Высшее профессиональное образование Н. Г. Веселовская английский язык для направления «землеустройство и кадастры»

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емых в нем проблем:
Text 1C
Principles of Land Use Planning
On the basis of long-term investigations some principles of land use 
planning are presented.
Land use planning is a dialogue, creating the prerequisites for the 
successful negotiation and cooperation among stockholders.
The core task of land use planning consists of initiating a communi-
cation and cooperation process which “allows all participants to formu-

late their interests and objectives in the dialogue”. On the basis of 
sound decisions a sustainable form of land use is proposed “whereby the 
aims and interests of other participating group are taken into account 
to the greatest possible extent”.
Traditional rural societies have their own way of approaching prob-
lems and settling conflicts concerning land use. In the process of land 
use planning, such mechanisms have to be recognized, understood and 
taken into account.
Land use planning requires transparency. Therefore, free access to 
information for all participants is a prerequisite.
Land use planning is implementation-oriented. Land use planning 
has to consider how the negotiated decisions are to be implemented. 
Land use planning does not end with the land use plan.
The implementation of limited measures (e. g. the development of 
cultivation techniques which conserve land resources) plays an impor-
tant role in increasing the trust of the people in the village as far as the 
planning process is concerned.
17. Прочитайте и письменно переведите текст 1D:
Text 1D
Comprehensive Planning and Major Steps
Chances of success for any business are greatly increased when 
attention is first directed to a comprehensive plan. When a land use 
plan is made for any new farm the land use planners should design 
a comprehensive planning. If financial assistance is necessary from 
bankers, trade creditors, or investors, their first request will be to see the 
total plan. With it they can visualize the creditworthiness of the farm.
There is no one sequence of steps in planning that is agreed upon by 
all authorities in any field. The most important thing in planning even 
a small farm is that all phases of its operations must be considered. The 
land surveyor planning a new farm should have very definite ideas about 
profits, financing, accounting, records, merchandising plans, location, 
market and customers, general method of operation, policies, advertis-
ing and promotion, amount and type of expenses, break-even-point, 
legal form of management, and inventory valuation methods, among 
other factors.
The desired income approach to the entire planning process suggests 
that the land use planner’s first question should be, “How much profit 
do I expect to receive from this farm in return from investing my time, 
and money in it?” This approach is based on the conviction that this 
question has been neglected much too often by new farm planners. No 
commitments, contracts, or obligations relative to a new farm should be 
undertaken without a clear idea of what profits are possible over at least 
the first year of operations.

The more we know about the circumstances around us, the better 
we can prepare the farm to protect itself against different unexpected-
Using the desired income approach one should take into considera-
tion important steps in planning. To complete a projected income state-
ment the land use planner should determine what profit he wants from 
this farm, recognizing the time he will give and the investment he will 
With the profit figure clearly in mind, it is possible, using statistics 
that are abundantly available, to calculate the production volume that 
is necessary to produce that particular profit.
It is also necessary to survey and test the market. The land use plan-
ner should involve close study of the production needs of the farm and 
make proper decisions on how they are to be met. Here he decides 
whether to rent or buy the farm, whether to buy delivery trucks and on 
what terms. He should also decide whether to hire a delivery service or 
eliminate such service at all.
The land use planner is to study the location and the particular site 
chosen for specific characteristics. Too many small farms are located in 
space without any analysis of the suitability of that space as a location 
for the specific type of farm planned. Planners should not only study 
the characteristics of the legal forms of organization, they should also 
seek out the true management advantages. Merchandising plan should 
be also taken into account. Merchandising is a broad term. It is popu-
larly known today as “the total marketing concept”. It covers many 
things — plans for presenting products to customers, lines of products, 
sales promotion plans, and other associated activities. An adequate sys-
tem of land uses should be established. Proper land uses are, essential 
to decision making by the land use planners.

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