~ физиологическая — этап индивидуаль- ного развития некоторых органов (пу- почной артерии, артериального протока, вилочковой железы и т.д.) или а., проявля- ющаяся в старческом возрасте
~ physiological a. — atrophy caused by the normal aging processes in the body. Examples are atrophy of em- bryonic structures; atrophy of child- hood structures on reaching maturity, as the thymus; atrophy of structures in cyclic phases of activity, as the corpus luteum; atrophy of structures following cessation of functional activity, as the ovary and mammary glands; and atro- phy of structures with aging
Аутоиммундану — өзіндік антигеннің әсерінен қалыптасатын иммундық жауап
Аутоммунизация — иммунная реакция орга- низма на аутоантигены
Autoimmunity — the body’s tolerance of the antigens present on its own cells