The acreage of oilseeds in 2016 amounted to 2035.7 thousand ha, i.e. increased by 9.8%
compared to 2012. Analyzing the data of 2016, you can see that about half of the total oilseeds
accounted for sunflower – 39,7% or 807,5 thousand tons of seeds of flax – 31.1% or 633,6 million
tons (51,1 % more than in 2012), soybeans – 5.2% or 106.1 thousand tons (24.4% more than in
2012), rape is 7.9% or 61,1 thousand tons (66.9% less than in 2012), of safflower – 11% or 223,3
thousand tons (49.6% of less than in 2012).
In order to achieve food security by the state measures were taken to increase the production
of oilseeds. The main reared culture will remain sunflower, the specific weight of which takes about
40% of all in planted масличными cultures. But so far most of the power consumption of
sunflower oil Kazakhstan imports, as in conditions of insufficient rainfall, crop yields remains low.
It is expected the growth of oilseed production processing, as well as in parallel and the production
of domestic processing industries of vegetable oil. The growth is justified by the increase in the
production of oilseeds, including sunflower (figure 2).
Figure 2. Gross harvest and yield of sunflower seed
Despite the increase in the acreages of oilseeds gross oilseeds are not always high. As of
2016, the gross yield of sunflower seeds is 754,8 thousand tons, of them on areas: in the East
Kazakhstan - 124.5 thousand tons, Pavlodar - 104,2 thousand tons, as well as The Кустанайская -
15.7 thousand tons.
Safflower sowed on the most needy peasants lands in small areas with minimal cost. The
average yield of the safflower in the country at the level of 5.9 t/ha with fluctuations of 6.5 to 7 t/ha.
Sowed safflower peasants on the square on the 5-50 ha. Gross safflower is about 100 thousand tons.
Safflower process on oil, as well as export flowers safflower.
In general, taking into account the annual increase in actual human consumption of
vegetable oils and the needs of processing industry (production of confectionery, margarines,
mayonnaise, etc.) the expected volume of vegetable oils does not need the internal market. It should
also be noted that there are significant volumes of exports of oilseeds and vegetable oils.
The introduction in the structure of the oil crops cultivation (sunflower, safflower) allows
you to stabilize the enterprises' incomes. This is due to the mismatch between price changes and
yield of crops in years.
Sunflower has a strong root system, penetration at a depth of up to 3 meters, easier transfers
the drought and requires more heat. Therefore, in the years with cool and rainy weather higher grain
yields, and in the years with hot and dry weather wins the sunflower. One of the promising crops for
cultivation in the changing natural conditions is safflower, the biology of which is fully consistent
2012 г.
2013 г.
2014 г.
2015 г.
2016 г.
Валовой сбор, тыс. тонн
Урожайность, ц/га
gross yield, thousand tons
productivity, centner / hectare
with the arid conditions of the steppe. This oilseed crop fits perfectly into the local rotation, thus
helps to diversify agricultural production.
According to the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the vegetable oil
production annually increases by an average on 40- 50%. In Kazakhstan the main vegetable oil
producers, according to the Statistics Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan, are the East
Kazakhstan, South Kazakhstan and Almaty enterprises [5].
The annual need of Republic in the vegetable oil on the national consumption standards is
134,7 thousand tons per year or 8.8 kg/year for 1 person. In the republic has more than 300 plant for
processing of oilseeds and the production of vegetable oil with total capacity of 760 tons per shift,
or 190 thousand tons per year. 9 of them enterprises belong to the category of large (2.9%), but due
to the lack of raw power of the company are used by 70%. Up to 70% of the sunflower oil is
produced from the seeds produced in Kazakhstan, and 30% of the imported seeds.
Thus, the oilseeds production has a growth perspective in all areas in the country. The
greatest potential have area of the northern region. However, for a more complete utilization of the
capacities of these crops much remains to be done. In the field of support policy for the oilseeds
production, apparently, further clarification is needed in order the distribution of subsidies. Public
funds should not go to the support of simply increasing areas of planting. Practice has shown that
this has led to the expansion of the cultivation of oil crops while reducing yields. I encourage only
those who has mastered the technology of their cultivation and has already proved that actual yields
for a number of years even in small areas. Thus, will be encouraged to expansion of area under
масличными cultures without compromising their productivity. Need a lot of work on technologies
improvement of the oilseeds cultivation.
1. Nemchenko G. Diversification of production: Objectives and Activities / city
G.Nemchenko, S. Donetskaya, K.Dyakanov // Problems of theory and practice of management,
2009. – №. 1 - 107 c.
2. Josefsson, Jonas; Berg, Ake; Hiron, Matthew. Sensitivity of the farmland bird community
to crop diversification in Sweden: does the CAP fit // Journal of applied ecology that 54, the
production of 2. 2017.
3. Rudik N.B. Conglomerate mergers and acquisitions. The book is about the benefits and
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4. Enterprise Economy: Lecture Notes/ Frolova T.A. Taganrog 2012. – 57 P.
5. The Committee on Statistics of the Republic of Kazakhstan: http://stat.gov.kz
А.К. Аубакирова
г. Астана (Казахстан)
Сегодня как никогда в мире большой популярностью пользуется электронная
коммерция. Оборот финансовых средств в сфере прямых продаж, то есть продаж «от
продавца к потребителю» составляет более 1,3 триллион долларов, между компаниями - 15
триллион в долларах [2]. По результатам аналитиков и экспертов в сфере электронной
торговли в 2018 году в странах, которые по уровню экономического развития относятся к
странам с переходной экономикой и развивающейся, электронная коммерция займет