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Основные принципы, выносимые на защиту

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Основные принципы, выносимые на защиту:

- этнографизмы и этнофразеологизмы, связанные с рукоделием казахских женщин – зеркало быта и яркое выражение многовековой культуры этноса;

- наименования, связанные с женским рукоделием являются сложной системой символов, составляют значимую часть национального словарного запаса;

- давая этнолингвистическое описание народной лексике женского рукоделия, основываясь на национальной культуре, можно определить быт и гендерное описание, богатство языка, традиции, и мировоззрение народа;

- изделия, переработанные из меха и кожи – этнокультурные произведения, описывающие слияние материальной и духовной культуры, определяемые с помощью исследования и использования данных соответствующих отраслей наук;

- определение ономасиологической системы наименований, связанных с женским рукоделием изображает их натуру в целостности с этнокультурой;

- система мотивов наименований, связанных с женским рукоделием, описывает уровень практических знаний, национального мировоззрения;

- этнолингвистическое описание этнографизмов и фразеологизмов, связанных с женским рукоделием, определяет национальные и региональные особенности.


Of the thesis submitted for the scientific degree of candidate of philoogical sciences on specialty

10.02.02. – Kazakh language,
Alimzhanova Aysha Anikbayevna
The ethnolinguistic decroption o fnstionsl lexicon in Kazakh language related to female needlework
The urgency of the research. Recently the tendency of consideration of ethnocultural units of language – names connected with material both spiritual culture and outlook of the Kazakh people – from a position anthropocentric
Ъparadigm in spheres of ethnolinguistics and linguoculturology linguistics is
observed. From this point of view, the products of female needlework which were carrying out practical and aesthetic functions of an everyday life – are bright expression of material and spiritual culture of ancestors. In this connection, for the purpose of preservation of riches of language it is very important to revive almost forgotten names connected with female needlework.

The theme urgency consists in revealing social origin of needlework and its functions in development of the Kazakh culture. According to the government program «Cultural heritage, it comprises greater group of units of language, as well as shows a role of Kazakh women in the society.

The object of research. The onomasiological basics and the ethnolinguistic description of the names, connected with female needlework.

The aim and objectives of the research. The aim of the research – revealing of an ethnolinguistic origin of names and the concepts, connected with the female needlework, representing interrelation of material and spiritual culture, the nature of female needlework on a basis onomasiological systems.

To achieve the purpose the following objectives there were set up:

- To systematize the names connected with female needlework by using
various dictionaries and research data;

- to reveal lexico-semantic, the lexical sets of names connected with female needlework;

- to define the role of female needlework in formation of the Kazakh culture by using various research materials on interrelation of needlework and spiritual culture;

- to recognize ethnographic etudes of meaning of ethnophraseological units and ethnocultural semantic names;

- to reveal system of motives and names concerning female needlework, using onomasiological concepts;

- to define gender description and origins of names, connected with female needlework through language and non language (extralinguistic) factors; to

interpret ethnocultural content.

The research methods. According to the pecularities of the aim and theme, in the course of the research there were used methods of the lexico-semantic analysis, semasiological, onomasiological and ethnolinguistic analyses, the diachronno-synchronous description.

Materials and sources of the research work: For the research purposes of the onomasiological basis and ethnolinguistic origin of names there were used literature on ethnolinguistics and lexicon in Kazakh language connected to
female needlework, various dictiniories and encyclopedias.The main materials of research are brief etymological dictionary of Kazakh language (Almaty, 1966), dialectical dictionary of Kazakh language (Almaty, 1969), Regional dictionary of Kazakh language (Almaty, 2005) and different kinds of facts and scientific reseraches on female needlework, works of ethnographs, and materials of the oral national literature.

Scientific newness of the research. The newness of work consists that this is the first research directly devoted to ethnographisms in Kazakh from a position of onomasiology and ethnolinguistics, concerning female needlework that were not investigated earlier. The research examines interrelation of language and culture, material and spiritual culture, expression of female needlework in traditions and outlook through ethnolinguistic analysis. Also, it examines onomasiological basics of names and their motives.

The theoretical and practical importance of research. Consepts and conclusions and results obtained during the reserach the have its own contribution to the theoretical basics of onomosiology and ethnolinguistics fields that consider interrelation of language and culture, language and the nation, language and
outlook, and to the further research on studying a modern “language picture of the world”.

Results and facts obtained during the research can be used in lectures at

philological faculty of higher educational institutions on cources, such as «Onomosiology of Kazakh language», «Linguoculturology», «Ethnolinguistics», «Lexicology of modern Kazakh language». Also, the results will be usefull in composing different types of dictionaries, as well as in developing in special courses and seminars.

In the dissetation the following positions will be shown:

- The ethnographisms and ethnophraseological units connected with

needlework of the Kazakh women – a mirror of a life and bright expression of centuries-old culture of ethnos;

- the names, connected with the female needlework, are complex system of the symbols, making a significant part of a national lexicon;

- through the ethnolinguistical description of national lexicon of female
needlework, based on national culture, it is possible to define a life and the gender description, riches of language, tradition, and outlook of our people;

- the products advanced from fur and a leather – the ethnocultural products describing merge of material and spiritual culture, defined by means of research and use of data of other branches of sciences;

- definition of the onomosiological system of the names connected with female needlework represents their nature in integrity with ethnoculture;

- the system of motives of the names, connected with female needlework,

describes a level of practical knowledge, national worldview;

- the ethnolinguistic description of the ethnographisms and the phraseological units, connected with female needlework, defines national and regional features.
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