- Change the initial weight of raw materials and semi-finished products processing;
- Irregular output throughout the year;
- Significant fluctuations in work in progress;
- Minor changes to the rules, small differences between the planned and regulatory cost.
In enterprises Dairy costs of raw materials are taken into account under several articles
such as "Raw", "Essential", "recyclable waste", "Auxiliary materials for technological purposes,"
"containers and packaging". For raw materials are natural milk, cream, cheese, sour cream, and
others. The basic materials are sugar, candied fruit, raisins, vanilla, salt, cocoa, coffee, oil, flour,
and other ingredients. Return wastes include skim milk, buttermilk and whey obtained in the
development of oil, rennet cheese, cream, cottage cheese, and other products. Recyclable waste
estimated by companies for intraindustrial consumption is excluded from raw material
costs. Waste production also includes stripping and cutting cheese and cheese sold to feed farm
The costs of auxiliary materials which include industrial chemicals, enzymes, fabric
(gauze, flannel or calico filter, cotton filters, etc.), disinfectants and detergents, equipment,
packaging materials, single use packaging highlighted in a separate article.
The article "Containers and packaging" reflects the costs of packaging materials and
containers in which the finished product on the production floor is placed. Wooden containers,
cardboard and corrugated cardboard, in which butter, cheese, canned milk are placed, include in
the cost of finished products in the amount of 100% of the cost of the packaging.
The main task of breeders is to increase of milk production and improve its quality. The
solution to this problem is connected with the improvement of production activities. The analysis
and evaluation of the results of the work should take into account both quantitative and
qualitative characteristics of milk production.
In animal to primary documents, based on which all subsequent entries in the accounting
records, include such documents as:
cost accounting of labor;
on the use of labor;
accounting items of work;
accounting yield
The production of cost accounting and calculation of cost of production in the food
industry is carried out by pig method using the elements of a standard method of accounting
for raw materials, materials and labor costs.
The main raw materials leaving in the production is carried out in strict accordance with
the production program of the enterprise in compliance with the existing rules and recipes of
their consumption and is made of limit-tapping cards, patch requirements on holiday (internal
moving) materials.
Deviations from the norms of consumption of raw materials are identified inventory
method. With this method, deviations are identified for each type of raw material by comparing
the actual flow at a flow rate of these values according to the norms laid down in the regulatory
costing. Daily workshops are inform the accounting department of the enterprise about thesupply
and consumption of raw materials, basic materials, release of the production and delivery to the
warehouse of finished products in the past day. These particulars also show the actual
consumption of raw materials and basic materials in comparison with the current regulations.
Payroll is carried out in the context of workshops and objects of calculation. The
distribution of labor costs of production workers in the calculation section (by product) is based
on piece rates per unit, the tariff rates and salaries for by the hour paid workers, over-tariff
surcharges to the basic piece-rates due to a departure from the normal conditions of production,
over-tariff surcharges on piece work bonus by and the hour bonus system of remuneration for
operating results and other payments.
That part of the wages of production workers, direct assignment of which the cost of
individual products is difficult, distributed in the following order:
- In the enterprises of the dairy industry - on the basis of the calculation based on the
volume of production, the list of jobs and service standards, or in proportion to the cost of raw
The costs of items: recyclable waste, purchased products, semi-finished products and
production services of third-party companies and organizations, transport and procurement
expenses, supplies for technological purposes, fuel and energy for technological purposes are
allocated for objects of calculation is proportional to the weight of raw materials taken for
processing .
Indirect costs are allocated among the various product types in proportion to the cost of
raw materials, wages of production workers, mass and volume of output, as is customary in
accounting policies.
The actual cost of the finished product released is determined for each item of
expenditure: the residue of work in progress at the beginning of the month added the actual costs
for the period and subtracts the cost of defect and the final amount of shortages and balances
work in progress at the end of the month.
When calculating the cost of manufactured products
when from one kind of raw
material is produced simultaneously several varieties of products distribution of the total
manufacturing costs is performed on the coefficients set at the appropriate grade products in the
following sequence:
1. The amount determined by the conventional units of product by multiplying the
quantity of each kind of products by the appropriate factor;
2. The determined costs of a conventional unit by dividing the sum of operating costs
totaling conventional units;
3. Determined by production cost of each variety of products by multiplying the cost per
standard unit by the number of conventional units of each variety.
The amount of costs for all grades should give a result of the production cost of
production as a whole.
All other production costs recognized in the relevant articles of calculation costs as a
whole are broken down calculating objects (by species and product names) is proportional to the
standard cost calculated for each item separately.
Conclusion. In the conditions of modern market relations the initial cost is an important
feature of industrial and economic activities of the organization. Calculation of this indicator is
necessary for the evaluation of the plan for it and its dynamics; the definition of production and
profitability of individual products;
identification of reserves decrease production
costs; determining the pricing of products; calculation of national income at the national
level; calculation of the economic efficiency of new equipment and technology.
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