nomination. The birth of a new term is caused alongside with the requirement to objectivizepre-
speechcognitive pragmatic meanings significant for this or that era. In our opinion, exactly this
requirement puts in action the mechanism of the neonomination. And in the discourse activity, as it
follows from the cognitive semiological theory of the word developed by N.F. Alefirenko, there
emerge quite often such meanings which are not explicated by the language system. They are
generated by cognitive propositions in a concrete statement.
Speech intension, that is the requirement to express pro-positive sense, predetermines the
position scheme of the statement for which filling of positions there are born corresponding new
words. Since a proper word in the language system is absent, it is necessary to address to services of
a linguistic semiosis or to use lexemes available in the language which are compelled repaying their
system meaning, to develop a new one, needed for expression of a new pro-positive sense
connected also with the experience of the subjective importance of those phenomena or events
which appeared in the area of coverage of the leading motive. We will give an example on the
AIDS disease material (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome) which was for the first time
associated as "the global crisis of health". Before the emergence of the 'AIDS' term the first words
of the terminological field of this sublanguage of medicine became "sexual freedom", "sexual
choice", "sexual revolution", that is the cognitive field of the ‘AIDS’ subject domain was
associated with sex.
Then there appeared the terms 'Kaposhi Sarcoma', 'immunodeficiency' which defined the first
symptoms of the disease. It is known that the immune system is urged to protect a human body or
an animal from penetration of parasites into it. Violation of the system of protection is also called as
immune deficiency, insufficiency in Russian.
That is why instead of the term 'AIDS' sometimes there is used the abbreviation of AIDN.
Only in 1980 the virus of this group affecting a person was opened. American scientists allocated it
from the patients having a cancer disease, cellular limfoimy and gave the name HTLV-1. For the
first time HIV-infection was described at its final stage which received later the name 'syndrome of
acquired immune deficiency' (AIDS), or 'Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome' (AIDS). The
analysis of literature on AIDS showed that in the beginning doctors used in their speech the term
'acquired immunodeficiency'.
This term was indistinct as it was used in the sense that the initial disease was noted at adults,
before healthy people. A feature of the new immunodeficiency was that the initial circle of
manifestations of diseases was rather narrow, in this connection there were suspicions in specific
character of the factor inhibiting immunity. Investigating the term-birth of the term 'AIDS', we
came to the conclusion that it passed all stages of terminologization: LAV – HTLV – HTLV-I –
By the nature the pragmatic component of semantics of a neologism is deeper and more
concrete,the cognitive one is wider and richer. Unlike cognitive information, the pragmatic
component is the carrier of data not of the reviewers but about their perception by speakers. In other
words, the pragmatic component is mediated by the speaker’s cognitive relation to the
neonomination subject reflecting in a new sign the intentions of communicants. At the beginning of
the XX century in Russian there functioned the term 'diabetes' which was associated with
availability of sugar in blood but the term 'diabetes' borrowed from Latin through English appeared
more exact, therefore this word is now used in the speech of physicians.
Thus, generation of a new term is caused by action of a number of cognitive factors. The
language consciousness searches for an adequate language sign for emerging a new concept and
finds it, as a rule, in the potential resources or in the donor language. Cognitive activity of a person
is resulted by generation of meanings of new terms and transformation of meanings of units which
are already available in the nominative stock.
The tendency to the discourse adaptation of the concepts which are available in the language
consciousness forming a new discourse space is especially intensely shown. A new word possesses
not only the gnoseological potential, but also, by a larger acting force, it forms the ability of a
person to reproduce the realities of spiritual practical activities learned earlier, stimulates the further
cognitive interest. A new term transfers the nature of cognitive activity of a person in the field of
1 Алефиренко, Н.Ф. Проблемы когнитивно-семиологического исследования языка /
Слово сознание культура: сб. науч. тр.
М.: Флинта: Наука, 2006.
С. 31-41.
2 Серебренников, Б.А. О материалистическом подходе к явлениям языка.
М.: Наука,
319 с.
3 Мотченко, И.В. Основные тенденции в формировании английской медицинской
терминологии: дис…. канд. филол. наук.
М., 2001.
215 с.
4 Плотникова, Л.И. Словотворчество как феномен языковой личности.
Изд-во БелГУ, 2003.
Бұл мақалада «ЖҚТБ» және «Диабет» пәндік саласы негізінде жаңа медициналық
терминдердің пайда болуында когнитивтік факторларды қарастырамыз. Бұл сырқатты
таңдау кездейсоқ емес. Диабет ежелгі сырқат, бірақ оның терминологиясы үнемі
жаңартылып тұрады. ЖҚТБ XX ғасыр сырқаты, демек, оның терминологиясы әлі де
құрастырылуда. Бұл мақалаға мәлімет болып, орыс және ағылшын тілдерінің заманауи
даму кезеңінде медициналық түсінікті білдіретін терминдер себеп болды. Жоғары аталған
медицина саласында жаппай таңдауда 2000-нан астам жаңадан пайда болған медициналық
терминдер анықталған. Мамандырылған медициналық сөздіктердегі әртүрлі сөздік
мақалалар және медицина бойынша орыс және ағылшын тілдеріндегі ғылыми мақалалар
эксперименттік материалда қамтылған. Когнитивтік қызметтегі жаңа объектілер
болмысын тану процесінде немесе жаңа қырын ашуда, өткендегі танып білген белгілері мен
қасиеттерін, «ақиқатты ойшыл бейнелеу нәтижиесі және лингвосемиоз орталығының
түсініктеме беруші ретінде» адам жаңа терминдерді тану нәтижиесін анықтауға
В данной статье рассмотрим когнитивные факторы возникновения нового
медицинского термина на основе предметных областей `СПИД' и `Диабет'. Выбор этих
заболеваний не случаен. Диабет заболевание древнее, но его терминология постоянно
обновляется. СПИД заболевание XX века, следовательно, его терминология еще
составляется. Материалом для данной статьи послужили термины, выражающие
медицинские понятия в современный период развития русского и английского языков. В
сплошной выборке зафиксировано более 2000 новообразованных медицинских терминов
вышеназванных областей медицины. Экспериментальный материал включил словарные
статьи различных специализированных медицинских словарей и научные статьи по
медицине на русском и английском языках. Познавая в процессе когнитивной деятельности
новые объекты действительности или открывая новые грани, признаки и свойства ранее
познанного, человек «как интерпретатор результатов мыслительного отражения
действительности и центр лингвосемиозиса» стремится фиксировать результаты
познания в новом термине.
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