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Keywords:  Turkish minstrels, Kazakh poets, Dede Korkut, kobyz, dombyra, saz  МРНТИ 17.09.91

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Turkish minstrels, Kazakh poets, Dede Korkut, kobyz, dombyra, saz 
МРНТИ 17.09.91 

Institute of Manuscrips of National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan,
Baku, Azerbajan 
Aziz Dowlatabadi is one of the productive scholars of Sothern Azerbaijan who presented many works to the field of 
literature. Besides “Sukhanvarani-Azerbaijan” consisted of two volumes, other works written by the scholar such as the 
tezkire named “Persian speaking poets living in the Caucasus”, “Correction of Kamal Khojandi and Malik Mahmud 
Tabrizi’s divans”, “History of development of modern Persian prose”, “Libraries of Azerbaijan”, “Dictionary of Turkish 
and Mongolian words in the Persian texts” give information about his productivity.
“Sukhanvarani-Azerbaijan” is a contemporary tezkire with the territorial characteristics. The work was compiled by 
territories in alphabetical order. Speaking about the characteristics of the tezkire “Sukhanvarani-Azerbaijan” it is 
important to note that the author gave not only the biographic information about each poet, but also didn’t forget to 
notice of the negative features of their creativity, approaching objectively to those poets’ activities. Aziz Dowlatabadi 
took into consideration all details compiling this work; in the beginning he gave old poets’ biographies of each territory. 
For the detailed information about them Dowlatabadi used a lot of sources. Then he gave a list of contemporary poets 
and finally, a list of poets who wrote in Azerbaijani Turkish. Paying attention to the form of tezkire, we see that the 
author ranged the poets for the pennames and relations. 
Tezkire, “Sukhanvarani-Azerbaijan”, poets, Southern Azerbaijan 
The tradition of tezkire which had been considerably developed at the beginning of the 20
started to embrace new principles simplifying the research of the history of literature and being more suitable 
for readers. Though Mahammadali Tarbiyat’s work “Danishmandani Azerbaijan” seems to continue the 
tradition of tezkireof the Middle East during the 20
century, for some of its research methods it is much 
more related to the modern literary criticism than previous tezkires” [1, 52]. Mahammadali Tarbiyat 
successfully continued the period of the literary-historical research that had been started by Salman Mumtaz 
and Firudin bey Kocharli. In the 20
century a lot of works written in the tezkire genre had great success in 
the Azerbaijani literary criticism for its scientific character and fullness, and opened a way to many new 
works. Literary critics such as Gulam Mammadli, Seyid Abdulhamid Khalkhali, Mahammad Deyhim, Aziz 

Абай атындағы ҚазҰПУ-нің Хабаршысы, «Филология ғылымдары» сериясы №4(62) 2017 ж. 
Dowlatabadi removed the period of stagnation appeared in the tradition oftezkire and succeeded in making 
urgent this tradition.
Aziz Dowlatabadi is one of the productive scholars of Sothern Azerbaijan. He was born in 1922 year. 
Aziz Dowlatabadi presented many works to the field of literature. Besides “Sukhanvarani-Azerbaijan” 
consisted of two volumes, other works written by the scholar such as the tezkire named “Persian speaking 
poets living in the Caucasus”, “Correction of Kamal Khojandi and Malik Mahmud Tabrizi’s divans”, 
“History of the development of the modern Persian prose”, “Libraries of Azerbaijan”, “Dictionary of Turkish 
and Mongolian words in the Persian texts” give information about his productivity.
In Aziz Dowlatabadi’s activities have always been noticed old traditions of the tezkire. Deep love to his 
land, origin and ancestors led A.Dowlatabadi to collect the works of the forgotten or unremarkable 
Azerbaijani poets written in Persian and compile a book in two volumes. He had begun this work in 1966 
and published articles under the names “Poets of Khalkhal”, “Poets of Maraga”, “Poets of Anzab”, “Poets of 
Miyana”, “Poets of Arazbaran”, “Poets of Ardabil” in the publishing house of the Institute of Literature in 
Tabriz city. Based on them he worked on this tezkire about ten years and publishing a monumental work in 
two volumes A.Dowlatabadi took a significant step in the history of the Azerbaijani literature.
In the first volume is given information about the 368 poets from Ardabil, Arazbaran, Urmiya, Arvanaq, 
Anzab and Tabriz, in the second volume about the 332 poets from Khalkhal, Khoy, Sarab, Salmas, Maku, 
Maraga, Marand, Mehabad, Miyandaab, Miyana, Garmarud and Naqda. The oldest poet among them lived in 
the 11
, the youngest one in the 20
centuries about who is given the biographic information in both 
volumes. The tezkire had been firstly published in 1976-78 years in the publishing house of the Institute of 
Literature of Tabriz, later in 1998 year it was republished.
“Sukhanvarani-Azerbaijan” is a contemporary tezkire with the territorial characteristics. The work was 
compiled by territories in the alphabetical order. In the interior of the section classified by territories is also 
given information about poets in the Arabic alphabetical order. That’s why time order is not followed in the 
sections. For example, Arif Ardabili, a poet lived in the 14
century comes before Molla Heydar Ali, who 
was known with a penname Faiz in the 11
century, a poet of the 20
century Binash Tabrizi is placed before 
Purqam Tabrizi, lived in the 19
century, Jafar Tabrizi, who lived and created in the 17
century precedes 
Mir Mahammad Jafar, a poet of the 16
century, Chalabi Tabrizi, a poet of the 17
century comes before 
Haji Tabrizi, who lived in the 16
century. By the way, it is important to note that not in all contemporary 
tezkires are followed this order. For example, “Shuarayi-Azerbaijan” (Azerbaijani poets) work differs from 
“Sukhanvarani-Azerbaijan” which is the tezkire of Deyhim compiled by territories. None of mentioned 
principles are followed in “Shuarayi-Azerbaijan”; no writers were ordered in the alphabetic order, for their 
birth years or centuries they lived in. So, Movju comes before Iqbal Arazbarani, Ginabi Afshar is placed 
before Chakar Urmiya, Hushyar Afshar precedes Adsiz Urmiya. One of the characteristics of the 
composition principles in Aziz Dowlatabadi’s tezkire is taking into consideration the genealogical tree of the 
poets whom about he gave information.
Alqas Mirza Safavi – son of Shah Ismail I [2, 3]; 
Badius Zaman Bahram Mirza oglu, Shah Ismail I’s grandson [2, 9]. 
By the way, we should note that in most tezkires with the analogical contents of the 19
century which 
we have drawn into research work for comparison, this principle wasn’t followed.
Aziz Dowlatabadi took into consideration all the details compiling this work; in the beginning he gave old 
poets’ biographies of each territory. For the detailed information about them Dowlatabadi used a lot of sources. 
Then he gave a list of contemporary poets and finally, a list of poets who wrote in Azerbaijani Turkish. Paying 
attention to the form of the tezkire, we see that the author ranged the poets for the pennames and relations. The 
poets without any pennames were ranged for their pseudonyms and names. For example, Kamaladdin Husseyn 
bin Khaja Sharafaddin Abdulhaq is given with his penname Ilahi, Haji Mirza Mohsun ibn Molla Abdulbaqi 
with a penname Hali [2, 225], Mirza Mahammadrezi ibn Mirza Mahammad Shafi with a penname Banda. In 
this tezkire we also meet that most poets used the names of their birthplaces as pennames. For example: 
Safiaddin Ardabili, Arif Ardabili, Ahmad Tasuchi, Nabati Garajadaghi, Shams Tabrizi.
Biographical information about the poets is given comprehensively and accurately; information about 
places where poets study, poets’ teachers, other skills they possessed beside literature, purposes of their 
travels to other countries, posts they held characteristic to their periods, their death and cemeteries they were 
buried. For example, Ahmad Kuzakunan died in Kazimeyn city of Iraq, but was buried in the sepulchre of 
Sheikh Hassan Mamaqani in Najaf. Mahmud Shabustari [3, 105] died in Shabustar, was buried in the middle 
of the famous garden named Gulshan by side the tomb of his teacher Bahaeddin Yagub Tabrizi. In some 

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