Ағылшын тілі: лексика, грамматика, СӨйлеу, Қарым-қатынас

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Home task:
8.5 Газет/журнал материалдарын оқыңыз, артикльдерді тауып, олардың қолдануын түсіндіріңіз (2 кестеге сүйеніп – артикльдерді қолдану жағдайлары):

Mark Twain was born in Florida, Missouri, on November 30, 1835, the son of a storekeeper-lawyer father. His real name was Samuel Langhorne Clemens, but he is best known by his pen name, Mark Twain.

Young Sam’s favourite pastime was watching the mighty paddle wheel steamboats as they made their way up and down the river.

In 1847, the death of his father brought an end to his carefree days, and he had to go to work at the age of 12 as a printer’s apprentice.

But the lure of the Mississippi was too strong and at the age of 21, Sam returned to the river to realize an old ambition, that of being a Mississippi River steamboat pilot.

In 1861, the Civil War disrupted Mississippi River traffic and ended Sam Clemen’s career as a steamboat pilot. His career as Mark Twain, the writer, was about to begin.

In 1865, after spending five months in the Sandwich Islands – as Hawaii was then called- Twain returned to the continent and launched a public lecture tour about his experience. He was an overnight success, and in 1867, with the money he had earned from lecturing, he was able to go abroad for the first time, visiting France, Italy, Spain, and Palestine. Newspaper accounts of his trip were later revised and published as The innocents Abroad (1869), his first important book.

(From “Twelve Famous Americans” by Thomas Kral. Washington.1994,pp.52-54)

8.6 Тексеру тестін орындаңыз:

  1. George Bernard Show,……..well-known English playwright, was

born in……..Ireland in 1856;

  1. ‘Is there…….. post-office near…….house you live in?’;

  2. Mr.Brown was…..teacher of physics at………school;

  3. Who is……..author of this book?;

  4. .……..English king the Lion-Hearted was……..tall, strong man;

  5. It was very pleasant to live in……..country in…….summer.

……weather was fine and it seldom rained. Summer is…….fine


  1. After …….breakfast he went for……..walk;

  2. ‘What…….clever man he is!’;

  3. Once there lived ……man who was very fond of……gold;

  4. Olga lives in…..Ukraine. She lives in…..small village near

……Kiev. She is……economist. She always has…..lot of …..work. Olga wants to enter…….Kiev University and now she is preparing for…..entrance exams;

  1. This year my friends are going to…..Canary Islands;

12) I can`t find……..pyjamas anywhere!;

13) It`s late.Let`s go……home;

14) Chris didn`t go to……..work yesterday;

15) Jane has gone to …….hospital to visit her husband;

16) When I leave …….school I want to go to…….university;

17) I listen to……radio a lot;

18) Could you turn off…..television;

  1. I don’t like going to ……dentist;

20) ……Second World War lasted from 1941 until 1945;

21) Do you think ……rich should help …….poor?;

  1. …..Chinese invented printing;

  2. ….CD costs more than…..cassette;

  3. Joshua can play……football very well, but he can`t


  1. Education in…….Czech Republic is rather cheap;

  2. Sean is a student of ….University of….Oxford;

  3. She has a stopover at …..Heathrow Airport;

  4. …… Hotel Irtysh is in ……Sovetov Street;

  5. He was…farmer who sells…..meat and buys …..wool;

  6. She is …….prettiest girl I have ever seen!.

3 Оқытушы жетекшілігімен студенттердің 2- 3 өздік жұмысы
«Адам» тақырыбындағы сөйлемдегі сөздер тәртібімен жұмыс

2 «Интеллектуалдық әрекет» мағынасы бар етістіктерді есте сақтаңыздар:

Оқу - learn

оқу- study



санау (сан)-count



2.1 Жаттығудан зат есім/есімдіктер мен етістіктерді қолданып, «Субъект және оның интеллектуалдық әрекеті» мағынасы бар сөйлемдер құрастырыңыздар.

2.1.2 Сөйлемнің тұрлаулы мүшелерімен толықтыра отырып, «Субъект және оның интеллектуалдық әрекеті» мағынасы бар сөйлемдерді жайылтыңыздар.

2.1.3 Алдыңғы жаттығудан and, but, in order to ( сол үшін, ), though, nevertheless(... қарамастан), in spite of, despite (... қарамастан) шылауларын қолданып, күрделі сөйлемдерді құрастырыңдар (Though he studies English hard he doesn’t show much progress./ Despite the rain we liked our picnic./ She had to take her dog out for a walk in spite of being tired after work.) .

2.1.4 «Адам сипаты» тақырыбындағы «сын» мағынасымен сын есімдерді есте сақтаңыздар:
9- кесте - Адамның дене және мінез-құлқының сипаты

Адамның дене сипаты

Адамның мінез-құлқының сипаты

Қазақ сөздері

Ағылшын сөздері

қазақ сөздері

Ағылшын сөздері













































сымбатты (әсем)








2.2 Алдыңғы жаттығудан зат есім және сын есімдерді қолданып, «Субъект және оның сыны» мағынасы бар сөйлемдер құрастырыңыздар.

2.2.1 Сөйлемнің тұрлаусыз мүшелерімен толықтырып, «Субъект және оның сыны» мағынасы бар сөйлемдерді жайылтыңыздар.

2.2.2 but, and( She is kind and sociable.), though(хотя), nevertheless(несмотря на), in spite of, despite(несмотря нa), because(потому что), therefore (поэтому). ( He is very energetic therefore he can do a lot) шылауларын қолданып, күрделі сөйлемдер құрастырыңыздар.

2.3 «жас ерекшелік сыны» мағынасымен сөздерді есте сақтаңыз:

Кәрі - old; жас -young; балғын - young; қырық жастағы – forty-year-old;

Жиырма бес жастағы- twenty-five -year-old; қырық жас – forty years old; отыз екі жаста – thirty-two years old ;

2.3.1 Сөздер мен сөз тіркестерін қолданып, «Субъект және оның мөлшерлік сипаты » мағынасы бар сөйлем құрастырыңыздар.

2.3.2 Тұрлаусыз мүшелерімен толықтырып, «Субъект және оның мөлшерлік сипаты » мағынасы бар сөйлемдерді жайылтыңыздар.

2.3.3 but, and (She is young and beautiful, though (қайтсе де), nevertheless, in spite of, despite (....қарамастан), because (себебі), therefore (сондықтан). (Though she is seventy, she takes a brisk 30-minute walk every morning.) шылауларын қолданып күрделі сөйлемдерді құрастырыңыздар.
3 «Біліктілік сипаты» мағынасы бар сөздерді есте сақтаңыздар:

мұғалім- a teacher

дәрігер- a doctor

инженер- an engineer

экономист- an economist

менеджер- a manager

заңгер- a lawyer

электр маманы – an electrician

құрылысшы –a builder

сылақшы – a painter, a decorator

техник - бағдарламашы– a programmer ( кәсіптердің

атауын қосу)

3.1 Зат есім/есімдіктерді мен алдыңғы жаттығудан сөйлемдерді қолданып, «Субъект және оның біліктілік сипаты» мағынасы бар сөйлемдерді құрастырыңыздар.

3.2 Сөйлемнің тұрлаусыз мүшелерімен толықтырып, «Субъект және оның біліктілік сипаты» мағынасы бар сөйлемдерді жайылтыңыздар.

3.3 but, and (My father is a doctor and likes his profession.), though( қайтсе де), nevertheless, in spite of, despite(.... қарамастан), because(неге десеңіз), therefore(сондықтан) (My mother likes children therefore she works as a teacher.) шылауларды қолданып, күрделі сөйлемдерді құрастырыңыздар.
3.4 Home task:

1. «Менің үйім/менің пәтерім», «Менің мектебім/менің университетім» тақырыбына («субъект және оның сыны», «субъект және оның әрекеті», субъект және оның мөлшерлік / біліктілік сипаты») сіздерге белгілі семантикалық типтердің жай және күрделі сөйлемдерді құрастырыңыз;

2. Тексеру грамматикалық тестін орындаңыздар.
4 Оқытушы жетекшілігімен студенттердің 4-5 өздік жұмысы
Жазбаша түрінде монологтық ауызекі сөйлеу біліктілігін дамыту

4 Ағылшын тілінде өмірбаяныңызды жазыңыз (мәтін көлемі – 17-20 сөйлем)

4.1 Отбасылық фотоны жіберіп, досыңа хат жазыңыз және онымен өзіңнің туыстарыңмен таныстырыңыз. Хаттың келесі құрылымын қолданыңыз:


Бір тақырыпшадан екіншіге ауысу: Next to me/to the left/right (қасымда/ сол жақта/оң жақта ; In the first /second row(бірінші/екінші қатарда); at the top/ bottom(үстінде/астында).

Негізгі бөлігі: Next to me is my sister. Her name’s Alma. By character she’s active and energetic. She’s cheerful and sociable. She has many friends. She has many interests. Alma is studying English because she wants to become a skilled interpreter.

Home task:

5 Елестетіп көрші, «Болашақ» бағдарламасымен сен Америкаға кеттің, ал досың (құрбың) – Англияға. Оқып жатқан елдегі оқыту жүйесі туралы әңгімелеп беріңіз.

Оқытушы жетекшілігімен студенттердің

5 Оқытушы жетекшілігімен студенттердің 6 өздік жұмысы
Personal information

6 «Танысу» диалог үлгісін қолданып, әлі таныспаған курстастарыңмен танысыңыздар. Тақырып бойынша ауызекі сөйлеу деңгейін жоғарылатыңыз:

- Hi!


- I`m Sagadiyev Yerbol. What`s your name?

- My name is Assem. My surname is Bukharbayeva. How are you?

- I`m fine and you?

- Where are you from?

- I`m from Pavlodar. And you?

- I came from Yekibastuz. But now I live in Pavlodar.

- Nice to meet you!

- Nice to meet you too!

6.1 Диалог үлгісін қолданып, әнгімелесушілердің туған күндері

мен қай жылы балабақшаға, мектепке барған уақыттарын сұраңыз. Тақырып бойынша ауызекі сөйлеу деңгейін жоғарылатыңыз:

- Yerbol, when were you born?

- I was born in 1992 on the 23d February. So, I`m 17 years old. And how old are you?

- I`m 17 too. I was born on the 4th of June. My place of birth is Pavlodar city. Where were you born?

- I was born in Yekibastuz. I went there to kindergarten from 1996 to 1999, then I went to school from 1999 to 2009.

- I went to kindergarten from 1995 to 1999, attended school from 1999 to 2009. I enjoyed my school years.

6.2 Диалогты оқыңыз және аударыңыз. Мәтінге сүйеніп, өзіңнің хобби туралы әңгіме жасаңыз. Тақырыптың ауыз-екі сөйлеу деңгейін әбден жаттығыңыз:

- You know, I still remember my first teacher who influenced on my education. Her name is Gulnar Zhenissovna. She was very kind and gentle to us.

- Unfortunately, I don`t remember my first teacher`s name, but my first educator strongly impacted on me.

- Additionally, I studied at music school. And I required diploma at music school. I obtained there skills of playing piano. It was very difficult to study there, but useful and interesting. Did you attend any additional courses?

- No`, I didn`t. However, I`m good at swimming. I usually go to swimming pool and I like to swim. Besides, I can use different computer programmes. I`m really good at it.

- Cool! As for me, I`m not good at it. By the way, do you study any foreign languages? For example, English or German?

- No, I don`t. I know only Kazakh and Russian. But I want to study English. I`m going to attend language courses.

- Great! I can help you in this.

- Thanks.


6.3 Диалогты оқыңыз. Басқа қаладағы досыңмен телефон арқылы сөйлесіңіз және оның қай оқу орнына түскені туралы сұраңыз:

  • Oh, hello! I`m so happy to see you. How are you?

  • I`m ok, thanks! And you?

  • Fine! What news?

  • Oh! I`m engaged with my application to enter university?

  • Really? What university have you chosen?

  • Pavlodar State University. Faculty of power engineering in the

specialty electrical power engineering. What about you?

  • Really? I have chosen the same university but faculty of

economics. I have submitted my application in the specialty of management.

  • Good! So, currently we are freshers. I hope to see you again! Bye!

  • Bye! Good luck!

6.4 Диалогты оқыңыз және оның үлгісі бойынша келесі жағдайды жасаңыздар.

6.5 Университеттің үлкен фойесінде барлық факультеттердің студенттері жиналды. Олар бір-бірімен еркін қатынасып тұр: танысып тұр, бір-бірі туралы қосымша мәлімет алып тұр.

- Hi!


- I`m Sagadiyev Yerbol. What`s your name?

- My name is Assem. My surname is Bukharbayeva. How are you?

- I`m fine and you?

- Where are you from?

- I`m from Pavlodar. And you?

- I came from Yekibastuz. But now I live in Pavlodar.

- When were you born?

- I was born in 1992 on the 23d February. So, I`m 17 years old. And how old are you?

- I`m 17 too. I was born on the 4th of June. My place of birth is Pavlodar city. Were you born in Yekibastuz?

- Yes. I was born in Yekibastuz. I went there to kindergarten from 1996 to 1999, then I went to school from 1999 to 2009.

- I went to kindergarten from 1995 to 1999, attended school from 1999 to 2009. I liked my school years. I still remember my first teacher who influenced on my education. Her name is Gulnar Zhenissovna. She was very kind and gentle.

- As for me I don`t remember my first teacher`s name, but my first educator impacted on me.

- Additionally, I studied at music school. And I required diploma at music school. I obtained there skills of playing piano. It was very difficult to study there but useful and interesting. Did you attend any additional courses?

- No`, I didn`t. However, I`m good at swimming. I usually go to swimming pool and I like to swim. And I can use different computer programmes. I`m really good at it.

- Cool! Do you study any foreign languages? For example, English or German?

- No, I don`t. I know only Kazakh and Russian languages. But I`m going to attend language courses to study English.

- I can help you in this.

- Oh! Thanks. By the way, what university have you chosen to study in?

- I have chosen Pavlodar State University, the faculty of power engineering in the specialty of electrical power engineering. And what about you?

- As for me, I have chosen Pavlodar State Pedagogical Institute. I’m going to be a teacher of biology.

- Great! So, we are first-year students! I hope we will help each other in our study. Bye!

- Bye! Good luck!

6.6 Home task:

Қосымшада берілген диалогты оқыңыз, олардың тапсырмаларын орындаңыз.

6 Оқытушы жетекшілігімен студенттердің 7 өздік жұмысы
Ауызша монологтық ауызекі сөйлеуді дамыту
Сабақ нысаны: Студенттік форум.

Жағдай: Студенттік форумның шетелде өтуі.

Қатынас тілі – ағылшын тілі.

Ресми бөлім

1 Жағдай. Әр елден келген делегациялардың кездесуі, танысуы.

Әр елден келген делегация ретінде топ кіші топтарға бөлінген (2-3 студент – 1 кіші топ).

7 Әр делегация дөңгелек үстелдің басында өзі туралы және өзінің жоо туралы әңгімелеп береді. (әңгіме жоспары: фамилиясы, аты, қай курстағы студент: қай жоо-да оқиды; жоо қай жерде орналасқаны туралы; жоо-ға неше жыл; жоо-ң қандай жетістіктері бар; жоо-ң материалдық-техникалық базасы қандай; қандай мамандарды дайындайды; студенттер өз демалыстарын қалай өткізеді; жоо-ға қызметтесу мақсатында шақыру)
Биресми бөлім

2 Жағдай: Форумнан кейін қонақ үйде

7.1 Әлеуметке бағытталған монологта «кілтті» сөздерді белсенді қолдануға үйрену:

Таныстырайын деп едім … - I want to introduce…

Айтуға міндеттімін… - I have to say…

Айтып кеткім келеді…. – Perhaps I should make that clearer by saying…

Назар аударуыңызды сұраймын …. – I want you to pay your attention on …

Айтуды ұмытып кеттім… - I forgot to say that…

Әрі қарай іске көшейін.... – The next point is …

7.2 «Студенттердің бір-бірімен танысуы» әлеуметке бағытталған монолог. Топтарда биресми түрде әңгімелесу. Әр студенттің ауызша монологтары (әңгіме жоспары: аты кім; қашан және қайда туды; қашан және қайда оқыды; қазір қай жоо-да және қай факультетте, қай курста оқиды; хоббиі қандай;);

7.3 «Менің туыстық айналам» атты әлеуметке бағытталған монолог. Топтарда биресми түрде әңгімелесу. Әр студенттің ауызша монологтары (әнгіме жоспары: суреттер бойынша туыстарымен таныстыру және сипаттау; олардың аты, жасы, мінезі, кәсібі, қызығушылықтары);

7.4 «Мен тұратын үй/пәтер» тақырыбына әлеуметке бағытталған монолог құрастыру. Топт ішінде биресми түрде әңгімелесу. Әр студенттің ауызша монолог құрастыруы (әңгіме жоспары: үй/пәтер қайда орналасқан; үйдің/пәтердің сипаты; қасындағы жер учаскесінің сипаты; бөлмелердің сипаты).
7.5 Home task:

Аудиториядан тыс уақытта өткен тақырыптар бойынша бір-бірімен телефон арқылы шетелдегі досыңмен танысу жағдайы туралы сөйлесіп көріңіз

(мақсат: ауызекі сөйлеу дағдыларын бекіту)
7 Студенттердің өздік жұмысы (СӨЖ)

10 сағат

Диалог түрде сөйлеу дағдыларын өздік дамытуға арналған мәтіндер.

Бірінші сағат

1 Диалогты оқыңыз, оны жаттаңыз және мәтінге сүйенбей курстасыңызбен телефон арқылы сөйлесіңіз:

  • Is your family large?

  • Yes, I have an extended family. We are 5 in the family: mother,

father, grandfather and me.

  • How old are your parents?

  • My mother is 40. My father is 43.

  • Do they work?

  • Yes, they do.

  • What does your mother do?

  • She works in bank. She is an economist.

  • What is your father?

  • My father is a businessman. He is always busy with his work.

  • What about your grandpa? Is he on retire?

  • Yes, he is. He is 62 years old. I love to spend my spare time with

him. I have good relationship with him.

  • Its` great! Unfortunately, I haven`t got grandparents.

  • Is your family large?

  • No, it isn`t. I live in a small family. We are 3 in my family: dad,

mum and me. My dad is a public servant, his name is Murat. My mum is a housewife, her name is Aigul.

  • Whom do you look like?

  • Well, I look like my dad, but I take after my aunt.

  • Oh! How interesting! Have you got any cousins?

  • Yes, I do. I have two by my father’s side. They live in another

city; therefore we meet seldom, although we phone each other.

  • As for me, I have got many relatives. But I dislike them.

  • Why?

  • They are so noisy; they all have little children who usually disturb

me. However, I love my family and we are friendly. We often visit each other at the weekend.

  • I see. I adore my parents.

1.1 Досыңызды қонаққа шақырыңыз, отбасылық суреттерді көрсетіңіз және өзіңіздің отбасы мүшелерімен таныстырыңыз:

  • Who is that man on the photo? Is it your father?

  • No, he isn`t. This is my uncle. I look like him.

  • Really? I have taken him for your father. Your uncle seems to be

handsome and smart man. How old is he?

  • He is 36. He is married and he has got children.

  • How many children has he got?

  • Two.

  • Does he work?

  • Sure. He is a school teacher.

1.2 Диалог үлгісін оқып, жаңа досыңызбен отбасыңыз туралы сөйлесіңіз:

  • Have you got a large family?

  • Unfortunately, I live in one-parent family.

  • Oh, I`m sorry for it.

  • That`s all right!

  • With whom do you live?

  • I live with my mum. We have got small and friendly family. We

like to spend more spare time with each other.

  • That`s great! As for me I have less possibility to chat with my dad

and mum. They are always at work and are very busy.

  • Yeah! I`m lucky to have such a good mother.

Екінші сағат

House. Flat.
2 Үлгіні қолданып, қандай үйде/пәтерде тұратынын қасыңыздағы әңгімелесушіден сұраңыз:

- I live in a five- storied building on the third floor.

- How many rooms have you got in your flat?

- I live in a three room flat. It is not large but very cozy. There is a living-room, a study, a bed-room, a toilet, a bath-room and a kitchen.

- Are there any modern facilities in the house?

- Yes, sure. There is electricity, gas, an elevator, hot and cold running water, central heating, a chute and a telephone.

2.1 Пәтерлік бюро қызметкері мен бөлме/пәтер жалға алғысы келетін студенттің арасында қандай диалог болады. Құрастырғанда осы диалогтан «кілтті» сөздерді қолданыңыз:

- The hall is very nice. There are wardrobes and cupboards. It is very convenient. It does not occupy much space.

- Is your living-room large?

- Yes, it is. My drawing-room is big and comfortable. Its windows face the south and there is much light.

- Is there a lot of furniture in your living-room?

- No, I don`t think so. There is a suite of modern furniture with book shelves. There is a thick carpet on the floor. In the middle of the room there is a coffee table. Although it is small, we use it when we receive guests.

- Is there a sofa there?

- Yes. Opposite the set of furniture there is a big and cozy sofa. I like to lie on it and watch TV. To the right of the sofa there is an arm-chair. On the left there is a standing lamp.

2.2 Бөлмені/пәтерді жалға алғысы келген студенттер арасында қандай диалог болады. Құрастырғанда осы диалогтан «кілтті» сөздерді қолданыңыз:
- Do you live with your parents?

- No, I rent a room in a flat with my group-mate.

- Is it expensive?

- Not very. Even so, our room is rather comfortable and large.

- Is there much furniture?

- There are two beds with bedside tables. We have a writing table next to the door. On the writing table there is a computer, which we use every day. On the wall there are bookshelves. We keep there our books, magazines and copybooks. The shelves are usually full of books and paper.

Үшінші сағат
3 Жаңа оқу жылында курстас студенттер кездесті (немесе бірге оқыған сыныптастар). Біреуі жаз бойы үйінде жөндеу жұмыстарды жасады. Жөндеу жұмысынан кейін бөлмені/пәтерді сипаттаңыз:

- I have heard that you have done renovation works in your flat.

- Yeah! I had the worst experience in my life. I hate such kind of work.

- Did you do repairs ?

-Yes. But the most I like my bath-room because it is very

convenient. The walls are tiled. There is a rack for towels, a bath and a basin. There is a shelf above the basin on which I keep soap, tooth-paste, tooth-brushes, combs, creams, shampoos and make-up.

- Is there a mirror in your bath-room?

- Sure, it is above the shelf.

- What about the colour of bath and tile on the floor?

- The bath itself and tile on the floor are of the same colour.

It`s grey-bluish.

3.1 Диалог үлгі негізінде келесі жағдайды көрсетіңіз.

Бір студенттің ата-анасы қаланың жаңа ауданында жаңа пәтер алды. Студент өзінің достарын қонаққа шақырды:

- I hear you have moved to a new apartment Steve. Is it true?

- Yes, it is. One of these days we'll arrange a housewarm-party. And I want you and your wife Carol to be present.

- Thank you for the Invitation. How do you like your new apartment?

- It is very comfortable. It is a three bedroom apartment with modem conveniences: electric stove and a lot of built-in cupboards.

- On what floor is it?

- Our apartment is on the tenth floor of a high-rise dwelling house. We've got two elevators which work round o'clock.

- Is it far from the centre of the city?

- Rather. It takes me about an hour to get to the centre by bus and by metro. If I drive a car, it takes me thirty minutes.

- I see. Have you bought new furniture?

- We've bought wall units, two armchairs and a new TV. We are planning to buy two carpets and a dining set.

- Good luck!

- Thanks. Are you going to move to a new apartment?

- No, I am not. We have been living in our two-room apartment for about eight years and we don't want to move anywhere.

- Your apartment is comfortable, isn't it?

- Yes, very. My wife arranged everything very nicely and I like it very much. We don't have much furniture, but we have got everything we need.

- I am glad to hear it.

Төртінші сағат

4 Диалог үлгісі бойынша өз достарыңыз туралы ақпаратпен бөлісіңіз (қалай танысқаны, қандай қарым-қатынаста, жалпы қызығушылықтары бар ма, ата-аналарын білесіз бе):
- Have you got many friends?

- Not many, but they are my constant ones. We have known each other since childhood.

- Did you study together at school?

- Yeah! Even went to the same kindergarten. Our parents keep in touch with each other. Our relations are warm.

- You are lucky to have such friends! And what are their names?

- They are Marat, Aisulu, Kirill, Bolat and Karina. We are different, however, we have common interests.

- Really?

- We all students, but study in various specialties. Some of us do courses in technical sciences, others in humanities.

- Have you got the closest among your friends?

- Yes, they are Marat and Bolat. Marat is sincere and honest guy. I can always rely on him, he is very responsible. As for Bolat, he is very ambitious and hard-working, sometimes he is obstinate. But I dislike that Marat can`t appreciate his time and he wastes his time on unnecessary things. Bolat is sometimes extravagant. Then it becomes difficult to understand him. But I like them!

- Do you spend much time together?

- Unfortunately, we haven`t any possibility to spend our spare time together all the time. Because our study at university takes much time. And we meet each other at the weekends.

- How do you spend your time?

- If the weather is fine we prefer some outdoor activities like going on picnic, going for a walk, swimming in the river or skiing or skating. During cold days we go to café.

- You really have fun together!

- Yeah! It`s true.

- My friend Rich is coming to town next week. Have you ever met him?

- No, I haven't.

- He's kind of crazy, but a great guy.

- Yeah, why do you say so? What's he like?

- He's really hard working, but sometimes he is very lazy. He's pretty talented and can do just about anything.

- Sounds interesting. Is he married?

- No, he isn't.

- What does he look like? Maybe my friend Alice would be interested in meeting him.

- He's tall, slim and quite good looking. I'm sure your friend would find him attractive. What's she like?

- She's outgoing and very athletic.

- Really? What sports does she like playing?

- She's a great tennis player and also goes bicycling a lot.

- What does she look like?

- She's kind of exotic looking. She's got long dark hair and black eyes. People think she is rather beautiful.

- Do you think she would like to meet Rich?

- Sure! Why don't we hook them up?

- Great idea!
Бесінші сағат

Үйде оқу үшін берілген мәтіндер

1 - сүрет –– The President George Bush

George W. Bush is the 43rd President of the United States. He was sworn into office on January 20, 2001, re-elected on November 2, 2004, and sworn in for a second term on January 20, 2005. Prior to his Presidency, President Bush served for 6 years as the 46th Governor of the State of Texas, where he earned a reputation for bipartisanship and as a compassionate conservative who shaped public policy based on the principles of limited government, personal responsibility, strong families, and local control.
President Bush was born on July 6, 1946, in New Haven, Connecticut, and grew up in Midland and Houston, Texas. He received a bachelor's degree in history from Yale University in 1968, and then served as an F-102 fighter pilot in the Texas Air National Guard. President Bush received a Master of Business Administration from Harvard Business School in 1975. Following graduation, he moved back to Midland and began a career in the energy business. After working on his father's successful 1988 Presidential campaign, President Bush assembled the group of partners who purchased the Texas Rangers baseball franchise in 1989. On November 8, 1994, President Bush was elected Governor of Texas. He became the first Governor in Texas history to be elected to consecutive 4-year terms when he was re-elected on November 3, 1998.
Since becoming President of the United States in 2001, President Bush has worked with the Congress to create an ownership society and build a future of security, prosperity, and opportunity for all Americans. He signed into law tax relief that helps workers keep more of their hard-earned money, as well as the most comprehensive education reforms in a generation, the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001. This legislation is ushering in a new era of accountability, flexibility, local control, and more choices for parents, affirming our Nation's fundamental belief in the promise of every child. President Bush has also worked to improve healthcare and modernize Medicare, providing the first-ever prescription drug benefit for seniors; increase homeownership, especially among minorities; conserve our environment; and increase military strength, pay, and benefits. Because President Bush believes the strength of America lies in the hearts and souls of our citizens, he has supported programs that encourage individuals to help their neighbors in need.
On the morning of September 11, 2001, terrorists attacked our Nation. Since then, President Bush has taken unprecedented steps to protect our homeland and create a world free from terror. He is grateful for the service and sacrifice of our brave men and women in uniform and their families. The President is confident that by helping build free and prosperous societies, our Nation and our friends and allies will succeed in making America more secure and the world more peaceful.
President Bush is married to Laura Welch Bush, a former teacher and librarian, and they have twin daughters, Barbara and Jenna. The Bush family also includes two dogs, Barney and Miss Beazley, and a cat, Willie.

2 - сүрет –– Jack London

Jack London (1876-1916), prolific American novelist and short story writer, whose works deal romantically with the overwhelming power of nature and the struggle for survival. His left-wing philosophy is seen in the class struggle novel The Iron Heel (1908).
Jack London was born on January 12, 1876, in San Francisco. He was deserted by his father, William Henry Chaney, and raised in Oakland by his mother Flora Wellman, a music teacher and spiritualist, and stepfather John London, whose surname he took. London's youth was marked by poverty. At the age of ten he became an avid reader, and borrowed books from the Oakland Public Library.
After leaving school at the age of 14, London worked as a seaman, rode in freight trains as a hobo and adopted socialistic views as a member of protest armies of the unemployed. In 1894 he was arrested in Niagara Falls and jailed for vagrancy. Without having much formal education, London educated himself in public libraries, and at the age of 19 gained admittance to the University of California at Berkeley. He had already started to write. For the remainder of 1898 London again tried to earn his living by writing. His early stories appeared in the Overland Monthly and the Atlantic Monthl. In 1900 he married Elisabeth Maddern, but left her and their two daughters three years afterwards, eventually to marry Charmian Kittredge.
In 1901 London ran unsuccessfully on the Socialist party ticket for mayor of Oakland. He started to steadily produce novels, nonfiction and short stories, becoming in his lifetime one of the most popular authors. London's first novel, The Son Of The Wolf, appeared in 1900. His Alaska stories, The Call Of The Wild (1903), in which a giant pet dog Buck finds his survival instincts in Yukon, White Fang (1906) and Burning Daylight (1910) gained a large reading public. Among his other works are The Sea-Wolf (1904) and The Road, a collection of short stories.
In 1902 London went to England, where he studied the living conditions in East End and working class areas of the capital city. His report about the economic degradation of the poor, The People Of The Abyss (1903), was a surprise success in the U.S. but criticized in England. In 1906, he published his first collection of non-fiction pieces, The War Of The Classes, which included his lectures on socialism. London also published a semi-autobiographical novel Martin Eden (1909) and a travel book The Cruise of the Snark (1911).
London had purchased in 1910 a large tract of land near Glen Ellen in Sonoma County, and devoted his energy and money improving and enlarging his Beauty Ranch. In 1913 London's Beauty Ranch burned to the ground, and his doctor told him that his kidneys were failing.
A few months before his death, London resigned from the Socialist Party. Debts, alcoholism, illness, and fear of losing his creativity darkened the author's last years. He died on November 22, 1916, officially of gastro-intestinal uremia. However, there have also been speculations that London committed suicide with morphine.

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