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Leadership of the University

Rector - ABZhAPPAROV Abdumutalip Abzhapparovich

Candidate, Doctor of Engineering, professor, academician of the National RK engineering academy and International academy of Sciences of the higher school.

According to results of scientific researches more than 300 scientific works are published in foreign, allied and republican editions, including 3 monographs, 4 manuals, 30 methodical development and recommendations, having 11 copyright certificates.

He is awarded with the order «Құрмет», , the sign "Honored Worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan", breastplates "For excellent progress in work in the field of the higher education", "The excellent worker of education in the Republic of Kazakhstan", "The honourable enlightener in the Republic of Kazakhstan", "For merits in development of engineering in the Republic of Kazakhstan", his merits are recorded by the Letter of thanks of the President of Kazakhstan.

The first vice rector - ZhARKINBEKOV Temirkhan Niyazovich

Candidate of geological and mineralogical sciences, member of the International Academy of informatization of RK, professor of the Russian academy of natural sciences.

More than 40 scientific articles, including 6 manuals, 1 collective monograph, 1 article are published in the magazine with Impact-factor.

The Honoured worker of science and education of the Russian Federation, awarded by the signs "Excellent Student of Investigation of Subsoil", the anniversary badges "Y.Altynsarin", "Certificate of honour" is awarded by Akim of Almaty, the medals «Айрықша еңбегі үшін», «Үздік түлек»,. The honored worker of science and education of the Russian Federation, a medal named after General S. Nurmaganbetov of RK

The vice rector of educational and methodical work – Aygul Doszhanovna ZhAKUPOVA

Doctor of Philology, professor, member of the Kazakhstan association of teachers of Russian and literature (KAZTRLL), member of Small Assembly of Kazakhstan peoples, member of the All-Russian association of cognitive researches.

The author of 2 monographs, 3 dictionaries, 4 manuals, a number of educational and methodical working outs, 2 electronic manuals which received confirmation in the form of the copyright certificates granted by Committee on intellectual property rights of the Ministry of Justice in RK, more than 90 scientific articles, the coauthor of 2 collective monographs.

The vice rector of methodical and organizational work - ISKAKOV Abay Zhantasovich.

Doctor of Economics, associate professor.

More than 40 scientific works are published.

The vice rector of social and educational work – SEYTKASYMOV Amanay Asylbayevich.

Candidate of historical sciences, associate professor.

The manual and more than 40 scientific publications is published.

He is awarded by a sign the Honourable enlightner of Kazakhstan Republic.

1.3 General characteristic of university
Kokshetau state university named after Sh. Ualikhanov is among leading ones more than 50 years in an education system of the northern region of Kazakhstan.

Today it is a modern, actively developing higher educational institution with worthy traditions, high potential and serious plans for the future.

One of priority problems of activity of KSU named after Sh. Ualikhanov are ensuring competitiveness and a demand of graduates, the international recognition of diplomas, increase of the economic and public status of the faculty. Today the higher education institution systematically builds strategy of close integration with world educational and scientific and information system. In respect of the international cooperation the university is aimed at deepening of the existing communications, filling by their contents. The higher education institution closely cooperates with more than 60 leading scientific centers of Poland, Turkey, Germany, the USA, Great Britain, Slovakia, Russia, the countries of the Central Asian region.

The higher education institution carries out three-level training of specialists (a bachelor degree, a magistracy, doctoral studies) on 53 specialties of a bachelor degree, 28 specialties of a magistracy, to 3 specialties of doctoral studies of PhD. Polylingual educational programs for 7 specialties of a bachelor degree and for 4 specialties of a magistracy - Chemistry, Biology, Geography, Ecology, Informatics, Mathematics, Physics are realized. Two-degree educational programs of a magistracy are realized joint with Omsk state university of Dostoyevsky: Chemistry, Mathematics, Foreign language: 2 foreign languages, Computer facilities and software, Pedagogics and psychology.

Training of specialists is conducted on internal, evening and tuition by correspondence (on the basis of the higher and secondary professional education) with application of remote educational technologies.

The highly professional pedagogical staff of teachers successfully work at the university. The university has a good material base promoting creation of conditions for providing high-quality educational services in training of highly qualified specialists. Such properties as stability of the research and educational personnel, continuity of generations, high responsibility for quality of training, corporate spirit and university patriotism are characteristic for the university. There are also own traditions forming special socially – the cultural environment favorable for education of comprehensively developed personality.

The contingent of the students – about five thousand people. Training of students is carried out by more than 350 teachers. Among them – 21 doctors of science, 84 candidates of science, 25 are owners of a grant "The best teacher of higher education institution of the Republic of Kazakhstan".

PTS and students participate in the international educational programs: DAAD, AYREKS, TEMPUS, the Parliamentary grant "Bundestag", the Presidential Bolashak program, SOROS also have opportunity to get an education, to pass training in higher education institutions and scientific centers of Germany, the USA, Great Britain, Malaysia, Russia, Turkey, the Czech Republic, Singapore. Within the LOGO program students of agricultural specialties pass work practice in farms of Germany. The program of the academic mobility of teachers and students is actively realized.

1.4 The list of educational programs of specialties in KSU named after Sh. Ualikhanov

KSU named after Sh. Ualikhanov conducts training of specialists in 9 directions: education, humanities, right, art, social sciences and business, natural sciences, technical science and technologies, agricultural sciences, services.
The list of specialties of a bachelor degree of KSU named after Sh. Ualikhanov


Name of the speciality



Preschool training and education


Pedagogy and methods of primary teaching


Pedagogy and psychology


Fine arts and drawing


Physical training and sport






Compuer science










Kazakhs language and literature


Russian and literature


Foreign language: two foreign languages


Vocational education


Kazakh language and literature at schools with the non- Kazakh language of training


Russian and literature at schools with non-Russian language of training


Social pedagogy and self-cognition





Translation business




4. ART











Accounting and audit












Information systems


Computer facilities and software




Machine engineering


Transport, transport equipment and technologies


Technology processing industries (on branches)




Безопасность жизнедеятельности и окружающей среды


Стандартизация, сертификация и метрология (по отраслям)


Обогащение полезных ископаемых





Production technology of livestock products


Agrarian equipment and technology


Forest resources and forestry


Soil and agro chemistry



Organization of transportations, movements and operation of transport




Land management


Social work




Library science


Restaurant business and hotel business

The list of specialties of a magister degree of KSU named after Sh. Ualikhanov






Preschool teaching and education



Pedagogy and methods of primary teaching



Pedagogy and psychology












Russian and literature



Foreign language: two foreign languages




























Computer science.
















Information systems



Computer facilities and software



Health and safety and environment protection







Agrarian equipment and technology



Soil and agro chemistry







Social work

The list of specialties of a magister degree of KSU named after Sh. Ualikhanov








Pedagogy and psychology



Philology (Kazakh)

1.5 Material base of university
The infrastructure of higher education institution represents five modern educational buildings, classroom fund, sports complexes, dormitories. The modernized process of training has advanced technologies, both in educational, and in technical spheres: the latest computers, linguistic offices, multimedia offices equipped with interactive boards the center of innovative technologies, annually filled up library stock is open. The material base of university annually is updated and becomes stronger. Today the university has 5 educational cases, 5 Internet cafes, 8 reading rooms, 2 museums, 29 computer classes, 28 multimedia classes, the House of the student, 4 hostels, the student's center of food, an educational pilot farm, a bath-and-laundry complex.

Number of laboratories and specialoffices – 33.

List of educational, scientific laboratories and specialized offices

Names of laboratories

Laboratory of neuclear magnetic resonance

Laboratory of quality determination of water

Laboratory of construction materials and designs

Laboratory of technology of mechanical engineering

Laboratory of transport

."Physical Researches of Rocks" laboratory

SL of and PE laboratory

Museum of minerals

Archeology office

Ethnographic museum

Branch of institute of history SC MES RK

Resistance of Materials laboratory

Hydraulics laboratory.

Laboratory "1C Accounts Branch of institute of history SC MES RK department"

Laboratory "Restaurant service and technology of service"

Laboratory of hotel business

Office "Mini-bank"

Office of tax business

Details of Cars laboratory

Laboratory of agrochemistry

Laboratory of technology of storage and processing of agricultural production

Лаборатория «Ботаника» Laboratory of Botany

Physiology of Plants laboratory

Laboratory of Biology

Laboratory of chemical technology and monitoring of environment

Laboratory of organic and bioorganic chemistry

Лаборатория биологической химии Laboratory of biological chemistry

Research laboratory of chair "Chemistry and biotechnology"

Laboratory of optics and electricity

Drawing workshop

Painting workshop

Workshop of art processing of wood

Office of a library science

Laboratory of informatics

Research Laboratory of agroinnovations Research

For automation of educational process the Platonus program is introduced.

KSU library named after Sh. Ualikhanov totals more than 700 thousand units of names of scientific and educational and methodical publications. The university has own printing house. The university newspaper "Alau" is monthly issued, the scientific magazine "The Bulletin of Kokshetau State University named after Sh. Ualikhanov" are published two times a year

1.6 International programs / Training / Programs of an exchange
Bologna Process assumes active interaction of systems of the higher education of the countries aimed at creation of uniform international educational space. Signing of the Bologna declaration by Kazakhstan – the historic step directed on improvement of quality of the higher education and competitiveness of graduates of higher educational institutions of the Republic in the international labor market.

The academic mobility is one of the priority directions of Bologna Process. Active introduction of the academic mobility in educational system of Kazakhstan will promote increase of education level, degree of its appeal to foreign students, growth of competitiveness of the experts released by our higher education institutions. Now the university actively develops both internal, and external mobility. We signed cooperation agreements for realization of the academic mobility with many foreign and Kazakhstan partner higher education institutions. Development of system of the academic mobility of students is promoted by work within the International TEMPUS, ERASMUS MUNDUS projects.

Joint educational programs with foreign higher education institutions of Russia, Germany, England, Italy, Poland and other countries are realized.

1.7 Social sphere of the univesity
The university pays much attention to social protection of students and employees. At the university the first-aid post, a dispensary of "Arasan" function. KSU named after Sh. Ualikhanov has modern sports base which is made by 2 sports and improving complexes, gyms, basketball, volleyball, wrestling halls, the hall of rhythmic gymnastics, 2 gyms, the student's sports camp "Tulpar" located in forest area of a zerendinsk recreation area. Sports sections and groups of the sports and work for improving health.

Educational work at university is presented as complete and versatile complex activity. In higher education institution work and actively such student's organizations as Committee on affairs of youth (CAY), student council, student's маслихат, student's assembly of "Atameken", debate club "Ziyatker", Alliance of students of KSU, club of cheerful and witty persons, literary club "Rubicon", club of intellectuals, sports club "Spartak", pedagogical group "Alem", student's theater "Zhaukazan", more than two tens student's creative collectives develop. Students of university are winners and prize-winners of regional, republican and international tournaments, student's sports contests on Akim Akmolinskoy's prizes of area, universiades on different types of sport, the World Cups, Europe, Asia .

The university provides accommodation in hostels for nonresident students:

Hostel No. 1 in St. Sadvakasov 47

Hostel No. 4 in St. Temirbekov 28

House of students No. 1 in St. Kuanyshev 170 A

House of students No. 2 in St. Zhambyl 146

The students who are perfectly trained on a paid basis have real opportunity to apply for grants among which – the grants founded by the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the State nominal grants, grants of the Academic council of KSU named after Sh. Ualikhanov, grants named after professor O. A. Sultanyaev, a grant of Kazkommertsbank within the educational project of Fund «Құс жолы» and others. Privileges on payment for training from 10-30% depending on social category are provided. Akim of Akmolinsk district allocates grants. Our students can apply for educational grants from SF "Bobek". There is a possibility of receiving a soft loan from JSC Financial Center to pay for training.

II. Passport of an educational specialty program

Dublin descriptors



Name of the discipline

Result training

A. knowledge and understanding ;

В.Application of knowledge and understanding ;

C. Expression of judgments

D.Сommunication skills

E. Аbility to learn

General Module 1

UC2, UC7, UC8, UC9, UC10, UC13, UC14

History and Philosophy of Science

- To know the structure of scientific knowledge, especially of the current stage of development of science, the organization of scientific activity, the ethical aspects of science in the late XX - early XXI century, the role of communication technologies of the XXI century, information processes in the context of post-nonclassical science, an understanding of the modern actual teaching, methodological and philosophical problems of science and special branches of scientific knowledge in accordance with the specialization of undergraduates;

- Be able to apply the theoretical material learned in conducting research on the topic of the thesis

- Be able to work with literature and Internet sources, be able to analyze the information, make their own judgments about the read, draw conclusions

- Develop the ability to work in a team, to develop communication skills to communicate with team members, is available to be able to express and defend their point of view, to develop public speaking skills

- To develop skills and abilities in the field of self-study.

UC4, UC6, UC8, UC10, UC13, PC1, PC2, PC4, PC5, PC6, PC9


- To know the basic categories of pedagogy, subject and problems of pedagogy, history of pedagogy, the modern paradigm of higher education, the methodology of science teaching, the basic components of the professional competence of the teacher of high school, the content of higher education, modern educational technologies in higher education, active forms and methods of teaching at the university, the organization of the CDS, SRSP, NIRS, UIRS and pedagogical control in conditions of credit system of education, technology, preparation of teaching materials in a credit system,

the essence and the basic directions of educational work in higher education;

- To be able to apply the theoretical material learned during the pedagogical and psychological studies in research on the topic of the thesis

- To be able to work with literature and Internet sources, be able to analyze the information, make their own judgments about the read, draw conclusions

- To develop the ability to work in a team, to develop communication skills to communicate with team members, is available to be able to express and defend their point of view, to develop public speaking skills

- To develop skills and abilities in the field of self-study.

UC3, UC4, UC5, UC6, UC7, UC8, UC10, UC11, UC13, PC1, PC2, PC6, PC12


- Know the problem and place of psychology in the sciences, the concept of the psychology of human cognitive activity in the learning process, the main problems of the educational process in the market economy, the basic methods and means to improve the efficiency and quality of education in modern conditions, the psychology teacher communication, psychology, activity and cognitive processes , structure, and human activities, the psychology of personality and interpersonal relationships, problems of psycho-diagnostics of interpersonal relationships in the team, the foundations of management psychology, psychology of management.

- Be able to apply the theoretical material learned during the pedagogical and psychological studies in research on the topic of the thesis

C. to be able to work with literature and Internet sources, be able to analyze the information, make their own judgments about the read, draw conclusions

- Develop the ability to work in a team, to develop communication skills to communicate with team members, is available to be able to express and defend their point of view, to develop public speaking skills

- To develop skills and abilities in the field of self-study.

UC5, UC8, UC10, UC12,UC13

Foreign language (professional)

- To know and understand the phenomenon of phonetic,

grammar rules. Lexical units, word-formation models within the given order and according to the level of ownership DICE.

- To use the acquired knowledge in the field of oral and written forms of communication, understanding listened and read texts on various topics,

translate texts.

- Master student must be able to evaluate their ideas, draw conclusions on given topics.

-Magistrant Should be able to conduct a dialogue, a monologue on certain domestic and business topics, writing an abstract, summary, summary or essays, theses on the read or listen to.

- Ownership of the main strategies of learning. The ability to further self-study foreign language, decision-making.

A. knowledge and understanding ;

В.Application of knowledge and understanding ;

C. Expression of judgments

D.Сommunication skills

E. Аbility to learn

Module 2 Specialty

UC2, UC5, UC8, UC9, UC10, UC13, UC15, PC3, PC8

Technology Software Development

- Knowledge and understanding of software organization of the process of software development, project management basics, how to identify and reduce risks, development tools and support, software architecture, architectures and models proek¬tirovaniya the basics of software systems, especially the process of synthesis of software systems , especially the design phase, classical design methods, prin¬tsipy software testing, testing methodology of software systems, various software requirements for the design interface, the basis of language of visual modeling, static, dynamic models, the implementation of object-oriented systems program¬mnyh.

- To apply the acquired knowledge into practice when creating software, develop methodologies and testing software, develop user interface software with all the requirements

- Be able to work with literature and Internet sources, be able to analyze the information, make their own judgments about the read, draw conclusions

- Develop the ability to work in a team, to develop communication skills to communicate with team members, is available to be able to express and defend their point of view, to develop public speaking skills

- To develop skills and abilities in the field of self-study.

UC8, UC13, PC3, PC8

Algorithms and complexity

- Knowledge and understanding of тhe basic concepts and methods of the theory of algorithms, the problems of the theory of computability, solvability and unsolvability understand various problems;

- Construction of algorithms in solving various optimization problems on graphs: the problem of the minimum spanning tree, the problem of the shortest paths in networks, network diagrams, network flows, the problem of the minimum value, the traveling salesman problem, to be able to prove theorems, to make algorithms for solving problems on graphs

- Be able to work with literature and Internet sources, be able to analyze the information, make their own judgments about the read, draw conclusions

- To develop skills and abilities in the field of self-study.

UC1, UC7, UC8, UC13, PC3, PC8, PC9


-- Knowledge and understanding of the main cryptographic methods; various systems of encoding with an open key, uses of digital signatures, various protocols of distribution of keys;

- To apply enciphering of information by opened and closed key, to carry out generation of digital signatures, to be able to use various cryptographic protocols;

- To be able to work with literature and Internet sources, to be able to analyze the received information, to take out own judgments about read, to formulate conclusions;

- To develop skills of self-training

UC8, UC13, PC3, PC8

Fundamentals of system programming

- Knowledge and understanding of methods and tools for designing software systems, components, system software and technology for their development.

- Be able to formulate and solve problems arising in the process of designing, testing, debugging, testing and maintenance of software systems to provide the desired characteristics of the program, fluent in the language system programming.

- Be able to work with literature and Internet sources, be able to analyze the information, make their own judgments about the read, draw conclusions

- To develop skills and abilities in the field of self-study.

UC1, UC8, UC13, UC15, PC3, PC8, PC10

Security software

- Knowledge and understanding of types of threats to the security software, and examples of their realization in the modern world; software life cycle of the COP; principles of security software; approaches, tools, safety analysis software; methods and means of virus protection software; techniques means to ensure the integrity of the program code; approaches to protecting software from unauthorized copying; regulations governing the protection of software.

- To ensure technological security software; use of testing and controls, logical and analytical methods for analyzing security software; use methods of creating algorithmically safe procedures; be able to use the methods of software protection against computer viruses.

- Be able to work with literature and Internet sources, be able to analyze the information, make their own judgments about the read, draw conclusions

- To develop skills and abilities in the field of self-study.

A. knowledge and understanding ;

В.Application of knowledge and understanding ;

C. Expression of judgments

D.Сommunication skills

E. Аbility to learn

Module 3 Specialty

UC1, UC2, UC5, UC8, UC10, UC13, UC15, PC3, PC5, PC8, PC11


- Knowledge and understanding of the basis of structural modeling: classes, relations, common mechanisms, diagrams, class diagrams, interfaces, types and roles, packages, items, object diagrams. Interactions. Precedents. Use case diagrams. Interaction diagrams. Activity diagrams. Events and signals. Automatic. Processes and threads. Time and space. State diagrams. Components architectural modeling. Deployment. Cooperation. Samples and frames. Component diagrams. Deployment diagrams. Systems and models.

- Be able to using UML to develop a detailed plan to build systems containing not only its conceptual elements, such as the system functions and business processes, but also specific features such as classes written in a specific programming languages, database schemas, and reusable software components.

- Be able to work with literature and Internet sources, be able to analyze the information, make their own judgments about the read, draw conclusions

- Develop the ability to work in a team, to develop communication skills to communicate with team members, is available to be able to express and defend their point of view, to develop public speaking skills

- To develop skills and abilities in the field of self-study.

UC1, UC2, UC5, UC8, UC13, UC15, PC3, PC5, PC8, PC11

The hardware and software data protection

- Knowledge and understanding of possible enemy action aimed at violating the security policy information; the most vulnerable to attack enemy computer systems elements; mechanisms for solving typical problems of information security.

- To analyze the mechanisms of implementation of methods of protection of specific objects and processes for solving professional problems; to use standard tools of protection and specialty products for the solution of typical problems; qualified to assess the scope of the specific mechanisms of protection; use hardware protection for solving practical problems.

- Be able to work with literature and Internet sources, be able to analyze the information, make their own judgments about the read, draw conclusions

- To develop skills and abilities in the field of self-study.

UC1, UC6, UC13, UC15, PC5, PC12

Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence

- Knowledge and understanding of the basics of logic programming, Prolog syntax

- Be able to develop a simple knowledge base and intelligent systems Prolog, work environment, SWI-Prolog

- Be able to work with literature and Internet sources, be able to analyze the information, make their own judgments about the read, draw conclusions

- To develop skills and abilities in the field of self-study.

UC1, UC6, UC13, UC15, PC5, PC12

Organizational and legal information security

- Knowledge and understanding of the terminology in the field of information security, the basic provisions of existing legislation and regulations in the field of information security, organizational methods and means of information security.

- To apply the existing legal framework in the field of information security, to develop draft normative documents regulating the work of data protection, as well as regulations, instructions and other organizational and administrative documents.

- Be able to work with literature and Internet sources, be able to analyze the information, make their own judgments about the read, draw conclusions

- To develop skills and abilities in the field of self-study.

UC8, UC13, PC1, PC9

Programming in Macromedia Flash

- Knowledge and understanding of the syntax of Actionscript, its capabilities and the internal logic of objects and their use, basic functions, event handlers, methods of creation and modification of objects, dynamic data, the organization of the input and output, XML, work with sound fundamentals and external materials.

- To create dynamic, interactive Flash-materials to implement the project in sound and graphics, and video, to create, modify different objects write event handlers to work with functions to organize input and output in Flash.

- Be able to work with literature and Internet sources, be able to analyze the information, make their own judgments about the read, draw conclusions

- To develop skills and abilities in the field of self-study.

UC8, UC13, PC3, PC8

 Information theory

- Knowledge and understanding of properties information, presentation of information, coding methods, methods of measurement information, the concept of number systems, concepts of algebra of logic, the concept of abstract machine concept of the Turing machine and the Post machine, the concept of algorithms Markov concept algorithmically unsolvable problem, the concept of information modeling, the concept of the information system .

- To make logic and formulas to simplify logical formulas using Karnaugh tables, calculate the amount of information communication, to make programs for Turing machines and Lent, to transfer numbers from one system to another, manipulate numbers in different number systems.

- Be able to work with literature and Internet sources, be able to analyze the information, make their own judgments about the read, draw conclusions

- To develop skills and abilities in the field of self-study.

A. knowledge and understanding ;

В.Application of knowledge and understanding ;

C. Expression of judgments

D.Сommunication skills

E. Аbility to learn

Module 4 Specialty

UC5, UC10, UC12, UC13

Paperwork in English

- Knowledge and understanding of the structure and style of drawing up a business (official) documents in English

- To make various types of official documents to be able to competently express their thoughts, using standard terminology

- Be able to work with literature and Internet sources, be able to analyze the information, make their own judgments about the read, draw conclusions

- Develop the ability to work in a team, to develop communication skills to communicate with team members, is available to be able to express and defend their point of view, to develop public speaking skills

- To develop skills and abilities in the field of self-study.

UC5, UC10, UC12, UC13, PC12

English for Specific Purposes

- To read, to understand the original English text of the research in the specialty; discuss newspaper / magazine articles on the general political themes; express their thoughts orally passed on the subject;

- Have the skills of translation from English into Russian in Texts vocational subjects; be able to annotate scientific texts and abstracted in the specialty; to be able to compose a message (report, presentation) on professional topics.

- Be able to work with literature and Internet sources, be able to analyze the information, make their own judgments about the read, draw conclusions

- Develop the ability to work in a team, to develop communication skills to communicate with team members, is available to be able to express and defend their point of view, to develop public speaking skills

- To develop skills and abilities in the field of self-study.

UC8, UC9, UC13, UC15, PC1, PC2, PC3, PC4, PC5, PC7, PC8, PC9, PC10, PC11

Informatization and computerization in scientific researches

- Knowledge and understanding of algorithms for solving various problems; mathematical programming techniques and their implementation through the use of appropriate computer programs; conceptual apparatus of networks and network analysis; statistical methods obra¬botki data;

- To make algorithms for solving problems of different levels of complexity; use methods of mathematical programming, to implement these methods through the use of appropriate computer programs; using statistical methods Obra-data processing; have the skills of WEB-design and graphics computers.

- Be able to work with literature and Internet sources, be able to analyze the information, make their own judgments about the read, draw conclusions

- To develop skills and abilities in the field of self-study.

UC8, UC9, UC13, UC15, PC1, PC2, PC3, PC4, PC5, PC7, PC8, PC9, PC10, PC11

Information Technologies in Education

- Knowledge and understanding of general concepts in the field of information technology; educational planning with the use of information technology and its application in practice; - Integration of information technologies in the related disciplines; use of information technology for the assessment of learning outcomes; - The use of information technology to improve the level of professional competence; social, ethical, legal and social values ​​of information technology

- To organize the learning process with the use of IT use in the learning process of IT to control the level of Learning students.

- Be able to work with literature and Internet sources, be able to analyze the information, make their own judgments about the read, draw conclusions

- To develop skills and abilities in the field of self-study.

UC13, PC3, PC8

Computer mathematical packages

- Knowledge and understanding of the structure of the window and MatLAB MathCAD, ways of defining functions, constants and variables, change of variables, the formation of vectors and matrices, plotting

- Be able to work with the software environment MathLAB and MathCAD; competently write programs in the above environments and understand the results; be able to model mathematical problems

- Be able to work with literature and Internet sources, be able to analyze the information, make their own judgments about the read, draw conclusions

- To develop skills and abilities in the field of self-study.

UC13, PC3, PC8

Database Security

- Knowledge and understanding of the conceptual basis of databases and DBMS; language SQL; threats aimed at violating the security database; organization of information security technologies applied to the database; a means of maintaining the integrity of the database; Language controls data access and security in a relational database; particularly the organization of protection in distributed databases.

- Create a database by means of a relational database and organize its management; create a local or remote SQL - queries to the database; apply methods, software and hardware protection of databases; organize the defense of the database in a variety of databases.

- Be able to work with literature and Internet sources, be able to analyze the information, make their own judgments about the read, draw conclusions

- To develop skills and abilities in the field of self-study.

A. knowledge and understanding ;

В.Application of knowledge and understanding ;

C. Expression of judgments

D.Сommunication skills

E. Аbility to learn

Module 5 Specialty

UC5, UC8, UC9, UC12, UC13


Knowledge and understanding of communication skills by type of speech activity (speaking, listening, reading, writing) on the basis of general and professional vocabulary;

  - Language skills and knowledge (knowledge of phonetics, grammar, vocabulary, terminology typical of a certain profession);

  - Socio-cultural knowledge - geography studied language (basic knowledge of history, geography, culture, customs and traditions);

  - Have the skills of independent work on the computer; be able to independently study the material needed to continue their education.

UC5, UC8, UC9, UC12, UC13


Knowledge and understanding of communication skills by type of speech activity (speaking, listening, reading, writing) on the basis of general and professional vocabulary;

  - Language skills and knowledge (knowledge of phonetics, grammar, vocabulary, terminology typical of a certain profession);

  - Socio-cultural knowledge - geography studied language (basic knowledge of history, geography, culture, customs and traditions);

  - Have the skills of independent work on the computer; be able to independently study the material needed to continue their education.

UC1, UC2, UC5, UC7, UC8, UC13, PC3, PC4, PC8, PC9

Borland Delphi Programming

- Knowledge and understanding of the basics of Object Pascal, the syntax and semantics of the language, data types, ways of presenting the data in memory, the principles of object-oriented Programmable All-in Object Pascal, programming techniques in Object Pascal, the hierarchy of component libraries, WinAPI applied to Programmable th in Delphi

- Work with the structures, the ability to declare, implement, and call procedures and functions Object Pascal, to create and use their own components Delphi, to create dynamic link libraries, to create multi-threaded applications in Delphi

- Master student must be able to evaluate their ideas, draw conclusions on given topics.

- Ownership of the main strategies of learning. The ability to further self-study foreign language, decision-making.

UC1, UC2, UC5, UC7, UC8, UC13, PC3, PC4, PC8, PC9

Borland C ++ Builder Programming

- Knowledge and understanding of Borland C bases ++ Builder, syntax and semantics of language, types of data, ways of data presentation in memories, the principles object-oriented programmir-I in Borland C ++ Builder, methods of programming in Borland C ++ Builder, hierarchy of library of components;

- To work with designs, ability to declare, realize and cause procedures and the Borland C functions ++ Builder, to organize work with types of data at the level of the compiler, to create and apply own components, to create dynamically packed libraries, to create multiline applications in Borland C ++ Builder;

- Master student must be able to evaluate their ideas, draw conclusions on given topics.

- Ownership of the main strategies of learning. The ability to further self-study foreign language, decision-making.

UC8, UC13, PC3, PC7, PC8


- Knowledge and understanding of the current state and the general possibilities of the Java programming language and uses programming systems

- Create graphical applications in Java.

- Be able to work with literature and Internet sources, be able to analyze the information, make their own judgments about the read, draw conclusions

- To develop skills and abilities in the field of self-study.

UC8, UC13, PC3, PC7, PC8

Security of computer networks

- Knowledge and understanding of the basic concepts of information security; the main directions of information security; Legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of information security; modern methods and means of information protection in the information and telecommunication systems; architecture protected economies

- Develop information security policy; assess security threats object information; simple to implement information technology, implementing methods of information protection; design the information protection system.

- Be able to work with literature and Internet sources, be able to analyze the information, make their own judgments about the read, draw conclusions

- To develop skills and abilities in the field of self-study.

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