Абай атындағы ҚазҰПУ-нің Хабаршысы, «Филология ғылымдары» сериясы №4(62) 2017 ж.
besides their relation to any historical events are also given. For example, Sadaddin Varaveyni’s qeside given
in this tezkire was written when he translated Tabari’s “Marzbannameh” into Persian and presented it to
Khaja Rabibaddin; Fazli Shabbustari wrote his “Sahaful-suqat” poem on the occasion of Shirvanshah
Abdulmuzaffar Sheikhshah’s visit to Azerbaijan in 927/1520 year; a mesnevi written by Salik Tabrizi
associated with cholera spread in Tabriz during 1238-1822 years etc.
Besides, Aziz Dowlatabadi gave the names of the famous men of science and political figures who were
the contemporaries of those poets and this fact is considered one of the advantages of the work. So, such
information given in the tezkire helps to elucidate the
general view about the period, literary, political
environment of the poets they lived. For example:
Sharaf Tabrizi Soltan Mazaddin Abulfath Uveys Jalairini was one of the palace poets and contemporary
of Salman Savaji [2, 412].
Saidi Tabrizi was Humam Tabrizi’s contemporary and interlocutor [2, 405].
Analyzing the tezkire we find another characteristic which shows that while giving the biographic
information about poets, Aziz Dowlatabadi didn’t characterize them only as poets, but also evaluated their
positions in the political and social arenas. So, the author elucidated Mirza Rza Khan Urfauddovla’s social
life, position taken in the political arena whose penname is Danish; presented Shah Ismail Khatai both as a
poet and a leader of the great Safavid Dynasty. For example:
(Soltan Heydar I Shah Ismail’s son was a head of the Safavid Dynasty) [2, 22].
(During 30 years he ruled significant state affairs interior of the country and abroad. While he was
working at the Embassy of Petersburg, he was given a pseudonym “Urfauldovla” in 1313/1895) [2, 357].
In his tezkire Aziz Dowlatabadi preferred to the activities of the poets from Tabriz. He paid special atten-
tion to the 394 poets, who were born and grew in this city. Some of them were born in other regions (Danish
Tabrizi was born in Shiraz), but later moved to Tabriz or on the contrary, there were some poets born in
Tabriz, placed in other cities (Khazin Tabrizi lived in Isfahan). This fact shows that the author protectted the
works of those poets from razing of history’s memory and preserved them for the future generation.
In comparison with the contemporary tezkires, the biographical information about poets in Aziz
Dowlatabadi’s tezkire is given more detailed. So, he didn’t use only the old sources, using also foreign his-
torians and orientalists’ works at the same time, he presented readers comprehensive information. The scho-
lar addressed the well-known researchers’, like Edward Brown, Herman Ete, Minorsky and others’ works.
Summarizing all the opinions mentioned above on Aziz Dowlatabadi’s “Sukhanvarani-Azerbaijan”
tezkire, it is important to tell that the work could be helpful in studying the
history of the Azerbaijani
literature and elucidating some obscure and confused problems. We hope that the tezkire “Sukhanvarani-
Azerbaijan” will help to study the lives and activities of the classical poets, as well to get popular the
relatively contemporary poets.
Nahmatova K. Mahammad Tarbiyat and “Danishmandani-Azerbayjan”. – Baku, 2012. – 57 p.
Dovletabadi A. Soxenverani-Azerbaijan. – Tabriz, 1379. – 391 p.
Alizadeh L. The Classical Azerbaijan poetry and methods of the allegorical expression // Вестник КазНПУ
имени Абая. Серия Филологические науки. – №3(57). – 2016.– С.101-105.
Ж.С. Шукюрова
Әзірбайжан Ұлттық Ғылым Академиясы Қолжазбалар институты,
Баку, Әзірбайжан
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