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Кілт сөздері: Шетел тілін оқыту, фильмдер арқылы оқыту, оқыту әдістемесінің тиімділігі, оқыту тәжірибесі.

Ключевые слова: Обучение иностранному языку, обучение через фильмы, эффективность методики обучения, опыт преподавания.

Keywords: Teaching a foreign language, learning through films, the effectiveness of teaching methods, teaching experience.

English, as we know, is used in 70% of the world's population and is accessible to many. The number of Nobel Prize winners from the United States and the United Kingdom is 63% by country. A lot of good works, whether they are movies, music, books, and short stories, etc., in a language that is generally known to us, that is, in English. We can say that today we can not live without knowledge of the English language. Language is in demand in all spheres of life, whether it is study or work, even entertainment like games and works by favorite authors are primarily published in the original language. Many works are translated indirectly, after the translation of English or another language known around the world. Teaching and learning foreign languages has become a means of communication with the outside world. This is why there is a demand for teachers, teachers of the English language. In the study of languages and their teaching, there are a plural number of techniques. For each person, there is a favorite way of learning. I would like to introduce you to the methodology of training through watching our favorite movies and cartoons. Anyone is not averse to relax while watching their favorite TV series or movie. This favorite activity can also be used in learning foreign languages [1, p. 29-30].

How can movies help you teach or learn English?

Movies and cartoons primarily help you get used to foreign speech, the pronunciation of native speakers. The more you listen, the more you get used to a foreign language. Movies and cartoons help to transfer to the environment of this language and culture. Thanks to the fact that we remember the pronunciation, it is then easier for us to reproduce the words ourselves, repeating what we have heard. Based on this, let's look at why the film training method is effective [2, p. 1].

First, clear speech. In movies and especially cartoons, words are pronounced clearly and clearly, as well as in a light form. Cartoons are intended primarily for children, so the speech is simplified accordingly. Because of the clear speech and clarity due to the visual frames, this is the best option for children to get acquainted with the language. Even if the children do not understand some of the words, the pictures will be able to navigate and understand what is being said in general.

Secondly, it is easier to learn words and phrases in context from movies. By the context, you can understand where these words that we teach can be applied. Words are more interesting to learn in the association, for example from the mouth of a favorite character from a favorite scene, for example, “- I like to move it” by King Julian, will be remembered faster than learning the word “move” just by cards.

Third, you learn to speak naturally utilizing repeating phrases. In movies and cartoons, the speech is sensual, and they're real people's voices and say I get used to the role. Thus, by repeating intonation, accent, and pronunciation, we learn to pronounce words correctly. By repeating after native speakers, it will be easier to learn a language than by not listening to a native speaker, just reading words from a book.

Fourth, you learn to understand slang and phraseological units. They are very often used in life and a good way to get to know them while watching a movie, through a live example of use.

Fifth, through movies and TV shows, we learn English humor and culture. After all, humor is a method of thinking and a significant component of human communication. It expresses the most serious, deep thoughts hidden in the soul of the people. English humor is a special phenomenon of English culture. Still, sometimes it seems incomprehensible and strange this English humor because most jokes are connected to the play of words [3, p. 1].

Also, through viewing American and British life, you can see how they spend the holidays. How they celebrate their holidays, what they cook and what they decorate the house with. For example, the well-known Halloween, which is very colorfully described in cartoons as the best holiday for children. This way we will find out why they celebrate Halloween and why they dress up in various scary costumes.

Finally, I want to say that this is the most pleasant way to spend time with benefits. Just by watching your favorite movies and cartoons, we can understand and learn a foreign language. Isn't that great?

And how to start learning English from movies, TV series, or cartoons?

In the beginning, you should always start by choosing what you will watch. Every child, every person is unique and everyone has different tastes. Some like exciting films with the genre of fantasy and some like good cartoons with songs. It is necessary to decide what the student likes to watch and choose the appropriate work. You can also watch a movie that you have already watched in your language. This will add motivation not to abandon the training and continue.

When choosing, always take into account the level of the student and find a more suitable work that will be understandable to the viewer.

During the viewing, you need to relax as much as possible. Now your priority is to understand this language, to delve into the environment of the language, and get used to the pronunciation. At first, of course, it will be unclear, but gradually you will understand. First the plot, then what the characters express with feeling and what they talk about. The films themselves are exciting, it will not come off further. And incomprehensible words can be recorded from subtitles.

After watching with subtitles, it is good to review the movie without subtitles. This trains the ear and focuses the attention on the film itself.

Then write out words you don't know and learn the translation. By working with the dictionary, you will increase your vocabulary.

Review the movies that you have already watched, so that you can remember the phrases well. This will help you switch to viewing without dictionaries and subtitles.

Repeat what you have heard of the phrase. Repeating the phrases of the characters in the film, you will be close to breaking the language barrier and hone your language skills. By repeating the intonation and pronunciation of the native speaker, you will be able to pronounce phrases.

In the end, use what you have learned in practice. Remember phrases and use them in everyday life. So you will get used to the language and start thinking in that language.

What to watch:

* Disney cartoons - This is exactly the category that does not cause the slightest doubt when recommending films for learning English. Designed for children and families, they have always been distinguished by excellent diction and generally understandable vocabulary of the characters ' speech. It is curious, by the way, that in many of these American pictures the negative characters speak with a pronounced British accent.

* Toy Story-A cartoon about how toys, left alone, begin to go about their business, was created for children. Therefore, the words and phrases here are quite simple, and the emotional component will make it quite easy to remember the entire dialogue.

* Pirates of the Caribbean (Pirates of the Caribbean) - A series of films about the adventures of Jack Sparrow contains a large number of colloquial phrases and expressions, as well as word games and jokes that will enrich the vocabulary. All movies are recommended for viewing.

* Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (Charlie and the Chocolate Factory) - The film about the boy's journey to the chocolate factory is difficult for

beginners, but is perfect for the average level. Here you will find a large number of expressions and vocabulary related to food, especially with sweets [2, p. 1].

Classification of films and cartoons for learning English:

– Casper the Friendly Ghost

– Pocahontas

– Indecent Proposal

– My Big Fat Greek Wedding

– The Holiday

– The Notebook

– Garfield

– The Lion King

– Frozen

– The Last Song

– Love Actually

– Tangled

– Miracle on 34th Street

– Harry Potter

– Forrest Gump

– Eat, Pray, Love

– Batman (films) – Shrek

– The Berenstain Bears

– Breakfast at Tiffany’s

– Superman (films)

– The Terminal

– Die Hard

– Rocky

– The Shawshank Redemption

– The Matrix

– Pirates of the Caribbean

– Star Wars

– The Green Mile – The Lord of the Rings

– Interstellar

– Prestige

– American History X

– The Gone with the Wind

– Requiem for a Dream

– Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind [4, p. 1].
In conclusion, I would like to say that in my humble opinion this is the most convenient method of teaching. This is the method I use to teach children the English language. They watch the same movie or cartoon with subtitles. Next, we learn the words that were very common in the film. We arrange scenes, repeating phrases of our favorite characters, building various sentences, changing their tenses. For example in the movie they say the phrase “ I am studying”, we consider in what tense and time this phrase is said and transform it. This greatly helps children develop speech and hearing in a foreign language.


1. N.V. Kormilova. N. Yu. Shugaeva. Modern methods and technologies of teaching foreign languages. 2019. P 29-32.

2. A. Mokrousova. How to learn English using movies and TV shows: [https://infourok.ru/proektnaya-rabota-izuchenie-angliyskogo-putem-prosmotra-filmov-i-serialov-2753727.html ]

3. How to learn English from movies and TV series:

[https://www.englishdom.com/blog/kak-uchit-anglijskij-po-filmam-i-serialam-s-subtitrami/ ]

4.Movies for learning English:

[https://skyeng.ru/articles/besplatnye-kursy-angliyskogo-yazyka/filmy-i-serialy ]
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