10 сабақ. Этика және өнер философиясы БӨЖ тапсырмасы: Preparation of an essay on the topic "Ethical values of modern Kazakhstani youth"

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Зейдін Шұғыла 10-философия

Тфп21-026 Зейдін Шұғыла
10 сабақ. Этика және өнер философиясы

БӨЖ тапсырмасы: Preparation of an essay on the topic "Ethical values of modern Kazakhstani youth"
Ethics (Greek ethos - skill, custom) is a system of teachings about various types and norms of morality in various social phenomena. Social and historical experience shows that each new generation rethinks the past experience of its people, defines the goals and objectives of national development, formulates its perspectives, and in real time forms national political, ideological, economic, cultural orientations, national consciousness in accordance with the modern world.

National consciousness is an important factor in characterizing a nation and a person, as a member of this community. An individual, feeling himself as an integral part of the nation, appreciates the history of his people, national values ​​(writing, national language, spiritual culture and other achievements), national mentality, the contribution of the people to the world cultural treasure, and contributes to its development. An important aspect in the development of national consciousness is the relationship between ethnic, national and universal values.

Introducing the subject to the individual's sense of national consciousness, his national affiliation, positive perception of his ethnicity, attitude towards the historical past of the nation, its present and future, activity in learning the mother tongue, activity in the study of folk culture, understanding and acceptance of national interests and value orientations, and other includes formation of relations with ethnic communities, preparation for preserving its territorial integrity, striving to increase its wealth. National values ​​are a set of spiritual ideals of representatives of any ethnic community, whose historical uniqueness is expressed as the Motherland, language, history, art, literature, and others.

Our country is taking various initiatives to become a developed country. Of course, this aspect is clear to all of us. If our country corrects its depression and our land develops, it will not be harmful if it does not benefit us. However, what worries me is how well the ethical values ​​of Kazakh youth are developing together.

жүктеу 11,08 Kb.

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