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Essay кбшт


 Task: Write an essay about your profession. For example: Theme of Essay "MY PROFESSION TEACHER", "How to Choose your Career?", "Why I Choose to Pursue a Career as a Special Education Teacher”. Өзіңіздің мамандығыңызға қатысты еркін тақырыпта эссе жазыңыз. Эссе жазылатын тақырыптарға мысалдар "MY PROFESSION TEACHER", "How to Choose your Career?", "Why I Chose to Pursue a Career as a Special Education Teacher”. Ескерту: эссе тақырыбын өзіңіз таңдауыңызға болады. Егер эсселеріңіз қайталанатын болса, эссені бағаламаймын.


There are professions – vocations – and people surrender themselves wholly to these professions. Undoubtedly, the profession of a teacher is one of them.

Even if you want to be a teacher you can’t become a good one. You must be born one. Love for children, an ability to communicate with them, understand and teach them – these are the most important qualities of a genuine teacher. An ability to be a genuine teacher is God’s gift; it’s a talent like the talent of a writer, an artist or a musician. In my point of view it’s even more – it’s fate. I think a teacher is like a sculptor: he moulds a personality out of a child like a sculptor creates a beautiful statue out of clay.

Pedagogy is a very complex and responsible study; probably, no less responsible than medicine. As a patient hands to the doctor the most expensive thing – his life, so parents entrust the teacher with the most valuable creature – their child. And mainly it depends on a teacher what kind of person a child will grow up to be: a genius or a villain. If you have been dreaming of become a teacher since your childhood, it’s not a problem nowadays.

A teacher is a person who plays a very important role in children's development, upbringing and education. One should have some particular traits of character to be a success in this profession.

I strongly feel that the profession of a teacher is one of the most important professions in the world. A teacher is always responsible for his or her pupils. He or she should encourage their inner development, protect them from any negative influence and watch their progress carefully. A teacher's responsibility is not only to educate a child. He or she should also understand pupils' feelings and dreams, share their problems and give good advice. A real teacher is a person who can inspire his pupils with interest and love for his or her subject. What is more, a teacher may even become as important for children as their parents.
жүктеу 26,5 Kb.

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