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Результаты исследования. В диссертационной работе получены следующие результаты:

  • с целью поиска новых подходов сделана попытка концептуального переосмысления миграционных процессов советского периода;

  • автором разработана концепция исследования миграционных процессов с учетом гуманистического подхода и цивилизационных ценностей;

  • определены шесть основных этапов миграционного процесса советского периода на основе достижений современной исторической науки и концептуального переосмысления проблем народонаселения Казахстана;

  • определены типы, направления и тенденции миграционных процессов в Казахстане и его демографические последствия по основным этапам;

  • выявлена позиция и деятельность представителей национальной политической интеллигенции, предвидевших негативные результаты миграционных потоков в Казахстан извне в период упрочения советской власти;

  • рассмотрены административно-территориальные изменения, произо-шедшие в Республике за годы советской власти;

  • в советский период отток населения с территории Казахстана был связан с завершением строительства многих промышленных предприятий и территориальных производственных комплексов;

  • миграции являлись частью государственных программ модернизации российского общества и не учитывали интересы Казахстана. В результате миграции привели к тому, что коренное казахское население стало в стране этническим меньшинством. Это привело к закреплению подчиненной роли национальной культуры, к формированию и закреплению отношения к ней русского населения как к второстепенному явлению.

  • исследовано влияние миграции на динамику численности населения и его социальный и национальный состав в историко-демографическом аспекте.

Структура диссертации. Диссертационная работа состоит из введения, списка сокращенных слов, пяти разделов, заключения, списка использованной литературы и приложения.

Migration processes in Kazakhstan during the Soviet period:

historiсal and demographic aspects (1917-1991 years)
of dissertation for doctoral degree in historical sciences specializing in

07.00.02 - History of the Homeland (History of the Republic of Kazakhstan)
Relevance of the research topic. The acquisition of independence caused a revision in earlier concept and therefore triggered a comprehensive and objective studies in complex events of national history. The development of Kazakhstan's sovereignty predertemined new ideological position in society, the development of current issues of domestic history, basic solutions and approaches to the assessment of past and present, critical analysis and re-comprehension of the scientific heritage of historical knowledge. The process in topic of migration continued when objectives and accurate estimations were produced by using new approaches. Many aspects of this topic are developed in the framework of historical demography, but it requires further investigation. Particularlu there is a need for a more detailed, in-depth study of the migration streams and their impact on the population, resettlement, the qualitative composition of the population, especially in light of new basic approa ches to this issue in historical and demographic context.

Migration processes is important in determining of the demographic situation in the country, because an increase in power of our state directly depends on balanced migration policy, that is why it is one of the key priorities. Therefore, study of this problem has a huge theoretical and practical interest.

The theme is important due to lack of research in historical and demographic aspects of migration processes during the soviet period.

Moreover, investigation of demographic development of Republic of Kazakhstan in 1917-1991 is based on high intensity of the processes of mechanical people movement, which is primarily affected by the dynamics of population. Therefore, comprehensive and retrospective analysis of migration and its demographic consequences contribute to the disclosure of another important topic in the country's history.

Purpose of the study- is to examine directions, stages and effects of the migration processes in Kazakhstan in the soviet period in historical and demographic aspect.

Objectives of the research:

- to conduct historiographical analysis and ground the theoretical and methodological studies of the migration processes in Kazakhstan during the Soviet period;

- to define the main factors of dynamic movements of migration in Kazakhstan in the period from 1917 to 1991;

- to identify the main stages of migration processes during the soviet period, taking into account the achievements of the modern historical science and revision of population issues;

- to analyze the main trends, types of migration and examine the external and internal migration processes in Kazakhstan during 1917-1991 years;

- to determine the features of contemporary migration within the region, based on the main stages of migration;

- to investigate the impact of migration on population dynamics and on its social and national structure;

- to study the impact of social, economic and political adjustments on quantity and proportional redistribution of representatives of major ethnic groups in a regional scale;

- to examine the opinions of the Kazakh political representatives on the effects of migration processes in Kazakhstan during the consolidation of the Soviet power;

- to identify key factors, types, characteristics of the migration process on its stages;

- to identify a turning point in the direction of the main vectors of migratory movements in the Soviet period;

Scientific innovation of the research:

- Historiographical analysis was utilized for a deeper understanding in the theory and methodology of migration process in Kazakhstan during soviet period;

- the main factors of dynamic movement of migration in Kazakhstan between 1917 and 1991 were the identified;

- the main trends, types of migration as well as political, socioeconomic, demographic and migration processes interaction were analized;

- after conducting the research which is based on achievements of the modern history science and revision of population issues, the main stages of migration processes during soviet period were determined;

- changes in administrative and territorial division of the country of this period were studied.

- the impact of social, economic and political adjustments on quantity and proportional redistribution of representatives of major ethnic groups was examined;

- the opinions of the Kazakh political representatives on the effects of migration process in Kazakhstan during the consolidation of the Soviet power were examined;

- the main characteristics of migration processes during the soviet period based on the main stages were identified;

- the impacts of a migration on a dynamic of the popluation, social and national structure in historical demographic aspect were examined;

Results. The results of the study are as follow:

- The attempt of a conceptual revision of migarion processes during the soviet period was made due to the search for a new approach;

- according to the author the purpose of the study is to gain a better understanding in the humanist approach and civiliation values during a migration process;

- after conducting the research based on achievements of the modern history science and revision of population issues, six main stages of migration processes during soviet period were identified;

- the type, direction and trends of migration in Kazakhstan and its demographic consequences were examined;

- once the positions and activities of national political representatives were revealed, it was believed that the external migration into the country during the consolidation of soviet power had a negative impact on Kazahstan;

- changes in administrative and territorial division of a country of the same time period were studied;

- in the Soviet period, migration from the territory of Kazakhstan was associated with the growth of industrial enterprises and the complex of territorial production.

- migration was part of the state programe in order to modernize Russian society and it did not take into account the interests of Kazakhstan. As a rezult indigenous Kazakh population became the ethnic minority in the country.This led to subordinate role of national culture, which did form and fastening relations to it Russian population as the secondary phenomena;

- the impacts of a migration with a dynamic popluation, and a social and national structure in historical demographic aspect were examined;

The structure of thesis.The thesis includes introduction, a list of abbreviations of words, five chapters, conclusion, bibliography and appendixes.

жүктеу 371,5 Kb.

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