Processing of parts and products on turning-carrousel machine tools І озакомиться с новой лексикой

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Processing of parts and products on turning-carrousel machine tools

Тема: Processing of parts and products on turning-carrousel machine tools
І Озакомиться с новой лексикой:

Токарно-карусельные станки - Turning and carousel machines

обработки - processings

диаметр - diameter

зубчатых колес - gear

маховиков - flywheel

дисков - disks'

внутренние цилиндрические - the inner cylindrical

фасонные поверхности - shaped surfaces

отверстия - holes

конические фасонные поверхности - conical shaped surfaces

торцы - butts

фаски, - chamfers,

канавки, - grooves,

галтели - fillets

планшайбы - faceplates

патроне - cartridge

полуавтоматы - semiautomatic device

траектория - trajectory

фасонный профиль-shaped profile

ІІ Прочитать текст:

Turning and carousel machines are designed for processing a variety of shapes of parts that have a diameter much greater than the length of the workpiece heavy gears, flywheels and other parts of the disk type. On turning and carousel machines, the external and internal cylindrical, conical shaped surfaces are sharpened and ground, respectively; drill, countersink, deploy Central holes; thread is cut with threaded cutters; flat ends are sharpened and chamfers, grooves, galtels and similar surfaces are processed. In addition, special milling or grinding devices can be installed on turning and carousel machines that allow milling and grinding planes.

Turning and carousel machines (Fig.2.7) differ from other lathes by the vertical position of the axis of rotation of the faceplate (2), which is installed directly on the table or fixed in the Chuck workpiece. Machines can have a single-column or two-column layout. In single-column vertical turning lathes (Fig.2.7, a) there is a vertical caliper (5) with a revolver head (6) and a side caliper (9) with a tool holder that works with a vertical feed. In two-column (Fig.2.7, b) an additional upper tool support is provided, which has a horizontal feed. Cutting tools are fixed in the tool holders of the upper and side calipers, as well as in the sockets of the revolver head.

Single-spindle hydrocoping semi-automatic lathes are designed for processing parts of complex profiles, which are a combination of cylindrical, conical, shaped surfaces. A design feature of such semi-automatic machines is the presence of an upper hydraulic support located above the workpiece.

As can be seen from the diagrams shown in Fig.2.10 and 2.11, the trajectory of the hydraulic caliper is set by moving the probe located on it along the copier (template); in this case, the cutter mounted on the hydraulic caliper reproduces a shaped profile on the surface of the workpiece, identical to the profile of the template. Facing, grooving and fillets produced by the cutters installed on the lower caliper semi semiautomatic, which has a cross working flow.

All calipers of the hydraulic copying machine carry out automated cycles of working and idle movements, which are performed in a certain sequence. When one caliper finishes processing, it serves as a command to enable the other.

ІІІ Завершить предложения из текта:

  1. ... a diameter much greater than the length of the workpiece heavy gears, flywheels and other parts of the disk type.

  2. In addition, special milling or grinding devices can be...

  3. Cutting tools are fixed in the tool holders of the...

  4. ... conical, shaped surfaces. A design feature of such semi-automatic...

  5. ... performed in a certain sequence. When one caliper finishes processing....

ІV Перевести слова и словосочетания, данные под рисунками на английский язык:

Общий вид токарно-карусельных станков:

а – одностоечного; б – двухстоечного; 1 – станина; 2 – планшайба; 3 – траверса; 4 – стойка; 5 – вертикальный суппорт; 6 – револьверная головка; 7 – привод подачи; 8 – балка; 9 – боковой суппорт

Рис.2.10. Общий вид токарного гидрокопировального полуавтомата:

1 – направляющая гидрокопировального суппорта; 2 – копиродержатель; 3 – копир; 4 – рычаг; 5 – золотник; 6 – цилиндр гидроследящей системы; 7 – поперечный суппорт
жүктеу 51,56 Kb.

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