimation of necessities of Lyceums and colleges;

- concretizing tendencies of development of Lyceums and colleges on base of government’s program 1991-2008 years and introduce whole layer of sources material in scientifically use;

- defined, systematizated and estimated types and methods of training competitonal workers and specialists in technical and professional training institutions;

- giving analyze of a role the first time of Lyceums and colleges in training specialists for production, agriculture, transport;

- defined propositions of these types of schools at crises’ years, ways to over come difficulties and adaptation to market economics’ conditions;

- concretizing main ways for strengthening and expansion material-technical base of professional- technical training institutions;

- found and systematizated measure of guarantee Lyceums and colleges by pedagogical personal, ways to improving their professional qualification.

Results of research. There were next results in dissertation:

- given extensive historiography of foundation of Lyceums and colleges in Kazakhstan in 1991-2008 year;

- presented historical analyze and estimation of scientific propositions about formation in Kazakhstan professional - technical training institutions;

- founded and analyzed state’s decree and decisions about formation of this

type training institutions;

- explained its significance in economics’ development;

- determined main tendencies of development of professional Lyceums and schools in 1991-2008 year;

  • differentiated types and methods of training competitional –possible

workers and specialists in these educational institutions;

  • proved a role and place of Lyceums and colleges in a system of education

of Republic of Kazakhstan in training specialists for industry, agriculture;

  • defined a work of colleges and Lyceums at the crises’ years and its

adaptation to market economics’ conditions on base of materials of periodical and archive documents;

  • researched material-technical base of Lyceums and colleges, its contacts

with industrial enterprises on archive, statistic materials;

  • founded accordance methods of training in professional- technical

schools of Republic of Kazakhstan to international standards;

  • researched conditions of guaranteeing professional- technical educational

institutions and improving its professional level.

Structure of dissertation. The thesis consists of introduction, five chapters, conclusion and a list of used sources.




(1991 – 2008 ж.ж.)
07.00.02 – Отан тарихы

(Қазақстан Республикасының тарихы)

Тарих ғылымдарының докторы ғылыми дәрежесiн алу үшiн

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