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Sarsenova L 9 lesson



Practical lesson №9

«Healthy life style.

Grammar: Phrasal verbs: Verb + particle»

Cours: 1st,105-A
Perfomend: Sarsenova L.М
Speciality: General Medicine
Chacked by: Makhmutyly А.
Deparment of Language
Almaty, 2022

Ex- 1

Find in the text the following words. Translate them.
stressful – шиеленіскен (напреженный)
to live under the pressure- қысыммен өмір сүру(жить под давлением)
to suffer from stress- стрестен зардап шегеді(страдать от стрессовых)
diseases- аурулар(заболеваний)
strong and healthy- күшті және денсаулық (крепкий и здоровый)
physical and mental health - физикалық және психикалық денсаулық
"a sound mind is in a sound body" - "Дені саудың-жаны сау"
accessible - қолжетімді
to contain - для сдерживания
to be harmful - зиянды болу үшін
to get rid of bad habits - жаман әдеттерден арылу үшін
to avoid anxiety- мазасыздықты болдырмау үшін


1.The cassette seemed to come apart in my hands.

2. He came in for a lot of criticism because he refused to cut long hair.
3. When I met him, he came across as an exceptionally talented person.
4. He tried to buy out the other firm but his plan did not come off.
5. He came at me with a knife. I had to defend myself.
6. He has had a difficult time since he came down with that viral disease.
7. In my bones, I can feel bad weather coming on.
8. Several convicts came forward to be subjects for medical experimentation,.
9. He can't eat strawberries, he comes out in a rash.
10. I have come up with some ideas that will help in the office
Phrasal Verb BREAK exercise
1. "Why did the negotiations break down again? Don't they want to have peace?." 2. John broke up with Jill again. I doubt they'll get married now.
3. He broke away from the group and won by more than 10 meters.
4. Jill broke through the glass ceiling. She is the first woman president of her
5. Don't let him break in us. We've got a lot to talk about.
6. Our house was broken into last week but nothing was taken.
7. Like the song says, breaking up is hard to do.
8. He broke out of jail and now he's on the run.
9. Professor Jona is known for breaking off in mid-sentence. He's losing it.
10. Our truck broke down on the way home from school and we had to walk home.


Phrasal Verb SEE exercise

  1. I need someone to take care of my cat; will you see to it that someone does?

  2. When I left the party, the hostess saw me out

  3. She was surprised when everybody came to say goodbye and see her off properly at the airport

  4. After she had the accident she should have had the doctor see to her injuries

  5. I saw in the New Year with some friends from university

  6. She saw through him when he pretended to be a policeman.

  7. Anyone could have seen through his disguise; it was so obvious that it was him

  8. We used to spend lots of time together, but I haven't seen much of her for ages

  9. I've got an appointment nat five to see a dealer about buying a new car

  10. The dog saw the burglar of; he ran back over the garden wall screaming

  11. There's someone in reception and I'm busy; could you see to them?

  12. They say she has supernatural powers and can see into the future In

13. If you see a guest out, you take them to the front door to leave


Phrasal Verb HAND exercise
1. The teacher handed out the exam papers to the students
2. She handled the situation brilliantly; you have to hand it to her.
3. He had to hand everything back that he had taken without permission.
4. Her elder sister always hands her old clothes down for her to wear when they are too small
5. Hands .... or I'll shoot!
Up in on
6. She always hands up her work on time
7. He was handed over to the police, who charged him with murder
8. Hand over the money and no one will get hurt!
9. When you've finished reading the booklet, please hand it on to your colleagues
10. She did that well; you have to hand it to her!
11. The court will hand down their decision on Monday
12. The course is practical rather than theoretical, so the emphasis is on hands-on learning

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