законодательства по защите инвестиций; реформирование инвестиционного и смежного
законодательства, в особенности в инновационной сфере, для содействия притоку
эффективных ПИИ.
Петрушкевич, Е.
Прямые иностранные инвестиции в странах Единого
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// Беларусь и мировые экономические процессы / К.В. Якушенко
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The Global Innovation Index 2015. [Electronic resource] – Mode of access:
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Wolfram Scharff
Privates Institut für Umweltanalysen,
Dresden, Germany
Petr Hájek
Central Bohemia University,
Prague, Czech Republic
Baurzhan Tolysbayev
L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University,
Astana, Kazakhstan
Nurlan Kurmanov
Kazakh University of Economics, Finance and International Trade,
Astana, Kazakhstan
Dina Aibossynova
L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University,
Astana, Kazakhstan
E-mail: n.a.kurman@mail.ru
In 2010 expenditure on technological innovation in Kazakhstan, overall amounted to 235.5
billion tenge, which is only 26.6% of the total innovative cost of enterprises for the purchase of
machinery and equipment. This compares to research and development of new products, methods
production (transfer), and new production processes, which received only 11.3%.
Such a structure of cost allocation for innovation is characteristic of countries with low
scientific potential. In western European countries, 80% of expenditure is allocated for innovation,
with more spent on research and development [1].
These show the predominance of the state strategic planning and forecasting in Kazakhstan,
as compared to the more pragmatic foreign models.
It is seen from the comparison of approaches that the state, with its inherent functions, is an
active subject of the modern market economy: economic, social, administrative, and other similar
State-owner: generates the sector of public enterprises and national companies, the
management of which is part of its duties.
State-enterprise: participates in national and other high-risk projects, using its
existing assets, including public and private partnerships, and manages its own or joint businesses;
State administrator: coordinates and controls the activities of all economic players,
including its own business, and that of the public sector of the national economy; and
State corporation: creates conditions for acceptable activities for all economic
players, directing them to form the Universal Lobar Society or a welfare group.
Subsequently, the Kazakhstan practice had confirmed the complexity of innovation
development and identified inefficiencies in transitioning to an innovative economy as initially
elected. Accordingly, during 2009 – 2010 the Government adopted swift action to change this
situation in terms of the most critical areas and points of application. A more thorough analysis of
the causes and effects impeding economic development was conducted. The failure in the industrial
sector was considered to be the main deterrent in transitioning to an innovative economic model.
The reason for adopting a new state program of innovative development was based on rapid
industrialization, which was originally about implementing more effective ways for the state to
regulate innovative processes [2].
To ensure further innovative development of enterprises, the following is recommended.
Commercialization of technologies should be linked directly to the practical application of
scientific and technological activities, in order to introduce into the market either new or improved
products, and processes and services, that have a positive economic effect.
A systematic approach to commercializing technology will give a significant impetus for a
rapid introduction of scientific and technical activities in the economic cycle. This will eventually
allow the state to create new jobs, to return to the budget through tax revenue, invest in research and
development work, and improve the overall competitiveness of Kazakhstan in the global technology
To create a normative legal base for the development of a system for intellectual property
and commercialization in the Republic of Kazakhstan, the interests of all stakeholders in intellectual
property and commercialization should be taken into account, to ensure investments are stable and
secure. This measure will allow research institutions to participate in all forms of intellectual
property and commercialization, and likewise for researchers working in public research
institutions. As well, it will allow them to manage and own a share of the stocks in an innovative
company. This would reduce the risk of scientific unities creating their own intellectual-property
based business.
In particular, according to the experience of European countries, state support for the use of
the commercial potential of research institutes and universities, stimulates and motivates scientists
and institutions to commercialize their knowledge and technology. The continuous transfer of
knowledge from the public sector to the private should be developed. It is necessary to arrange
measures to recognize domestic patents abroad, develop a system of intellectual property for
implementation into the economic circulation, and develop a state system of intellectual property
It is also necessary to create a system of information exchange - a state created network of
institutions for innovative development, to support innovative projects at all stages. As a part of
such a system of information exchange, the mechanism of forwarding on information, which
promises innovative projects among institutions of innovative development, should be established.
An information exchange system should also be an effective tool of “linking" the research and
development with the business, resulting in the formation of new companies based on the results of
applied research.
To build competencies in the field of technology, a development priority would be to
provide commercialization training to staff supporting the commercialization process and their
primary beneficiaries.