Высшее профессиональное образование Н. Г. Веселовская английский язык для направления «землеустройство и кадастры»

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1. Прочитайте следующие слова:
Land, inhabitants, development, planning, provide, profoundly, gift, 
use, surveying, basis, nature, qualified, directly, ownership, prosperous, 
skills, peasant, important.
2. Прочитайте и переведите следующие словосочетания:
Land use, land use planning, land surveying, a land surveyor, pro-
foundly educated, land information, advanced countries, to sustain life
to pose a question, opposite situation, a simple answer, individual basis, 
an aspect of survival, land ownership.
3. Прочитайте и переведите текст 1А:
Text 1A
The Individual and Society
It is obvious that any textbook on land use planning begins by posing 
the question, “What is land use planning about?” It is not a difficult 
problem to give a simple answer to this basic question. Land use plan-
ning or land surveying is a process of managing the use and develop-
ment of land resources in a sustainable way. It is essentially a study of 
the methods in which land use planners apply their knowledge, skills 
and efforts to the gifts of nature in order to satisfy their needs and 
Effective land use planning is impossible without land information. 
Such information includes land resource capacity, land tenure, land 
ownership and land use.
Even in the prosperous, economically advanced countries there is an 
aspect of survival. Land helps people to survive. That’s why lands are 
very important resources for men.
Some people have the abilities to sustain life without outside assist-
ance. But a large percentage of the human race of the third world still 
lives in very small self-sufficient peasant communities. These people 

experience great poverty, but they provide on an individual basis, for 
their own survival. They have a degree of economic independence.
The inhabitants of cities are totally incapable of providing for them-
selves, directly, the means of survival. Here we can observe the opposite 
situation — a high level of living together with an extreme economic 
dependence. Such people depend upon the efforts and cooperation of 
many thousands of specialist workers, among them land use planners. 
Land use planning is concerned with land cadastre, land relations, land 
improvement, agriculture, soil sciences, law, geodesy, geography, com-
puter science, etc. To solve these problems land use planners must be 
not only qualified but profoundly educated specialists.

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