Сборник текстов на казахском, русском, английском языках для формирования навыков по видам речевой деятельности обучающихся уровней среднего образования

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  • современное время, когда границы стёрты, расстояния не имеют большого значения. Термин "глобализация" пришёл на смену таким понятиям, как "взаимозависимость" и "интернационализация" и характеризует качественно новый этап развития системы международных отношений в экономической, социальной и политической сферах. Глобализация носит всеобъемлющий характер, распространяется на все стороны человеческой деятельности и затрагивает все сферы общественного и индивидуального бытия, в том числе и образование. Самым главным преимуществом глобализации является обеспечение взаимопроникновения религий, культур, традиций, ментальности, и таким образом приобщения человека к миру. Чтобы приобщиться к миру, мы полагаем, человеку нужно начать с малого – изучения иностранных языков. В XXI веке мы идем в ногу со временем, сегодня Казахстан – суверенное, независимое государство. Выход Казахстана на международную арену в области политики, экономики, в сфере образования, налаживание новых деловых и культурных контактов и экономических отношений с зарубежными партнерами – все это диктует необходимость в овладении иностранным языком. И ещё одно немаловажное подтверждение этому – вхождение Казахстана в мировое образовательное пространство. Под понятием мировое образовательное пространство мы понимаем образовательную среду, обеспечивающую усвоение общечеловеческих ценностей и развитие национальных систем образования, объединенных общими целями – образовательной и профессиональной подготовкой специалистов в различных отраслях знания. Существование такого образовательного пространства невозможно без углубленного изучения иностранного языка.


Закон и преступление
Повелитель мух
Саймона, которого они думали застать на пляже, там не оказалось. Когда Ральф с Джеком спустились на берег, чтобы взглянуть на гору, он прошел за ними несколько ярдов и остановился . Нахмурившись, он нагнулся над грудой песка, из которого кто-то пытался вылепить домик. Потом отвернулся и целеустремленно направился к лесу. Он был маленький, тощий мальчуган с острым личиком, и глаза у него так сияли, что Ральф сначала принял его за веселого хитрого шалуна. Черные густые космы нависали на низкий, широкий лоб и почти закрывали его. Шорты на нем истрепались, и он, как Джек, ходил босиком. И вообще-то смуглый, Саймон сильно загорел и блестел от пота.
Он пошел по просеке, мимо той скалы, на которую взбирался Ральф в первое утро, потом свернул вправо, под деревья. Ноги сами несли его привычным путем среди фруктовых деревьев, где каждый мог раздобыть себе вдоволь и без труда несытной, правда, еды. Цветы и фрукты росли рядом, вперемешку, и вокруг стоял запах спелости и густое жужжанье несметных пасущихся пчел. Здесь его догнали увязавшиеся за ним малыши. Они говорили все разом, что-то выкрикивали наперебой и тащили его к деревьям. Среди пчелиного гула, в закатных лучах, Саймон срывал им фрукты, до которых они не могли дотянуться, отыскивал среди листвы самые спелые и наобум совал в жадно протянутые ручки. Оделив всех, он оглянулся. Обнимая охапки отборных плодов, малыши смотрели на него неотрывно и загадочно.
Саймон бросил их и свернул на чуть заметную тропку. Скоро за ним сомкнулась чащоба. Высокие стволы поросли неожиданно бледными цветами до самых вершин, а там во тьме кипела шумная жизнь. Между стволами тоже была темень, и, как снасти затонувших судов, повисли на них лианы. Ноги Саймона оставляли следы на рыхлой земле, и по лианам, когда он за них задевал, во всю их длину пробегал трепет. Он добрался наконец до просвета. Тут лианам не приходилось далеко тянуться за солнцем, и они сплели большой ковер и занавесили чашу с опушки; здесь было каменисто и не росло ничего, кроме травки и папоротников. Темные пахучие кусты обнесли опушку стеной,

  • в этой ограде, как в чаще, плавали свет и жара. С краю опушки большое мертвое дерево привалилось к другим, еще крепким, и проворный вьюнок бойко исчертил его щегольским красно-желтым узором до самого верха.

Саймон остановился. Он, как тогда Джек, оглянулся через плечо на сомкнувшийся за ним проход и посмотрел по сторонам, чтобы удостовериться, что никто за ним не следит. Он двигался почти воровато. Потом согнулся и заполз в самую гущу лиан; они сплелись здесь так часто, что взмокали от его пота и он еле сквозь них продирался. Скоро он оказался в гущине, в гнездышке, отделенном сквозящей листвой от опушки. На корточках он отвел руками листья и выглянул. Все застыло на свету, только две пестрые бабочки плясали под зноем. Затаив дыхание, Саймон вдумчиво вслушивался в шумы острова. К острову подступал вечер. Крики ярких, немыслимых птиц, пчелиный гул, даже


возгласы чаек, тянущих к себе на ночлег среди скал, делались теперь глуше.

Шорох отяжелевших волн у рифа, на мили вдали, был невнятнее шепота крови.

Саймон снова опустил лиственный занавес. Потоки медовых лучей убывали. Скользнули по кустам, ушли с зеленых свечек, застряли в кронах, и под деревьями стала сгущаться тьма. Разом выцвели неуемные краски, отпустила жара и тревога. Подрагивали зеленые свечки. Неуверенно, осторожно выпрастывались из чашечек белые края лепестков.

День совсем ушел с опушки, стерся с неба . Тьма хлынула на лес, затопляя проходы между стволами, пока они не стали тусклыми и чужими , как дно морское. Вместо свечек на кустах раскрылись большие белые цветы, и уже их колол стеклянный свет первых звезд. Запах цветов вылился в воздух и заполонил остров.


Произошедшие в Казахстане перемены обусловили процесс проектирования и внедрения новой модели образования на основе современных информационных и педагогических технологий. Сегодня акцент ставится на создание благоприятных условий для формирования высокообразованной, кон-курентоспособной личности с этическим отношением к миру, творческим типом мышления, развитой мировоззренческой культурой, сохраняющей при этом свою уникальность, неповторимость, одаренность в различных сферах науки и искусства.
Сборник текстов на казахском, русском, английском языках для формирования навыков по видам речевой деятельности обучающихся уровней среднего образования готовит учащихся к обучению предметов на трёх языках на основе системного развития у учащихся языковой и речевой компетенции в письменной речи, чтении, аудировании и говорении по темам, которые наиболее приближены к реальным жизненным ситуациям и представлены в учебных программах начального, основного среднего и общего среднего образования. Важнейшей характеристикой коммуникативно- ориентированного обучения языку является использование текста в качестве главной дидактической единицы.
Работа с текстом позволяет развить у учащихся следующие метапредметные умения: читать и понимать текст, извлекать из него необходимую информацию, анализировать текст с точки зрения его содержания, структуры, стилистической принадлежности, пересказывать и редактировать текст, самостоятельно создавать на основе текста собственное речевое высказывание.
Сборник текстов подготовлен в соответствии с требованиями уровнего овладения языками, согласно Европейской системе уровней владения языком (CEFR). Тексты соответствуют учебным программам начальной, основной и старшей школы, способствуют дальнейшему успешному изучению предметов естественно-математического цикла на английском языке.
Сборник предназначен учителям языковых предметов и направлен на решение ряда рече-коммуникативных навыков:

  • развитие у учащихся фонематического слуха и навыка восприятия иноязычной речи в реальных жизненных ситуациях;

  • развитие навыков письменной коммуникации в условиях международного информационного пространства;

  • расширение словарного запаса;

  • развитие у учащихся навыков логического изложения мысли;

  • актуализиацию интеллектуально-творческий потенциала личности учащегося, его образовательную активность;

  • развитие у учащихся навыка самооценки выполненной работы для формирования дальнейшего стимула к изучению языков;

  • развитие у учащихся критического мышления с помощью различных типов заданий.


Работа с текстом является обязательным этапом современного урока. Несомненно, большое значение имеет содержательная сторона текстов, их эмоциональная насыщенность, соответствие нравственно-этического и эстетического содержания психологическим особенностям школьников. Работа

  • текстом на уроках непосредственно связана с развитием у учащихся эмоциональной и эстетической восприимчивости.

Таким образом, задача учителя состоит в том, чтобы организовать обучение не столько на акцентуации восприятия и памяти, сколько на мышлении как таковом. Учитель, умело подбирая методику подачи учебного материала, помогает учащемуся достичь максимально возможного уровня владения речью.



  1. По статье Ергалиевой Р. «Гордый символ суверенитета». – Казахстанская правда. – 2015. – 11 декабря — с.12

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  1. Драгунский В.Ю. "Что любит Мишка"

  2. http://gostei.ru/detskie-rasskazy

  3. Абай. «Слова назидания» (Кара соз). (Пер. с каз. С. Санбаева), Алматы, Жалын, 1982.

  1. Легендарная царица массагетовТомирис. * По книге О. Жанайдарова «Легенды Древнего Казахстана. Детская энциклопедия Казахстана».

  1. Легенда о горе Казыгурт. * По книге О. Жанайдарова «Легенды Древнего Казахстана. Детская энциклопедия Казахстана». – Алматы: Аруна,


  1. Драгунский В.Ю. «Свурху вниз, наискосок». Школьная библиотека. «За горами, за лесами». Москва «Просвещение» 1989 год.

  1. Правдивая история о cадовнике. * Истории для детей

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  2. фрагменты из книги. Н.Абрамцева «История о садовнике» М: ООО

Книжный дом Локус (2002). Твердый переплет. 352 с.

  1. ISBN: 5-87791-017-5

  2. К.Г.Паустовский. Поэзия дождя * Какие бывают дожди (Из повести «Золотая роза») * Большая хрестоматия для начальной школы (сборник) 1955год

  1. Иван Сергеевич Соколов – Микитов «Восход Солнца» (из повести «На родной земле»)» Издательство «Детская литература», 2005

  1. К.Ушинский. «Утренние лучи», «Ветер». Рассказы (читаем сами). Москва «Детская литература» 1983

  1. Д.Н.Мамин-Сибиряк. «Приемыш» (Из рассказов старого охотника). Избранные произведения для детей. Государственное Издательство Детской Литературы, Москва, 1962

  1. Л.Андреев «Кусака». Русские классики – детям. Изд. : Советская Россия,1978

  1. Зверев М. Д. «Гибель фазанки», «Зимний днь весной» - Таинственные перья (сборник) - Государственное издательство детской литературы Мин Просв РСФСР,1963

  1. Анатолий Мошковский «Пятеро в звездолете» (Глава первая. Очень важный разговор; Глава вторая. Колёсников, Глава десятая. Прощай, Земля!). Изд. «Детская литература», Москва, 1975г.

  1. БигелоуАэроспейс или Космический туризм. Автор статьи: Галетич Юлия http://www.astrotime.ru/spacetour.html

  1. С. Михалков http://lib.ru/tales/mihalkow/basni.txt


  1. Василий Сухомлинскийhttp://pumbr.ru/luchshie-rasskazi-o-semie/

  1. Бейсенбай Сулейменов http://zhurnal-prostor.kz/ assets/ files/ Raznoe/ Antology-1.pdf

  1. МухамеджанЕтекбаевhttp://zhurnal-prostor.kz/assets/files/Raznoe/Antology-1.pdf

  1. Т.Демидовичhttp://www.murzilka.org/izba-chitalnya/archive/2014/vypusk-11/drug/

  1. С. Михалков http://pritchi.ru/id_5652

  2. С. Михалков https://deti-online.com/basni/basni-mihalkova/ne-stoit-blagodarnosti

  1. Н.Носов, Собрание сочинений, стр. 288-289

  2. А. Рохмистров http://www.murzilka.org/ izba-chitalnya/ archive/ 2011/vypusk-11/ezhik/

  1. В.Осеева «Синие листья» ЭКСМО Москва 2013г. С. 28-29.

  2. Николай Сладков. http://razdeti.ru/semeinaja-biblioteka/raskazy-dlja-detei/nikolai-sladkov-raskazy/sladkov-sud-nad-dekabryom.html

  1. К.Ушинскийhttp://www.folk-tale.narod.ru/autorskaz/UshinskiiKD/Chetyre-zhelaniya.html

  1. М.Шахановhttp://poetbolat.com/библиотека/заблуждение-цивилизации

  2. С. Михалков http://www.murzilka.org/ izba-chitalnya/ stikhi-i-rasskazy/sergejj-mikhalkov/

  1. http://muzei1702.ucoz.ru/publ/multfilmy_dlja_detej_o_gigiene_i_zdorove/ skazki_rasskazy_stikhi_zagadki/irina_gurina_pochemu_nuzhno_kushat/15-1-0-33

  1. Михаил

Бруштейнhttp://muzei1702.ucoz.ru/publ/multfilmy_dlja_detej_o_gigiene_i_zdorove/ skazki_rasskazy_stikhi_zagadki/mikhail_brushtejn_volshebnyj_sup/15-1-0-31

  1. Борис Житков

  2. http://vseskazki.su/rasskazi-boris-zhitkov/garmon-chitat.html

  3. http://www.hobobo.ru/catalog/skazka/hitryij-aldar-kose

  4. http://www.hobobo.ru/catalog/skazka/chudesnaya-ptitsa

  5. В.Голявкинhttp://www.murzilka.org/izba-chitalnya/stikhi-i-rasskazy/viktor-goljavkin/

  1. Источник: http://e-history.kz/ru/contents/view/283

  1. К.Чуковскийhttp://oskazkax.ru/index.php?newsid=411

  2. Евгений Пермяк.alog/skazka/tri-mudryih-soveta

  3. НурдаулетАкышhttp://zhurnal-prostor.kz/assets/files/Raznoe/Antology-


  1. Николай Сладков http://razdeti.ru/semeinaja-biblioteka/raskazy-dlja-detei/nikolai-sladkov-raskazy/sladkov-lesnoe-vremja.html

  1. Автор: Г. Скребицкий и В. Чаплинаhttp: //www.razumniki.ru /zimoy_rasskaz.html

  1. Автор: Клаус Ругеhttp://www.razumniki.ru/zimoy_rasskaz.html

  2. ТолымбекАбдраимов., Домбра и колыбель., Детская литература.,г. Москва., 2013 г., стр.306-307

  1. В.Сухомлинскийhttp://pumbr.ru/luchshie-rasskazi-o-semie/


  1. Автор: Георгий Скребицкийhttp://vashechudo.ru/raznoe/raskazy-dlja-detei/raskazy-o-vremenah-goda-dlja-shkolnikov-chetyre-hudozhnika.html

  1. http://kidslitera.ru/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=1846&I


  1. http://www.hobobo.ru/catalog/skazka/chudesnaya-ptitsa

  2. В. Бахревский http://www.murzilka.org/ izba-chitalnya/ archive/ 2005/_ipusk_5/14/

  1. http://fb.ru/article/145646/samyie-izvestnyie-lyudi-kazahstana

  2. http://fb.ru/article/145646/samyie-izvestnyie-lyudi-kazahstana#image438191

  1. Юрий Куранов., Пир на заре., г.Москва, Советская Россия, 1982г,стр.10-11

  1. Паустовский К.Г. Отрывок из повести «Золотая роза», Новейшая христоматия, стр.210-211

  1. Б. Житков http://murzilka.org/izba-chitalnya/stikhi-i-rasskazy/boris-


  1. А. Некрасов http://www.murzilka.org/ izba-chitalnya/stikhi-i-rasskazy/andrejj-nekrasov/

  1. Михаил Зощенко http://www.alegri.ru/deti/sovety-dlja-mam/semeinaja-biblioteka/vneklasnoe-chtenie/chtenie-na-leto-perehodim-vo-2-klas/m-zoschenko-velikie-puteshestveniki.html

  1. А. Калыбековаhttp://rc-dd.kz/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/МП-5-рус-.doc



Введение 118
1 Тексты на руссском языке для начальной школы 119
2 Тексты на руссском языке для основной школы 175
Заключение 232
Список используемой литературы 234


Nowadays great work is being carried out to renew the content of education as a prior direction of the development of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The main aim of the renewal is to raise the quality of secondary education.
In modern conditions school must bring up, teach and develop a moral, creative and critically thinking personality who is able to raise permanently his/her own level of education and culture, to be useful to himself and to the society and to be successful in the changing world.
The change of the paradigm of education is the demand of time. Modern school shouldn’t only teach but it must teach a pupil how to learn independently during his/her whole life.
Training is provided through integration with other subjects through the study of cross-cutting themes, use texts of different subject areas, development of academic language.
Teachers supplement the content of the training in accordance with the introduction of three languages, developing communication skills, which are effectively used in teaching school subjects taught in Kazakh, Russian and English languages.
The purpose of the collection of texts - to offer the teachers of secondary schools classified material and model curricula updating the content of education for elementary, secondary and high schools for the formation of skills in types of speech activity of students (listening, reading).
The collection contains texts for primary, secondary and high schools, aimed at developing the communicative competence of the students, including the text of different styles (scientific, journalistic, artistic) in the framework of lexical order. The texts are different in scope and degree of difficulty.
The selection of texts was done taking into account the age characteristics of students, text content is very informative and educational value, will help develop the skills of literate speech.
In connection with the massive introduction in 2019 of updating the content of education in High School collection includes texts in the English language in computer science, physics, chemistry, biology, science, differentiated to form the listening, reading skills.
Teachers can use these texts in their work on the formation of speech and
communication skills (listening, reading).

Speech communication is the exchange of texts, therefore, teaching speech communication is teaching creation and perception of texts. Selection of texts is based on the systematization of themes which broadens and enriches every year and takes into consideration age possibilities and needs.


1. Texts in english for elementary school
Reading for pleasure

Hello, I’m Lucy. I’m 8 years old. I’m tall. My hair’s black. My eyes are blue. My face is round. My nose is short. I’m beautiful. My favourite colour is blue. I like pizza and ice-cream. I can sing and dance. I can ride a bike, but I can’t ride a horse. I like tennis and football. I live with my dad, mum and my brother Bob.
We all say hello!
We are all alike. We all use language. We speak many different languages.
What language do you speak? How do you say hello? We say Hello in English.
What Time Is It?
“What time is it?” said the boy.

Is it Time to Eat?

“I went back to bed,” said the boy.
“She went back to bed,” said the boy.
Dan and the school bus
“I am Dan,” said Dan.

“I see the school bus,” said Dan school bus.

“I meet the school bus,” said Dan school bus.

“I am happy that the school bus meets me,” said happy school bus Dan.

“I need the school bus,” said Dan.
Days of the week
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday,, Friday, Saturday, Sunday-Seven days are in a week.
I like to sing them quiet

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday,, Friday, Saturday, Sunday-

Seven days are in a week

I Like to sing them loud

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday,, Friday, Saturday, Sunday-Seven days are in a week
I like to clap them out
My family
My dad is writer. He’s clever and kind. He likes swimming. He likes tennis. I


love my dad.
My mum is a dentist. She likes chocolate and sweets. She doesn’t like running.

She likes reading and watching TV. I love my mum a lot.

Bob is 11 years old. He is tall. He can’t sing and dance. He can ride a horse and a bike. He runs very fast. He likes tennis and roller-skating.
Friends’ names
Clifford likes recess. He wants to play. Clifford gives everyone a slide! Emily Elizabeth has a new book. She likes to read. Emily reads about a crow! This was Emily’s biggest day! She wants to come back! Emily wants to learn more about trains! Emily Elizabeth and Clifford think that learning is just fun!
Hats and bats
I see Hats. I see the bats.

I see Hats and the bats.

The bats sat.

Hats and the bats meet.

Hats seem happy.
I see Hats and the bats.
Special days
Christmas is coming; the geese are getting fat,

Please to put a penny in an old man’s hat;

If you haven’t a penny, a half a penny will do,

If you haven’t got a half a penny, God bless you.

Body parts
My hands are for clapping.

My arms can huge tight.

My fingers can snap.

Or can turn out the light

My legs are for jumping

My eyes help me see

This is my body
And I love all of me
Changing seasons
It’s snowing! It’s snowing!

It’s snowing! And I’m going out


Where the snow is the deepest to tumble about?
I’ll roll a great snowball as big as myself

That will look like a world to a wee winter elf.

What can animals do?
-Baa, baa, black sheep,
Have you any wool?

Yes, sir, yes, sir,

Three bags full;

One for the master,

And one for the dame,

And one for the little boy

Who lives down the lane?
Animal song and dance
Do you have a pet? Yes, I have a dog

I have a pet. He is a dog. He says:

Woof, woof, woof, woof, woof, woof!
I have a cat. I have a pet. She is a cat. And she says:

Meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow!

I have a mouse. I have a pet. He is a mouse. And he says

Squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak

Rain makes the grass green and it makes your garden grow. There are always tiny drops of water vapor in the air. Warm air has more water vapor than cold air, which is why it is often humid in the summer.
Warm air rises, and with it rise the water droplets. These tiny drops rise if cold air blows in. Mountains can also make them rise, which is why it rains a lot there. When the air holds lots of water droplets, clouds form. If a lot of water droplets gather in the clouds, the clouds become heavy.
Danger of the water droplets to fall as rain.
A beach story
It was an afternoon in the middle of July. I went to the beach. I liked my friends, but sometimes I want to have some personal time to think. I got out of my car and walked. The beach was always so admirable that it brought peace to my heart. I enjoyed the wonderful smell of the ocean. The smell was so strong. The sunset was beautiful. The wind made my hair fly around. I guess it’s my lucky day,


the beach was quiet. It was quieter than the park at night.
I walked to the middle of the beach and sat down on the sand. Once again the feeling of peace struck me again. The beach was so calm. This was rare because it was always crowded. I closed my eyes and tried to remember every detail I saw that day.
A beach story
It’s a beautiful day and the girls are spending the afternoon at the beach.

They put their sunscreen and spend the day swimming, skipping rope, eating ice-cream, and relaxing in the shade with their comics.

The girls are all very different from each other in many ways, but they like each other just as they are.
A beach story

  • Hi, Julia! How was your holiday?

  • It was so much fun.

  • Where did you go?

  • I went to Halkidiki, a popular beach resort in Greece.

  • Who did you go with?

  • I went with my father, mother and an elder sister.

  • Do you have a house at the beach?

  • Oh, no! We stayed at a hotel.

  • Did you play in the water?

  • Sure. I went swimming much.

  • How about your elder sister?

  • She doesn’t like the water. She prefers sitting on the beach and reading a


  • What was the weather like during your vacation?

  • It was mainly dry and hot. Sometimes it rained at nights. And the water was so clean and warm.

  • And will you go there again next year?

  • Of course, I will.

Fun places
My favorite holiday is my birthday. I always have parties on my birthdays. I invite a lot of friends and cook tasty food. My last birthday party was on the 9th of June. It was summer and we went to the forest for a picnic. I invited five girls and my parents also went there. We danced and played different games. We made a fire and we all had a great fun. Then we went home and made a small tea-party with cakes, juice and sweets.
My parents and friends gave me a lot of nice presents. I liked them very much.


Fun places

  • Wow! It’s only 2 days left till our winter holidays!

  • Yes, Mark. We are going to have a proper rest at last.

  • What are you going to do during these holidays?

  • I’d like to spend in a ski-resort but it depends on my parents. And you? Do you have any holiday plans?

  • What about going to the movies first?

  • That sounds perfect.

  • And we can shop a little too. You know I need new sneakers.

  • OK, then. What day shall we choose?

  • Next Monday would be nice.

  • How kind of you to invite me.

  • Come on, Mark! You must be joking! You are my best friend.

Flying kites
Jerry: Hi Fei, how's the new job going?

Fei: It's very exciting and I'm really learning a lot.

Jerry: How about if we go to lunch together?
Fei: No, I want to do something more active. I have an idea. Why don't we go to the park and fly a kite!
Jerry: Are you kidding?

Fei: No. Look, I have this kite my uncle gave me.

Jerry: Hey, it's a butterfly. It must look really cool flying high in the sky!

Fei: So, are you up for it?

Jerry: Okay... But where can we fly a kite in such a big city?

Fei: We can go down the street.

Jerry: Okay, I'm right behind you!

Jerry: Wow! So many kites!

Fei: I used to come here as a kid to play, and at night my mother and grandmother sometimes came to dance.
Jerry: All of these kites are really beautiful. Look at that long one over there. It looks like a dragon to me.
Fei: Okay, hold onto the kite while I get the string ready. On the count of three, let go. One... Two... Three... Here we go!!!
Number games
Write down numbers on the board as follows:

1, 10, 11, 6, 17, 80

2, 20, 12, 7, 18, 90

3, 30, 13, 8, 19, 100

4, 40, 14, 9, 60,

5, 50, 15, 16, 70


With the numbers on the board go through the pronunciation of the numbers with the class. Make sure they understand the difference between confusing numbers like SIXTEEN & SIXTY. In other words emphasize numbers that might sound confusing. After this, make two teams and explain that the teacher will say a number out loud and they will have to race to the board and find the number and cross it out with the marker or chalk. The student who gets it right scores a point for his/her team. Take turns doing this until all students or most get a chance.
Sources of light
Different natural and other sources of light includes Sun, candles, bulbs, lamps


What sources of light do you use every day? The sun is the biggest source of light. It warms the world so plants grow and animals can live. It allows you to work and play. Without the light of the sun, all life on earth would die. We also have electric light bulbs that bring us light. How about candles and flashlights?

These light sources all need energy – from electricity, wax or batteries – to

Day and night
At the same time we rotate around the sun, our planet is also spinning on its own axis. The axis is an imaginary line through the center of Earth. Earth makes one full spin on its axis every twenty-four hours, moving us from day to night and back into day. Light from the Sun shines on Earth as it spines, but it only lights up half of our planet at one time. Most people get about twelve hours of light and twelve hours of darkness every day. This gives us time to go to school or work and to play, and it is also gives our bodies time to rest and sleep.
Out at night
— Let’s eat out tonight. I’m too tired to cook.

— Sounds good to me! How about sushi?

— Great! There’s а sushi-bar just around the corner.

— Are you hungry?

— No, I’ve just had lunch.

— Let’s go out and grab a coffee.

— Sounds good. There’s a Starbuck’s across the road.
Times of my day

  • Helen, what time is it?

  • It’s half past eight.

  • Is it time to get up?

  • Yes, it’s time to have breakfast.


  • OK. Go to the bathroom, wash your face and hands and clean your teeth.

  • Mum, now my face is clean and my teeth are white. Let’s have breakfast.

  • Sit down. This is your porridge and this is your tea and a sandwich.

  • I don’t want any porridge!

  • No, dear. You must eat porridge. And then you can play with your toys and go for a walk.

  • OK, Mummy. Thank you.

Days of the week
This is May. She is ten years old. She’s tall and thin. She’s got long brown hair. She’s got brown eyes. She can sing and dance. She can’t swim.
Every Monday May reads Chinese books with her friends. Every Tuesday she rides a bike to school. On Wednesdays she plays music at school. On Thursdays she sings English songs with her friends. Every Friday she cooks eggs at home. Every Saturday and Sunday she plays with her friends. Saturday and Sunday are her favorite days of the week.
Days of the week
Sunday is the first day of the week. The first day of the week is Sunday.

Sunday is a weekend day.

Monday is the second day of the week on the calendar. Monday is also the first day of the work week. (Everyone hates Monday because it's the first day back to work after the weekend!)
Tuesday is the third day of the week. It's the second day of the work week.
Wednesday is the fourth day of the week. It's the third day of the work week.

Wednesday is the middle of the week. Thursday is the fifth day of the week.

It's the fourth day of the work week.

Friday is the sixth day of the week. It's the fifth and last day of the work week. Everyone loves Friday because it's the last day of the week. In the afternoon,

the weekend begins.

Saturday is the seventh day of the week. It comes before Sunday.

Saturday and Sunday are the weekend.
Four walls

  • Have you got a room?

  • Yes, I have. My room is big and comfortable.

  • Are there any windows in it?

  • Yes, there are. There is one window with yellow curtains on it.

  • And where is a desk to do your homework?

  • The desk is in the corner, between the bed and a wardrobe.

  • I see. Are there any posters on the walls?

  • Well. Not many. There are 2 posters of my favorite football team on the wall,


above my bed.

  • You like your room, don’t you?

  • Yes, I do. I enjoy spending my free time there: I play, read and do my homework in it. And I try to keep my room tidy.

Our town

  • Is it your first visit to New York?

  • Yes.

  • So what are you going to do while you are here?

  • Well, I don't know much about New York.

  • You've just got two days, haven't you? You are going to be pretty busy if you want to see all the sights.

  • I'm planning to start early tomorrow morning. What should I do first?

  • I think you should start with the Empire State Building. It's not the highest building now, but the view is just beautiful in the morning, clear and fresh. You have to do that.

  • It sounds great. I'll do that. Tell me, which is the highest building now?

  • The World Trade Centre building. It's wonderful.

Animal types
There were two goats. Over a river there was a very narrow bridge. One day a goat was crossing this bridge. Just at the middle of the bridge he met another goat.
"Go back," said one goat to the other, "There is no room for both of us". "Why should I go back?" said the other goat. "Better you must go back." “You must go back", said the first goat, "because I am stronger than you." "You are not stronger than I", said the second goat. "We will see about that", said the first goat and he put down his horns to fight.

"Stop!" said the second goat.

“If we fight, we shall both fall into the river. I shall lie down and you may walk over me."
Then the wise one laid down on the bridge and the other goat walked highly over him. So they crossed the bridge comfortably and went on their ways.
Part I

  • What can this little dinosaur eat?

  • He can eat plants.

  • Yum! Yum!

  • What can this big dinosaur eat?

  • He can eat little dinosaurs. He sees the little dinosaur.

  • Run, little dinosaur run! The little dinosaur got away. He is safe.


Part II

  • Have you got pets at home?

  • Yes, I have.

  • How many pets have you got?

  • I have a cat and a parrot at home.

  • How old is your cat?

  • Tom is old, it is eleven years old. It has small ears, nice green eyes and a long tail. It likes to play with balls, climb the doors and it is very funny.

  • What does it like to eat? Is Tom fat?

  • Yes, it is fat. It eats much fish, sausage, meat and milk.

  • And what does your parrot like?

  • My parrot likes to fly and jump. It eats corn and apples.

Part III

  • Where were you on Sunday? Were you at home?

  • No, I wasn’t. I was at the Zoo with my sister.

  • What was it like?

  • It was great! There were lots of people and children there. And the weather was nice.

  • Were there many animals at the Zoo?

  • Yes. There were a lot of wild animals in the cages: lions, tigers, elephants, monkeys, wolves, foxes, bears and giraffes.

Marco Polo
Marco Polo is famous for his journeys across Asia. He was born in Venice. When he was only 17 years old, he travelled to Asia with his father and uncle. The journey was very long. They visited a lot of places and saw wonderful things: eye glasses, ice-cream, spaghetti and the riches of Asia.
After three years they entered China, met the visitors at his Summer Palace. He was happy to see one of the greatest cities of the thirteenth century and spent 18 years in China. When he returned to Italy, he became a popular storyteller. People came to his home to hear stories about his journeys. Many of them did not believe him.
When he died, he said: 'I haven't told half of what I saw, because no one can believe it.'
My music
Ann: Albert, what kind of music do you like to listen to?
Albert: Pop, rock and classical. Why?

Ann: I have tickets to a show. Do you want to go with me?

Albert: What kind of music is it?

Ann: Pop. It’s Mariah Carey.

Albert: When is it?

Ann: At 8PM tomorrow night.


Albert: Yeah, I’d like to go, that’s a good idea.
My music

  • What kind of music do you like - classical, popular or chamber?

  • When I come home after a hard day at school I like to listen to pop-music and relax. But if I want to think something over, to solve some problems, then I prefer listening to some pieces of classical music.

  • Who is your favorite composer?

  • If you mean a classic, I am very fond of Mozart.

  • Do you take music lessons?

  • Well, I took piano lessons for several years. In fact, I finished a music school some years ago.

  • Are you fond of collecting records?

  • Of course, I am.

  • What records do you have?

  • My collection of records is not very large. I regularly buy records of modern pop-groups, singers and orchestras.

Body Language
The sun was rising and children were waking. Kareem and Hibba, wake up my precious little jewels. It is time to get ready for school.
“Ooooow,”yarn the children

Hibba washed up, wore her uniform, brushed her teeth, ate breakfast, and put on her shoes.

“Gagga, foofoo” said Kareem.

“When I grew up, I am going to show Kareem how to ride a bike” said Hibba. Kareem smiled and gave Hibba a hug.

“ It's almost like he knows what I'm saying mommy. But he's a baby. How can babies know what bigger people are saying?” asked Hibba.
“Maybe he just understands” said mother. It is called body language.

“Does that mean my body can talk” asked Hibba?

“More like your body understands what the other body is trying to tell you”

said mother.

Scotty is a little puppy. He's brown and black. He's got a very good friend. His friend's name is Tim.Tim is at school. When Tim goes to school, Scotty goes with his friend to school, too.
Scotty is happy when he sees Tim. Tim is happy to see his friend, too. Tim says: "Hi, Scotty!"
Scotty says: "Bow-wow-wow!"

One day when Tim goes to school and Scotty goes to school with Tim too,


Tim's book falls out of his school-bag.
Scotty sees it. He takes the book, runs to Tim and gives it to him. Tim is happy. He says: "Oh, what a clever dog I've got! Thank you very much, Scotty."
Scotty is very, very happy. He jumps near Tim and says: "Bow-wow-wow!"
Sport and the English people
The British are often called “stay-at-home” people. They spend a lot of time at home. They watch television a lot.
Outside the home the British enjoy their time off in many different ways:

walking, playing darts and different games.

The most popular sports are football and cricket. Football is the favourite winter game in Britain and cricket – the favourite summer sport.
Golf, tennis and horse riding are very popular, too. The British enjoy playing sports and watching them.
The Longest ever Olympics
The longest Olympic was held in London in 1908. It began in April and ran until October. It lasts 187 days. It is more than half an hour.
Victor couldn’t go to the match
Victor Ivanov is a worker. He lives in Moscow. He is a football fun. Victor likes to go to football matches.
There was a very interesting football match last Saturday. It was a match between the teams of Russian and English. He couldn’t go to the match, because looked after his little sister.
He cooked food for the child, he washed and dressed her. That was not very easy. To tell the truth it was very difficult.
When the mother was back from the city, she found Victor and Kate at home. They watched TV and the most interesting match between the teams of Russian and England.
Baseball and Friends
Part I
Jack and Kate loved to play baseball with their friends. On the weekends they would play for their baseball team, the Terrifying Tigers.
All of their friends were in their team, even Barry who wasn't a good baseball player. Barry wanted to be like his favorite baseball player, Rick Hernandez.
One day Jack and Kate saw their teammates making fun of Barry. Barry was very sad. Barry asked Jack and Kate to make them stop. But they joined with their teammates. They called Barry a crybaby and a bad baseball player. After that day Barry decided to cheat. Barry was going to use his science skills.


Part II
At the next game Barry hit a home run at once! This shocked every player, coach and family members. Barry wasn't known for hitting the ball.
Soon the coach found out the reason and said “You're out of here!” Barry was even sadder than before.
Later Jack and Kate went to Barry's house and told him that that they help him get back. But he must promise not to cheat again. He agreed and from then on Barry never cheated again.
Bob’s room
It is raining. The children can’t play in the garden. Bob and Lucy must stay at home. They sit on the floor in Bob’s room. Bob’s room needs tidying. Bob wants to throw some things away, but Lucy likes these things.
There is an old poster on the wall. That’s the Maradona poster. Maradona is one of the best football players in the world. He helped Argentina win the World Cup in 1986. Bob likes football very much. But he wants a new poster.
Bob wants to give poster, skateboard and tennis racket to Lucy. But she doesn’t want them.
She wants old magazines and cassettes on the shelves, because she likes pop music. Bob is kind. He gives her cassettes in the blue box.
The Farmer and His Sons
A rich old farmer, who felt that he had not many days to live, called his sons to his bedside.
"My sons," he said, "Listen what I want to say to you. Somewhere on it is hidden a rich treasure. I do not know the exact spot, but it is in our farm and you must find it. "
The father died. The sons began to dig with all their might, turning up every foot of ground with their spades.
They didn’t find the treasure. But at harvest time they had a rich profit more than their neighbors. They understood that the treasure was not under the ground. Their father wanted to say that they must work hard and be together. It is a big treasure.
The treasure map
Sanjay saw a bottle in the sea. There was something inside it.

He took it out.

“What is it?” asked Sarah.

“It’s a map! It’s a map!”

They looked round and saw a talking parrot.

“Buried treasure! Buried treasure!”


“Wow! A treasure map! Let’s follow it.”

“Maybe it’s gold!”

“Or silver?”

“Or jewels?”

“OK. We are here and the treasure is here.” “Let’s go! I’ll read.” said the parrot. “Walk 80 meters north.”

“1, 2, 3…..78, 79, 80.”

“Go through the cave. Mind the bats! Walk straight to the beach.

Go along the beach for 200 meters. The treasure is behind the square rock.” “Over there! Over there!” Parrot shouted.
“It’s empty!” cried Sarah. Inside there was an old note.

Dear Finder, sorry, but I took my gold. I needed to buy a new pirate ship. Bye, Captain Redbeard.’

“Well, at least we had a nice walk.” said Sanjay.
Planet Earth
Welcome to the Planet Earth Museum. Here you can learn some interesting facts about our planet.
There are many amazing places on the Earth. Forests are home for the world of animals and plants. Trees clean the air and produce oxygen for us to breathe.
We destroy more than 36 football fields of forests every minute and throw away thousands of trees in paper every day.
The oceans are home to millions of marine animals. A lot of the rubbish we throw to the oceans. Turtles mistake plastic bags for jellyfish and die when they eat them.
Rivers collect rain water and carry it to the oceans. Along the way, plants absorb and clean the water so it is safe for us to drink.
This is a green world and people must respect nature.
Daisy the Doctor
Part I
This is the Doctor Daisy. She is going to the work. Daisy works at the Medical Center. Her job is to help people and to treat them when they are ill.
The waiting room is already full of people when Daisy arrives.

Alice gives Daisy a pile of notes about her patients.

Children can play with toys while they are waiting. Grownups usually prefer to read magazines.
Part II
In her consulting room Daisy check her computer. Daisy’s computer is linked to Alice’s, so she always knows who’s coming to see her.
At nine o’clock exactly, Daisy calls her first patient. He’s a little boy named


Isaac Sanchez.
“Poor little Isaac’s been up all night with awful earache,” says his mum.

Daisy checks Isaac’s ears. He is afraid, so daisy shows on his teddy bear. “See, it doesn’t hurt teddy,” she says.

Then she looks inside Isaac’s ear.

“Hmmm…his left ear’s very red,” she says. “He has an infection, so he’ll need some antibiotics.”

Daisy prints out a prescription and sings it.
Part III
Next was a mum with Aruna, a tiny baby and a small boy called Ravi. “We’re here for Aruna’s check-up”, says the mum.
She weighs baby Aruna. She measures Aruna’s body and her head. She listens to her breathing with her stethoscope.
“Aruna’s doing fine,” Daisy tells the mum.
Part IV
Just then, Alice knocks and opens the door from Reception.

“Someone’s had an accident!” she says. “Can you see him?

Daisy hears someone crying. A young boy is holding arm and waiting.
“His … his arm doesn’t stop bleeding,” says his mum.

“What is your name, young man?” asks Daisy.

“A-a-a-lex” sobs the boy.
Daisy examines his arm. “You don’t need to go to hospital. Michael the Nurse can treat it here.”
“I was on… on the yellow swing in the playground,” sobs Alex and I tried to jump off. But I…I landed on a bike – BANG! And it really, really hurt.”
Alex stops crying. Michael the Nurse treats the cut.
Part V
Daisy sees all the patients; At last it’s time to go home.

“I’m exhausted’, she says to Alice. “I haven’t lunch and I’ve got a headache.” “Maybe you must go to the doctor!” says Alice.


Now Daisy is running home. But she still has a lot more patients to see: a young boy with a cough; a little girl with eczema; a wheezy girl who has asthma…

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шегінде бюджетке
салығы шегінде
есептелген қосылған
ұйымдарға есептелген
дайындаушы ұйымдарға
кешен саласындағы
сомасын субсидиялау